[ORP] Téide's Glade

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Re: [ORP] Téide's Glade

Post by Teide »

This smallish man was rather impossible. Téide had already felt spent by the overuse of her powers. Though she had an unusually wide range of them, no doubt in part to her unusual heritage on her father's side, she had little control over them. She always had to remain in conscious control of them. This headache that edged on the precipice of a migraine had become such a constant companion she hardly considered it more than a pest to be overcome in her ambitions. Her jaw set in annoyance as he continued to speak as if he understood. Téide had no desire to know his mind anymore or emotions and her barriers set firm. In the secret place of her heart, as with every heart, there would always be the troublesome want for someone to see but so long she was practiced in sealing this away under cynicism that it was simple enough not to take this bait. At least he was honest to indulge he could not understand the invasion of thoughts and memories. In mild exasperation she continued to listen with a hard set glare as she peered over her shoulder.

He seemed nervous as he did step lightly from foot to foot and she raised a slight bit her brow as she quite easily note a nimble mobility in his nervous gait. No doubt instinctive to his nature and so she drew the conclusion he was practiced with the wood and fleet a foot placing him she supposed as a ranger with his gift for creature speech and swift reflex. Needless to say as she looked at him more seriously to weigh the potential threat as well as possibilities, she was really only half listening. True she did catch his words but she was not entirely interested in words. With a headache, an annoying misjudgement and an intrusion on her secret place that did place his in a less than tolerant mood.

She let the silence hang as he waited for a laugh as his attempt of a joke with a rather moody female mageling.

Téide swore she could feel her eye twitch as he attempted to make amends and did his trick to offer a peace offering of strawberries. The idea of imploding them in his face did seem amusing but she refrained. Instead she gave a long drawn out exasperated sigh and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She considered what to do. Téide had few qualms about being cruel or rude. At times it was preferable and rather freeing. She had seen that he could be judgmental and rash in her opinion and also she felt rather too childlike....ironically since he was clearly older than her. She stopped what she was doing and considered a new train of thought that did seem rather delicious and enjoyable to play out. Yes, that would serve her well.....

She turned more fully to face him and the most pleasant and charming smile crossed her delicate and pleasing features. She tapped a slender fingertip on her chin to consider more fully his peace offering. "Well I can see you are trying to make peace between us, however strange that may seem to me. Allies and friends...don't seem so hopeful mister Bergan." she walked non-nonchalantly closer to the edge of her perched and reached down to select a full red strawberry. Her fingers lingered over the green tops in a soft caress before taking one to her liking. She twirled it in her fingers eying it carefully before taking a small taste. "But we can begin on pleasant acquaintances..."

Téide saw the light enter his eyes. A little smirk she could not help crept into her cheeks. Yes, this would be amusing, "My cousin does command an active army in Cork. He no doubt is always looking for able-bodied and skilled men to enroll in his service." she thought it a clever bait. She took a few more bites of a strawberry in silence as she let that little bit of information manifest. Let him do with it as he please. She finished the strawberry and stood up again and turned, "Follow me if you wish." she'd keep her secret of the caves to herself.

Re: [ORP] Téide's Glade

Post by Bergan »

After what seemed like a month of Sundays to Bergan, the elvin lady inched her way across to his outstretched hand holding the strawberries. She then deliberated, by hovering her hand above them as if testing for some kind of transmission from them, informing of which was the juiciest.
Eventually she took one, and in so doing made contact with the side of her palm against that of Bergan’s. Instantly he felt a distinct pain across the backs of his eyes, and a rather nauseas feeling indicating to him that this enchanting lady with the piercing cold stare was in fact, suffering from a headache at least.

"Well I can see you are trying to make peace between us, however strange that may seem to me. Allies and friends...don't seem so hopeful mister Bergan”
She had said, prior to taking a small bite. She was smiling now which made him feel much more at ease. He had hoped that she also felt the same, and that he was no enemy, or threat to anyone. She then added
"But we can begin on pleasant acquaintances...”

Bergans face produced another broad grin and his eyes lit up. He watched as she delicately sucked the juice from the strawberry. She continued to smile, though her eyes were not showing the usual accompanied smile of their own as one would expect in the form of a certain sparkle. Instead, they remained cold. Then again she spoke.

"My cousin does command an active army in Cork. He no doubt is always looking for able-bodied and skilled men to enroll in his service. Follow me if you wish."

Bergan wrapped an arm around his middle, and cradled the elbow of the other free arm. The hand on which was now tugging at his chin as if to pull the stubble there upon it into a full beard. An army ? He thought. He was no fighting man, a protector
yes! Fighting other than for the defence of Cork was something he was not capable of.
“Well you are most kind mistress Teide. My wish is only to serve Cork with the powers at my disposal. I take it that should your cousin find use for me, it would only be with the express intent of providing security for the people of Cork by way of defending against invaders. I think I have made myself clear in the fact that I am a peaceable man. And wanton invasion against other kingdoms for profit or gain, would be impossible for me to do. But first mistress, I have been made aware that you are suffering unnecessarily with headache. If you will allow me, I can remove it quite easily”.

Without waiting for Teide to agree, he took a step forward placing one hand
in front of her eyes, and the other at the back of her head. The palm in front was now faced forward as if projecting a dissipating, pain relieving force that could almost be seen by the way he appeared to lean into the effort of administering it.
There, I trust that feels considerably better. I am more than happy to follow you mistress Teide, this is assuming I can be employed in the power of good. What say you?

Re: [ORP] Téide's Glade

Post by Teide »

A most bemused smile slipped over that delicate doll-like face of hers. A hint of wry amusement twinkled a fire into her cold eyes but she seemed to hide that quickly behind the chill of those deep eerie green eyes of hers. That little righteous attitude of his was most amusing for now but in her cynical mind it was a mere jest but she merely shrugged keeping that dry smirk. The headache did cause her more distress than she wished but she was used to it and resigned herself to suffer more for without it's warnings she might be unwise in her movements. A flicker of her eyebrow she gave him a deadly look as he approached uninvited. She looked like a black cat ready to scratch and hiss if he tried and bounce backwards like he was made of water but before she could move he had stepped past the threshold of her comfort zone. Her usually sure reflex was so hindered by this headache that she was encroached upon and she found herself in the warm and healing grasps of his hands.

She was clenched her teeth as she felt the flow of positive energy fill her and the headache ebbed. She was rather shaken and put back by the suddenness. She remained there for a moment in wonder for she had never received healing magic before. The force of it was something she had yet to fully understand. Once she regained herself she swatted him away with a growl. It was gone...really gone...rather foolish because now she would have the full capacity of her abilities to turn him into a smear at the moment. She chewed on her lip for a second as if trying to fend off her anger more at herself for allowing anyone that close than at his intrusion more. Still she would redirect it at him, "Next time keep your own space." she snapped at him. She took in a deep breath to calm herself.

Good..bad...terms that Téide was less than fond of. Her humor was going up and down and he really should be more cautious...still, "It's all relative. I don't believe in good, bad or establishment." Only kin but she wasn't about to reveal that much of herself to this man. "You do as you'd like. I shall never understand this fondness everyone seems to have of defining. Ah well I don't care very much. Speak with him first before you make any judgement. Fair enough Justice-maker?" she added that last bit rather mockingly with a smirk but it was hard to tell if she meant to be cruel or playfully. So much that played into her eyes was indistinguishable. Beginning to walk down the path she looked over her shoulder, "Coming?" she might not have said thank you but Téide seemed more inclined to be friendly, headache free.

Re: [ORP] Téide's Glade

Post by Bergan »

Bergan didn’t recoil from the ungrateful blow the elven lady gave him. As she made contact, he could tell that the headache had subsided. Fortunately for him, her blow was not enhanced by anything other than natural physical strength. He was well aware that he had been too hasty in administering his healing power and should have waited her approval.
At least now she will be feeling better He thought.and she will also have felt that despite his soft demeanour, he was physically as strong as an ox. It would take a lot more than a flaying fist to knock this steadfast man down.

So there he stood, still smiling, and happy that he had escaped another fate perhaps worse than death itself. "Next time keep your own space. She spat.
“Next time I hope you will accept that my aim is only to remove pain, not inflict upon you mistress Teide All the same I beg your pardon for intrusion of your pain space with my inherent healing power. Unlike you I didn’t make any physical contact. Still, if it makes you feel better to lash out intent to cause pain on me, please do so. I’m very patient.

"It's all relative. I don't believe in good, bad or establishment. You do as you'd like. I shall never understand this fondness everyone seems to have of defining. Ah well I don't care very much. Speak with him first before you make any judgement. Fair enough Justice-maker?"

Bergan wondered if she would know what fairness was even if it were to slap her in the face at this point in time. He stood up to his short, but full height, straightening his tabard, and rearranging the broadsword at his side. He held his gaze upon her eye to eye pausing to try and attune himself to her thoughts. Of course he couldn’t but he still looked for the usual body language signals and the expression from her delightful eyes. All he sensed was that he may possibly be toyed with by this lady.

If only she would allow him to hold her hand, he just knew that she would feel sincerity from him, as well as the natural pleasure that friendship brings.
“Softly, softly” he thought, “less haste and more speed” As his mother would say. For the time being he would have to conform to the terms this lovely elvin lady had made plain. He couldn’t tell one way or the other what her feelings if any were. Her eyes though beautiful were devoid of all expression. She had now begun walking down the path ahead then turning a glance over her shoulder said,
“Yes, yes, I’m right behind you. Lead on. He said. Looking up into the sky above him then offering a silent thank you to whoever was the saviour of his close brush with death today. He felt happier now that his move to Cork was at least now offering something of a future, though nothing was certain.. “How do I remove the sting from a wasp? He thought to himself, stifling a laugh. He then began singing a wordless tune as his mother would do in her Irish brogue.
I dee diddle I deedum, I diddley I deedum. I dee diddley I diddley I day…………….

Re: [ORP] Téide's Glade

Post by Teide »

Téide knew nothing of these thoughts as he giggled to himself, laughing softly, then singing a tune. Her green eyes shifted to him with a rather difficult to read look for a brief second then back to the ground of the worn path ahead of her. As they continued ahead slowly she could hear life returning around her. The gentle coo of a pigeon, maybe, broke the stillness of the wood. Whatever bird it was she didn't know. Growing up in the city she knew very little about nature, animals or even a quiet life. Another chorus began to echo his tune as another bird began to sing. Soon the forest was alive again as she crossed the bridge on the old path and life seemed to repeat it's regular pattern. When Téide was in complete control and her power checked she didn't frighten the wildlife with her presence...the thought left a bitter taste in her mouth and she glanced again at Bergan. A little bit of envy swelled in her throat causing a lump but she was quick to look away. Fighting down the lump of resentment that would poison her words heedlessly if she allowed it. What was it that bothered her? That caused this jealousy?

She didn't need five seconds to analyze for she knew what it was before she could even blink. She remained silent as they walked, her mouth in a hard, thin line. It was hardly flattering to have such a face set on her sweet looking features but by the chaos in her hard green eyes she felt aged beyond her young years by the hard experiences of her life. Téide seemed to be contemplating something as they walked paying the minstrel beside her little to no heed. Sighing heavily to relief the building pressure in her chest she admitted to herself only in thought, He is so happy and carefree and I am not. I hate his happiness because I can't have it. I want to hurt him because of it.... that was an honest and rather sobering thought. Luckily more than half the time Téide did not give into these impulses and would not into this one. She felt monstrous for it as these was a regular wave of thought and so it was this process of mind she spoke her next words to him, carefully guarding them to keep her poison from ruining them.

"If you were wise Mr. Bergan you wouldn't be so eager to seek a friendship with me. I'm not....a good person."

Téide was not what she'd consider evil either in her own mind. It hurt to be called evil, monster, cruel...so she came to the conclusion she was not so heartless. She still felt joy and love to a degree. She was not bad but neither was she good. She pinched her cheek absentmindedly to snap her from those thoughts. She hated when she thought of that. She had the topic of discussion or the thought of defining what she was because simply if she stayed gray then life was simpler.

She rubbed her cheek because she'd pinched herself harder than she first thought. She really should develop a safer habit. She turned back to Bergan to finish what she was saying.

"If you are starting anew in Cork it's not too late to look for better friends than I."

Re: [ORP] Téide's Glade

Post by Bergan »

Bergan listened as Teide informed him. "If you were wise Mr. Bergan you wouldn't be so eager to seek a friendship with me. I'm not....a good person."
Pausing for a while as she seemingly continued to ponder.
"If you are starting anew in Cork it's not too late to look for better friends than I."

Bergan considered her words then said. "I’ll sing you this song mistress the words seem very fitting."
Two roads forked in a yellow wood,
Being the traveller long I stood.
I looked down one as far as I could,
To where, it bent around.

I took the other one just as fair,
Being more grassy and showing no wear
But as for that, the passing there,
Turned out about the same.

So give yourself a break.
Your poor old head is aching
Sit down with a glass of primrose tea
Sip it in the here, and now.
You may ask a question.
A problem of direction.
A blinding truth might catch your eye
Along the road less travelled by.

“Umm. Interesting those words wouldn’t you say mistress?” “A blinding truth might catch your eye. The fact is. I choose who I wish to be friends. You say you aren’t a good person, yet you have free will do you not?
Now you don’t have to be a slave to two masters. You can either be good, or bad. If your heart desires to be bad, and you find this more fulfilling then so be it.
You could have killed me back there yet you chose not to. I would say that Mistress Teide’s good side decided against that. If you found that act of mercy fulfilling I would suggest you try and develop it.

I must say, I find no pleasure in causing pain, I find the very thought sickening. I was also very uplifted and elated when I realised you were not going to cut short my life so thank you for that.”

Bergan smiled, and found himself alongside Teide now. They had reached a clearing and what seemed to be a continuation of the highway he had left to enter the woodland. He looked into her spellbinding eyes before saying.

“I do beg you pardon for intruding on your personal private property mistress. I have learned much from our meeting. I have realised that wandering in this kingdom isn’t advisable without seeking advice first. I take it that Cork is to the left here, this is where I shall be heading. If ever you should need company, or the use of a blacksmith. I can be found in the local tavern. I do hope this is a wise move mistress Goodbye.”


Re: [ORP] Téide's Glade

Post by Teide »

Téide smiled to herself as she watched him go. Yes it seemed so simple to him....a choice...there was very little but that was tthe luxury of thought he could have...for only the truly light or dark could believe things so but for those who struggle it was a different matter...

"I assure you master Bergan....I did you a better kindness than you realize."

Slowly she turned back towards the glade to resume her practices......


The days turned to weeks and Téide did much the same routine as she always did. She go to class then instead of heading home she'd turn down the path and across the old bridge to the abandoned quarry she'd made for herself a refuge from the thoughts and emotions of men and beasts. A safe release if needed and a good practice ground. Somehow though, now that another sentient being knew of it's location, marred it's privacy so she began to find new route to the quarry. It was on one of these long days in the beginning of the harvest month Téide traveled down a path she had not dared travel in months since the unfortunate events; but filled with still the very real and fresh sorrow at the loss of her mentor Adonair, She was drawn to that dark place. The trees usually grew dense with thick underbrush in this part of thee wood. It was at the base of a large mountain...a mountain she understood held a colony of bats and a large population of goblins and assorted hobs. It was not a safe area she had long since learned when the magic had first fired into her being and took residence in her veins. The discovery had left her weak and near crippled when she'd been happened upon by less than friendly bats. The memory sent a shudder down her spine and a deep fear seated in her. Téide had promised since that day never to be so weak again...maybe that is what brought her back to this horrible place. The trees in a ring around the small meadow were burnt all on the one side facing. Some charred gray and others blackened with ash at their base. Grass fringed along a dark soot magic ring that consumed the earth of the meadow with sparse remnants of grass and stubborn moss clinging to the ground trying to reclaim the soil from it's lifeless state.

This was her reminder....of the true nature of the sleeping destruction that lived inside her unbidden and yet undisturbed. Téide was lax to stir it too deep in her novice state. It reminded her of weakness, the weakness she had when it overtook her and near killed her and it reminded her that she would have to hold on to Adonair's lessons least she forget and make a horrible mistake. This was her breeding grounds of sorrows and it was here, in this ashen circle, she had meandered to when at this point she never felt more hopeless....what was she to do now? She needed guidance....instruction...she was angry at the mages, gods....whoever would listen...for taking him. She had grown close to him as she had to many others after coming to Cork. She had loved her 'grandfather' but he had died and Marlise...her friend and sister...she had lost...almost losing Amladris....the truth was now Téide felt very scared to open up any further. A part of her wished for something she dare not speak aloud but as she sunk to her knees and looked to the blue sky above her, the question begged in her eyes.

She fought against the hard lump in her throat and croaked out a desperate question that was no more than a whisper, "Why?" that was all she could manage before she pulled her knees against her chest and hugged them and waited to get a hold of herself. She came her to face it not mope but she had to wait out the frenzy of emotions before she looked back up at the sky and wiped away a stray tear. She sat quietly for a while just letting it simmer and boil through her and allowed the negative energies in her to flow out. The forest went quiet and she closed her eyes in concentration as she allowed it to be consumed by the ash that once stirred encircled around her in a glowing red light. She was really inside a magic circle which consumed any magical energies. A release for she needed to...her mana levels were always unstable and the practice had saved her many times, many a trouble. She felt herself steady and calm and her breathing regulated...she was in a trance-like state but very aware of her surroundings. No animal dared stir near nor bird chirp, the forest around her was dead.

Re: [ORP] Téide's Glade

Post by Teide »

The darkness behind her closed lids only shut out the light from her eyes. As the flowing sensation filled her veins and lulled her mind into a almost drunken trance. Her shoulders drooped and her head bobbed down and back. For once she did not fight this new numbness. She opened her mind to it and she felt tingling in her every nerve as her whole body sagged and relaxed. She breathed in a deep gulp of air and could feel a cold yet comfortable coursing coming from her lungs and fill her throat like a winter sleep stilling her breath. The chill swelled in her chest but she could not breath. The cold that seized her seemed to churn in her stomach. The strange feeling, not pain but indescribable forced her to clutch her stomach and she tried to cough get air but nothing inhaled or exhaled. She could feel the plump of her heart within her chest and with each beat the chill burned and spread through her veins. The feeling of her blood pressure raising and her temperature growing hotter. Her head started to burn and she felt herself swoon...faint? No, as she fell over weakly and could feel the pain and heat of a fever she could still feel the cold chill in her blood. Unable to open her eyes but she still saw through some sort of extra vision she could not understand, the veins all over her body were standing out of her paled grayish skin and she looked blood and even badly bruised as the pressure in some of the vessels broke all over her body. Téide could feel her body shivering and shaking uncontrollably, her heart beat was racing and the fever seemed to disorientate her but she remain conscious and full aware of the pain starting to take her body.

Was it this meadow that these things always happened to her? Was it the memories connected to it? The anger or sorrow or was it simply just the timing? Was she dying? What was happening to her? She was scared and yet for some strange reason despite the pain she was...excited? Adrenaline was filling into her body now in response to the attack on her body. Her eyes shot open suddenly whereas moments before it had been impossible. Though her body shook like a worm on a hook and a fever so strong rolled her eyes back into her head, cold sweat had already saturated her clothing, She pulled her body up and sat crouched with both hands digging into the earth fiercely. She clenched her teeth and tried not to bite down on her own tongue as the cold invasion to her body shook her violently from within. Her stomach lurched trying to purge what was inside from it but she got nothing but air. She finally exhaled for the first time and a strange grey mist poured from her mouth and her skull hurt. The tips of her ears hurt like someone had tied them to a run away wagon. Her teeth felt like someone was pulling them out of her head and her fingertips felt like someone was pulling out her fingernails with hot pokers. Téide wanted to scream but she had inhaled again, unable to exhale.

She braced herself on the ground and grabbing the soil under her nails into small tight balls within her fist she lurched again and managed to rumble from her throat a deep growl. The forest before her eyes was shadowed and white threads of the weave stretched out before her as her eyes glowed a bright iridescent green. A black shadow swallowed her from the inside and boomed outwards in an impulsion of black mist and scattered into the world beyond her. Released from the cold she collapsed forwards and laid there still conscious and bewildered. The pain was gone...just like that. She was free of it and even felt...better...healthier and her emotions were completely numbed like an anesthetic had been injected straight into her heart causing her to just feel completely numb to the pain....it was relieving not to feel anything at all. Her breathing regulated and after ten minutes or so she sat back up and saw the world around her with fresh sparkling green eyes. Every tree that had encircled the meadow for a 100 feet radius...were dead. Petrified to stone and the soil ashen-ed like it had been silenced by some horrible blight over the land. She had been that blight. Instead of feeling alarmed at the destruction on this part of wood she felt nothing, no remorse or care. Instead she looked at her hands. The veins were back down but she was covered in purple bruises. They were slender delicate hands and she felt her face, still her face but changed...the child-like features were gone and replaced with a delicately sculpted young woman's elegant features. Her ears that had hurt were longer and sharper than before. Her cheeks lost their pudginess and overall hr entire appearance though still herself seemed...older. Her curves slightly more pronounced but still thin. She was still the small heght but what surprised her was a prick on her lip and she felt a slightly elongated canine...small fangs? Barely see-able but there. A small frown crossed her face but it seemed obvious to her. Her powers as a mage were starting to awaken and the magic birthing was changing her. Téide realized now....she was going to need another teacher...before it developed past her control. There was no fighting it and she was wary from trying. She had to train as a sorcerer as soon as possible, or this wood would not be the only victim of her inability.

Getting up Téide dusted the soot from her clothes though impossible to be clean and headed back deeper into the wood to hide in her rock quarry. If anyone searched her out she could be found there.

Re: [ORP] Téide's Glade

Post by Teide »

Eventually Teide took some of the roses of Amladris' Rose Garden and planted them on the outside of her Rock Quarry and hollowed out the holes and cleaned it up. She planted a Herb garden to cultivate her own remedies and ingredients for her alchemy and apothecary.
She liked her roses, nightshade, belladonna and wolfsbane. Keeping a variety of flowers and herbs were a hobby of hers. She learned how to garden from him and she was rather good at it. The need to look after herself developed into research in curatives and ways to bandage her wounds. This lead to setting bones, brewing teas and anything to keep herself busy and learning new ways to take care of herself as Titus had taught her. Poisons came naturally and this interest was went well with gardening. She stayed more and more in the Abandoned Quarry and Old Mining Camp and post until she took permenant residence. She started with the entrance grooming it to her taste. She decided on a passage way she could guard well and set traps and wards to. It laid in the ruins of the former walls of the miners' lodge. She used an old shed and tried her best to make-shift it into a place to work outside with her garden.

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Yet nothing was more precious than the roses she transplanted from Amladris' garden, the Night Roses.


Over time the abandoned rock quarry, mine and guard's tower were transformed. Not on the surface for following the river you would see much the same on the surface besides a going deeper within you would see the garden and botany house. Underneath the real work was done...
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