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Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:11 pm
by Willow
"I don't think we're going to catch anything, let's go back my love."
I think you are right my love. Pulling the lines in, Willow heard a noise and saw a dove in their boat. She watched Adonair read a note and then she read it herself.

After reading the note, she glanced up and saw her friend Victorious waiting for them on the shore. She waved to her friend, while Adonair rowed towards her.

I wonder what could be wrong with her relative? I hope its nothing serious. she said.

Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:32 pm
by Victorious
Victorious waves to her friend, Willow and waits patiently for them to row to shore.

I'm so sorry to bother you Willow and Adonair but I didn't know anyone to turn to.

Maybe I should leave you two alone and enjoy your honeymoon. I have no right to interfere with your honeymoon.

I just thought maybe you can lead me to someone who can help me find some kind of medicine for a young child who has a very high fever with a cold.

I feel awful bothering you two. If I'm interfering, I don't mind you telling me.

Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:28 am
by Adonair
"Well our fishing luck wasn't good anyway, so it was about time we came in to shore."

Adonair asks a few questions and then suggests some herbs for the ailment, ending with this advice, "Keep her feet warm and her head cool with a damp cloth, you want the fever to burn out the bad stuff, but the brain is too delicate so that should be kept from getting too hot. We shall pray to the mages for her."

Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:02 pm
by Victorious
Victorious listens intensely at what Adonair tells her.

Thank you so much Adonair and I'm so sorry I interrupted your honeymoon.

Victorious rides back to the castle hoping Amy is feeling somewhat better.

Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:54 pm
by Willow
Thank you so much Adonair and I'm so sorry I interrupted your honeymoon.
Willow hugs her friend hello.

Willow listened to Victorious and then heard Adonair make some treatment suggestions.
"We hope she feels better soon and we shall pray to the mages for her."

After Victorious had left, Willow said to Adonair oh the poor little girl, hope those herbs help her get better soon

Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:32 pm
by Adonair
Adonair, Willow and Max head back towards Willow's house for the evening, stopping at a pub for some fried fish and a pint. They want to go fishing in the morning and then get on the road to the beach.

Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:11 pm
by Willow
Willow and Adonair are having a meal of fresh fish and drinking some ale in the local tavern. Lovely background music is playing while they eat their meal together. After they are finished, Willow orders a dessert in a tall glass - ice cream with strawberries and chocolate sauce to be shared with her husband (two spoons to be delivered to the table). But first the waitress checks that Adonair doesn't want something else too.

Willow is enjoying herself but feeling very sleepy now. Adonair, we might have to head back to the apartment before I fall asleep :lol:

Yawn ..... plus we want to go fishing early tomorrow too ...... yawn

Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:54 am
by Adonair
Adonair is intrigued with the fish sauce and thinks he might try to experiment with making his own. He loves the dessert too... but best of all is enjoying it with Willow, his new bride.

When Willow yawns it makes him yawn too. He pays the cheque and they go back to the house for the night. They are intent on having a go at fishing the next day with Max as captain of the boat.

Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:57 am
by Willow
When Willow yawns it makes him yawn too. He pays the cheque and they go back to the house for the night. They are intent on having a go at fishing the next day with Max as captain of the boat.
After their meal, Adonair and Willow wandered back to her store's apartment. After a quick tour, Willow leaves Adonair to get ready for bed and returns to her store. She looks over the work Chloe did and then goes through the orders that still need to be done.

Once finish, she checks the building is locked up again and returns to the apartment to get ready for bed herself. Before she arrives, Max goes to the bedroom and jumps on the bed on top of poor Adonair (giving him a fright). Willow hears yelling as she returns to the bedroom.

Re: Adonair and Willow Braeden on honeymoon

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:44 am
by Willow
Willow walks into the bedroom and sees Max trying to find room on the bed too. Trying not to laugh, she says Max come down here (pointing to the end of the bed). Willow get ready for bed, putting on her nightgown and brushing her hair. She glances and smiles at Adonair, who is still awake and watching her. Willow gets into bed giving her a husband a cuddle and kisses. The lights are put out and they fall asleep in each others arms.

The next morning, Willow awakes early and heads to the kitchen to start breakfast. Max follows her out too, grumbling about the lack of room. She opens the door for him to be let outside and says to herself I miss the bed at the Tower, this bed was too small for three of us :lol: . She then starts breakfast, first she makes some pancakes with fresh fruit and pours some fresh juice into glasses. Placing them on a tray, she takes them into the bedroom to surprise her husband.

Good Morning Sweetie, did you sleep well? :D

After their shared breakfast, Willow packs her honeymoon bag with things she will need at the beach. Luckily, she had already packed her stuff to be transported to her new home. Glancing around the room, she packs small things that haven't been packed. She has decided to offer the apartment to Chloe since she spending a lot of time working in her weaving shop and it would be nice to have someone looking after her store and home.

Once she has packed her gear, some food and fishing stuff for their trip, Willow has a last look around and turns to her husband. Lets go to the beach :D