(ORP) Rambling and Grumbling

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(ORP) Rambling and Grumbling

Post by Adamus »

Badger Adamus waddled along Lake Road, grumbling his envy of the boaters on one side and the
homes on the other. Lady and Mayor Vhagar had written a very nice note explaining the city's slow
response to his request to participate in its fishing boat program. Still it hurt to see others
pulling great fliping fish into their boats left and right when he was confined to the minows
swiming near the lake's shady bank.

On the other paw, well on the other paw was his breakfast. A fat juicy worm crawling between his claws.
The worm was an unexpected harvest from his vegitable garden. With a quick slurp and a lick Adamus
ate his breakfast and cleaned his paw in one well practiced motion.

But, back to his thought, on the other side of the road were were homes. "If wishes were houses, badgers
would not live in holes in the ground." he grumbled. Adamus counted off his plans on the claws of his left
paw. "1 buy a house; 2 buy a second field; 3 run for Mayor." "Now, where did that last idea come from?"
Adamus pondered. "And can it be the last idea if I still have more claws to count?"

Adamus knew he could buy a plot here, but building would be very expensive. "Building my perfect house
will delay the purchase of a second field, but I can only affordthe second field if the city can be trusted to
follow through on its promise of a subsiidzed field price." Adamus grimiced breifly. "Lady and Mayor Vhagar
has been polite anyway." he reminded himself. "She might not eat me if I took her job."

Adamus cocked his head considering the ramifications and expense of running for Mayor, or worse yet,
winning the election. Lost in his muttering and accounting Adamus rambled on and was soon just as
lost in the woods.

Re: (ORP) Rambling and Grumbling

Post by Adamus »

Beaver Adamus came to a conclusion. He was lost. Yes there was a road, but where does it go?
It's getting darker. That is fine with any Badger of course, but how is it with the Yvyrm, Zyrk, an
Xanthareel? That strange creature with the Caravan told such stories about them.

The bushes rattle in the breeze, a twig snaps in the distance, what is that howling?

What more than the night is closing in?

(In semi RL either my character is stuck at the node between Fenia and Imperious, or I just don't
understand the travel system.)

Re: (ORP) Rambling and Grumbling

Post by Adamus »

The sun rose in the East. "Of course it does." rumbled Badger Adamus in the voice of one awake but not yet aware. Peering both ways down a lonely road he pawed a grubby silver he had found on the streets of Fenia. With a mental assignment of coin sides to direction and a toss he had a direction of travel. Surely the coin would know the way back home, but would it want to go there?

Apparently it did. There at the edge of the woods and spread before him was the lost city of Fenia. Sucking down the last of his training eggs to quiet the grumbling of his stomach, Adamus trudge towards the city. Tired as he was from his long ordeal in the ferocious woods, still he attempted a skip (which was more a kerfuffle of limbs) as he chanted the childhood rhyme:

No more woodlands,
No more brooks,
No more monsters' scary looks!

Inspiration chose that moment of weakness to strike. "Monsters and missing boats, I will have to do something about this." mumbled Adamus. So at the last minute he handed over his hard earned coins to campaign for Mayor. He only had the evening to spread is message.

"Friends, Family, Fenians; lend me your ears!
We will clear the monsters from the forest!
We will fulfill our promises to our citizens!
We will make Fenia great again!"

And so on and so on the blather went late into the night; what one has to do for political office.

Worn beyond thought Adamus collapsed into sleep, and awoke to a boat and a kind letter from Lady and Mayor Vhagar.
"Oh that poor creature! How I have wronged her, and now she will be without a job because of my loud and foolish tongue."

But it was not so. The market place was filled with a contented buzz as the news of Lady and Mayor Vhagar's reelection soothed its shoppers and shop keepers. With a sigh of relief at his near miss (0% of the vote), Adamus took his new boat fishing. Out on the lake he contemplated his mounting debts and the foolhardiness of rushed conclusions. "Next time...nah."
Last edited by Adamus on Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: (ORP) Rambling and Grumbling

Post by Adamus »

A sudden tug awoke Badger Adamus from his "working" doze. With a practiced ease he gave the rod a quick jerk to set the hook and grabbed a long handled fishing net with the other. A moment later he was grumbling to his new audience as it flooped in the bottom of the boat. "You would think y'all would learn to leave me to my nap, but noooooo, not you." Adamus stretched, and by habbit his eye caught on the empty lot at 51 Lakeshore Road. His, his very own...

His very own empty lot. Adamus used one claw to scratch his left ear while he thought about it - out loud as usual. "These zoning laws are ridiculous! What self respecting Badger would put pillars in his den? How could Town Hall demand he spend 7f per wood or stone needed to meet their conception of architecture. Architecture that just stands out there in the open when what I need is a cozy hole in the ground." He grinned at the thought of using the pillars to barricade his den from unwanted guests.

He continued muttering to himself. "It all comes down to money. I have at least 2 months before I can buy a workshop, maybe more. With 500f in savings I can start on my Den and still enter Fenia's booming buisness economy without delaying that schedule too much. If I can find work or good fishing regularly."

Back on shore - walking his little piece of heaven- Adamus commited himself to a new den. He would write 2 letters. One to city hall asking them to put the materials he would need on the market, spaced out to meet his budget. And one to Argenth confirming his commitment to buy the required pillars, one per week for 4 weeks. Perhaps they could be put to good use sharpening his claws.

Re: (ORP) Rambling and Grumbling

Post by Adamus »

A week ago, as had become his evening habit, Adamus ambled along the well trod path out of town to the Travelers' Caravan. He played a game of chance and about broke even as the young creatures paws moved faster then his eye could keep up with. Then he played a game of skill and raked in silver coins as the cards went his way. As true dark set in and the fire burned down the gaming space started to clear as the old Traveler storyteller began his evening's presentation. He called for a drink and then for a pipe. After a few puffs, the Traveler started his tale. It was a hilarious rendition of the personal tradgedy of King Xerces the Childless. In a ultimately futile attempt to cure the cause of his condition the King enjoined first his court, then his city, and eventually the whole of his kingdom to participate in a quest the common folk unkindly called 'Find the Sausage.' The story reached its climax as the tangled plots of well placed court sons, snake oil merchants and at least one transgendered impersonater achieved satisfaction for a dog, a cowherd, and his queen, but only frustration for poor King Xerces.

Making his way back to town with a few other Fenians, Adamus overheard some of the older ones remmenicing about some of the mini games Fenia had sponsered in the past. The badger had not even known there was such a thing! What fun it sounded. Surely it could be done again... perhaps without some of the messy personal drama associated with 'Find the Sausage.' Adamus wrote a letter to the People's Representative at the Vice Royalty Castle:

Lady and Represnative Aingeal:

I have heard in the campfires outside of town of a series of contests sometimes called VR mini games.
Is this a tradition you could restart for those of us who have not participated before?

Badger Adamus of Fenia, Fenia

He posted his letter hurridly, and waited with mounting impaitence for a response.

It is a week later and there has been no response. Maybe the looming election is consuming all of Lady Aingeal's attention, perhaps there has been a death in her family, or could it be that traitors have overwhelmed the castle's defenses and are not letting any mail pass through its gates? Whatever the cause of this ominous silence, Adamus is not silent. In the market place, the cathedral, and the tavern he is spreading the word. Tugging on arms and bending ears, asking and urging you, and him and she and it, "If you have any influence with the VR, encourage them to run another mini game. It will be fun!"

Re: (ORP) Rambling and Grumbling

Post by Adamus »

Adamus stumbled to the top of the hill and settled tiredly on one of the pillars Mason Argenth had supplied for the new den. Idly sharpening his claws at the usual spot on the pillar he considered the past few days. Not long ago the Klahua Wars were the most exciting thing in his life. He had been the first to call for a viceregal mini-game and the first to participate in the Klahua Wars. As the search for the missing Klahua casks was winding down Adamus had hoped to be the one to collect the winning cask.

It was not to be, orders from the Grand Army of Fenia arrived ordering him to detached duty under Lieutenant Nikola. The two of them were to investigate a report of Yvyrm gathering near the Stone Quarry north of town. We did. They were. We took appropriate action and dragged ourselves home covered in blood and glory to find the Klahua Wars finished and the honor of finding the last cask gone to Rannek.

Exhausted in mind and body, Adamus gazed at the missing roof and unharvested fields of his small domain. He straightened his shoulders and announced to the scarlet sunset, "Tomorrow is another day!"
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