Questions for the King

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Questions for the King

Post by balerion »

I ask these questions out of honest inquiry. It is true Zuan and I haven't always gotten along, but I don't terribly much care who is king. I can understand the castle being attacked to avoid an illegal election, but I still want to know just a few things.

Will there in the future again be open an election in Fenia as there was before Scarlette was crowned Queen? If not, will there be candidates who are actually given permission to run for king?

When I had inquired about running for king it was due to Zuan's sisters stating frequently in public that Zuan was never around. I mistook that to mean he was rather uninvolved at the time. I don't need to be king, nor would I enjoy it, but I am assured by rulers that are frequently seen in public.

Might the king consider another event where he is involved with his people? The last major event of the kind was 17 months ago. Dragons with empty social calendars often seem to frustrate Widuans.
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Re: Questions for the King

Post by Zuan »

Let me first deal with Michael. As it stands, our Public Prosecutor is building the complete case against him, some incidents most people already know about. If you want to know why we reset the election counter, thus nullifying the upcoming election it was done so to stop an illegal candidate from running. Just like if someone steals from your house, you deserve the goods back. The Kingdom deserves the right to have an election without illegal candidates and for that reason it was reset. We will only ever be using this method of 'reset' in the event of an illegal candidate running in our elections.

As i've stated Michael's case is being built, but I understand why you'd want some information now, let me give you what is required, in relation to public office, Michael served as Mayor of Imperius. If you would like to see what he did during his time please read the following extract from the log:
Aug 08, 1654
9:56 am [Imperius Town Market] The Town Hall have bought 40 bovine bones at 50.00 each from Michael (via Steward) [66 -> 106]
Simply put. Michael serves himself. He takes your public finances and spent them on his own inflated priced goods to make himself a profit. In short. Michael stole 2000 Freznics from the Town of Imperius. When he was last Monarch records showed he took ten times that. Michael has a history of abusing public office and here is a recent example which proves it. This among other things were why we acted the way we did, as I said, the court case will come soon, but for now I hope this explains our actions.

As for my public appearances, they have declined somewhat, that is true I do not deny, but sometimes my own time is better spent in my office working for Fenia, than in the tavern drinking, as much fun as that is, my time must be spent foremost for Fenia. It has been so for nearly 2 years now as I have reigned as Monarch. Each day I have dedicated to this Kingdom, fighting wars, building universities, creating mines, improving projects and schemes to help citizens and assuring that Fenia is a bastion of peace and stability. We've had many enemies Fenia, people do not like us for what we as individuals achieved. Whether it be the wise Cat Mayor of Fenia. Whether it be the Strongest Orc in the Land Mazork. Or be it the hard working honest citizen who ploughs his fields and works in the mines. We are all individuals who are unique and great and together have built this Kingdom upwards. I like to think I do my own small bit, but it is because of all of us Fenia is strong again.

As for events, Balerion are you not Overseer? If you have any events you wish to put on, our People's Representative Sebastian will no doubt be interested. I am of course happy to throw some events, and will plan to do so this Autumn. Perhaps another great hunt? Where we shall see if people can break the lady Dwayberry's record? Social events are always a good idea, and so I'm happy to host several this Winter season.
High King of The Fenians - Brother to Dahlia, Ambra, Trinity, Sera & Zhou

Re: Questions for the King

Post by Michael »

Zuan wrote:Michael served as Mayor of Imperius. If you would like to see what he did during his time please read the following extract from the log:
Aug 08, 1654
9:56 am [Imperius Town Market] The Town Hall have bought 40 bovine bones at 50.00 each from Michael (via Steward) [66 -> 106]
Simply put. Michael serves himself. He takes your public finances and spent them on his own inflated priced goods to make himself a profit. In short. Michael stole 2000 Freznics from the Town of Imperius. When he was last Monarch records showed he took ten times that. Michael has a history of abusing public office and here is a recent example which proves it. This among other things were why we acted the way we did, as I said, the court case will come soon, but for now I hope this explains our actions.
Wow...its amazing how you single out the one piece of the log that you want everyone to see well done. I love how you fail to mention the part of the log where it clearly states How i donated 2000f of my own personal finances. I needed the money to help purchase large amounts of corn and wheat for the Viceroyalty as your finance minister needed those items. Once the goods were sold to the VR i returned my personal money to myself. If anything, it should be regarded as me giving 50 bovine bones to the town hall for free. But i know we will never see those logs as you have probably instructed dahlia to burn them but thats fine. Before I took over as Mayor of Imperius, the General Mazork was Mayor. If Dahlia shows the treasury, inventory and Town hall items to Mazork he will be able to tell you without a doubt that everything has improved since i took over office from him. Imperius did nothing but flourish as well as its people whilst i was Mayor and the people of Imperius can all attest to that.

I have never abused any office i have held. I would love to see all your proof you say you have of me abusing public office. The only thing wrong done in this entire month was a King attacking his own castle to stop an election because he knew he could not win it fairly.
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Re: Questions for the King

Post by Zuan »

The only thing wrong done in this entire month was a King attacking his own castle to stop an election because he knew he could not win it fairly.
This is a very interesting claim, but mildly incorrect. Is it true the army retook the castle? Yes. Was it so we could stop the election? Yes. Was it because I feared you? No. Simply put Michael you broke the law. You did the same the first time you ran for Mayor of Imperius, but we let you off the charge and I wish we hadn't because then you might have respected the law enough to follow it. You broke the law by applying for the Rite without approval, that is a law. That law has been around for a long time, I did not write it, but I respect it as the law.
Your actions are much like that of a robbery. For example, if I saw someone committing a robbery, I would stop them before they could finish committing the crime. Likewise with yourself here, we have stopped you from running in the election, because you were committing a crime by doing so, and we stopped you before you could finish committing the crime.

If you want to go through other things, like holding an army without permission and not following the orders of the Monarch & General, which again broke another law. Then I suggest you wait till the court case and you can discuss it there. And as i've always said, if you don't like the Laws of Fenia then there is nothing keeping you here, if you don't like me as Monarch again there is nothing keeping you here. The difference between you and I Michael is simple. I've fought for this land from my early days. When Fenia was attacked and towns were lost I fought. I fought to earn them back. I fought to keep those who'd want this land burnt to the ground out. I have created a group of individuals with the talents and skills to repel those threats. I have built universities, churches, mines and castles. I have invested the last two years into running this Kingdom, and in that time we have found stability and security, when at the time I came to office there was clear chance of this Kingdom being eradicated by the threats around us. Every day, I live, breath and fight for Fenia, continue to help it grow and develop. I'm not perfect, but unlike you I don't pop my head out of the ground when I suddenly become very bored and demand complete power. When Fenia needed your family Michael, you sat back and watched those who attacked us, attack, on multiple occasions. You couldn't care if this land was called Fenia, Bravia or Kiene aslong as you could be King of the rubble that's all that would matter to you.
High King of The Fenians - Brother to Dahlia, Ambra, Trinity, Sera & Zhou
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