[ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

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[ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Lexi »

It was still dark out, although the sky would soon be in the early stages of dawn, bringing with it a hint of light in the East. Lexi lay in her bed, blankets pulled up to her chin, listening to the patter of rain against the window. It sounded much like someone was throwing tiny stones at the glass, every now and then increasing in intensity as a gust of wind blew the raindrops hard against the panes. April days, and apparently the nights too, were often much the same. Dry one moment and a deluge the next. She shuffled over onto her side to face the window. The worn drapes were already open. It was rare she closed them. At night when she could not sleep, she would look out at the stars, twinkling brightly against the black void of the night sky. Last night had been one of many such nights like that she had experienced of late. She had tossed and turned restlessly for what felt like hours, an endless cycle of thoughts in her mind refusing to cease.

She knew there would be no more rest for her this night, and with a frustrated sigh she threw back the covers and perched on the edge of the four postered bed, shivering slightly as the chill of the air assaulted her skin. The bed was an old piece of furniture, past it's best and much like the rest in her small cottage. She had inherited most of what she had from the couple who had raised her from being a small child, after being separated from her biological parents whose identities, until recently, had been unknown to her, although in truth her father still had no name other than The Poet.

Rising, she began to cross the small chamber to where a heavy woollen shawl was draped over a rather drab looking chair. She winced as she put her full weight on her right foot, a reminder of the self-inflicted injury sustained to her big toe the previous week. The skin of the toe, and up the inside of her foot, had turned a delightful shade of purple the day after she had kicked the wall of her hallway in a mildly drunken temper, having returned from Mysts tavern one night feeling slightly inebriated. She shook her head. That was not an evening she cared to remember, although it was unfortunately linked to her current inability to sleep at night, at least in part. Frowning, she drew the shawl around her shoulders and made her way to the lower level of the house. The room in which she slept was one of only two on the upper level of the cottage and was accessed by a narrow flight of stairs from the main hallway.

In the kitchen fire pit, the tiniest hint of an ember still clung to life, evidence of the lateness of hour she had remained up the previous evening. Adding some kindling to the pit, she blew gently, the ember cautiously glowing brighter with each puff until the kindling began to smoke and small flames licked at the wooden sticks. Satisfied, she added some coals and hung a small pot of water above the heat to boil, and set about hobbling around the small kitchen preparing a brew of tea.

Steaming mug in hand, she swung open the back door of the property and leaned against the frame, resting her head upon the wood and nestling the mug between her palms, allowing the heat to warm them. Her hair was tangled. It fell in knots over her shoulders and down her back, evidence of excessively fidgeting the previous night. She closed her eyes and sighed, listening to the rain that still fell. She had much to think about, important things to consider and a decision to make.

Re: [ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Lexi »

A week had passed, and Lexi was finally thinking with a clear head. The decision that had plagued her thoughts had been made, and while it was not the one she had anticipated making after everything that had happened, she knew it was the right one by the smile she often wore for no specific reason. Her toe still ached a little now and then, but it was no longer painful to walk on and the bruising had begun to go down, turning a sickly yellow colour. She was beginning to develop cabin fever, having been unable to venture much further than her garden due to the injury to her foot, but now it was well on it's way to healing she was itching to get out in the open again.

She had always had a preference for the outdoors. As a child she had spent as much time as she could outside, loving to run barefoot through the fields, exploring the woods or swimming in the lake. Those desires had never left her even as she had matured into adulthood, and now as a 25 year old woman those loves remained, although she walked more than she ran these days.

The day was bright. The sun at a level in the azure sky indicating it was somewhere around mid-morning. Unable to bear her own four walls a moment longer, Lexi sprung into action. She kept a small basket in one corner of her small kitchen, and she filled it now with the bread that had been baking as dawn had broken, along with a small piece of cheese, two apples and a skin of wine. She was garbed in a pale green dress fitted at the bodice, with 3/4 length sleeves trimmed with lace that also adorned the scooped neckline. Draping a lightweight cloak across her arm, she gathered the basket and headed out the back door into the sunshine.

Squinting her eyes against the glare, Lexi exited her garden via a rickety gate and began to cross the fields behind her cottage, making her way to the only place she could possibly consider being on a day like this. The lake.

Re: [ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Lexi »

The sun had reached it's midday position in the sky and beat down on the earth below, it's rays scorching the dry ground. Lexi stood ankle deep in the crystal waters of the lake, the skirts of her dress hitched up around her knees. Her thick chocolate brown hair was pulled gently back from her face, ornate combs holding the locks in place at her crown, before cascading in waves down her back almost to her waist. A gentle breeze drifted across the land, tugging whisps of hair free from the combs to float around her face. The only sounds were those of nature; the sweet song of birds in the trees, the breeze whispering through the leaves, ripples and bubbles on the lake from the fishes that briefly broke the relative calm of the surface, the gentle sounds of the water lapping at her ankles.

Eyes closed, she tilted her face to the sky and allowed her mind to wander, recalling all that had transpired over the last few weeks, changing her forever. Though things were complicated and uncertain, she would not change a moment of it, even if it were to cease tomorrow.

Snapping back to reality, Lexi stepped from the cool water, leaving petite footprints in the sandy banks. She settled herself down on the soft mossy grass and poured some of the wine from the skin into a small goblet she had packed. Hugging her knees to her body with one arm, she sipped the wine and closed her eyes, savouring the peace of her surroundings.

Re: [ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Lexi »

Hearing something in the trees close behind her, Lexi's eyes flew open and she twisted her body around in an attempt to locate the source of the sound. Having been sat with her eyes closed for a prolonged length of time, the sudden brightness made it difficult for her to see, and she squinted her eyes against the harsh glare, raising her hand to shield her face from the sun. As her vision adjusted, she noticed a figure standing only a short distance away, just within the break of the trees. She could not see his face, for it was hidden beneath a black hood pulled low to obscure his features. A knot of unease began to form in her stomach. The black clad figure remained in his position, yet it was clear his attention was fixed solely upon her, for there was no one else around. That thought made Lexi acutely aware of the potential danger she was in, and she felt an increasing sense of vulnerability.

She rose to her feet and stared at the figure in the shadows. She had taken but one step back before he moved. So swift was his action, that she barely had time to turn in an attempt to run before he had grabbed her roughly by the waist, trapping her arms at her sides, whilst clamping his other hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. She wriggled and fought, but his strength easily outmatched hers. "Be still, wench," he commanded, shaking her roughly. His tone conveyed the threat behind the command, and she stilled save for the trembling which she could not control. Her mind raced, trying to think of ways she could free herself and escape the situation she had found herself in. She had never undertaken any form of combat training, and had little by way of bodily strength, so knew her options were limited, if there were any at all. "Now, let's see what you got for me, eh M'Lady?" His last word was mocking, and she trembled once more, fearful of his intentions. He relaxed his grip around her waist while keeping his hand clamped firmly over her mouth, and began to run his hand over her form, feeling for a hidden purse.

She tensed for a moment before adrenaline kicked in, and she lifted her foot to thrust it backwards, jabbing her heel into his shin. The man cursed. She had hoped the action would cause him to release her, enabling her to flee. Instead she found herself thrown heavily to the ground, and the wind was momentarily knocked from her lungs. Her assailant loomed over her, and his booted foot made forceful contact with her flank as he lashed out at her. She cried out as pain shot through her side, her hand instinctively covering the area in an attempt to ward off a further attack. She lay stunned while the hooded figure rifled through her belongings, speaking profanities when naught of value could be found. He turned his attention to her, shadowed eyes glaring at her from beneath the hood. "What'm I do you with ye then, since there's naught of value among this lot?" he asked tauntingly, carelessly kicking at the items on the ground.

Panic seized her, constricting her chest and squeezing the very air from her lungs. She tried to shuffle away, each movement causing pain in her ribs. The man grabbed her harshly by the wrist "You ain't goin' nowhere," he growled. She lashed out with her free hand, her fingernails scraping down his cheek. "You'll pay for that....." He ended the sentence with a most uncivilised word, before back-handing her brutally across her cheek. The force of the blow cause her head to whip to one side, and she tasted blood in her mouth and momentarily saw stars. He was sat atop her now, crushing her chest and abdomen beneath his weight. She feared for what may come next, knowing any attempt at fighting him off would be futile, and she inwardly cursed her slight, weak, female frame. Tears stung her eyes, as she awaited whatever fate had in store for her as he reached out to grip her throat.

Re: [ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Alexa »

Months later....

A thick layer of dust coated every visible surface, and the hem of her heavy travelling skirt and cloak acted as a broom as she slowly passed from room to room, leaving a path through the dust on the floor behind her. Much time had passed since she had been here. Following the attack she had fled, feeling too ashamed to allow anyone to know what had transpired. She had left her sister, and another, without any word or explanation. She doubted either would forgive her, nor did she deserve it.

It had never been her intention to return to Fenia, yet here she was six months after her departure, standing in the shambles that was her old home. She shivered, in part from the cold and in part from the memories the building evoked. The frigid air of winter enveloped the property, and she pulled her cloak tighter around her slight frame. She would not stay in this place. Should she remain, she would need a place to make a new start. Before the bleakness surrounding her had a chance to smother her, she stalked from cottage, a new sense of determination in her step.

Re: [ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Alexa »

Life had changed quite significantly for Alexa since her return to Fenia. She had settled into a quaint little house on the outskirts of the town, not far from the Castle, growing wheat and vegetables on a large patch of land behind her home. She had also found work as a maid at the Castle, and spent several days during the week assisting in the general up-keep. It meant she was busy, but she preferred it that way. She liked to be active, and it kept her out of trouble...most of the time.

She missed her sister. Aida had been gone when she had arrived back in Fenia, and no one seemed to know where she had gone, and indeed if or when she would return. It seemed likely that she would not. There had been so much she had still to learn; about her family, about herself. Aida had opened her up to the knowledge that it was likely she possessed some form of abilities, similar to those Aida herself had developed, but time had not allowed her to discover more and she feared such information was now lost to her unless her sister returned to guide her. She had pondered searching for documentation or evidence back at Grimstad House, but since she didn't really know what she would be looking for, she had yet to venture there.

On top of that, she was still trying to figure out the powers gifted to her by Nocturne when she had visited Bravia. She had a great deal of training ahead of her in order to control and possibly even enhance what she now had, but for the time being it would have to take a back seat for there were other, more important things occupying her mind at present.

Re: [ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Varann »

there was a tapping at the window and a little caw. it could see the lady it was supposed to deliver the letter to through the window. a letter sealed with the sign of the Three Eyes. he keeps on cawing getting a little louder each time

his creator was going to be in the city for a few days on business and was hoping that the lady would be free so that they could talk and spend time together. so had sent him a head with this annoying papery thing attached to his leg. all he wanted to do was peck at it, but the last time he did that his creator got really mad at him and well now he puts up with it. still at least this place is pretty.

Re: [ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Alexa »

Lexi was busy in the kitchen peeling and chopping vegetables to add to the stew she was preparing for her meal that evening. The sound of tapping and cawing at the window startled her, and she dropped the knife, cutting her thumb in the process. "Ouch," she said, frowning at the blood that slowly blossomed on the small wound, and instinctively put the digit in her mouth while leaning over the sink to unhook the latch on the window and push it open.

She had immediately recognised Varann's bird-like creation, having been introduced to it a little while ago in the Mysts, and wondered what he was doing at her cottage. The little creature hopped onto the window sill, presenting a leg to her around which was bound what appeared to be a note. Carefully detaching the note and unravelling it, careful to keep her bleeding thumb away from the parchment, Lexi read the contents and a smile lit up her face. The best she could find on which to respond was a scrappy piece of parchment, but it would have to do. She scrawled a response, indicating she would indeed be free to spend some time with xer, and carefully bound it to the creatures leg. He did not seem too happy about this, but made no move to stop her. "Can you take this back to Varann for me?" she asked, feeling quite certain he would be returning to Varann wherever xie was at that particular time. The bird-like creature hopped back outside, and with a final caw, disappeared.

Lexi was filled with excitement. Varann would be the first person to visit her and see her new home since her return to Fenia, and she was looking forward to spending some time with her friend. With a grin, she bound her thumb and returned to preparing her dinner.

Re: [ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Alexa »

Alexa sat on the step of her back porch looking out over her plot of land, the crops just beginning to peak their heads up from the ground again after their recent harvest. Spring was upon them finally. The snows had thawed, and the days were gradually becoming longer and milder at last, although occasionally Mother Nature surprised them with a chilly day.

She sighed. She was bored. Her life was quiet, too quiet. Nothing exciting ever happened, and no one came to visit. Nor was she able to spend much time with her love. He was often busy, and their meetings were brief at best. She frowned. Was that really what she wanted for the rest of her life? She didn't think so. What made matters worse was having no one to talk to about it. She sighed again, her chest rising and falling in an exaggerated fashion. Resting her chin in her hands, elbows on her knees, her shoulders sagged.

The sun had begun to set over the land, and the sky was painted with beautiful shades of reds and yellows. The evening air was cool but not cold. She wore a light shawl around her shoulders, and pulled the fabric around her just a little more as her mind wandered.

Re: [ORP] A Life Less Ordinary...

Post by Varann »

((sorry about the delay Rl has been bit of a killer for me))

smiling a strange smile varann walked down the path to Alexa's place hoping she'd forgive the delayed arrival. xer business took longer then she though it would but now that it was done she was ready to finally settle down and get to planning xer trip with Alexa. after all xie did promise to teach her some medicines as well.

not that it meant xie couldn't plan a few surprises as well. one of which lay carefully wrapped in a silk cloth in xer bag and was the main reason for the delay in xer visit.

as xie approached xie used xer staff to knock on Alex's door and enjoyed the spring air while xie waited
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