[RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 21: December 22, 1655

This morning, our tent was nearly snowed in! Aldwyn was very enthusiastic and kept trying to make snowballs and snowmen while I was packing up our things. I worry I was a bit too impatient with him. Fortunately I still had snowflake cookies left to make him stop sobbing.

I'm glad we were close to Navy Island as it kept snowing hard the entire way. The road was barely visible. Where the roads between the Bravian River and North Staunchville are hilly and densely forested, the land between the gold mine and Navy Island is rather flat and mostly covered in heathlands and the occasional farm. The lack of forest caused the cold wind to blow like crazy. I took a warm bath as soon as we arrived at the inn.

The town of Navy Island isn't actually located on the island. In history, the settlement probably originated on the island, before expanding on the mainland where it had more space for farmland and better infrastructure with the rest of Bravia. Nowadays, the town centre is on the mainland and the island consists mostly of harbour buildings, fish smoking huts, ship builders and other fishery related stuff. Ferryboats take people from the mainland to the island and back, but today none of them are out on the water because of the bad weather.
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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 22: December 23, 1655

I took Aldwyn to visit the actual island part of Navy Island. I didn't see any lanterns for Winterfest in the boats' masts. Either the practice doesn't live here, or the locals likely removed them before the snowstorm hit full force. Several boats were damaged by the wind. Some local fisherman made an angry remark because Aldwyn and I watched him work on his broken boat for too long. I answered him in plain North Bravian accent, which silenced him immediately!

We passed several locals making their boats or paths free of snow, when suddenly, someone pelted me with snowballs. A lot of them! Unfortunately, several hit me in the face and it took me a moment to clear my face of snow and see who the culprit was. I don't think I know this young woman, but I vaguely remember seeing her around town in Paz. Why did she have it in for me?
Perhaps Aniel paid her? That angel claimed she also paid the peasants in Paz who bothered me. I don't believe her, for she does not seem to be able to convince the peasants in any other town with her money.

I'll be happy to leave Navy Island tomorrow. I told Nocturne we must leave early, before any maids come to our room. Aldwyn made a big drawing on the wall with his crayons and it doesn't come off when I try to wipe it with my hand.
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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 23: December 24, 1655

I have never been to Albrightville before. Part of the road between Navy Island and Albrightville is surrounded by bogs. There is little danger now they're frozen over, however. Signs warning against wandering off the path are covered with a thick layer of snow.

Albrightville is a coastal town with good access to sea. Despite this, the town never developed a proper harbour. Probably, Paz and Navy Island provided for better secluded harbours and sea trade from Albrightville never became big.
Thanks to the richness of flowers in the bogs, such as heather and jewelweed, the Albrightville area is very suitable for beekeeping. Albrightville citizens are known to produce the best honey and candles to be found in Bravia. It is said that this is how the town got its name, and why there is a bee on their crest, and why they are listed on most good maps of Bravia.

I bought a jar of local honey upon arrival. It will taste good in the bitter klahua I still drink at times to fight fatigue, and it will keep Aldwyn happy as I go off to hunt tonight. I hope for a nice result, seeing as this town has a relatively low population.
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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 24: December 25, 1655

I was out most of the night looking for creatures to hunt. I spotted only one zyrk on the outer edges of town, and it had next to nothing of value on it. I decided to not venture out further into the bogs. Most of it should be frozen, but in the darkness it can be hard to tell whether there are weak spots in the ice. Besides, it was cold and so I returned to the inn before I felt tempted to hug zyrk entrails for warmth.

We will stay an extra day in Albrightville to make sure our boat is in proper condition to go out at sea tomorrow.
I will go hunting again after sundown and check out other areas of town. Perhaps zyrk might be messing around near the town walls.

Albrightville is ridiculously well lid in the evening. I don't know if this is a regular thing, or if they only do this in the Winterfest period. Either way, it was impossible to find any yvyrm or zyrk within town as they tend to shy away from bright light.
I took a small lantern out to increase chances of finding some trails outside of town, with the idea of extinguishing it as I got close enough to find a nest.
I did not get far. Before I found any trails, an uncomfortable feeling came over me, similar to the feeling I get in response to dangerous currents or hidden rocks under water, yet different. With a few more steps, I heard a sound of ice cracking. I turned and went back to town, even though it bothered me to return empty handed. I told Nocturne this town is not good for zyrk or yvyrm.
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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 25: December 26, 1655

This morning, we left Albrightville. It was nice to get out onto the water without having to maneouver around other boats first. Albrightville really has the most quiet shore I have ever seen. It leads directly to the open sea and you can look as far as winter morning clouds permit.

We're heading north. We plan to go beyond North Bravia, towards lands that aren't well mapped yet in the Secfenian viceroyalties. It's exciting, but whenever Aldwyn asks where we're going next, I can't really answer him. I keep him entertained by telling him which groups of fish we pass.

Nocturne and I hope to hunt another xanthareel or two while we're out on the water. The previous time did not end well, with a xanthareel launching us back to shore, or something. I was unconscious after landing so I don't remember what must have happened exactly. This time, we communicated better about what moment it is wiser to retreat, especially now Aldwyn is with us. I can't have my boy getting hurt in the process.
I expect we aren't near any xanthareels yet. I haven't sensed any large presence underwater and haven't dreamed anything out of the ordinary either.
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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 26: December 27, 1655

On clear days, the Bravian shore is visible in the west. We'll be sailing north beyond the land north of Widu, which is called Valleria. I'm not sure what we'll find.
This means we'll be missing Balerion's party in Verdilla. I blame the long delay in Bravia city. I'll throw some snowballs west when I suspect we pass Verdilla. Perhaps Balerion will see them, you never know what dragons are capable of. Although we'll probably be in deep water, further away from the shore by then.

I can spot the illuminated watchtower of Navy Island in the distance. It won't be long before we round the island and access the waters of the North Bravian Sea. It promises to be a cold night, but fortunately there is little wind today. It should be manageable to spend the night in the boat.

For some reason, Navy Island town officials are being difficult about us passing the island late in the evening. They asked all sort of questions about our business up north, and seemed to find it strange that a family would still be out on this hour, other than for fishing business.
The whole process took so long that I got very tired and sick of the whining, and Aldwyn's mood did not improve either, so we went ashore and will spend the night at the inn before moving on.
I think the town officials might have some deal with the local inn to make sure it has more guests...
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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 27: December 28, 1655

I had a very restless night filled with fragments of clear dreams. There is a xanthareel, not too far north of Navy Island. I think it is heading east to deeper waters, but should still be within our reach if we get out there by tomorrow. This xanthareel is "shock-happy", as I've heard it discribed in Athena. The idea of taking Aldwyn on this hunt now gives me a very bad feeling. I feel it won't end well if I do. I'll need all focus for the xanthareel, which means I'll have to block emotions. And if I do that, I cannot protect Aldwyn properly.
I'll tell Nocturne as soon as he wakes up. The man is so in control of his emotions - better than myself, I'm sad to admit - that he will understand my point.

As well as Nocturne understands, my poor Aldwyn doesn't. I hired one of the inn's maids to look after him while Nocturne and I are out on sea. Aldwyn yelled ''Mommy no leave!'' so many times I almost had to block my emotions right there. The boy seems to be more clingy as of late. It is probably a phase that's normal for his age.

I can't believe the nosy town officials here! Apparently a family first arriving and departing over land with a child, later arriving over sea, and then departing over sea without the child, is suspicious. I told them we were just going fishing for the day, but apparently that is an impossible thing here if you don't bring nets or a fishing rods at the very least. I don't know what Nocturne eventually did to them exactly, but we managed to leave without further problems.
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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 28: December 29, 1655

It is strange to feel the presence of the sea goddess in the back of my head. I sense me going out there to follow the dream pleases her, but at the same time she is as usual disgusted with me. Perhaps because my past two experiences with xanthareel were not that good. The first time I might even have died, had she not taken over my body in time. I sure hope she does not do that again. It tends to freak out other people, I don't think Nocturne has ever witnessed it and when it happens, I have no idea what my body is doing.

The close presence of the xanthareel in the water is so strong, almost painful. Very different from any other water creatures I've come across. It's a strange mixture of danger and attraction, it makes you feel very alive, very in the moment, every nerve on end. I am not afraid of xanthareel, but I know I should definitely be careful. They are very, very dangerous creatures.

The first time I heard people with experience talk about them, was in Athena, a coastal town in the south of Fenia. It was also there that I hunted my first xanthareel with nothing but the spear Roger made for our son.
I remember part of a song I heard in Athena:

Seawater dripped off, reflected so fine
fading sunlight on its scales
To see it, touch it, admire its shine,
I swam and followed its trails

A xanthareel does not actively hunt, it attracts. When it emerges, sunlight reflecting off its golden scales has a mesmerising effect on those who cannot keep focus and concentration. The only thing a xanthareel has to do is wait for the prey to come close, and greet it with a venomous bite or repeated stunning.

We are now close enough to prepare for the hunt. It is time.
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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 29: December 30, 1655

I feel better now Nocturne finished healing me. I am merely tired now, but satisfied. The hunt was hard, but we managed. Working together as a team didn't go as optimally as it would have if I hadn't blocked, but at least this way, nothing distracted me. I remember the xanthareel's magnificent scales meant nothing to me. The presence of Nocturne meant nothing to me either. He was just another hunter, there to make the killing job faster and easier. That was the only goal: to kill this creature.
I used my dagger, a bit of an unconventional choice, but it's the weapon I have most experience with and so it was a logical choice.

The xanthareel was as shock-happy as I expected it to be. It must have been compensating for the fact it was a bit smaller than the previous one I encountered. You could almost see the lightning rippling over its scales.
It moved fast, and managed to stun me several times as I fearlessly moved forward to plunge my dagger into his body. The stunning sensation is very painful and always followed by a very inconvenient numbness, but at least I hurt it at least as many times as it hurt me. Eventually, Nocturne delivered the final blows as I worked to keep our boat steady and away from the xanthareel's sweeping tail.

I continued to block until we pulled our boat and the dead xanthareel on shore, and then must have collapsed from fatigue. The last thing I remember is a town official's voice saying ''This is what you meant with fishing?"

I woke up on the bed in the inn. Aldwyn was sleeping by my side, with one of his hands resting on a scorch mark on my arm. When I gently removed his hand, I noticed his small hand print in the middle of the scorch mark, in the form of clear, healthy skin...
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Re: [RP] Visiting Bravia, the husband and such

Post by Dwayberry »

Day 30: December 31, 1655

Xanthareel is a bit of an acquired taste, but not at all bad. Usually, the right herbs are available in coastal towns to season the meat well. Navy Island is no exception.
We left the town with several large pieces of xanthareel meat packed in snow and ice, and a large bag of shiny scales, leaving the rest for the locals. I am not sure whether it's the gift or the more normal time of day we are departing, but no-one had any problems with us leaving and some even waved most friendly.
On the other hand, the maid I hired to look after Aldwyn assured me before we left that Aldwyn is the most horrible child she ever looked after. Well that is one tip she didn't earn! As a fact I know that my son is a sweet boy and anyone else who ever looked after him claims he is great pleasure to be around.

Aldwyn proved again how sweet he is by trying to help out steering the boat, and hugging me frequently. I think he just missed me yesterday. As soon as we were well on our way north, he started humming the xanthareel song and playing with the scales. I am fine with that, as long as he doesn't throw a handful in the water again to show me how slowly they sink.

It was nearly dawn when a feeling came over me, so uncomfortable that I would almost describe it as fear. We passed several small rock formations sticking out of the water, but the feeling I had did not resemble danger of underwater rocks that might damage our boat.
Then, there she was, on one of the rock formations. I knew she was the cause of the feeling. The wind slightly stirred her wet, cyan hair. She was wearing seashell earmuffs against the cold and her chest was hidden under a thick seaweed scarf. She steadied herself on the rock with her pink tail, that stupid siren who opened her mouth wide to start singing to my husband!

Before she got any notes out, I grabbed a handful of snow and ice and threw it at the siren full force! Even that yell was high pitched and overly dramatic. I continued to pelt the wench until she fell backwards off the rock and landed in the water with an inelegant splash. Serves her right. No-one steals my man!!!

Aldwyn patted my arm a moment later and asked ''Mommy scared?" I shook my head and he looked very confused before asking "Mommy angry?" And I nodded and he hugged me.
I think the whole situation amused Nocturne, although I'm not sure. Sometimes it is hard to figure out what he might be thinking.
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