RP - Chronicles of A Vampyr

Where the people from the towns can meet and interact

Re: RP - Chronicles of A Vampyr

Post by Morghain »

Her visit to Bravia City had been less than she hoped it would be. She had hopes that her visit to Paz would be more successful. Perhaps the creatures here would be more inclined on dueling. If nothing else, she could still look for those Pirates that Zuan had told her about. Perhaps she'd be able to take a skull and a cannon ball home with her and a pirate hat for him.

Since she was travelling with the Lykan, she chose to walk into the city rather than fly as she usually would. As they make their way to the place they would rest, she lifts her nose to the air, having caught the scent of another vampire. The age of the scent and the way it layered and over lapped with the surrounding scents told her that she had entered the territory of a city master. One who had held this territory for many years.

Her eyes light up in fascination, had she known creature dwelled here, she would have followed polite protocol and informed him of her intention to travel here and at least got his permission to enter his City. She thinks to herself
“Ah well, what is done is done. I will at least find a messenger to inform the vampire I am here, though the creature will likely notice for itself soon enough.”

As a small street urchin runs past, she gestures to get her attention. Flashing a coin, she orders the child to go to the vampire of the city and inform them of her presence. She did not want the creature to assume she was here to challenge them for their territory, she had one of her own to return to when she was done with her dulling. Besides, if she told the resident vampire of her presence, it would not be considered poaching when she fed."

Re: RP - Chronicles of A Vampyr

Post by Hephastion »

As he slipped through the streets silently, he heard the womans voice, the scent was stronger here. He leapt against the wall and flipped on to the roof of the building, landing softly. He peered down to the street, the lamps lighting the woman, there was no mistaking he had found what he sought. His eyes shone in the darkness as he watched her talk to the child. Her clothing gave away her social standing, her confidence bringing a smile to his lips. This one had dominance over others, much like Modius had in the past. She was shy about what she was, not ashamed of being an abomination, in fact, she embraced it.

His fangs grew as he moved along the roof, watching her, trying to figure out why she had come to Paz. He was happy being alone, ignorant of others like him, especially those that lived in opulence like this creature. As the child ran off clutching his riches, Hephastion dropped from the roof, his eyes shining brightly as he eyed the woman. She was attractive in her own right, she carried herself well "The child wont find me, they don't know of me"his voice quiet and level as his eyes swept the buildings, his claws growing against his clenched palms "And, I like it that way" a quick flash of a smile crossing his lips "So why would you come here?"

Re: RP - Chronicles of A Vampyr

Post by Morghain »

Even as the child ran away, she'd caught the fresh scent of the vampire on the wind. She makes a soft hmmph to herself at the waste of good coin. She lifts her nose to the air to pin point the location that the scent was coming from. Her ears tuning out surrounding sounds to aid in the location process.

Soon she lifts her gaze upwards towards the city roofs, a small amount of respect for the creature entering her as she realizes this one is not ground bound as many creatures are. Soon the creature is standing in front of her. Tall and lean he is, and old. She can feel his age rolling off him. He was certainly much older to this undeath than she was, yet how powerful he was, she could not tell.

As he speaks, she raises her brow, the creature threatened her? As yet, she does not overtly respond to his implied threat, though she shifts her feet slightly to ensure her stance is strong and balanced. She answers his question, she says
"Ah, it is no wonder I had not heard of you before coming here. I am here for a number of reasons. To duel, to trade some, to visit my blood slave and to find a pirate so that I can collect a cannon ball and a pirate hat for my Mate. I do enjoy a good hunt. Do you not enjoy the thrill of the chase? The pleasure of fang and claw tearing flesh?"

Re: RP - Chronicles of A Vampyr

Post by Hephastion »

Cannon balls and Pirates He raised an eyebrow as she listed off her reasons for breaking his peace "I don't think you'll find much of that here" his eyes moved back up the street in the direction he assumed she had came from. His eyes shone as she spoke of the hunt, he wondered if she herself at ever faced the Hunter, maybe then she would not hold herself so high.

Something inside him changed, flashes back to his battle with Modius washed over him. He felt the need to protect the town, her manner hinted towards a dominant vampyr, one which would not allow the people of Paz to live in ignorant bliss of their existence as he had. With a surge of vitae, he leapt forward, lashing his claws at the woman.

Re: RP - Chronicles of A Vampyr

Post by Morghain »

Even as she had spoken, that small part within her that still spoke with some semblance of common sense was screaming at her not to bait the creature that could spread her blood corpse over miles of coast line. But she had spend so long ignoring that voice that the words just tumbled out. As he mentions that he doubted she'd find pirates here, she replies, her eyes scanning the buildings around her critically "Hmm, truly. This grand old lady of a city seems the perfect place for pirates to lay anchor. She's like an old dame who has not realized that she has aged and that her charms have faded."

She knew her presence here angered him, what vampire liked a stranger on their territory and this one seemed to have kept his head low in this City. Perhaps he felt threatened that she would take his territory from him or rip the scales from the eyes of all these creatures that appeared oblivious to his presence? Regardless of what thoughts motivated him, the moment he attacked her, she went from her relaxed watchful pose into battle readiness.

Claws rip through her skin from their sheaths in her fingers and her face takes on its vampiric aspect with darkened eyes and skin taut around a jaw that now sports fangs which have dropped forward from their usual resting place.

The males claws slash towards her at speed, yet it seems that it has been to long since this one has last been challenged by another of their kind for his movement is slower than it could be. She dodges forwards, under his lashing claws and to the left so that she can step past him. As she moves she reaches out her right arm to claw at his stomach.

Re: RP - Chronicles of A Vampyr

Post by Hephastion »

The claws raked across his stomach, more a burning sensation than anything. He had only dealt with mere mortals for too long, she was quick and strong, probably using some hapless minion to hone her skills. He gritted his teeth, his fangs showing as he spun around, concentrating on her movement.

He wondered when she had last fed, how much vitae she had flowing in her, how long would she last. He was the older of the two it seemed, but if she had just fed, she would be strong enough. He grasped for her wrist as she raked at him again, a surge of vitae flowing in to his fingers. For anyone passer by who happened to be out at this hour, may catch a glimmer of their shining eyes, or a blocked arm, but their movement would be too quick for any mortal to see what was happening, that and the fine red mist of blood vitae being used by both.

He hissed as another rake of her claws dragged along his arm, she was too quick for him and he could not get a good hold to use his compression on her.

Re: RP - Chronicles of A Vampyr

Post by Morghain »

As her claws raked over his belly, she hisses in satisfaction at having drawn first blood. The familiar feel of flesh being torn asunder. Knowing that the older vampire is not yet finished for, she turns back to face him. They meet violently once again, their movements graceful and sure though they are too fast for most creatures to appreciate.

For Morghain, this is an intimate and familiar dance. Their bodies entwine, disengage then collide again, as they each struggle to over power the other. She pushes Hephastion to fight harder, faster, daring him to mark her and make her bleed. To show her why HE is the master of this city and not some other.

She is brutal in her attacks, showing neither mercy nor quarter, so intense is her concentration on the fight that she neither breaths nor blinks, deeming such things unnecessary in these moments.

Knowing she is smaller than Hephastion, her attacks are short and sharp. She never stays still longer than she needs to, rather she dances around him, delivering vicious blows intended to do as much damage as she can in as short a time as possible.
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