[RP] Arrival to Fenia

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

Wolfmist smiled and looked at the King's feet mumbling, "I like the horses too much King. I do sleep there sometimes." He looked up at the King again then looked over his shoulder at Xavier, "see? I told you! You can come work with me!"

He ran over to Xavier and hugged his midriff.
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Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by tigerlily »

Going for a walk around Fenia, Lily spotted a kid talking to The King and another man.

Lily was too shy :oops: to say hello and just peeked from behind a tree. She thought the kid was about her age but she wasn't sure? He might be older, since he appeared more confident than herself - she would be far too shy to talk to The King.

Lily remembered the chats in the family kitchen, her brother's wife told her that they had two kids and they were twins. Was this one of them? she thought.

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Xavier »

Xavier felt the small boy tightly hug him. hmmmm...he was a very odd child but Xavier could not help but seem to enjoy his company. Wolfy was funny to watch. Xavier was still slightly shocked at the hug though and stumbled back a step. His arms were thrown up as a reaction to avoid the child and he left them there in mid air slowly coming back down to earth as he grasped the situation.

Wolfy, I think we should not bother the...King..any longer..Xavier looked back at the King and glanced once more at his arm.

Since he has said yes, lets go to...work. Xavier sighed and patted the boy on the head as he dragged him out of the King's room.

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

Wolfmist let himself be dragged away, in fact he was more than happy to try to drag Xavier to work instead. "Thanks King!!" he yelled back as they zoomed away, scattering the guards and castle staff.

On their way out, Wolfmist caught sight of a girl, maybe slightly older than him, but he only caught a glimpse.

Back outside, Wolfmist took in full view of the stables and paddocks arounds. Ahead a couple of knights were practising on their trellises, horses were grazing or frollicking and the blacksmith was farrowing a few hooves. Wolfmist waved to the blacksmith then turned to Xavier, "That's Tom. I watch and listen to him sometimes, he's very wise. But right now, we have manure to shift. Mrs. Biggins wants a wheelbarrow or two of it for her vegetables, too. And we have 14 Stables that need doing yet." Wolfmist went to the nearest stablehouse of 7 Stables and brought out two pitchforks and two brooms. "The wheelbarrows are by the side, stacked up. Ready?"

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Xavier »

Xavier looked at the workload that was presented in front of him and considered leaving...but decided against it. He had just got off the hook for stealing a horse. He could not leave yet.

Of course I am ready Wolfy...

Xavier went to pick up a wheelbarrow but then had a thought...a very efficient and lazy thought that would mean he did not have to work. He grinned as he put the wheelbarrow back down. He turned to Wolfy.

wolfy, I can do something that means we get the day off if you want? We would not have to work all the time? What do you say? Xavier chuckled.

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

"Day off?" Wolfmist blinked, scratching his head, "Umm... what did you have in mind?"

Wolfmist wasn't too sure. He liked working with the horses, it brought responsibility and he liked that. If you want a horse, you need to be prepared for the work as well as the fun. "Are you going to use magic again? It might not be a good idea... you might hurt the horses."

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Xavier »

Xavier thought about it...hmm...the horses did not like the smell of the undead...summoning more might not be a good idea. I guess he would have to work...but he would summon himself one servant to help him along.

Okay Wolfy, we will do the work. I am going to summon us a little help though. Is that okay with you?

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

Wolfmist was slightly worried now, "Errr... I guess you could. But do it in that courtyard over there..." Wolfmist pointed to an area of concrete where the nearest structure was over 20 meters in the other direction. The knights often used the courtyard as a parade ground or a place to load wagons for long exercise operations.

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Xavier »

Xavier thought Wolfy was worrying over nothing now. He frowned slightly. He did not move over to the courtyard but instead took a step outside of the stables and clapped his hands together. He chanted some words in his ancient language and moved his hands apart. A ball appeared in the gap and Xavier gently pushed it towards the ground. It slowly fell to the earth and once it touched a crack appeared. The ground split apart slightly, enough for xavier to see the usual hand crawl from the hole. The body followed and after that the legs until the whole thing was in the open. xavier closed the crack to prevent more coming through and then grabbed his minion.

I don't want you causing any problems for anyone this time around okay. You are here to work. You will carry the wheelbarrows around and stay away from the horses..Got it?

Xavier was met with a groan of acceptance and he released the minion.

Now go start shovelling some of the manure...and remember...you touch a horse I kill you...again...and again...and again.

Xavier watched the minion get to work and he turned to Wolfy.

See...was that so bad? Now he will get to work and we will also starting working. see everything is fine.

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

Wolfmist watched the creation with some trepidation but agreed, "Okay, if you can keep it under control... how come you are so harsh with them, though?" Wolfmist wondered why he cared so much about the soul, forced to work under Xavier's threats. He had heard about servitude and had been a victim of it himself, but it never really sat well with him.

Wolfmist picked up his tools again and walked to the stable at the end of the stablehouse. He began shovelling the manure out as he listened to Xavier. In the stables next door he heard the others at work.
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