[Official] Temple of Fenia City

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Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by Ciphas »

What is that?

Patience is the ability to accept delay or disappointment graciously.
Patience is a calm endurance based on the certain knowledge that the Great Mage is in control.

We all have it within ourselves to be patient and not to get angry when things do not go as we want them to.

Patience is one of the virtues.

Go in peace my friends.

Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by TheGardener »

ciphas, i am sorry that i miss some of the masses that you do. they are always so well done though. at mayor of fenia, it does me great pride to know we have someone like you guiding our spiritual life.

Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by Ciphas »

Thank you a lot for this praises but the real person who we should thanks because made it all hapen and because it is also inspiring me is Hayley_James.

Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by TheGardener »

congrats to her then for being a good leader for you to follow as well.

Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by Ciphas »

Today"s mass i want to speak about gratitude ,

The Mages tell us that

Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture.

The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowered fields and sandy beaches. It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it.

Please take time today and exprese gratitude to a person that you admire , and because i want to be first i want to expres my gratitude towards the kind words that TheGardener said about our Mass.

Also i have a personal request if any of you like our mases over the time take one moment and say thank you to Hayley_James via the mail or just post on the forum , she is responsable for all this work and for my inspiration .

Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by Ciphas »


We all have at some time be guilty of having Pride.

A young girl confessed to the sin of being proud to her confessor.
He asked her "What makes you think that?"
"Because every morning when I look into the mirror I think how beautiful I am." she answered.
"Never fear, my girl." he assured her. "That isnt a sin, its only a mistake."

Another example of pride...

A crash happened and bystanders ran over to to help.
The first to reach the victim was a woman, but a man raced in, pushed her out of the way, and said, "Out of the way lady. I've taken a course in first-aid."
The woman watched for a little while, then said, "Excuse me, but when you get to the part about calling a doctor, I'm right here."

Remember...Pride comes before a fall.

Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by Ciphas »

Because it is the time of vacations i want to take a little time to speak about them.

“Nothing is impossible. With the right attitude, you can do anything you want. It's all about choosing to be positive instead of being negative about things. Like I can look at "not working" as being "no one's hiring me and no one will give me a job." Or I can look at "not working" as being "a fantastic vacation

But to be honest I do not really like vacations. I much prefer an occasional day off when I do not feel like working. When I am confronted with a whole week in which I have nothing to do but enjoy myself I do not know where to begin. To me, enjoyment comes fleetingly and unheralded; I cannot determinedly enjoy myself for a whole week at a time

Now i want to ask you to came foward and post on our forum where will you take a vacation this summer ?

Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by Ciphas »

Greetings Brethren,

A tale of morality....

The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road, and the Sun said: "I see a way to decide our dispute. Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger. You begin." So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveller. But the harder he blew the more closely did the traveller wrap his cloak round him, till at last the Wind had to give up in despair. Then the Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the
traveller, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on, took it off.

Moral of this tale is: Kindness effects more than severity.

Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by Ciphas »

Coveting is the act of wanting something when you do not need it.

A little boy on his first visit to the big city stood in front of toy store looking at the items on display.
"Boy but this shop has things I didnt even know I wanted."

Your neighbour has something new, how often have you remarked "I wish I had that."

Even the church is not free of it.

A priest was putting up a sign while a visiting monk watches.
The sign read 'Thou shall not covet."
The visiting monk said, " I wish we had a signboard like that."

Go in Peace Brethren.

Re: [Official] Temple of Fenia City

Post by Ciphas »

The Scorpion and the Frog
One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river.

The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back.

Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream.

"Hellooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?"

"Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly.

"Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!"

Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked. "What about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!"

"This is true," agreed the scorpion, "But then I wouldn't be able to get to the other side of the river!"

"Alright then...how do I know you wont just wait till we get to the other side and THEN kill me?" said the frog.

"Ahh...," crooned the scorpion, "Because you see, once you've taken me to the other side of this river, I will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?!"

So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled onto the frog's back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog's soft hide, and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the surface so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half of the stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current.

Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back and, out of the corner of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog's back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.

"You fool!" croaked the frog, "Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?"

The scorpion shrugged, and did a little jig on the drownings frog's back.

"I could not help myself. It is my nature."

Then they both sank into the muddy waters of the swiftly flowing river.

Self destruction - "Its my Nature", said the Scorpion...

Now do you have one event in your life that happent just like in this story ? Share with us the story on our topic on the forum [Official] Temple of Fenia City.
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