[RP] Dirty and Hungry

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: [RP] Dirty and Hungry

Post by Olive »

The clear, cold sky of impending winter shined bright through the cracks in small wooden shack. Olive yawned and stretched her muscles. Slowly, she tilted her head from side to side and delighted in the cracking noise of her neck. It'd been a few years since the imp had been to this realm and she delighted in having a minute to herself, stretching out the limbs of her true form.

Lazily, Olive pulled out a klah stem and crunched it between her teeth, contemplating her next actions. The last witch that had trapped her had her toiling away, growing herbs and grinding odds and ends for her remedies. It wasn't horrible really, much better than other masters, but Olive had a mind to have a bit of fun for a bit and vague memories of the taverns of Fenia had pulled her back once the witch had died without an heir.

Rather than don her old disguise, the imp decided to wait until dark and discover Fenia's current climate from the shadows.
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Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2020 6:28 pm

Re: [RP] Dirty and Hungry

Post by Olive »

It was almost like time had folded in on itself and in the blink of an eye it was nearly two years later. Fenia, it was always Fenia. At least her last tenure to a master was blessedly brief. Her first time to Fenia, she had donned the disguise of a 10 year old. But that was nearly 9 years ago now. Olive pondered the situation and wondered how it would be to try something different this time around. Maybe she would try something other than throwing rocks in windows and robbing gravesites, even that grew tedious and she had gotten lazy and trapped in mundane work before she knew it. Of course, she should have expected that having spent so much time gambling at the caravans.

Something about the darkness made her bold. No child this time, to just slip between the shadows. She decided to reflect her apparent age since she first set foot in this land. This time she would be 19. Yes, the imp would try something other than the ragamuffin route this time. Maybe it would keep her away from mundane toil for longer. She shrugged, or maybe not.
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