Home of Lordblackhawk.

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Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Lordblackhawk (Lbh) arrives back at his first home in Cork.


'May not be much but I was a bit happy here.' he thinks.
Unlocking the door he enters and looks around.
He drops his possessions on the floor

and looks at the cold, empty fireplace.

Quickly as he can he starts a fire and soon it is going well.

Re: Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

After preparing a meal he sits and ponders over what has happened to his life.

'Tap, Tap'

Startled from his revere at the noise from the window he jumps up. Realising who it is he opens it.

A black hawk flies in.

Lbh shuts the window and sits back down.

Glancing at the hawk he says, "Okay Old One. I admit it. I was wrong and you were right."

The air shimmers with magic as the hawk transforms. Where a hawk was, now stands a hooded man.
Last edited by Lordblackhawk on Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

The Hooded Man speaks with a voice of ages.
"This I know, it was not your destiny to be the husband of that Lady. This I warned you of."
"Your destiny lies elsewhere. There is another, you have yet to meet her."
"That Lady, though of great magical powers, is not the one. She would have weakened your power."
"She would have taken from you the energy of the land to make herself stronger."

Lbh rises from his seat in anger, "She would never do anything like that!" he exclaims.

The Hooded Man holds up a hand. He stares at Lbh.


"Let me finish. It would not have been of her own free will but the power within her would have demanded it."
"I am glad that she has sought council in her teachings. They will know how to train the power, untrained she is capable of much damage to the land."
"For many centuries have I guided and instructed your family. They must always remain unknown. Staying out of sight, advising when needed but NEVER to interfere with the people. The land is what counts, without it, this world cannot exist."
"You are now ready to receive the legacy of your family. It is a heavy burden which is why the lady you take as your wife must be the ONE and no other."

Reaching into his cloak he takes out a rolled-up parchment and hands it to Lbh.

"Read it after I leave, it will explain all."

The Hooded Man pauses by the door and says "There are many futures I can see. In some you die, in others you remain unwed. In others you wed the wrong lady and in each of those futures the land perishes, but there is one thing which stands out."
"You wed the right lady and the land survives."

The Hooded Man leaves by the door.
Last edited by Lordblackhawk on Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:39 am, edited 3 times in total.

Re: Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Lbh watches as The Hooded Man leaves.
He hears a flapping of wings and knows the Hooded Man has departed.

Looking at the roll of parchment in his hands he flops down into the chair not knowing what to think.
Last edited by Lordblackhawk on Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Lbh unrolls the parchment.


It is blank!

Puzzled he turns it over, the other side is blank as well!

He holds it to the light. Sees nothing but parchment, no secret writing. Nothing!

As he sits staring at the parchment writing starts to appear!


It is a language he has never seen before but, somehow, he can read it.

{OOC - for those interested, the language I have used is a genuine RL language.}
Last edited by Lordblackhawk on Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

(The writing on the parchment.)

"To my Descendant. Greetings from the past.
What thou art about to read puts a great burden on thee.
'Tis a burden our family hast accepted and tis now thy turn."

Re: Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Lbh is stunned!

`Burden! What burden?` he thinks bewildered. `and who is this person.`
` Descendant? What do they mean by that? Me?`
`Descended from who?`

He reads on as more writing appears.

Re: Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

{OOC - for the sake of clarity I am writing the words in English (sort of ;) )}

(The writing on the parchment.)

"The burden thou hast to accept do be a great one. Thou wilt have council from our family Guardian.
Pay thee heed to his wise words for he hath been with us from the beginning.

In the beginning a great war, betwix those who desired the land for their own evil use and those who wanted humankind to make of it as they wanted, erupted.
This be the war of the `Elder Ones`.
The land was plunged into darkness as the battles waged, on this plane and on theirs. Neither side doth seem to hold sway for long. The balance of power swung from one to other as the years past.
Twas during this time that other races and creatures came into being and magic was created.

Tiring of this conflict they agreed that this land be left to do as it saw fit but with `Overseers` from each side.
This was to ensure that neither side would seek to dominate this world again.

We, our family hast been chosen to be the agents of the `Light`, to attend to this duty for as long as needed.

This then is the burden placed on thee.
We, (thou), must ne`er interfere in the affairs of the peoples of this world, thy only concern be for the land.
For us to do the Elders bidding we hath been given a great power.
The four elements, as thou knowst, are - Earth, Air, Fire and Water, there is fifth which is known only to us.
This fifth element is `Feaw`, tis a combine of all four and controls each.
Thou hast this power, given us by the Elders. Thy Guardian will instruct thee in its use.
Thou must ne`er use it but for good and ne`er against any peoples or creatures of this land.
`Twas given us to protect the land. Thou mayst use it for protection of thineself but only then.
Others will have magic powers also but only to one of the elements. Thy controls them all, so be not a tyrant and abuse the powers given for to go that way leads to the `DarkLords` and damnation.

Bewarest of the `BlackLords` and their minions, for they seek still to claim this land for their own.
Furthermore, thou hast to continue the family line. The power hast to be passed onto the next generation of mine family or else this land wilst once again fall into darkness.
There be only one that thou canst wed and thee will know her when thou dost meet with her.
She will give thee wise advice in the affairs of the peoples of this land.

Mine hopest that thou doth listens and heeds to these words from the ancient past, who-ever thou may be `descendant of mine`.
(The writing on the parchment ends.)

Lbh sits stunned at what he has just read.
Looking at the parchment he sees it is blank once again.

He sits and ponders on what he has just read, long into the night.

Re: Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

A flurry of wings, a knock at the door!

Lbh wakes with a jump!
He didnt realise he had fallen asleep.

Going to the door and opening it he sees the Hooded Man.
"Enter." Lbh says. "not your usual way of seeking admittance."

The Hooded Man enters and sits. He gestures towards the other chair.

"You have read the message, I take?" he utters as Lbh sits. "And accept the onus?" Lbh nods.

"Good, then let the training begin."
"Close your eyes and look."

Lbh says "How can I look with my eyes closed?"

"Use the power within you, boy." Hooded Man says.
Lbh is puzzled but does as requested.

Nothing happens, he is about to give up when suddenly he `sees` ribbons of colour streaming past!

He gasps in astonishment at the wonders before him.

Re: Home of Lordblackhawk.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

The Hooded Man says, "Tell me, what do you `see`?"

"Thousands of ribbons of colour," Lbh replies. "All flowing from the past towards the, is that the future? It is so vague there."

"Yes lad, that is the past, present and the future of this lands people." Hooded Man says. "But tell me, what colours do you `see`?"

Lbh replies, "Mostly blues, a few yellows, a green and a red."

"A RED!" exclaims the Hooded Man. "That is not good. How strong is it? And what about the green?"
"The yellow means that someone is using magic but that I know about. They are in a tower not far from here and using it for good."

Lbh concentrates on the colours. "The Red is faint but there, the green is strong."

Hooded Man replies "The Red is faint! good. The Green is the one you need to meet. She is the ONE for you."
"Can you find where she is? Concentrate hard, it is important."

Lbh struggles with his unused and new power. "I...I..cant..find..where." he gasps.
"You must boy. DO IT. NOW!" Hooded Man snarls.
Lbh forces himself to concentrate on the Green ribbon.
Suddenly! as if a barrier has broken he finds it easier to follow the Green ribbon.

"I know where she is!" he exclaims as he rises from his seat. "If she is the one then I have to go there. Now!"

The Hooded Man leans back in his seat and smiles.
"Easy lad, you have not mastered your powers yet. Not for quite a while but your future wife, that has to come first."
"Make preparations for your journey. Come tomorrow you must try again to find out where she is. For now, rest."

Lbh staggers towards his bed, feeling exhausted by the experience and falls asleep.
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