A new adventure..

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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Wyllow »

As she looked to him, a warmth spread throughout her. It was slow at first, and then accelerated as the potion began to course through her. She watched Gawain as he finished the motions and pronounced her baptism completed. But there was more to it than that... and she was amazed at how much more there was.

She hugged him in return and smiled her thanks to him. He then called for her beloved to step forth. She turned and came to Tuvoria's side then. She gave him a wink that stated she would be close and waited for him to move forth.
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria watched and smiled as Wyllow made her choice and he saw the power begin to flow into her. He was glad that she took the green potion as it was the one he had determined to take when he heard Gawain give the explanations. When Gawain called his name, he walked with confidence up to his cousin and knelt before him.

"I am ready Gawain, my cousin. I am here doing this of my own free will and after listening to the descriptions you gave to Wyllow I am ready to make my choice."

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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain smiles at Tuvoria's confidence.

"In our lives, we make choices and choose a path. Today is but one choice which you will take. The path you are taking today is an important journey, for it shows your dedication to the Faith and its ways. Do not enter lightly as you will be a role model to those whom look up to you, friends, family and followers of the faith alike."

Gawain turns and picks up two potion bottles. He held them both up, one in each hand - one potion was clear and almost resembled water to the untrained eye. The other was a green bubbling liquid.

"Do you understand the commitment that you are about to start?"

"In my hands, I have two potions.

The clear potion represents the appearance of many to be clear without any blemishes, but lacking any zeal, energy, or desire to improve.

The green potion represents your life in the future if you embrace the path of the Faith. You will always strive to improve, full of energy to try to do whatever is right in your life.

These potions should not be drank lightly. For once you have chosen the path, you have admitted your wholehearted decision to accept the Faith. Walking away from what you know to be right is the path to inner destruction.

I give you your choice. Pick your potion and drink."

As he awaited his decision, Gawain wondered which one his cousin had chosen, although with his confidence, he thought he could guess which one. .
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Tuvoria »

"Indeed I understand what this choice represents and the life that is to come with it. To just sit back and not face life and the challenges it may bring is not a life and it does not allow one to love, be loved, or move forward in growth physically, mentaly, and spiritually. Therefore it is with no regret whatsoever and with full confidence and conviction that I choose the green potion and all that it entails."

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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain nods and gives Tuvoria the green potion bottle.

"Drink this, cousin."
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Tuvoria »

"Thank you, Gawain."

Tuvoria takes the green vial, opens it, ans drinks the somewhat bitter liquid. As he does so, he can feel a unique energy welling up inside himself. As he hands the now empty vial back to Gawain he smiles, then turns his head towards Wyllow. Still smiling he gives her a wink, then turns back toward his cousin to see what is next.

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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain smiles as he watches Tuvoria drink the green potion and quickly takes hold of his quarterstaff knowing the magic would start coursing his veins as he holds it. As he watches his cousin drink the potion, the staff begins to glow a bright iridescent green and he holds it tightly as the magic fills Tuv's body. He takes the bottle from Tuv and sets it down on the altar.

Looking at him, he lifts the staff and taps each side of his shoulders saying,
"I now baptize you by the power of the Mages." He bows his head making a circular motion with his staff in the air. A red fire emerged and slowly disappeared. He then set his staff leaning against the altar and gave Tuv a hug, "Welcome to the Faith, cousin. You have taken your first step on a journey that will last the rest of your life." The baptism was now complete, now the journey was up to Tuv.

He then smiles as he looks at at Willow
."Thanks for your help and witnessing the baptisms." He then looks at both Tuv and Wyllow and smiles.[/i]

"Well, what shall we do now, perhaps we should start discussing the wedding?"
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Tuvoria »

"Indeed Gawain, let's discuss what is needed for the wedding. I do have a gift box with my belongings back at the inn for you Willow to convert once things are done. For I do believe that only you are blessed with that ability as priestess, unlike my Cousteau here. I personally would like to start things as soon as reasonablly possible as I want to begin my fully joined life with Wyllow as soon as I can. The Mages brought us together and I wish to honor what they have ordained."

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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Wyllow »

She steps forth and hugs Tuvoria after watching him do as he had. Taking his hand, she stands close as everyone begins to talk of the wedding. 'Thank you both, for this.. and our coming wedding. It is an exciting time.' As Tuvoria talks, she nods in agreement.

'Yes. If we can have the wedding tomorrow, that would make me most happy.' She smiled then, hoping that wouldn't be too soon or a burden to anyone. She really didn't want a huge todo about it, the simpler the better. It was how she saw the perfect wedding to her beloved.

'I was thinking a bit more... What if we had an evening Wedding, my dear.. a bit before the sun sets so that the sky's reflection dances on the water of the lake?' She looked to Tuvoria with her question. 'I think having it near the lake is just the perfect place.' She smiled at him. 'I am so excited to go hunt for the perfect spot. When we leave here, could we do that?' And it could be seen in her eyes. She was anxious to have the place selected so that it was one less thing on her mind. What she envisioned was a simple setting... the back-drop the lake.. a tall torch or two to create their altar, Gawain pronouncing them... It would be perfect, she just knew it.

(ooc: Willow, I want to say thank you in all this, as you have kinda been tossed into a whirlwind situation and you have been brilliant. We will need to set up a date soon for the IG wedding, we also want you there RP wise, perhaps overseeing the wedding with Gawain doing the ceremony as we have had our hearts set on that, though we understand the IG mechanics of it all. :D Physically we have to be heading back by to our town by Dec. 14, but will continue the RP of the wedding and stay afterwards because of RL Holiday stuffs.) I will begin another thread for the RP Wedding. /ooc:
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Re: A new adventure..

Post by Tuvoria »

If it is ok with Willow and Gawain then I agree my live.

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