[IRP]Lakeside Manse

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Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Aida »

Aida smiled curiously at the new arrival, wondering what turn the conversation would take and why Duke had asked her here too.

"Hello," she said suddenly, wiping her dusty fingers on her skirt. "I'm Aida... it's nice to meet you... I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name?"

She looked between the cat, his staff, and the new woman.

Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Tananda »

Hi im Tananda but people call me Tandy nice to meet you sorry if I this is rude but I didn't know there was going to be others here. tandy looks alarmed and her body goes tense ready to bolt thinking to herself. is this a trap?
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Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Karina »

Karina's eyes glaze over a bit and her voice drops in pitch, she speaks this time with a southron accent.

The first thing I would like to cover today is ...
-pauses as duke notices the change in the mood.

Aida here is my trade coordinator.
She is preparing for a journey to among other things trade some potato skins for broccoli stems.
She is also one of my staff who are interning to become mayor in future.
She is very sweet, no need to fear her.

<duke pictures the big potato costume Aida has recently worn, then prepares to continue the conversation>

So, yes, the first thing I would like to cover today is ...
-Banner by Aida

Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Tananda »

Tananda Giggles then covers her mouth. and she relaxes that costume is funny what a potato she made. Im sorry I laughed that was not nice. Tandy gets her self under control and looks at duke and thinks im sorry I didn't mean to read your mind it was rude of me ill put up a block if you like
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Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Karina »

"Oh, not at all, no worries. The conversation will go much more quickly if we can think it at each other.
Besides it is only fair, seeing as how I did read your mind the other day.
MY apologies for acting without permission too, but, well, it did help I hope. I told Cas that you were shiney."
Which brings us back to today. I'll switch to telepathy too after this bit, but I want it witnessed aloud just in case.

Regarding your final testimony "Karina pulls a strip from her pocket
all I can say is im sorry and I will take my punishment I thought I died by not eating but I am sorry for all I have done
In case no one else actually has yet, I want you to know your apology IS accepted. For whatever it is my place to, I forgive you your part in the mess and want you know you welcome to do business in the city or even settle here. I don't want you to feel a need to hold on to any guilt over the past.

Next, as regards the shiney.
I've seen it before.
I was going to tell you of a certain dream.
I will show you the dream instead, with your permission.
-Banner by Aida

Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Tananda »

Tandys eyes shine with tears. Thank you for accepting my apology. I meant it I am Sorry for all I did I was trying to act out of friendship and loyalty but I see that I was wrong. and as for sharing mind to mind conversations and vision.... well it would be my honor.
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Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Duke_of_Earl »

[Grandfather will whisper to or transcribe the bulk of this for Aida]

<Your welcome. It's alright, I do understand.
First let me share with you a secret about dreams.
Dreams are real. In the cosmos, the multiverse, or whatever one calls 'existence', there is a plane called Dream, or The region of Dream. The plane is made of a thought malleable substance called Dreamstuff. The living minds of creatures from all across time and space can touch this plane. When they do, they shape the Dreamstuff into heir own little worlds called Dreamscapes. Often, a Dreamscape lasts only until the sleeper awakes, then it begins to crumble away back into raw Dreamstuff. There are a couple of exceptions; some creatures share a hive mind for example, and taking it in turns to sleep also maintain a permanent communal Dreamscape. Different creatures can sometimes share a Dreamscape. Perhaps they are the same soul, having been reincarnated, but dreaming the same dream from two different points in time. Perhaps a group of people sharing in life, such as the crew of a ship, can also in sleep share their time together. A lucid dreamer can sometimes leave their own Dreamscape in order to visit those of another creature. Soulmates can sometimes meet in a dream, even before ever meeting in the world of life -sometimes even without ever meeting in the world of life. Some creatures who sleep for long stretches of time, Dragons, or demi-gods, can have dreamscapes that can pick the smaller dreamscapes of other creatures like a bog bubble having smaller bubbles attached to it. This is why some wake from sleep having gleaned inspiration or forsight; why some creatures even have recurring dreams -their minds resonate with the one they've touched and return to it again creating subsequent dreamscapes already attached to the larger one.

This is all very complicated, I know, but the crux of it all is, I've never seen you before, until that day in court. Yet, I think we might have met already, and perhaps even worked together before.
Once upon a time, I was a part of someone elses dream. I think that perhaps I have recognized you as someone who was also a part of that same dream.
Here is the dream:

Three otherwise lonely angels stand together atop a hill overlooking a great city, perhaps a capital.
They are whispy and translucient, like white mist in the shape of winged humans. One can not tell their gender.
It is either dawn or dusk - The sky is orange. Green grass surrounds the city.
The city is obviously not one from this continent or even the world of secfenia. Everyone inside is human, and not a very wide variety thereof.
Though the city looks fine from the outside, up close it shows signs of being on hard times.

A woman with short red hair in a white dress who has a very lousy husband is given inspiration by these angels and begins recruiting followers to their way. Followers who embrace the virtues that each angel represents by their name. These followers try their best to do, and live, and emulate, each virtue, striving to serve as an example of them to the people of the city. For a little while, those followers do right by the city improving its lot in leaps and bounds.
Eventually though the city rejects them, choosing to follow instead the ways a pale woman in a red or purple dress, with a name like an Unseelie Queen.
The angels and their followers depart from land, and after a while the city itself crumbles into dust, becoming a forgotten ruin among many others.

Among the followers of theses angels, whom I see as different hue's and colours of 'shiny', there on the hill with the wispy angels, like little faerie lights, was a blue-white spark, like that of an Archons aura. I think perhaps this may have been you. I was there too. It may just be a coincidence of course. Different people of a like nature can share the same colour and hue of shiny. It's alright if we never have met before. I'm simply curious as to whether or not we have. There is way to know for sure.

If you can tell me the names of the three Angels, then I will know we have shared the same dream. The one I think the woman in white must have been the dreamer of. A dream that failed to come true in her own time and place, but whose influence may still effect other worlds, other times, perhaps even this world and this time. If this is only a coincidence, and we never have met before, then I will tell you their names myself. You can tell me if they sound like something worth dreaming about, or something worth trying to make come true in the world.>
NAME, RACE, -banner by Aida

Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Tananda »

Tandy listens to the story and smiles thinking it is beautiful Alas my friend if I may call you friend I know not this dream or the angels . it sounds so wonderful that I wish I was in it. I would love to be a part of something so beautiful and grand. I can not wait to hear the names.
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Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Karina »

The Angels were called "Fraternity ", "Charity", and "Industry".
Their followers were set as 'Sentinels' of the heart.
-Banner by Aida

Re: [IRP]Lakeside Manse

Post by Tananda »

looks up at the child's voice I would love to hear more about them. I wish I was that shiny you seen that day. it sounds like such an experience.
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