[~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

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Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by Victorious »

Victorious was happy that she didn't lie to her but she was worried about her condition. She had asked her a strange question. "Well yes I do but only because I'm a different kind of vampire. I have mage blood through my veins. So I'm not you normal variety of vampires. Why do you ask?"

I'm glad I came along also. I was really worried that you were gone so long. She continued to hold her hand and then quickly took it back. She remembered when she first met her. She would put her cool hands on my forehead to help me feel better but this time her hands were warm. How can that be she thought to herself. Something was definitely going on with her friend.

Faia why don't you start from the beginning and tell me what has been happening.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by FaiaShiria »

Faia nodded and pondered for a moment. “Well I just saw my own reflection in the mirror in the hallway.” He hazel orbs rested calmly on her friend even though within there was chaos. He voice lowered a little “I haven’t been able to cast a reflection since I was turned.” It was more a statement than an explanation to why she had asked the question and as always it raised more questions than it answered. Faia bit her bottom lip with her right fang as she leaned back against the back of the chair. It was getting rather uncomfortable for her to sit like this but she didn’t want to stand up just yet. Her legs had this tingling sensation again and she wasn’t sure if they’d support her weight or not. Her weight was yet another issue. She’d never been fat in her human days nor as a vampire and with the pregnancy she was supposed to be gaining weight but instead she had lost what looked like the better of 20 lbs.

Vic retracted her hand and Faia looked at her with slight surprise but decided not to ask about it. Instead she rubbed her temples and nodded. “The beginning? I don’t really know but things certainly have been escalating since I got pregnant. I’m sorry I left without a word like that. I didn’t mean to have any of you worried but I had to leave in a hurry. I’ve been trying to gather information about my kind. I wanted to know if there has been previous cases like mine or not”
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Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by Victorious »

Victorious listened to her friend. A thought came to her mind but thought it impossible. "Faia is there any chance that since this baby is half Kelron that maybe you are gradually turning back to what you once were. It seems like a logical explanation."

I have noticed you are looking more sickly though. Have you tried eating normal food besides blood? Maybe the baby doesn't like the blood and needs something with more substance to it. We have to figure a way for you to start gaining weight. I'm quite worried about you.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by FaiaShiria »

Faia nodded slowly. That thought had indeed crossed her mind as well. “I don’t know but I’m not alive just yet that’s for sure. I can sense the baby’s heartbeat clearly but I have none myself. I think you’re right though at least in some of it. I think this is all due to the only being part vampire. The living part – the part from Karcier I guess is what is causing all these changes.”

She frowned deeply at the thought of normal food and even at the thought of blood. Both seemed to cause a similar reaction and she swallowed hard to keep the nausea at bay. “I’ve tried that but by now I can’t seem to keep neither blood nor food down for more than a few minutes. It’s been getting worse the past week.” He hazel eyes met Vic’s again. It pained her to cause her friend so much worry but there was little she could do about it. Though she was just as stubborn as Vic Faia had been forced to recognize her own shortcomings and need for support from her best friend. Her voice lowered to a whisper “I’m scared Vic.”
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Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by Victorious »

Victorious looked into her eyes and saw the fear in them and that worried her even more. Faia was not one to be afraid of anything but somehow she was afraid for her life and the child's. "Well Faia what if we didn't have the food go through your mouth but through you arm intravenously. That way it goes right to your veins and bypasses your stomach. We have to find a way for you to eat for if you don't you will die and so will the child. "

She wondered if it would work but at this point any idea was better than no idea.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by FaiaShiria »

Faia chewed a little on her lip as she always did when pondering over something troublesome. She nodded briefly. “It’s worth a shot. I’m not sure what exactly you’re proposing to inject but I’ll give anything a try by now.” Her body trembled just a little and she gave a low sigh before rising to her feet. That little seemingly notion less act took her quiet some effort and made her body tremble again. “I don’t mean to worry you but I can’t do this on my own anymore. If I continue growing weaker I won’t live to see the baby”

She groaned as tears started to flow down her cheeks. This was so unlike her but she had indeed changed a lot over the past six months. She looked at Vic pleadingly “Can you set it all up? I wouldn’t know how to get that kind of medical gear.”
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Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by Victorious »

Victorious looked at her friend and felt so bad for her friend. Faia not to worry I will be here with you and will do everything I can to make sure you are alright but first I need to help you into bed. You need to get as much rest as you can. From now on you are on bed rest. She helped Faia stand and let her one arm wrap around Vic's neck and took her arm and wrapped it around her waist. She led her to her bedroom and lied her down making sure she was comfortable. She pulled the covers over her. "Now try to get some rest while I put the children down for a nap and then I can send Sean for the needed supplies.

I promise I'll be back once I put the children down. Just close your eyes and before you know it I'll be by your side.

Vic left the room and found a nursery and put both of the children down for a nap with both of them drinking their bottles.

She then came out and gave Sean a list. "Please return once you have all the needed supplies." He nodded and left to go to town with the carriage.

Victorious returned and pulled a chair up to Faia's bed and watched her sleep.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by FaiaShiria »

Faia merely nodded and smiled faintly. It was nice having her here. Somehow it was comforting even though she knew there was little if anything Vic could do. She’d play along with her attempt though if only to please her. She did however have doubts that the effort would result in anything but more nausea. Vic helped her to her feet and led her to the bedroom. With a soft sigh she laid back on to the bed. She couldn’t help but to chuckle just a little as Vic pulled the covers over her. “You know. No one has done that for me since I was a little girl and that is an outrageously long time ago.” Faia did as she was told and closed her eyes but before Vic left the room she muttered “Thank you”

Faia fell in to darkness that held neither dreams nor thoughts. An empty space where nothing reached her besides a subtle humming vibration. It was eerie at best and somehow made her feel distressed. She shifted uneasily in the bed and muttered words uncomprehendable for anyone but herself. AS the darkness turned to a dark shade of gray sound started to penetrate this cocoon her mind seemed to be wrapped in to. Sounds of children laughing and Karcier’s familiar laughter mingling in. Faia smiled though she had no idea where the sound came from other than that it made her happy. She whispered his name as if it would bring him closer but the sound grew fainter and finally disappeared again. It left Faia with a feeling of despair and loneliness she just couldn’t’ shake. Her body trembled as her internal vision turned crimson and an icy voice resounded. “My vision a blur as darkness shows, agony within me the possession grows. Pale lips and eyes as night, the darkness draws me like a moth to the light. Never rest and never calm, no longer do I hold my own fate in my palm.” At the an immense pain shot through her entire body and she woke up in her bed trembling and drenched in sweat.

Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by Genova »

Genova was not seen in Widu for some time. She went to Fenia for a trade deal withouth telling her brother about it. A messenger knocked at Kaicier and Faia's and house with a letter from Gen.

Dear Brother,

I am now in Fenia and I'm facing a trial in Fenia. The court has a treason case against me. I am not denying what I did and if worse comes to worst, please take care of mother and father's grave. I buried their ashes in the Town Graveyard.

I'll be honest, I'm scared. I don't want to die. But I must face my fate and accept the consequences of my actions.

You will always be in my heart. I love you, brother.

Your sister,
((ooc: RP of the trial and punishment can be seen here: http://www.secfenia.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=33 ))

Re: [~Kelona~] - Karcier's Home -

Post by Teide »

Teide walked up to the strange doorway. The cold bit at the edges of her heavy wool cloak. Her fingers red and white clutching the large urn as the winter air bit at her digits. She had returned, promised to deliver but she fell into a stupor. A sickness that wasted at her after her latest adventure. Using that much of her unpredictable magic had taken a toll on her. Much thinner and even more pale if that was possible. Her features hiding at all times to mask the true price of her chaotic tone. She had stayed in her study for the last couple weeks just trying to balance the battle warring inside of herself. She had the urn placed on her desk directly ahead of her to remind her...that she had to keep fighting. Genova had fought and won in her own way. Teide was not fighting a war for land or independence though. She was fighting to just remain.....her existence was a continual struggle. Some might find the notion romantic but to Teide she merely wanted a little peace. Having Genova with her.....as she fought the sickness in the quiet of her library surrounded by her books and tomes she found some solace and let the world pass her by. So time crept on and day after day she failed delivery.

Finally on a bright but snowy Sunday she found the strength to climb the path to Kelona. She stood on her tip toes to reach for the handle of the knocker. Nearly falling over by the sheer weight of the urn, she braced herself refusing to drop Genova. With a rap she caught herself before she ended up bowled over the mass of the object...in life of death Genova was always much heavier than Teide. She wondered what it must be like to be human-sized. She hoped Karcier was home....it took so much strength of sheer will not to run off with Genova and keep her to herself.
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