The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

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The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Texas_Knight »

On the eastern edge of Northwood Viscounty, located in the County of Redmoor in the Duchy of Southfenshire was located The Barony of Wyvernston. For many years it lay dormant. It was an isolated area of the Fenia landscape that could only be kept by the most skilled of caretakers. It would never be tamed, for that's not what was needed for the land in that area. It called for well-trained and ready fighters willing to answer the call to defend any of the Fenia cities at short notice. From the outposts on the Northwestern lookout to the Southeast most lookout it was just a short ten miles to the mines along the roads from Imperius to Fenia and Fenia to North Fenia. The estate lay in the easternmost part of the barony and faced the west as to oversee the whole of the land. It was a fool who entered there without welcome, for they were often never seen again. There were rumors of dragons, lycans, vampires, and other such creatures that roamed the land. There were approximately twelve thousand acres to the estate, much of that was dedicated to training hardy men to defend the lands. There was ample opportunities for hunting and a good variety of game to be hunted. There were everything from a simple hare, all the way to the meanest bear.
The Ruler of Fenia, King Zaun, and the Queens Akos and Aishe found one such being to give the land what it needed and bestowed upon him the title of Barony and named him part of the Royal Guard on a cold day in December 1658.
Reported on Dec 16, 1658 4:12 pm

Texas_Knight has been granted the title of Baron of Wyvernston and Royal Guard by the esteemed leader of Fenia. The title was given for the following reason: By Royal decree, Sir Texas Knight, also known as TK, has been granted the barony of Wyvernston for his persistent work for the Viceroyalty of Fenia. He is also formally named as part of the Royal Guard. Fenia thanks him for his service.
The Lord of the estate was said to be lycan by some, others said he was an orc, and still others claimed he was both and could hide his lycan side at anytime, even under the light of a full moon. He often roamed the property alone after dusk. His servants were familiar with his forms, but none would reveal anything to an outsider that was not trusted by TK. They all knew the penalty for such actions, and decided they liked living more than being eaten. There was one, the head and longest tenured Steward in the service of the Lord of the manor that was trusted to handle everything in the event of an extended absence, Ethan. Ethan had the authority (granted he also had the consenquences) to do pretty much anything in TK's name. Ethan had a house of his own, but chose to stay in the manor most of the time. Especially when the special guest arrived. He wanted everything perfect for her stay and would hand pick the servants to stay and the shifts they would take during her stay.
Last edited by Texas_Knight on Wed Jan 20, 2021 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

This would be her first trip to Wyvernston. She still remembered the look of awe on TK’s face as he told her about the Queen offering him the title of Baron and asked what she thought. She had assured him that she cared little whether he held title or lands or nothing at all, for that was not what held her affection. She had been proud for him when he had decided to accept the title, for she could see the excitement in his eyes for the challenge of settling and using the estate according to his vision for it. He had chosen Wyvernston for its location, for he could guard practically all of Fenia from its borders.

She would be staying for several days, perhaps even a week, so Iris had packed her trunk with several changes of clothing, mostly dresses, but Nikola had insisted that she include riding and workout clothes as well for she knew that they would be out of doors more often than in provided the weather held out. A thick woolen blanket covered her clothing and Nikola packed her weapons atop the rest. She would continue her daily training regardless of whatever else they might do.

Iris had wanted her to take a lady’s maid with her, but Nikola did not have one as she had never really needed anyone other than Iris before. Yet Iris could not accompany her for it was her job to care for Firestorm Manor and oversee the business of Carashire during Nikola’s absence. Nikola assured her that she would be safe enough with TK and that she was certain Ethan would likely already have hired someone to serve in the capacity of a lady’s maid. Iris’ niece had accompanied her once before when she had gone to Widu to attend the wedding of TK and Aida, but Ilsa was no longer available. Perhaps it was time that she hire someone, but that was a job for another day. Possibly another week. Next year, perhaps.

It was finally time to leave and Ben pulled the carriage around. She was wearing a gown of deep blue with the bodice and overskirt in a contrasting shade of lighter blue, embroidered with vines and flowers shaped into an intricate knotwork as she stepped out of Firestorm Manor toward the carriage. Her trunk had already been placed inside the carriage and Starr was fully tacked and tethered behind the vehicle. As she approached, she gave Ben a questioning look as a second trunk was lying alongside the first.
“Your armor,” he informed her and she whirled to look at Iris. “One never knows when one’s armor might be needed. I’d rather you had it and not need it than the reverse,” her steward told her with a sage nod of her head that brooked no discussion. Nikola smiled and responded, “Yes, mother,” with a wink before turning back to the carriage. Thomas handed her up into the passenger seat and she waved goodbye as Ben flicked the reins and the pair of black draft horses moved forward.

As comfortable as she was with TK, and as much as she enjoyed his company, she discovered butterflies flitting away in her stomach as the carriage pulled away from Firestorm Manor and onto the road that would take them to Wyvernston. The day was pleasant enough, slightly overcast but the clouds did not hold any promise of rain or snow as yet. The air was chill, but not freezing, yet she wrapped her black and red cloak tightly about her, the hood pulled up around her face. It was not a long drive to Wyvernston and by the time they approached the border of the barony lands, she had finally begun to relax and look forward to her time there.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Texas_Knight »

The guards were at the gate waiting as the lookout tower had called when they spotted the carriage rounding the corner. They'd been told to expect this one and to allow it passage anytime it arrived. Two mounted guards escorted the guests up to the main castle entrance and then returned to their posts once they saw James, the head of stables, awaiting their arrival.

As TK steps outside in the crisp air he smiles from ear to ear as he watches Ben come to a halt. As the door is opened TK is standing there to offer a hand to his love. He greets her with a kiss "Welcome Lady Nikola. May you find all you need is at your disposal." he said with a bow. When he raised back up he was grinning from ear to ear. Formalities were not needed with Nikola and he knew it, still, he couldn't resist the temptation to hear her admonish his playfulness. "Please, come in and I'll pour us some brandy so you can rest a bit before taking a tour."

As they began walking inside TK pointed to two of the waiting servants and motioned toward the carriage. They would know to take the contents to the guest room and show no slacking in their duties. As they passed one of the doors there was a lady standing there. TK paused there and introduced Nikola and Margo. "My dear, this is Margo, she is yours while you are here. Ethan has assured me she is knowledgeable and skilled in the needs a woman might have." Margo curtsies and nods "Pleasure to meet ye M'Lady Nikola." she says in a thick accent from the lower lands.

As they continue on to the sitting room a bottle of brandy is waiting with two glasses. Two comfy looking chairs and a warm fire are in the room with a blackwood round table. TK offers the seat nearest the fire and gives her a warm embrace again before they both sit. "It's so good to have you here." TK pours the warm liquid into a glass and offers it to Nikola.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

TK had warned her about his security measures, so she and Ben were prepared when two mounted guards approached, causing them to halt in the road while Ben delivered her name to the men. They nodded in approval and bade them follow them as they escorted the carriage through the arched entry cut into the stone wall that surrounded the castle. As they neared the castle, the two guards peeled off from their escort, urging their mounts into a brisk trot as they left, presumably to return to their posts. A groomsman was there to greet them and introduced himself as James, the stable master. Ben was just setting the brake on the carriage when TK appeared, stepping out of the castle and approaching the carriage.

Her face lit with pleasure at seeing him, her smile wide and happy as he approached the carriage and greeted her with a kiss. He handed her down out of the carriage and then went into formal greeting mode which made her laugh and gently smack his arm playfully.
“You know you don’t need to be all formal with me…Lord Wyvernston. Or should that be Sir Knight?” Her attempt at being formal with him as an admonishment for his own formality backfired a little as she was not entirely sure what his official title might be. “Sir Knight. I think I like that one best,” she decided out loud as she slipped her arm into the crook of his elbow and let him lead her inside.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Margo,” she said with a kind smile for the young woman who curtsied and greeted her in a thick accent that she could not quite place. She wondered whether she should give her any instructions, but TK continued moving forward so she merely graced the girl with a smile, leaving her to do whatever it was that lady’s maids do and kept up with TK.

They entered a sitting room where he had a bottle of brandy waiting with two glasses.
“You don’t have to get me drunk, you know,” she quipped as she returned his warm embrace, letting him go reluctantly as he pulled away and approached the table to pour the amber liquid into a glass. “I’m very happy to be here,” she assured him as she took the offered glass and raised it to her lips to take a sip. “Mmm….this is one of your better brews, isn’t it?” she asked as she tasted the rich flavor.

She looked around the room as though taking it all in, but really her attention was on the orc standing near her. She took a step toward him to close the slight distance and wrapped an arm around his waist as she looked up into his eyes.
“I missed you,” she said simply and stretched up to press her lips to his.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Texas_Knight »

"My dear, I would not wish to get you drunk so soon in your stay." he said and leaned down to kiss her lips. He held a bit longer than was proper, feeling her body next to his as his arms wrapped around her. "For you I always have one of the best ones out." Of course he had some that were only aged five years, but he preferred the darker ones, fifteen to twenty-five years aged brandy just had more body to the drink. Then there was the ones that were for truly special events, the thirty year aged ones. His private stash though, the ones that only a couple knew about other than himself, fifty years aged and sweet as they were rare. He was able to acquire a few of those from time to time and kept them locked away. If an honored guest were to arrive, or if he were to have a great accomplishment, he would bring out one of those bottles for that. This was one of those times as the bottle was almost dark as the berry that made it. He decided on this bottle of fifty year aged for he and she today.

"I've been fortunate enough to have my wine cellar fully stocked with mostly twenty plus year old brandy. But this, I brought from my stash in town.". He smiled and kissed her warm lips again. "I've missed you as well. Are you hungry? I've got a cook that I'd like to see if his talent meets your standards. He's preparing a mid day meal, and something special for the evening meal." He wasn't sure how long it'd been since she'd eaten and he didn't want her to go hungry on her first visit.

He decided that she wasn't going to sit in her chair freely, so he kissed her again and as he wrapped his arms around her he sat in his chair and held her in his lap. Grinning he winked and quickly kissed the tip of her nose. "Now, I don't wish to bore you with all the infinite details of getting this place ready, but one stop we must make is the wine cellar. Even I was impressed with the size and beauty compared to my old one beneath the tavern."
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

She knew from a tour early on in their friendship that his town stash held a number of rare and very well aged bottles. She tasted the drink again and licked her lips in pleasure, feeling honored that he would open one of those precious bottles for her. As he mentioned hunger, she smiled and then chuckled as he indicated he hoped the cook would meet her standards. “You know I’ve been spoiled by my own Cook, but I’m sure that unless yours is simply a terrible cook, and I doubt that very much else he would not still be here, I’ll love whatever is on offer. I’m honestly not all that picky, and rather enjoy trying new things most of the time. I did have a light breakfast before we left, but it’s been a few hours and I would certainly not argue with a light meal or snack. I’m sure Ben would appreciate a quick meal before he leaves, if that would be acceptable? Unless you have need of him here, he plans to rest the carriage horses for a couple of hours and make sure I’m well settled – Iris’s orders – before returning to Firestorm.”

He kissed her again as he moved, and she found herself in a chair on his lap. She giggled and settled comfortably in his embrace, leaning down now to kiss him again. Then he mentioned a tour of his wine cellar. “I would love a tour of your wine cellar,” she assured him. “Truth be told, I am sure I will love whatever you wish to do. I am entirely at your disposal while I am here,” she told him with a theatrical sweep of her hand. She tilted her head to the side as though considering something and then added, “at least until I think of something I would like to do if you have not already planned it.” She winked and smiled brightly.

It was good to be away from the castle and the politics of the realm. As much as she loved her own estate and the people who worked for her there, it was good even to get away from that for a time. Mostly, it was just very good to be with TK. She was still amazed that he seemed to enjoy her company as much as she enjoyed his. The more time she spent with him, the more she found she wanted to spend with him and his kisses were intoxicating, far more than the brandy. Thinking about his kisses had her feeling suddenly very warm and she tore her eyes away from him, pretending to study the layout of the room although she barely registered any of it.
“Erm, when did you want to do that tour of the wine cellar,” she finally managed to ask and hoped he wouldn’t notice the color creeping into her cheeks unbidden.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Texas_Knight »

Of course TK noticed the color in her cheeks, just as he noticed the look in her eyes. Yes, he noticed, but he was gentleman enough to not make mention of it. And if he had, it would be in jest only. He looked to the door and snapped his fingers and one of the servants appeared. He couldn't remember this ones name so he just called her girl. "Tell Fritz that we're ready for a snack. And tell me your name once again." The girl smiled and nodded "My name is Minna, my Lord. Is there anything else you need?" TK shook his head and the girl was off like a bolt. He turned to Nikola and winked "I think they're still getting used to being around my kind as well. At times they're just too fast to jump when I tell them to do something. Like they think I'm going to eat them or something." He laughed and took another drink of his brandy.

Soon Fritz had sent the girl back with a plate of food. Minna sat the food on the table, inquired if there would be anything else and then left the room. On the plate were fruit and cheeses. Nothing heavy on the stomach and nothing that would give away the evening meal plans. Just then TK remembered what Nikola had said about Ben. He snapped his fingers and Minna appeared again. "Yes m'lord?" "Tell Fritz that the visitors horseman will need some nourishment and he will be here a few hours." he paused for a moment "Tell Fritz that he needs to make it more than fruit and cheese for the horseman. Put some sustenance in the plate." "Yes m'lord" she said and she was off again.

He turned to Nikola and nodded. "Actually there is something I would like him to check out. Perhaps test would be the better word. Have him test the knowledge of James, discreetly of course. While I know James knows the basics, I'd like someone in his trade, and that I have trust in, to find out how much he knows. If it's not too much trouble that is." TK winked and slid a piece of mango between her lips as she was about to open her mouth to speak. Then he kissed her while the juices were still on her lips. "How about we just relax for the rest of the day. There'll be time tomorrow, or the next day, for a tour. But we do have to go to the wine cellar before dinner."

After they finished the plate they would take a walk outside and enjoy the day outside. The weather was nice today, but it was supposed to deteriorate in the coming days, and he wanted to get outside some before that happened.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

She was grateful for the appearance of the young servant girl. Minna, she called herself. She would try to remember that. She remained silent while TK gave his instructions and laughed softly at his quip that the staff might still fear being eaten by their lord. “Eating one’s staff would certainly put a strain on productivity,” she told him with a wink. “Surely you have other means of discipline if such is needed. Besides, the woods we passed through on our way in felt to be full of game. Mostly small game, but plenty of it, nonetheless, and that was only the parts we passed through. Plenty of food to keep you from eating your own staff.”

Minna returned a short time later with a plate full of fruit and cheese. She smiled, her stomach suddenly feeling empty at the sight. She was grateful when he remembered to order a plate sent to Ben and nodded her approval when he told her to make sure it had more sustenance than mere fruit and cheese. Ben was a young man, not yet 20 summers, and his eating habits led her to believe he was not yet done with growing yet as despite his voracious appetite, he remained lean and lithe.

When he asked her to have Ben discreetly assess James’ knowledge and abilities, Nikola considered the request for a moment. She was not sure just how subtle Ben might be, but he did tend to chat people up fairly easily, so James might not suspect a thing if Ben started asking a lot of questions. She opened her mouth to respond and found it filled with a piece of mango. She grinned around the mouthful and giggled a little as TK kissed her. She chewed the mango and swallowed before attempting to speak again.

“Relaxing sounds lovely. I do enjoy traveling but prefer horseback to carriages. Perhaps a brief stroll outside to stretch my muscles a bit after the ride? We could end up in the wine cellar and I must say I’m looking forward to that. I was rather amazed at your cellar back in town when you took me for a tour there.” She thought about his request before continuing. “As for your suggestion, might I send a message to Ben, then? It could be delivered along with his meal,” she suggested. Once parchment, quill and ink had been procured, she wrote a brief message.

Enjoy this meal and take whatever time you need with the horses. TK would like for you to do something for him, if you don’t mind. James is his new stablemaster and TK would like to know just how experienced and knowledgeable he actually is. If you could see what you can find out, without letting on that you are testing him, we would both appreciate it. I will see you before you leave for Firestorm Manor. If you need anything in the meantime, I will be wherever TK is.

Once the ink had dried, she folded the parchment twice and handed it to TK who called for Minna to deliver it to Ben with his meal. That taken care of she reached for a chunk of cheese and popped it into her mouth. After they were done with their snack, TK led her outside the manor, which was more castle than manor house to her eyes, and they took a stroll along the paved pathways that wound around the structure and out buildings. “I love that the castle is on a rise here,” she told him as they peered over the ramparts. “Makes it very easy to defend and you can see for miles even with the heavily wooded landscape below. You definitely made a good choice here,” she commented as they headed back toward the castle. “Now how about that wine cellar? Is it as well stocked as the one in town?” she asked.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Texas_Knight »

As they made their way around the outside of the castle TK pointed out a few things and nodded that it was very easily defended. As they rounded the southeast corner TK pointed to a far off puff of smoke rising through the air. "That is the mine between Fenia and Imperius. With a looking glass you can see if there be a group on the road there. Of course, one cannot make out who exactly, but the colors of another place should easily show up as opposed to our own black and silver flag. And in a hurry I could intercept any before they got to Fenia City."

The wine cellar was well stocked, but he felt that his words may fall short of simply describing it. "Well, let's go have a drink and see about the condition of the cellar." As they neared the walkway down to the cellar he snapped his fingers at one of the servants "Go ahead of us to the tasting room and prepare a sample of the ten and twenty and have ready a glass of the 25, and have a few bottle of wine for me to choose from for this evening's meal." He turned and smiled as the woman went ahead of them. "She has very good wine knowledge, but I have yet to learn her name."

The stairs into the cellar where they were going was the oldest part of the cellars. He thought it would be nice to work from the oldest part to the newest part. The first view wasn't all that impressive in his opinion, but it would soon change. As they entered the cellar the oldest bottles of wine were still covered in webs and still in racks where they'd been for who knows how long. "These were left here by the previous occupants. Obviously a give for the lucky one that was given the castle" They rounded the next corner and another wall of bottles caught their eyes. Brandy left by the previous tenants. "I haven't bothered to clean these off just yet. But I'm willing to bet they're older than most of what I have brought in from traders and caravans." They venture on into the parts that have been cleaned and the rows of casks, barrels give way to along hallway lined with brandy barrels. "These are some of the newer ones I've had brought in since I've been here." As they pass a door TK stops and smiles.. "Ooohh.. you must see this room!" Opening the door they see more wine with a door leading through. As they admire the room a moment TK opens the other door to show another more simple room. "This is where I keep some of my favorites in the wine category. I can see a few bottles have been taken so I think we'll have a fine choice for the evening feast." TK finds a half empty bottle of some red and pulls the cork with his teeth. "This is a very sweet one that I just like to drink. I don't know that it would pair well with anything except a tongue." TK takes a drink and kisses her with some wine still in his mouth. He pulls her close and closes the door behind them in that little room with low lighting.

Once the bottle has been finished and almost an hour has passed they re-emerge and continue on their walk hand in hand. As they round a corner they are greeted with a view of a side hall before they get to the tasting room. "That" he says pointing to the large one at the very end of the side hall "is one that is full of old brandy. I found that one in the oldest part but liked the looks of it so much I had it brought here to be more easily viewed by all my guests that come down here. Of course, you are the first." He held out an arm leading them on to the tasting room where there were, as he requested, a couple samples for each of them and a glass of amber brandy along with the bottle from which it came. "Ah, at last." he picks up one of the samplings and offers it to Nikola as he takes the other one for himself. Once they finish the first one they enjoy the second one before finally picking up the 25 yr old brandy and settling down to talk and enjoy each others company in the more comfortable private tasting room that's connected to the other by way of a hidden latch door. "This is a place I like to come and have solitude away from all of the servants and others bustling about. I can just relax here and be alone with my thoughts for those times when I need to get away from people." TK smiled and offered a glass of brandy to her. "So, how would you compare this to the one beneath the tavern?"
Viscount of Northwood and Royal Guard
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