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Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:39 am
by Texas_Knight
He was listening to her heart and feeling her touch. Her soft hands on his fur, her quickening heartbeat, her fear, her trust, everything about her. He could sense all of it. When she told him she loved him he wanted to jump for joy, but he licked her face twice, once on each side. "I love.... you too.. Nikola" he said as he looked in her windows to her soul.

They stayed like that for several minutes until he heard a howl on the air from something that wasn't him. He had somewhat anticipated the event since he was outside, he simply closed his eyes and concentrated on Nikola. Her scent, her touch, the way her heart beat. He was with her and nothing would pull him away.

When he opened his eyes he smiled at seeing her face. He stood to his full height and stretched out his arms to her.
"Would you like... to go in.. now?" He wasn't sure about her people's reactions if he were to go up there in this form. He would leave that decision up to her because obviously she knew them much better than he did. He didn't want to be carrying her up there and suddenly get attacked by Ben or any of the others.

Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 3:40 pm
by Nikola
As he reached out for her, the bond she shared with Vaelen quickened in her mind, alerting her that he had sensed her reaction and was concerned. Although they could not communicate using speech through the bond, they shared a sense of feeling, of presence, and of location. She knew the moment he touched the bond that he was alone in his throne room and that he was alarmed by what he had felt from her through the bond. She had nearly forgotten the bond, as they had both learned to keep it in the background most of the time. She knew he was ready to call Zhaneth and his warriors to ride to her aid if she gave even the smallest hint of being in trouble.

“Hold a moment,” she whispered to TK and closed her eyes to concentrate. She needed to somehow calm her beating heart and send assurances through the bond to her grandfather. It would not do for Zhaneth to come charging out of a way point to attack the creature she was falling in love with. She concentrated on calming her heartbeat and sending a feeling of peace and happiness through the bond until she felt Vaelen relax. Feelings of gratitude poured from her into the bond as she realized how ready he was to defend her at a moment’s notice. Only after she was sure he was satisfied that she was safe, and the potency of his presence faded, did she open her eyes again.

Peering up at TK, and seeing concern in his wild eyes, she rose to her feet, trying to think how to explain what had just happened.
“I am fine, my love,” she assured him. “We were nearly overrun by fierce sidhe warriors prepared to protect me.” She gave him an embarrassed grin. “My grandfather…well, to be accurate, he’s my several times great grandfather, but it’s easier just to call him Grandfather. Anyway, he is…” she hesitated, not quite sure how to explain that she was related to an elven king, then shrugged and continued. “He is an elven lord…a king, I guess in our terms…and we share a bond. I think the creation of it was accidental, but he sensed my reaction and was ready to send aid if I was in trouble. I had to reassure him that all was well, else we’d have been under attack very soon and I did not want any of you to get hurt.” She checked the bond again, just to be sure, and relaxed. “I think he is convinced that I am fine. I will need to inform him about you soon, though. I…” she hesitated again and shook her head. “…I have not spoken with him in some time now. I am certain he has spies to keep watch over me, but if he can sense my reaction to your change, he probably needs to know about you. About us.”

She placed a hand in his paw and moved closer to him, breathing in the wild scent of him. She sensed that he was in control of the lycan, but that it was not an easy task for him. “Can we just stay out here for awhile? Unless it becomes too much of a struggle. I am not exactly sure how my folk will react, and I would hate for any of them to distrust you because we surprised them. Perhaps it might be better to prepare them first. Besides,” she grinned as she reached up to stroke his muzzle again, “I like having you all to myself.”

Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:04 pm
by Texas_Knight
TK waited and saw her expression change a few times before she spoke to him once again. He knew the Elven folk lived for a very long time, and he knew the Sidhe were elven. But he was not aware that they could share a bond that passed such great distances. It was foreign to him, but it intrigued him and he wanted to learn more. Part of his curious nature.

He could see how a lycan would be taken if her warriors came to her rescue. Things could get a bit... nasty. And against a horde of warriors it wouldn't be a battle he could win, and he was sure no mercy would be given if he were attacked by them.

"Thank you, my love. I would ...hate to be.... attacked by... your warriors. That would... be messy." He liked her suggestion of staying out here a while and sat down next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and inhaled her scent. It was intoxicating even more so in this form since his sense of smell was as sharp as his hearing.

As the final bits of sunlight faded and the darkness of the night took complete hold his eyes and ears were on full alert. He could see small animals in the dark and he could hear the leaves rustle. No threats, no worries, just the sounds of the night and the feel of her against him. It was almost perfect.

The thought that he had nagging him was if her people would accept him as her mate. What if they didn't? What would happen then? He pushed those thoughts aside and decided that they didn't matter right now and would be addressed if they needed to be. He hoped it was just needless nerves on his part.

Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:53 pm
by Nikola
She leaned into his arms, her back against his chest. Her sense of smell could not begin to compare with his, but the wildness in his scent was compelling, and still drew her on some primal level. She had never felt such a stirring in her before and it had nothing to do with the power that constantly pulsated within her, seemingly just below the surface. She rested her head back against his shoulder and covered his arms with hers, cupping her fingers around his great paws as he held her.

She listened to the quiet sounds of the night settling around them, wondering whether he heard the sounds any differently in this form. A thought occurred to her and she pondered on it for a few moments before speaking.
“TK, can you teach me how to hunt in this form? I mean I know I can’t change my form to match yours. Would that I could, for I think we would have great fun together, but I wonder whether in this form you could teach me to recognize sights, sounds and smells that would help me to become a better hunter or tracker.”

She looked up at him and withdrew one hand from his to reach up and stroke his muzzle. “You are magnificent, TK,” she whispered, feeling her heartbeat quicken as that primal instinct stirred deep within her.

Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:48 am
by Texas_Knight
TK listened and pondered a while. He heard Some large creature in the woods, probably a bear by the way it's soft steps were still heavy. It was a safe distance off and may have had its young with it. They were of no mention as they were not a threat. Finally, after a long while he spoke.

"My dear, ..I could teach.... you to hunt.... in this form. There are ways... to see trails,.... markings on trees..., droppings, even... hairs that will... help you ....recognize a certain... direction, or... type of beast." He went over what she said again in his mind and closed his eyes to take a deep breath before speaking again. He enjoyed the feeling of her hand on his muzzle, he could hear her heartbeat quicken, he could hear her breathing catch and then continue.

He calmed his own nerves as he could feel the control slipping for just a minute moment. And then he spoke "Nikola," he spoke her name because what he was about to say was probably the most absurd thing she'd ever heard, but it was possible, and he wanted to get her attention "there is ... a way for you... to change forms." He paused again to let that be heard, to sink in, and for her to understand that it was possible. "It would... mean a change... in your... blood. I do not.... know... how your family.... would accept... that though." He wanted her to know the dangers, and not just those associated with regular folk, but with her own Sidhe people. Lycans and Orcs had a very tense relationship with the Elvenfolk. History had been a cruel example. From being hunted to being the hunters, both had shared in the events. It would be a huge change. They hadn't even met him, and that would be a first requirement he though. But in the end it was a decision that only she would have to make. A request she would have to beg to have. He left that there, just hanging in the air. If she wanted to know more, she would have to ask. He wasn't going to push the subject. He believed that deep down she knew there was a way, but unless she'd done some research there was no way for her to know the process and the time that the way took.

Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 2:21 pm
by Nikola
She watched him as he spoke, wanting to see through his eyes into his very soul if she could. She nodded with a hopeful smile on her lips as he told her that he could teach her to hunt in his lycan form. That, she thought to herself, would be very advantageous. She might be a noble, and a member of the King’s privy, but she was more than that, and nature’s call on her was strong. She had much to learn, she knew, but if she could learn from a lycan, that would be amazing. And not any lycan, but one she loved, and whom she believed loved her.

He paused and she sensed the struggle he was waging to maintain control. She was about to suggest that he return to his orc form when he spoke again. His words took her breath away. He knew of a way for her to be able to change forms? Her heart nearly stopped as the realization of what he probably meant washed over her. Although her first inclination was to do it and do it now, she realized as he spoke of her family that he spoke true.

She let out a breath she had not realized she had been holding and closed her eyes to think. She found it difficult to concentrate on anything but him and the primal desires arising in her when she looked at him in this form. When she opened her eyes again, she leaned in to kiss his muzzle and then shifted to lean her back against his chest, pulling his great paws around her waist. If she continued to gaze into his eyes, she would lose herself, she knew, and now was not yet the time for that.

“Tell me more, please,” she asked simply, her mind awhirl with memories of legends told in whispers to young children to frighten them into not going out on a night with a full moon. She thought of her grand sire, as well, and imagined his disapproval of her choice of mate. She would need to go to him soon, she realized, and answer to him for her choices. If he did not outright disown her, then there would be the presentation of her chosen mate to him and by extension, the Sidhe court. She did not think that would go well, but TK was her choice. The court would never approve of her anyway, due to her human blood and appearance, she reasoned, so the only one who would actually matter would be Vaelen. And perhaps Zhaneth. She quieted her mind as best she could and waited for whatever TK would be willing to share with her.

Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:39 pm
by Texas_Knight
TK smiles and nods. "I shall tell anything you wish.... to know. But I must.... not remain in this..... form in doing so."
They separate and he stands, walks to the water and makes the change back to his Orcish form. He walks back to the spot where they were and takes her face in both his hand, locking eyes with her. "Let us sit and I shall tell you how to become a Lycan." As they retake his seat, he leans back against the tree, his look becoming far off, and the night became very still.
He speaks in a somber, low voice:
"Becoming a lycan is not a simple task. Often the steps and stages one goes through depend on the type of lycan that "infects" you. Born lycans become, while other Lycans are fostered. I shall explain the differences in the two types.

Born Lycans are the most common Lycanthrope. Natural born Lycans can come from either two lycan parents, or one lycan parent and a carrier. There are a very small number of recorded births of Lycans with one Lycan parent or Carrier and a mundane human, however this is extremely rare.

Lycans are born in human form, and remain in this form until they reach the 'age of becoming' which can be anywhere from 13 to 16. Often this is a family trait, some becoming early others late. It is nearly unheard of for someone to become after the age of 16. If they have yet to change, they are often simply a carrier of the trait. Adults that have not Become, will never shift. Carriers do not have Lycan powers.

When someone is infected by a Lycan it is called "Fostering". This can happen through a bite, the exchange of blood directly into the system. The trait, for unknown reasons, cannot be passed on through a kiss. The 'infection' of a non-lycan into the culture is called 'Fostering'. This is the most commonly seen way that a lycan comes into existing, few outside of lycans themselves know of the lineage behind the 'curse'.

Myths have tainted the idea of Lycans and how one becomes fostered. The idea that anyone and everyone that is bitten, scratched, or sleeps with a Lycan changes is completely untrue, as you probably already know. Should someone be bitten there are several things that can happen.

The victim can be infected.
The victim's body fights off the infection and remains uninfected.
The victim shows no outward signs of infection but carries the 'Trait', spreading it. (Very rare)
The victim is infected with moon madness - an illness that affects them mentally on the three nights of the full moon. They suffer powerful, almost violent mood swings, a deep hunger for meat, and an unexplainable need to be beneath the moons rays. Eventually this can lead to the victim's death as they grow more and more ill. This is also very rare.
The victim will be transformed into a Lycan if they survive the process.

If a "victim" is bitten by a Hybrid, or an Alpha, they will either change, or die from the process. There is no resisting the "infection".

Steps of the Transformation are painful and time consuming. It is not an overnight process.

After Infection, the lycan will notice a change in their body structure. Their muscles will begin to harden, creating a firmer body. This is the process where the body is beginning to prepare itself for the shifting periods ahead. The lycan will be sick less often, and will experience a great deal of energy and calm emotions. This can take almost no time and be very painful. Or it can take a month and only be mildly painful. But the structure of your body changes from the bones and that will be painful.

As lycanthropy works its way through the system, the lycan will begin to notice that his/her strength has enhanced, only slightly so, making things such as handling glassware, and other breakable things more difficult until they learn to better control this strength. The lycan will also begin to notice a change in his/her senses. They will become more sensitive, making the smallest noise seem louder than expected, the brightest light seem blinding, and the lightest smell seem potent. This at first can seem very nerve-racking and overwhelming to the lycan as it begins suddenly and without warning.

It is now that the truth becomes clear. The lycan will begin to have dreams of killing those they care for, or witnessing the murders. Often they will not remember the face of the killer, or, they will totally block most of the things from their mind once they awaken. The lycan will begin to notice a change in their sleeping habits, becoming sleepy during the day (not enough to be to life altering), and very active at night, as well as other sudden changes. These may be noticed by others around them as well. Change in sleeping habits, diet. They would now prefer meat over any other, and wish it rare, very rare. Also, candy and sweets become appalling to them. Mood swings. The calm has worn away, and they are now reaching a very irritable stage in their development. Everything gets on their nerves. They may also start fights easily. Rush of energy in cool weather. This is due to the rise in body temperature and the animal within them.

The last step in the process is being completely Lycan. The lycan is now fully formed. HOWEVER, they will have a very hard time controlling this for a while. Unlike legend lycans can shift on non-full moon nights as well. This is a dangerous time in the life of a lycan. They are unable to control their changings. They will change at the smell of blood, raw meat, sex, fighting, or anything that makes them mad. This is where having a teacher of sorts is extremely important. Those transformed by an Alpha or Hybrid will have some of the same traits such as speech while in Lycan form, and the ability to change only parts of their body."

Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 8:38 pm
by Nikola
Nikola watched as he padded off to the water’s edge. When he returned, he was back to his orcish form which, while not human, was closer to her own than the lycan. Why the lycan excited her as it did, she did not understand, but she felt safe with him, even in that form.

She nodded mutely as he explained that they should sit together, and he would explain to her how one could become a lycan. She settled onto the ground facing him as he leaned with his back against the tree and began.

Nikola listened carefully, watching his eyes as he spoke. The information he shared was new to her. She had known virtually nothing about lycans other than the tales people told to frighten children. Then she had met TK and at first his lycan form had been frightening to her, yet she had always sensed him inside the form and as they had grown closer, she had changed how she viewed that form. No longer fearful, yet she did respect the struggle he endured to keep his wilder tendencies at bay when he was around her. Lately, she had felt herself uncharacteristically drawn to that form and tonight something primal had called to her. That, too, was new, although it could simply be her growing attachment to him and familiarity with him that was affecting the power inside her. She honestly did not know.

Now she had a better understanding of what he endured, and what it must cost him to change to his lycan form without losing himself to it. When he finally came to a stopping point she remained silent for a time, still absorbing what he had just told her. The question foremost in her mind was the first she asked.

“You are an Alpha, aren’t you? Or a Hybrid? I can’t decide which.”

Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:55 am
by Texas_Knight
Lycan.. Alpha or Hybrid.. The question caught him a bit off guard. Of all the questions he thought she would have, that was the one that he never thought she'd ask. He smiled and chuckled to himself. That was the easiest question to answer of almost any she could have asked. He looks at her with a smile and sits down beside her. "I am both an Alpha, and a Hybrid, a very rare occurrence, and only happens in full-blooded lycans. I have been doing alot of researching and there's something I'd like to show you. It may work, it may not, but I think you will like it more if it does. Would you like to see?"

Re: [ORP] Firestorm Manor

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:27 pm
by Nikola
She searched his eyes as he answered her question, which raised another but before she could ask, he offered to show her something. Not sure what he had in mind, she hesitated only a moment before nodding her assent. She trusted him completely and knew he would never trick her into doing anything life changing that she was not prepared to do.