Widu Tournament Registration

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Re: Widu Tournament Registration

Post by Genova »

Genova giggled at everyone's surprise regarding rick's status. "Only in Widu can you find a powerful lightweight. Yup, it must be the milk that we have here. I heard that our cows are dubbed as golden calves. Now I know why." She smiled.

She cannot help but shake her head at Karcier. "Brother, you think only you will have a hard time? Look at my opponent. Vic is a seasoned priestess. I have a feeling I'll get whacked hard on the first hit," she smiled. And she looked at Vic. "Please, spare my nose!!!!"
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Re: Widu Tournament Registration

Post by Victorious »

Victorious stood at the doorway listening to Genova talk to her brother. They were one of her dear friends and now she would be dueling Genova for the first time. She really didn't know how it would turn out but was looking forward to the duel. She was happy that she had worked things out with Genova because otherwise her negative emotions would have more than likely wanted to destroy Genova but she would have to make sure the light side of her kept her dark side in check with this duel for she wasn't sure how it would turn out but she didn't want Genova hurt too bad either. She looked at her friend, "I shall leave that pretty face of yours alone and would gladly heal anything that I might have injured in the duel but don't be so sure that you will be defeated. Remember I'm a politician more than a trainer for the past year and a half. It could go either way my friend."
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Re: Widu Tournament Registration

Post by balerion »

Hearing talk of politics Balerion wonders if perhaps he should bribe people to lose... He clinks a few coins with a smile on his face.
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Re: Widu Tournament Registration

Post by Logo »

Logo overheard the whispering near the Tournament Commission office :shock: "Huh?
Izza the logo not receiveded any bribings... no offers of freznicses... not even a or fried-corn-rat-onna-stick snack ...
" he mumbled.

The troll nervously searched the air and swatted nearby tree branches, continuing to mumble, " ... Izza some 'nother plot by them' aE'sIr-smoochin' elf-abusin' faery swarmers, imma bet.
Izza prejudices that is.
Izza spreadin' ... infecticating sneaky wingyeded thingses...

With a satisfied,"Hmpf!" Logo abandoned his search for f-nests. He retrieved a surprisingly large sign from a equally-surprising but oppositely-sized pocket and began to picket a great stomping, sign-waving circle around the Widu Tournament Registration office.
U N F A I R - Y

Trollses can be bribeded too!

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Re: Widu Tournament Registration

Post by balerion »

Balerion got excited hearing that someone was protesting and he quickly went to see if he could join. Who know it could perhaps spill over into a full out riot! The thought brought a huge smile to his face. Approaching Logo Balerion quickly asked What is it that we are protesting? If we do this right we could start a revolution or something! Balerion quickly took out one of his favorite protest signs that he had used at a revolt or three. In bold letters it read End the Tyranny! What tyranny he was fighting this time he wasn't sure yet but a protest is a protest is a protest. It was impossible to resist joining in. Balerion started marching behind Logo wondering how long it would be before the two of them started to dig a trench in the ground marching in constant circles.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear
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