[ORP] The Tiger's Den

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[ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Laxmi »

Laxmi had lived just outside of Fenia for a few weeks now. Well, technically she was listed as a resident of the town and owned a small property there and two fields, but she rarely stayed in town long. It was safer in the forests and she was happier there.

When Laxmi wandered through town or stayed near her property, she had the appearance of a young woman in her early twenties. She dressed strangely for the customs here, but her attire was that of her home, and consisted of a long skirt, a top that covered the essentials but left her middrift bare, and a long scarf which wrapped over one shoulder and around her body to give her the appearance of modesty. In addition, she wore quite a bit of jewelry--dangling earrings, bangles, and a necklace, all made of gold and rubies, and an anklet made of little tinkling bells that rang out any time she walked.

However, when she wandered through the forests of Fenia or anywhere that had a distinct lack of people, she was a full grown tigress. The form was a curse in her mind and it was meant as such, but the people who knew of her duality seemed to think the tigress was a blessing and, much to Laxmi's dismay, the better of the two forms to be around. She missed her humanity and her beauty and freedom, but she knew they were right to a point. There were certain benefits to being a tigress.

Today was a day to wander through town. She needed to find someone to work her field. Her potatoes were ready to be harvested. And, since she could be a woman for only a few hours a day, she always chose to hire her fields out to other people to work instead. She added her notice with the others on the board and then wandered back to her house to wait. When inside, she was still able to take the liberty of being in her tigress form with no one able to see her and then quickly switch if she sensed a presence nearby. The convenient thing about being able to switch was that she was always completely dressed each time. The downside, however, was that it was always the same outfit and if she wore anything else before changing, it disappeared without a trace.

She sighed softly and lay on the floor of her house. A mouse scurried past her nose and she stared at it for a moment. It was tempting to chase it simply for something to do, but she would expend more energy than she would get from eating it...and would probably make a racket in the process that would be hard to explain. Instead, she continued to lay there and groomed herself for a time.

((Anyone and everyone, please feel free to join in at any time. RP is more fun when you have others with whom you can write!))

Re: [ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Laxmi »

Her field had been harvested and she had a fresh supply of potatoes. They would go nicely with steak...or chicken...or pork...or fish...Laxmi sighed and turned off that line of thought. Clearly, she was hungry and needed to hunt. She quietly opened the door of her house and looked around outside. It was dusk and there were no people around. They must all be home with their families or out at the tavern socializing. She closed the door behind her and stood in her yard for only a moment before changing to a tiger. She hoped she had not overestimated her luck on this occasion. Just because she didn't see or smell anyone, didn't mean they were out of her range or had the direction of the wind to protect them.

She quickly ran for the tree line. She knew there were deer deeper into the forest as well as other creatures. She had been able to catch foxes and rabbits lately, but had missed hunting bigger game. She knew she would have to do some tracking to find them. Perhaps she would get lucky tonight, perhaps it would be another night of an empty belly. The tiger crouched in the long grasses and sniffed the air and ground, searching for any signs of life in the forest for which she could hunt.

Re: [ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Nenrael »

Nenrael was drifting on the evening wind currents, lazily floating through the evening sky. He loved being aloft as the sun set over the lands. The colours created a painting no mortal could hope to capture. He sighed in pleasure as yet another sunset created beauty that filled his soul, and reminded of all the different worlds he had trekked. No matter where he went, or what that world was like, always the setting of the sun stirred his soul.

Feeling a shift on one of the air currents, 'Rael banked to his left in a slow leisurely circle heading back towards the town of Fenia. He turned his eyes towards the sleepy town, and took it all in. He reflected upon his time in this world, the people he had met, and the passing of the seasons. He still did not know why he was on this world, but had learned that his purpose would reveal itself in time.

As he drifted from one updraft to another, wings beating slowly, his sharp eyes continued to scan both the skies and the grounds below. So as Nenrael took in the vista before him, he caught a flash of orange moving quickly with a fluid grace from the edge of the town into the treeline. Narrowing his eyes, he focused in on the quickly disappearing figured. 'A tiger,' he thought. 'What's a tiger doing so close to the city?'

Frowning slightly, he dipped his right shoulder, and angled his wing and cut across the wind currents, dropping lower towards where the tiger had disappeared into the woods.

Re: [ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Laxmi »

Her ears pricked forward at a new scent. It was a calming, beautiful scent to her but it did not make much sense. It smelled of the wind, but was not the wind itself. Generally, this meant it was a creature that could fly and she tended to avoid hunting those as they were too challenging to catch. But it also smelled of other things--something that reminded her of the smoke from incense, the various smells of the town, and more scents of nature hidden deep within, but she still couldn't figure out what it was.

Laxmi looked up, still sniffing the air. She followed the scent as best she could, assuming that it truly must be a flying creature. She was puzzled, but she liked it. Puzzles were good for the mind and, on days she spent too long as a tiger, she could feel her humanity and her mind slipping away from her. She noticed the scent growing stronger but not because she was getting closer to the mystery, but because the mystery was getting closer to her. Ducking into some tall grasses, she relied on her stripes to help camouflage her at least a little. She would be friendly with this stranger, but if it started a fight--as she had learned creatures in these lands were prone to doing--she would be ready for it.

Her tail stiffened and her claws extended as she waited, ears constantly twitching. For all she knew, this was yet another threat on her by those two women to make a tiger skin rug. But her hide would not be taken so easily. She tensed and waited to see if the creature would show itself.

Re: [ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Nenrael »

Nenrael winged over the tree tops and on to an open field. His eyes scanned for signs of the tiger, but he did not spot any movement. Sniffing at the air, he caught a faint hint of something... a predator with... 'Rael's brow furrowed a bit, trying to make sense of the scents that intermingled. Tiger... smoke... perfume... female... and... human.

Nenrael winged slowly over the field, looking for signs of the tiger, but didn't see her lurking in the tall grass until he had passed overhead. Spying her at the last second, he dropped his right shoulder and banked sharply around so he could get another look at the tiger.

Re: [ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Laxmi »

She knew she had been seen. She could feel the fur bristle along her spine when he flew past her. With a quiet growl, she wandered out of the grasses and sat back on her haunches in plain sight. She needed to remind herself to appear friendly but be on guard and be wary. Strangers were not always to be trusted but, then again, were not always bad. She kept an eye on the sky and her tail twitched on the ground similarly to a person tapping his or her foot.

She still wasn't quite sure what the creature was. It was hard to make him out from this angle and with the limited light not offering much assistance. Her night vision was good, but not for discerning things in the skies. She would allow him to continue studying her at his will, but kept her ears, eyes, and nose alert. Her senses and her instincts had not failed her before and they would not fail her tonight either. She could be patient when she needed to be.

Re: [ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Nenrael »

As he winged back around towards where the tiger has laid in the grass, Nenrael saw her stand up and wander out into the open and then sit back down, as if waiting for him. He watched the tiger as she lifted her head and sniffed the air and scanned the sky as if looking for him. He had a feeling that she knew that he was there, and smiled to himself. 'I should of known not to underestimate the senses of a tiger.'

As he finished his wing-over, 'Rael began to stroke hard and break his momentum and bring himself to land near where the tiger waited. His instincts told him that there was much more than met the eye with this tiger.

Landing down about 20 feet away from her, Nenrael let his legs absorb the last of his momentum so that he was partially crouched. He lifted his head to study the tiger... tigress he corrected himself. Being this close, he eyes confirmed what his nose had hinted at previously, that the tiger before him was female... and so much more. Even though he knew that it left him slightly vulnerable, by taking away his ability to quickly launch himself back into the air, Nenrael slowly straightened himself to his full 6'2" height, and folded his wings against his back in a show of trust. Why he did this, he didn't know, only that his gut told him that it was safe to do so.

Holding his hands out to the sides, palms facing her showing that they were empty, he nodded to her. "Greetings."
Last edited by Nenrael on Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: [ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Laxmi »

To say she was surprised to see an angel would be an understatement. Where she came from, angels were to be revered and respected and, sometimes, feared but only by those who made themselves enemies. When he folded his wings back, she recognized it as a sense of trust and respect and did the same for him by keeping her claws retracted and her posture relaxed. She chuffed at him in a typical tiger greeting, but was not sure if it could be understood well by those outside her species. Instead, she approached him slowly until she was just a few feet away and sat down again. She watched him with her head tilted and her eyes sharp, but she showed no signs of malice.

She sniffed the air again and wondered to herself if this was how all angels smelled or if it was unique to him. She felt blessed and honoured to meet one and suddenly realized that if he did want to harm her, she probably would not have the inner strength to fight back. He was easily the most beautiful creature she had ever seen but there was more than that to him. He smelled of goodness and kindness. He seemed relatively laid-back and relaxed as he stood before her and showed his hands. If she could have, she would have smiled warmly at him and bowed, but knew that a tiger grin was often something taken as a sign of viciousness. She did, however bow to him a little and then roll onto her back to show a similar meaning as his open and empty palms. She showed him her neck submissively, as a sign that she meant no harm to him.

Then she rolled back onto her feet and stood in front of him. She was tempted to change to a woman, but wanted to see what he would do with her in this form. He had greeted her, which was something more than she had expected, but wanted to know if he would stay to talk or if this was the end of their encounter. Besides, changing to a woman in front of a stranger, even a kind one, may not be the best way to ensure one's safety and secrets. She chuffed again and twitched her ears as she waited for him to make the next move.

Re: [ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Nenrael »

Nenrael noted that as the tigress watched him, it appeared that some tension seemed to ease out of her, then she chuffed in reply when he greeted her, and he couldn't help but smile. He could almost hear her greet him back, almost like an echo of thought reached out from her to touch him.

Again, he waited patiently as she approached closer, and then sat down. He marveled a her graceful beauty. He had never been this close to a tiger before, but she most certainly was one of the most beautiful creatures he'd had ever seen this close up. Nenrael was startled as it appeared that she bowed to him, then offered him her belly in a show of trust. Again, his instincts lead him to believe that she was offering him a gesture of peace. She then rolled back to her feet and chuffed again at him, as her ears seemed to dance.

Kneeling down, so that he was closer at eye level with her, he gazed upon her. Again, it almost seemed as if he could understand what she was trying to say. Narrowing his eyes briefly, again following his instincts, 'Rael pushed out his thoughts to touch hers, and thought to her, \Hello, I am Nenrael.\

Re: [ORP] The Tiger's Den

Post by Laxmi »

His thought touched her as if a lover caressed her skin. She backed away slightly in shock and surprise as she stared at him with wide eyes. She had heard the little griffon project her thoughts before, but that was different. It was like an echo in her mind that everyone could hear. But this felt private and intimate. She recovered fairly quickly and tried to determine what to do. If he could send thoughts, there was the chance that he could also receive them. Then again, perhaps not.

She closed her eyes for a moment and concentrated hard as she tried to send a thought toward him in return. "Greetings, Nenrael. My name is Laxmi." When her thought was sent, her eyes opened again and she blinked a few times. It was a strange feeling trying to communicate through thoughts. She felt alone in her own mind and wondered if she was merely going insane and talking to herself, but knew as she looked at him that he had truly spoken to her. His voice was creamy and deep and very pleasant to listen to. His accent was very different from her own, as all others were, and it made her happy to hear the richness of his voice.

She suddenly felt nervous and exposed. She wasn't sure why, but there was something about the way he held himself and looked at her. Or perhaps it was just the strange feeling of having a voice in her mind that did not belong to her. It made her want to run, but it also made her want to stay.
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