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(ORP) Ravencrest Manor

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:43 am
by Lavinia
Ravencrest Manor

Home of Lavinia and Vandica Ravenwood

[OOC: description of the manor will be added at a later date, once TPB Lavinia and TPB Vandica have figured it out)

Re: (ORP) Ravencrest Manor

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:38 am
by Lavinia
It was the day after Ella’s wedding that news arrived that His Majesty had granted her the title of a Lady. She could hardly believe it as she read the note posted at the Castle. Lavinia had just arrived at the University, still feeling tired from all the wedding celebrations at the tavern last night. Her fingers traced the schedule as she was checking what classroom the today’s lecture was to be held at when one of her classmates relayed the news. She hurried along towards the Castle notice board to check, thinking it was surely a prank of sorts.

However, there it was.
Lavinia is now a Lady

Lavinia has been granted the title of Lady of Ravencrest Manor by the esteemed leader of Fenia.
The title was given for the following reason: For service as Mentor and Deacon of Fenia.

January 2nd, 1661
She was too stunned to really process the news.

“Vin, you coming to class or what?” her classmate exclaimed from across the courtyard, waving her over. She ran the short distance and soon joined the other students.

Several hours later, in the evening, the class was dismissed for the day and the students went to grab some Fire Whiskey at a tavern, discussing the lecture along the way. Lavinia excused herself feeling too tired for drinks. Honestly, she just really wanted to speak with her sister about the whole title thing. Would they need to move houses? The students said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

When she rounded the corner, the half-witch took a deep steadying breath and exhaled. In her mind she saw the kitchen and the fire burning, then there was that familiar gust of wind that ruffled her hair and a moment later the corner was empty and she re-appeared in her warm kitchen.

“Evening sister,” she greeted. “Are you home?” her voice echoed around the kitchen as she looked around, waiting for Vandica to arrive. She took off her leather bag and carefully set it on the counter. Then she took off her cloak and willed it away to hang near the front door. The cloak disappeared from her hands in a cloud of purple smoke. Then she drew a chair closer to the fire and sat down to get warm, listening for the echo of Vandica's footsteps.


Bio je to dan nakon Ellina vjenčanja kada je stigla vijest kako joj je Njegovo Veličanstvo dodjelilo titulu Dame. Jedva da je mogla povjerovati dok je čitala obavijest koja se nalazila na oglasnoj ploči Dvorca. Lavinia je upravo došla na Sveučilište, još uvijek umorna od sinoćnjeg svadbenog slavlja u krčmi. Prsti su joj pratili raspored dok je tražila učionicu u kojoj će se održati današnje predavanje kada joj je jedna od kolegica prenijela novosti. Požurila se prema oglasnoj ploči Dvorca kako bi provjerila, misleći da se sasvim sigurno radilo o neslanoj šali.

Međutim, stajalo je tamo.
Lavinia je sada Dama

Laviniji je dodjeljena titula Dame od imanja Ravencrest od strane cijenjenog vođe Fenije. Titula je dana zbog sljedećeg razloga: zbog rada kao Mentor i Đakon Fenije.

2. siječnja 1661
Bila je previše zapanjena da bi uistinu razmijela vijesti.

“Vin, dolaziš na predavanje ili što?” povikne joj kolegica, koja se nalazila s druge strane dvorišta, mašući joj da dođe. Pretrčala je kratku udaljenost i ubrzo se pridružila ostalim studentima.

Nekoliko sati kasnije, predvečer, predavanje za taj dan je bilo završeno i studenti su se uputili u krčmu, popiti koji Vatreni viski dok su putem raspravljali o predavanju. Lavinia se ispričala osjećajući se preumornom za pića. Iskreno, ono što je stvarno željela je bilo razgovarati sa sestrom o toj cijelo stvari sa titulom. Hoće li se morati seliti? Studenti su se oprostili i otišli svatko svojim putem.

Kada je skrenula iza ugla, polu-vještica duboko udahne i izdahne umirujući se. U mislima je vidjela kuhinju i vatru kako gori, onda se pojavio onaj poznati nalet vjetra koji joj je mirsio kosu i trenutak kasnije ugao je ostao prazan a ona se ponovno pojavila u svojoj toploj kuhinji.

“Večer sestro,” pozdravi. “Jesi kod kuće?” Glas joj je odzvanjao kuhinjom dok je gledala uokolo, čekajući da Vandica dođe. Skinula je kožnu torbu i pažljivo je odložila na pult. Potom je skinula plašt i poslala ga da se objesi blizu ulaznih vrata. Plašto joj je nestao iz ruku u oblaku ljubičastog dima. Zatim je privukla stolicu bliže vatri i sjela kako bi se ugrijala, osluškujući ne bi li začula Vandičine korake.

Re: (ORP) Ravencrest Manor

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:24 am
by Vandica
It was early morning when she learned that her sister had been given the title of a lady. Lavinia was already gone. Overjoyed for her sister and immensely proud of her success, she quickly completed her daily chores and ran home to prepare a feast for her sister. She was looking forward to the thought of how Lavinia would be surprised and delighted when she saw all the dishes she loved, especially the lemon cake. It was Lavinia's favourite. She had just finished setting the table in the living room when she heard the well-known footsteps and a tired voice of her sister echoing around the house. "Evening sister," "Are you home?"
She went into the kitchen and saw her sister, looking tired and sitting by the fire. She felt that Lavinia would fall asleep at any moment. ''Evening sis,'' said with a smile, ''or would you rather I call you Lady?'' she said with a mischievous undertone in her voice. She loved to tease her sister. Lavinia winced in surprise, then Vandica approached closer and hugged her. ''I am so proud and happy for you. Dinner is served, so if you’re not too tired we could eat. Or would you rather sit here a little longer?'' She looked at Lavinia. This was her day and Vandica was willing to do everything she could to please her sister.


Bilo je rano ujutro kada je saznala da joj je sestra dobila titulu dame. Lavinia već nije bila kod kuće. Presretna zbog sestre i puna ponosa na sestrin uspjeh brzo je obavila dnevne obaveze i otrčala kući pripremiti gozbu za sestru. Veselila se pomisli kako ce se Lavinia iznenaditi i razveseliti kada vidi svoja omiljena jela, a pogotovo kolaču od limuna.Bio je to omiljeni Lavinijin kolač. Taman je završila postavljanje stola u dnevnoj sobi kada je čula dobro poznate korake i umoran sestrin glas kako odzvanja po kući. “Večer sestro,” “Jesi kod kuće?”
Ušla je u kuhinju i vidjela sestru umornu kako sjedi kraj vatre. Imala je osjećaj kao da će ovaj tren zaspati. ''Večer sekice,'' reče sa smješkom, ''ili bi više voljela da te zovem Damo?'' reče sa nestašnim prizvukom u glasu. Voljela je zadirkivati sestru. Lavinija se iznenađeno trgne, a Vandica joj priđe i zagrli je. ''Tako sam ponosna i sretna zbog tebe. Večera je gotova, pa ako nisi premorena mogle bismo jesti. Ili bi radije još malo sjedila ovdje?'' pogleda Laviniju. Ovo je bio njen dan i Vandica je bila spremna učiniti sve što može kako bi udovoljila sestri.

Re: (ORP) Ravencrest Manor

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 11:29 am
by Lavinia
Lavinia snapped out, as she almost fell asleep sitting by the warm fire and staring at the flames, when she suddenly heard her sister's voice. She gave a cheerful laugh at Vandica's comment and struck a pose that she thought was all lady like before both of them burst into laughter again. The sisters hugged, both of them feeling happy. "Thank you for saying so sis and an even bigger thank you for making the dinner. Yes, let's go eat please," she said and chuckled then took her sister's hand and dragged them both to the living room.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the table, covered in all sorts of delicious dishes. "You made all of this?" Lavinia looked at Vandica, amazed at the sights and smells that filled the cosy living room. "Thank you so much for this, it's looks like a true feast," she added lightly and went to take her seat when she noticed her favourite dessert. "Oh my... you made the lemon cake?" She squealed in joy and hugged her sister again. "I love you so much sis, thank you for all of this especially the dessert," she said and winked at Vandica before finally taking her seat.

They passed the evening enjoying Vandica's excellent cooking and chatting animatedly.

Re: (ORP) Ravencrest Manor

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 12:45 pm
by Lavinia
Several weeks and blizzards later the weather had finally calmed down. There was no more snow falling nor ice cold wind blowing and howling, instead the days grew longer filled with warm sunshine. What tiny traces of snow had remained began to steadily disappear, the fluffy whiteness slowly becoming replaced by lush greens. It was time for Lavinia to find out more about the Ravencrest Manor, specifically its location so that she could take full possession of it.

And so, one day after finishing with a project in her workshop Lavinia quickly cleared away the mess and locked up. She took a leisurely walk towards the Castle where Court Heralds would be able to assist her with her search. Cousin Ella had told her that there were records kept on all heraldic matters and she kept encouraging Lavinia to stop wasting time and do something. She didn't want to appear ungrateful for the honour that was bestowed on her. Of course Lavinia had kept finding excuses not to do as she was advised but she could no longer ignore her duties.

Once she was admitted to the Castle, the witch stopped dead in the large hall where, she assumed, petitioners and all manner of folk gathered to have an audience with the King of Fenia. She took one glance around and decided that this was not the place she was looking for. Lavinia walked on, moving deeper inside the Castle, not knowing where she was headed exactly but determined to complete her task at long last.

Many corridors and locked doors later she stumbled on a large hall that had the appearance of a wonderful library. Naturally, she simply loved books and was always reading something. She walked inside, excited at the views all around. There were shelves upon shelves of various scrolls and leather-bound books. Walls were covered in tapestries that depicted knights battling dragons, hydras, vampires, werewolves... she couldn't take her eyes away from the scenes depicted. Another wall she passed was adorned with coats of arms and then Lavinia sighed in relief. This was the room she had been looking for. She took her time studying the arms, soon discovering the one belonging to the Blackwoods. She smiled brightly at the pleasant discovery.

"Excuse me Miss, may I help you?"

She turned around to see an elderly man, with spectacles and a long white beard smiling at her. He carried what looked like a heavy tome and more scrolls of parchment.

"Good day to you Sir," she replied and smiled. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but yes.. I am looking for some help if you don't mind." Lavinia said when the man gestured with his head and she followed him. He placed the tome along with the scrolls on top of a desk and invited her to sit down.

"Tell me how can I help you," he asked and looked at her expectantly.
"I'm looking for information on Ravencrest Manor. I was recently given charge of the place but I didn't know where to look for it. So I'm hoping you can help me find some record about it," she replied.

He pondered for a moment. "You are Lavinia Ravenwood, right? Where have you been all this time, hm?" He said seriously but his eyes betrayed amusement. "Usually everyone hurries to find out more about their new title. But you've certainly took your time, didn't you?" He added with a chuckle.

She was mortified. "Well, I'm not like everyone else and I like to do things in my own time. And besides, the weather was rubbish. Now's the perfect time for exploration of the countryside, no?" Lavinia said and gave a small laugh.

Re: (ORP) Ravencrest Manor

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:38 pm
by Lavinia
Several hours later, after combing through Hecate only knows how many tomes and scrolls that the man had brought for her, there came a loud triumphant "huzzah" from the young witch. "I found you at long last Ravencrest," she said in an amused tone as her eyes quickly scanned a brief text.
Ravencrest Manor, one of lesser manor houses in the County of Fenshire, was built in 1545 by a nobleman named Robert Bertincourt, Count of Fenshire, for his bride. However, some months after the wedding took place, both the Count and his wife died in a fire that almost destroyed the manor completely. The next Count of Fenshire, one Philip Moreno, did extensive renovations on the manor. Ravencrest continued to be owned by the Moreno family until 1610 when its inhabitants, being warlocks and witches, were called upon to move back to their homeland, Kingdom of Arassa, to assume important roles in the Kingdom's governance.
Lavinia finished reading the small paragraph and thought how an interesting coincidence it was that the manor was owned by a family of witches and warlocks who hailed from the same kingdom as the Blackwoods. She wondered if the two families crossed paths at some point. Moreno name didn't sound familiar to her and it was curious to know that the family did so well in Fenia.

She carefully closed the tome and slowly stretched her back and her arms before getting up and taking the tome with her to the elderly man and returning it. "Thank you very much for your help. I found the information I was looking for," she said with appreciation then remembered. "Before I go, is there a list of some kind that details all the nobles in our kingdom? I'm curious to know who the current Count of Fenshire is," Lavinia asked. The man smiled at her, taking the tome and resting it on a shelf behind him. "Indeed there is a list of Fenia's nobles. But you don't need to check it as I know that list by heart. The current Countess of Fenshire is Lady Nikola Ballintyne.

Her eyes widened in surprise and she smiled brightly hearing what the man said. Another interesting coincidence, she thought quietly. "That is great news, thank you so very much again. And please have a pleasant day," she said and bowed her head respectfully. She walked out and hurried along the Castle's corridors towards the exit. She'd write to Nikola at once, she surely knew the exact location of Ravencrest.