~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Orion »

Orion was working and listening the mass at the dark temple of Widu as he heard something that sounded like a parade. Since he was very curious and wanted to see it - he just quietly sneaked out of the temple hoping that the dark priestess Teide will not notice he is missing for some time.

Orion get to the town hall just in time before the new mayor to see his speech, so he could see and hear it all.

It seems that the next days will be very interesting here in Widu he said loud to himself and kept watching around till the mayor went inside the town hall

It certainly was something worth to see. Orion hurried back to temple with an idea to "pretend" he never left. That sure would work as after all it was a dark temple.

Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Silence »

Alder half walked to the town hall and was half carried by the jostling crowd. He had had a whole message that he was going to send through the crowd set in his head... if he could convince them that this parade meant that better times were ahead for Widu if Karcier had the money to spend on it, then... well, he could yell out a few 'hear hear's and 'Yes! That makes sense!' at the mayor's speach. Something like that could raise the peasants' loyalties for the mayor.

However, when he heard what the mayor really had to say, he just stood there, dumbfounded. All of the things he was going to say went straight out of the window. Well, he had to say something or somebody would take the opportunity to question the mayor.

"Seems like a funny guy. I like him... bold that... might actually get something done for a change. Any case, he sure has a sense of humour right? Least means he's a bit like the rest of us, 'stead of that usual-"

Alder noticed that the golems were moving towards the crowd.

"Oh right... err, he's serious ain't he?"

Moments later, Alder was working his way through the crowd away from the townhall as fast as he could possibly move through this crowd. Well, this could be an... interesting term.

((Changed slightly from the previous post due to a suggestion by the community team))
Last edited by Silence on Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Pup »

Pup stood upon the balcony of her manor house, arms crossed, and set upon the guard rails, her hair unkempt, her eyes unfocused. The Parade was today, then? Surely it was, she could hear the revel, taste the confections on the air, catch glimpses through the gaps of buildings and passerby. She tried to find herself caring. It was difficult. She likely was obligated to be there all the same though, so with a sigh, she tore her eyes away from the horizon and turned inside, bare feet padding against hardwood floors, and threw open her wardrobe.

The General of Kiene lacked much in the way of variety in her selection of clothing. Anything that still fit was either related to the military of kiene before.. well, it was all burned or stained black anyway. The rest was still military regalia - mostly service uniforms or field uniforms, fringed and faded from use, but there, hanging in the back, covered in a thin layer of dust. Yes, a good a time as any, even if she was not entirely eager to wear it, much less venture out into the world.

It took her nearly an hour to get the thing on - beyond how stiff it was, the blasted thing had so many buttons and layers she put it on in reverse order the first time. Eventually, however, she was ready. She stepped in front of a mirror - the only mirror in her house, really - and flattened it out against her stomach, took her comb up, and straightened her hair, which was a battle all on its own.. perhaps she should consider cutting it short again? Maybe shave it.

Another half an hour later, and she was walking out the door, officer's uniform on, boots clicking against the pavement, sword bouncing on her hip. She hated to admit it, but she looked presentable. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all. Her eyes weren't shining like they used to, but there was a smile on her pale lips. A small one.
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Victorious »

The Queen had just teleported back from the Caravan to her room in the Castle. There were some letters slipped under her door. She picked up the letters and noticed Rebekah was no where to be found which was odd. She figured maybe she was making her rounds around the Castle making sure the guards were doing as she had expected them to so she dismissed the feeling and she walked over to her small desk with a mirror sitting on top of it securely.

She placed the letters on the table and had glanced at herself in the mirror and the look of worry of her Simensa (cousin) could be evident on her features. She picked up each letter one at a time opening them with her nails. The first letter was from her Knight, Texas, about some office business and so she penned a letter to a friend from Cork to see if he would be available and sealed it with her royal seal setting it aside. The other letter was from Karcier the new Mayor. He had used to be a friend but right now they were just getting along which was definitely a change from before and was quite welcomed. At this time in her health, stress would be hard to deal with. It was taxing just to deal with the feelings of losing the people she had in her life and somehow it had all come tumbling down on her. Her doctor had told her that pushing pain away for so long would eventually surface itself on its own time and not hers. She didn't exactly like his answer but it made a lot of sense why no one could determine the decline in her health in the past months but she was slowly getting some control over it. She decided even though she wasn't feeling so well that it would be very wise to show an appearance and she would just have to put a smile on her face waving to her citizens so that they knew their Queen was well. She also had to give her support to her new Mayor and her friend Lady Bridget, the grand Mentor of Widu.

She pushed the rest of the mail on the table until later. She pushed the chair out from under the desk and stood up. She dressed in her finest clothes and walked to her closet pulling out her Royal Robe. She put it over her shoulders and then took out her key around her neck and slipped it in the case that was holding her Royal Crown. She opened the case and securely put the key back around her neck. Picking up the Crown she put it atop her head. She then looked at herself in the tall mirror that set next to her closet filled with her other wardrobe.

Satisfied that she looked presentable as their Queen, she went to open her door from her chambers when she saw Rebekah guarding it
. "Rebekah where have you been? I hope everything is alright with you today? How is the staff doing?"
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Rebekah »

Rebekah smiled looking at the beautiful Queen, "You are looking well today my Queen. Yes my Queen everything is as it should be and I am feeling focused today" She figured she would compliment her so she didn't get concerned how unwell she still looked but she would stand beside her to make sure she was safe. Rebekah had made sure the guards were all stationed at every exit especially extra guards near the children's rooms.

She turned toward the four guards glaring at them, "You four will be guarding the Queen's chambers and if anything is missing you know the pain you will suffer. The guards quivered at Rebekah's words and knew all too well what she meant. They stood at the Queen's double doors looking as still as statues. The children always liked to tease the guards to try to make them laugh but the guards were well trained by Rebekah that not even the cute little Jacob could not make them laugh even if he used his magic.

Rebekah escorted the Queen out of the castle into the streets of Widu.
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Victorious »

As she walked the streets, it seemed people had been scattering back to their daily lives which was strange. She didn't think she got the letter that late but oh well she would walk with Rebekah. At least she needed some fresh air and think while she walked.

She walked to the market and was a bit saddened she missed seeing the Mayor and her friend, Lady Bridget. As she looked over the market, everything seemed busy like never before. It seemed Karcier was really keeping himself busy keeping it stocked for the citizens and any travelers that would be passing by.

She grabbed Rebekah's hand tightly as she started getting her headaches back. She wrinkled her forehead to push the pain away, "Well it seems we missed the festivities. Will you please escort me back to the castle?"

Rebekah nodded and took the Queen back to the Castle.
Last edited by Victorious on Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Rebekah »

Rebekah saw the pain in her eyes and knew it was enough time for her to be out of the castle. "Of course my Queen. Just hold on to me and I will take you back to your chambers. I really think you need to get some rest. I'm sorry you missed the festivities but maybe the next time you will be able to visit the citizens. She took her arm tighter into hers and directed her towards the castle again.

As they arrived at the castle the guards moved aside from their boss as quickly as she eyed them
. Guardsman, please help me with the Queen to her chambers. The guard took the other arm of the Queen and helped Rebekah take the Queen to her chambers. Rebekah let go of the Queen while the guardsman held on to the Queen and opened her chambers. Rebekah looked at the Guardsman, "I have her now please stand outside of her door while I set her in her bed."

Rebekah sat Victorious on the bed and undressed her Royal adornment. "Your Majesty, please give me the key so I can put your Crown away."
Last edited by Rebekah on Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Victorious »

The Queen took the necklace with the key around her neck and handed it to Rebekah. "Please guard that key with your life." Victorious had been spent with the energy that she had used walking in the streets of Widu. She wasn't too happy that she had missed the festivities but at least she got out for some fresh air. As Rebekah took her Royal Robe off of her and put it in her wardrobe and then she let her take her Crown off of her head. Watching her closely put the crown inside the case and lock it up, she was satisfied that the Crown was safe. "Thank you Rebekah for helping me. I really don't know why I got so tired."
Last edited by Victorious on Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Rebekah »

After the crown was safely locked up she put the necklace around her neck and slipped the key under her uniform. "Not to worry my Queen, the Crown will be safe with me." She walked over to the Queen and dressed her in her night clothes and helped her into her bed. Pulling the covers over her and fluffing her pillow, she placed it securely under her head. "Now my Queen try to get some sleep. You still need to heal. You are going through a lot right now but I'm sure you will be your own self very soon."

As she saw the Queen close her eyes, she left her chambers quietly and made sure the four guardsman were standing outside her door. "If you hear anything strange coming from her chambers, one of you are to come find me right away." The Guardsman nodded his head firmly towards Rebekah and made her round around the exits once again making sure the Guards were making sure the castle was safe from intruders.
Last edited by Rebekah on Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Katara »

Night had fallen only a few hours ago and Katara couldn't help but feel a heavy feeling in her heart. For the past couple of months she had been helping her brother and in the end it was all for nothing...She had watched as Aiden fought to stay alive but the torments that their uncle had put him through proved too much for his body to handle...Katara had watched as her baby brother took his last breath and hadn't even bothered to stop the tears that fell from her eyes as she watched his body fade until nothing was left but his pallet...Katara took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she wiped away the tears that had recently stopped flowing...The pain of losing her brother was still deep but she now felt a sense of sadness coming from her soulmate...Unable to sit still any longer Katara rose to her feet and quickly transformed to her wolf form. Once the transformation was complete she took off at a sprint...She didn't stop running until she reached the doors of the Kienen castle, which was the home where her soulmate resided...Katara looked up at the castle and suddenly found herself wondering if Vicci or Rebekah sensed her presence at that very moment.
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