Only Human...Or Not

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Only Human...Or Not

Post by Amnestria »

Amnestria sat outside her house, looking up at the night sky. She had only been in Paz for less than a week, and already things were looking up. She was working on getting more items in the market, and was also running on the Bravia Council. She had made a few friends, and had discovered new things about herself. She was still unsure about what was going on, but it was all clear with the scales quickly taking over her body.

She sighed deeply and shook her head, recalling the conversation she had with Venn that night. It was a warm night, and the tavern was full of people, and several people had noticed her. August 16th will be a night she could never forget. She had approached Venn, hesitantly:

Amnestria looks up at the dragon, and hesitantly goes towards him. "Do you think you could help me?"
Venn glances back at the girl uncertain of whom she is speaking to as he blankly blinks." Are you talking to me, Lass..?"
Amnestria smiles sheepishly, and nods.
Amnestria: Yes. I am.
Venn tips his hat in regards to her as he nods to Isis for a moment
Venn: "How can I help you , M'Lady?"
Amnestria looks about, and then removes her hood, showing the red scales upon her face. "I was fine a few days ago. Yesterday I started getting patches of dry skin, and now...I am being covered in scales..."
Venn Gives the girl a look over as he eased his hat off with a dance over his fingers to place on the table as he leaned in slightly closer to the girl as he looked to her." May I touch for examination? I promise I won't do anything to make you flush." He finished with a earnest glow in his eyes as he questioned." Any other symptoms prior..? Each change is different."
Amnestria nods and steps closer to him. "Change?"
Venn gave his thumb a skim over the patch of growing scales as he chuckled as his own storm look nodded." Aye.. Lass can I ask, do ye know exactly what you are or are you still under the impression that you are normal?"
Amnestria: I thought I was pretty close to normal. But when you are an only can be hard to compare to others...and I was always a bit of a loner. I kept to myself. Reading, and going to this one cave near where I lived growing up...there was a dragon that lived there...I would go there every day....but yes...I thought I was normal.
Venn looked over her in curiousity as he raised a brow and gave the back of his neck another rub." Only child? Did your parents ever come off different or tell you things ye found to be odd in nature? You sought a dragon out each day in the depths of his own cave. Your a bold one." He'd mumble out as he fixated his look to her once more in growing uncertainty." Did the dragon ever offer ye anything or not.. Speak to ye as if ye were different than normal children ,Lass?" He'd question as he glanced at her scales
Amnestria chews on her lower lip trying to recall. "My parents never really had much to say to me. Except that I should spend time with children my age. The dragon never mentioned anything other than it was odd to have a little one come to visit him each day, but how he enjoyed the company. He said that it was lonely sometimes."
Venn would glance down and back up to the girl as he recollected upon his own past from centuries ago." Lass.. Dragons are known to hold no hatred over children at least the ones I've encountered. To us they are the vision of humanities innocence. That being said though.. The very scent of you alone defines what you are and you are not of human blood. I assume your parents were protecting ye but you weren't like those children.. Dragon development happens in your later teenage years and from what I can see that tis the case." He'd give a brush over the rough patch of skin." The first change will be the hardest to endure.. Ye have family and friends around here right?"
Amnestria shakes her head slightly. "You mean to tell me...that I am a dragon?"
Venn witnesses the denial in the girls look as he sighed heavily and side glanced." Lass... I hate to bare that news to ye but.. I'm not lying when I tell you that is what you are through and through.. Dragons can identify others and ye... Are clear as day one. This is just the start."
Amnestria shock ran across her face. With all her years spent studying dragons, and even hanging out with more than one...this was not something she had learned. This was not at all what was ever discussed in books, or with the others she had ran into over the years. "How can this be?"
Amnestria looks around the tavern, clearly scared. Of all the things to be scared of, this was the one thing that frightened her the most. Despite all the years dreaming she could fly, and be free like a dragon...She wiped the tears from her eyes. "I had dreams of being a dragon...but to learn that I am indeed one..." She pushed her hair out of her face. "This was never in any books...and never in any discussions I had with others..."
Venn would inhale sharply as he watched the frightened nature claim her features as her gaze swam with it as he loosened the unique cloth from his belt loop to offer to her to dry her tears." The situation is different for everyone. Take it from someone who had not a soul at his side until I awoke writhing in pain in my bed at the orphanage where nobody cared for my screams or me." He said in blunt memory as his look held eerie as her flaming locks seemingly spilled forth to be pushed back as he mumbled." Yer hair matches the color of what kind of dragon ye will be.." Venn finished with a genuine smile." Dreams can become reality unexpectedly.. At least you don't fear our kind." He chuckled before continuing." Books and conversations can never prepare one for the steps and pain that come from the change of becoming a matured dragon.. Do ye have any friends or family to stay with in this town.. You shouldn't be alone during this." He said in quick knowing as he kept his hand cupped behind his head,the extende
Amnestria accepts the cloth, and dries away the tears before handing it back to him. She shook her head no. "I have made a few friends, but I am still new to Paz. I have a place that is away from the town, so if I were to scream, no one would hear. And since I do not know how this change will change is probably best to be away from people. I do not want to hurt anyone." She smiled softly and ran her fingers through her strawberry blonde hair, though in this light, it would appear flaming red. For all she knew, her hair was probably brightening and changing to match the scales she now wore. "So I will be red like strawberries?" She said a little enthusiastically. She loved strawberries.
Venn gave an assuring smile to the girl as she dried away her tears that had come to stain her cheeks. His brow would give a slight move together as he shook his head a bit to the ideas she bared in mind." Trust me.. When I say you don't want to be alone , Lass. When you change it will be a time where you need support to understand this and what it is changing you into. Than..." He paused to think as he sighed in a low rumble." You will not go alone.. I-I offer to stay nearby to help.. When you shift you'll want someone there who can handle you. You will be rather large so destroying half the town wouldn't be in your best set of choices." He'd give a cheeky grin to her at the concept as if to calm her thoughts. His look would note the beautiful coloring of her strawberry locks that reminded him of the fields he'd see as a boy." I'd say ye will be as red as a strawberry.. Maybe as red as a raspberry. Now, there is the happy look we were looking fer lass." He said with a warm smile to her.

As she recalled the events and Venn's words, she frowned slightly. He had gone through this all alone, and no one had cared. Though she still thought it would be best to be alone, knowing that having some form of support was soothing. And the fact that it was another dragon, made it seem a lot easier to accept this change that was coming. If she ended up being alone, she was certain that she would not be strong enough. She would want to give up. If the pain was as great as Venn said it was for him, his eyes told all, then she knew she would want to give up.

Sighing once more she looked up at the sky, recalling her parents. How they acted towards each other and her. They had been rather strange. They were different from the other parents she had seen. They were distant, but were always watching her. She wondered if they were even her parents. She laughed and shook her head. That was a ridiculous notion. Of course they were her parents. They had raised her after all!

She sighed and ran her more human looking fingers over her other arm where the scales covered it completely. They were warm to the touch, warmer than what a normal human could withstand. She still wondered how much longer the full transformation would take. Venn had said it could take a couple of day to 3 weeks. She was not even sure if she was ready for this. Would she be strong enough? Will she be able to withstand the pain? How could her parents keep this from her? Why would they keep this from her? Would she be able to transform back and forth? From Human to Dragon at will, and with no pain?

Amnestria looked back up at the night sky, closing her eyes as the light night breeze blew through her hair, allowing peace to wash over her. She would be okay. She would make it through this. Venn would be nearby…

|Lady in Waiting to Queen Aishe||Rani Shanglo to Kralisi Aishe|

Re: Only Human...Or Not

Post by Venn »

Darkness held painted over the skies of the land as he presently stood in watch over the rolling hills. He’d give a slow breath as a light puff of smoke parted from the small movement. He’d let his silver hues flicker downwards as he recalled that evening earlier. The beautiful strawberry maiden is what he had come to call her in his own mind as he envisioned the moment she had drawn down her cloak hood to reveal the crimson nature of scales framing around her lips and eyes. The fear that held clasped in that look was an all but present familiar one as the vision of himself as a boy apparated in his mind as he cried out in the darkness of where he hid. Pained by what was happening to his body.. Uncertain of what he was becoming and why at that time in life he felt the most alone and misunderstood. Venn would give a slight sigh as the young man scratched the stubble of his beard in brief. She had told her tale and in her he felt a connection.. Understanding to her struggle as he felt the instant need to offer his guard and guidance to her if she willed it… And that she had.

In a fluid movement , he had suddenly made it to the ground as he stared out to the empty vast land that laid ahead as he recalled Amnestria’s instructions as his eyes began to glow brightly in that given moment. Smoke would consume his form as he suddenly shifted into the large formed and heavy set dragon as his feet would meet the ground in a heavy rumble. He’d all but give a shake to his large head as the intricate scales that held raised to his head swooshed back and forth to him as the crimson crystals sparked against the aqua blue tone of his scales as he gave a slight shake as he breathed in. His silver eyes swam in painted emotion of release to be in his true form as his nostrils gave a slight puff as smoke freed. He held no hesitation as he burst forth into the sky as a great gust of air breezed against the forest treeline as he let his mighty wings carry him forth over the woodland away from the city. The moonlight fell in soft glow to that of scales as they glistened like the purest of gems under the light. He would swoop downwards over the mountains as he dared to fly lowly as his wings would graze the river as it sent splashes to each given side of him. He would all but turn on his right side as his legs held close to his body as he round through the opening walls held between the mountains. Venn would soon straighten as he shot upwards into the night sky once more. His gaze would examine the lands as they would see ahead to spot the sight of Amnestria’s small cottage where puffs of smoke escaped the chimney and he’d sense the heat form of her sprawled outside watching the night sky. That alone left a hearty rumble to escape him as he came into her line of vision as he’d land heavily to the ground in the near distance from her. It was there , the vast dragon would begin to walk forth upon all fours as his wings tucked against his side as the smoke began to douse around him. As the cloud faded, a fully clothed form of him began to walk forward to her as he found himself instantly smile warmly over the sight of her laid out. Venn would come to a full halt before her as he glanced down with his hand extended down to her. Against the light gleaming out from her home and that of the moon she’d be able to see his warm smile and the glow of his silver hues.”I hope I didn’t give you too much of a scare.. Told you I was a bit large when I took to the sky.. Should have known you would be out here with the love you have for the outside.. Did I keep ye waiting to long, Amnestria?” He chuckled heartily as he held in mind that he had missed her already in such a short time apart for the mere reason.. She had been the one person he had found himself drawn to in his current time.

To one of his own kind.

He'd let himself ask away the question that lingered in his concern as he could tell the scales were worsening and that she had been scratching and worsening things as he kept the hand out to her."Are they bothering ye again..? Are your symptoms worsening at all since I last saw you this evening..?" He asked instantly as this had been among the other reasons he had chosen to find his way here tonight to her.

Dragon Form
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Re: Only Human...Or Not

Post by Amnestria »

Amnestria was laying in the grass, not too far from her little cottage, watching the skies. She grinned when she saw the dragon in the sky, and knew instantly that it was Venn. Just the sight of him made her forget her troubles, and the small amount of pain she was enduring with the scales. She sat up when he landed and watched as the moon shined upon his beautiful colored scales. She could feel a fire start within her once more as she watched this great being walk towards her and shift into his human form. She was glad to have met him with in the tavern, and was even happier that he was willing to help her. She knew there was a connection there, but it was strange to her.

She glanced down at her hands, both now covered with scales and her talons coming out. She blushed slightly and closed her eyes, calming her thoughts and trying to cool her body down so they would go away. She recalled his words from that night about talons and why they would come out.
"This is only the start.. Soon you'll be able to control when they come out and or not. Sometimes they will come out on instinct when your angry , saddened , jealous and I've seen those shift suddenly when their mates and or little ones are near. This is but a few things that you'll come to see this in."
Amnestria looked back up to him, and took his hand as she stood up.

"No, you did not scare me. I have spent my life around dragon, so size cannot frighten me. Though I have never seen a dragon with your coloring." She said softly, blushing once more. "I was not waiting long. Just enjoying the night air. I am glad you found this place with such ease."

Amnestria smiled warmly up at him. She was truly glad that he was here. She felt better and safer, as odd as that would sound, but it was the truth. She looked down at her hands and arms. More than half of her body was covered in the red scales. Her face nearly covered completely, except for around her right eye, but it would not be long before that too was covered. Her left eye was different, instead of the usual blue it had shifted to have a yellow and green coloring to it. The iris of that eye slowly moving to look more like a lizard's eye. She had yet to notice that change though. His question brought her out of her thoughts, and she looked back up at him.

"I can feel the fire growing hotter, and acid in my throat. The itching is becoming a tad unbearable, but with you here, I am able to forget those things." Amnestria blushed a bit, admitting to the last part, but he was so easy to be around. She was comfortable with him. He understood her on a level no one else would ever seem to understand. The books never talked about such things, how it was like to be close to a dragon, or just how much could possibly go on with a change. Though she found it easy to be around dragons, this feeling was different. A feeling she could yet explain. "I am glad you are here. Would you like some tea or brandy? I have whiskey as well, and some food laid out."

|Lady in Waiting to Queen Aishe||Rani Shanglo to Kralisi Aishe|

Re: Only Human...Or Not

Post by Venn »

His look held cooled against the nature of her own gaze over him as his smile remained marked with warmth over her.”I forget that you had a friend in a dragon during the youth of your younger years… Though I find doubt that I was larger than the Elder Dragon. My coloring though is a bit more unique.. Tis it is what I’ve been told a direct missing of whoever my parents were as Dragon Kin.. Don’t stare to long or ye may become to distracted..” He responded in a hearty chuckle of his own as he noted her blush and quickly glanced off to the side as he rubbed the back of his neck to stifle a blush from arising..”Well I just followed the directions you left me with and took the scenic route of things, Lass. ” He’d say in finish as he gave her a gentle tug upwards as he steadied her with his hands in a light brace to her arms as he stepped back in respect to meet her look again.

He let his look pass over the exposed inches of her body as he examined the crimson scales held in defined marking over her body. He would step forth and briefly rest the palm of his hand to the scales patched upon her forehead as the heat levels held apparent under his touch. His silver toned look would catch the reptilian look held to her left eye as it was mingled in yellow and green coloring. Beautiful.. Is what instantly came to his mind as it held in unified match to her human coloring as he spoke to her in a low whisper.”Your fever is beginning to rise higher than when I last saw you and your eyes.. They are already beginning to shift in signification that the change may arrive quicker than either of us expected. For now.. I want to make sure we can get you more comfortable, Amnestria.. Alright?” He said in lingered gentleness to her as his hand fell to that of his side as he began to walk alongside her up to the house that held a warm glow against the veil of night.

He found the heat instantly rise in defined mark to his cheeks as he cleared his throat slightly as his nervous tick came into effect where he’d rub the back of his neck. For him, in such a short matter of time he had found open comfort in being around her, that someone was willing to understand and look past the vast power he himself held to see the man within. His steel toned eyes sought hers in the moment to feel his eyes together soften as he smiled warm. His own feelings matched the same as her own.”I’m humbled.. Tis more flattered to know that I can bring you that comfort in these times to forget the pain.. The last thing I want to see is you hurting and alone, Lass.” Venn said in blunt honesty to her as in this time with her he had found the familiar comfort in his kind that he had long forgotten. But, that was not all that dwelled there and those feelings.. The ones that differed he didn’t truly know what to make of them himself. There was a pull to her and one he intended to decipher with time. He’d give a nod in response to her as he strode with ease behind her. He would give the door a close behind him as he found his seat at the table.”I think a well needed cup of some drink with a bite is needed for the both of us… But, ye need to get some water in your system to help quench the fire growing within. ” He said in knowing urge to her as he took advantage of pouring her a glass of water from the pitcher that held to the tabletop.  He soon extended it forward to her as she neared again.”Are you ready for all these changes to come.. I mean.. After the change your life will be vastly different. Might need to find you some more books at this rate eh?” He said in a tease to her as he’d grin in joking play to her to continue to keep her spirits lifted and the conversation light.
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Re: Only Human...Or Not

Post by Amnestria »

She could feel the warmth of his hand against hers, and truthfully, she did not want to let go. Strange how in a short amount of time she was having these feelings. She loved the way his voice carried over her. It was soothing and relaxing to say the least. Almost as distracting as his dragon colors. He was correct on that part, but she had not stared at them too long, yet she had wanted to reach out and touch him. She probably would have too, had he not changed back into his human form. Amnestria blushed deeply, her non-scaled face turning almost the same shade of red as her scales. It was not an impure thought, but still one that caused her to blush. She tried hiding her face a bit, by letting her hair fall down into her face, though she knew he would have seen it.

Soon he was examining her, and she gladly looked up at him, so that he could see the full effect that was going on. Her eyes closing for a split second as he touched her forehead, but something shiny had caught her eye. It had turned out to be his hand, the silver tone catching the moonlight just right. All too soon and his hand was at his side, his words washing over her. "So you believe the change could happen soon?" Her voice betrayed her nervousness, as she lead him to the house. "I know we do not know each other well, but I am happier in having met you." The words were true. She had looked forward to seeing him again, and was a bit anxious to the point where all she could do was cook and clean, and once she had finished the last strawberry pie, she had found herself relaxed enough to be outside starring up at the sky.

The cottage was fairly simple. A bedroom, living room, kitchen and dinning area, as well as a wash room. The majority of her walls had been converted into book shelves, so no matter where you were, there were several hundred books to choose from. Her favorite ones being placed in a little window nook. One could tell they were her favorites as the spines of the books indicated very well used, some even falling apart. The whiskey and brandy also sat upon the table. Amnestria went to the cabinet to grab two extra glasses, picking up a pan of roast on her way to the table. She set the roast down, along with the glasses before taking a seat, and the water.

"Thank you." She said before taking a sip, only to end up drink half of the glass in one go. She was thirstier than she had expected. "Go ahead and take what you want. There is plenty." She said nodding to the counters filled with pies, cookies, another roast, a bowl of potatoes, sauteed mushrooms and onions and peppers, and even a cake.

Amnestria found herself chewing on her lower lip as she thought about his question. Was she ready for this change? She was uncertain still. She did not know just how this change was going to effect her. She laughed softly about the more books. She would probably end up collecting even more than she currently had. Books had been all she had growing up, aside from the times she spent with the dragon she had ran into. "One can never have too many books." She said with a giggle, before turning a bit more serious. "I know a huge part of me is ready for this change. I am excited to know what it is like to fly, and be a dragon, but a small part of me is wondering just how much I will change...behavior wise. I know I will be more...uh what would the word be...passionate? than I am now, and of course I expect there to be some greediness, but what other changes? What else should I expect?" She asked, leaning forward a bit in her chair, pulling her feet underneath her bottom before taking another sip of water. The water did seem to be helping ease the fire burning within her, for now.

|Lady in Waiting to Queen Aishe||Rani Shanglo to Kralisi Aishe|

Re: Only Human...Or Not

Post by Venn »

Vennrion gave a nod of thanks to her in return for the spread of food he had laid out before them on the table. He’d ease up from his chair to gather several slice of roast with the sides of varied vegetables that held to the space of the counter. Within the moment, he was soon found returned to her side as he took the chair next Amnestria with a content smile as he took a quick bite of food.”Thank ye for the meal.. Kind of enough for you to feed this weary soul.” He answered in a brief chuckle as he stole another bite from his plate as she seemed to settle in with comfort.

He could see uncertainty filling her look currently to his questions that he had asked of her. Venn grinned broadly at the sound of her laughter spilling forth as it warmed his soul to see the glow come to take her lips in that moment.”Knowing you, you probably have some hidden troves in this cottage of books galore that I imagine you bury yourself away in at when your not huddled up outside.” He said with a grin taking control of his mouth as he swiped another bite from his plate as his gaze phased to a cooled expression within that very moment.”There is much to be expected from the change itself, Lass. You will face the challenges of learning to control your shifting and how to take flight… When around others of our dragon kin you will notice that perhaps you’ll be drawn to some. You may find within your time that of a mate.. Kindred souls. Than of course.. There is the ways of learning how to control your shifting and the abilities that come with it.. There is much to learn with our kind but I have faith you’ll manage it well enough.” He said confidently to her in the moment as he took a slowed sip from his glass of brandy. Venn would shift his silver hues over as she seemed to cool as he cleared his throat and watched her as he felt the peace calm in his soul as he placed a hand over hers in the moment.”Do you have any questions you wish to ask of me over it all? After this many years I’m sure I can answer most questions you may have in mind.” He said honestly to her as he met her look in await to what she may have to ask of him.
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Re: Only Human...Or Not

Post by Amnestria »

"I have collected many books in my travels here. Some I had when I lived in that community growing up. I am unsure of actual treasures, but some are very dear to me, which make them priceless to me." Amnestria said as she fixed herself a plate as well. "Many are well worn and falling apart, but I have a hard time with either replacing them, or not reading them. Most are about dragon kin. Fantasies, and non-fantasies." Once her plate was filled she returned to his side, taking a bite of peppers and mushrooms. "I enjoy reading greatly, and have been known to sit outside with a decent book in hand. During the colder month I am curled near the hearth, with a blanket and some hot tea. On rainy days, I sit in that window to read." She pointed towards the little window nook she had.

"It is peaceful out here, and my nearest neighbor is a few hundred miles away. Makes for the perfect little cozy place. Though I fear of what will happen if I were to change here within the house. I would have to rebuild it if I am to be as large are you are." Amnestria laughed softly before taking a bite of the roast. The food tasted better than she had thought it would. She was a pretty good cook, but this time she had outdone herself. Or so she thought.

She took a drink of her water as she thought of some questions to ask. What else was there to ask? She looked up at him, the silver in his eyes distracting her for a brief moment from her thoughts. Her breath catching slightly in her throat as she watched him. He was so amazing to her, and gentle. She blushed deeply when his hand found hers. She wondered if perhaps he had read her thoughts, but that was impossible...She looked down at her plate and took another bite, before speaking again.

"Will you stay and teach me? I am not so sure the other dragons are too keen on having another around. Balerion, he of course is probably indifferent, but I know him to be rather busy...The other two I have met since being here...well one seems colder than ice, and the other is just...well a bit strange. He said I smelled weird...Whatever that is to mean." Laughing slightly, she looked up at him once more. She enjoyed his company far too much, and truthfully, she did not want the others to teach her. Balerion might have been a decent teacher, but something was stirring inside of her, an unknown feeling..However she knew she wanted Venn there with her. She wanted him to teach her everything he knew.

|Lady in Waiting to Queen Aishe||Rani Shanglo to Kralisi Aishe|
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