The Faith-Order of Zulakc

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Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by Xavier »

pygmental wrote:Actually you should notice since you are all arguing with me there that I also have read everything in the Order of Mucaz. You do not actually offer the same services to each of your followers and I will quote to you from the "Handbook of the Faith":
Blessing a Mayor
May you reign over your town with a good heart and mind, may you lead your people to an even better future and may your citizens receive the fruits of your labour. I [insert priest name] do hereby bless you and your town. May you watch over it well.

Blessing of a Count
May you rule of your viceroyalty with a true knowledge of what you wish to acheive, may you govern them with fairness and kindness and may you preform your duties without regrets. I [insert priest name] do hereby bless you and pray for your reign to last long and be filled with prosperity.

Blessing of a King
May you rule your kingdom with a iron fist yet be kind to your subjects. May you never stray from your chosen path and may you always remember the needs of the citizens. I [insert priest name] do hereby bless your Highness and pray for your long and successful reign.
Yet there is no blessing for a common man. As to your 14 different paths, I only see 3 listed in the inner chambers. Either way actually sounds restrictive to me, but 3 even more so than 14. That there are 3 people who get to decide who may hold positions in the faith and the entire organization and dogma does indeed sound to me heirarchial and restrictive.

Gentle Ermalyse, I know you do not judge anyone. The rest of the priests and apostles have trouble with that I think. I did put my thoughts in the Inner Chambers of the Order of Mucaz after reading every single item contained there. This was over two weeks ago and the only response was a couple of smart-aleck remarks from balerion. Yesterday I got to have nearly this exact same conversation with Xavier and Jason. Now I have started taking the Faith to the people as the Mages wish.

Sir Athnal, I know your feelings. You may see I gave this the title "The Order of Zulakc". Ask what you wish and I will tell you what I know. Here is a little quote from a Mage that should help you see why I gave it this title.
Zachrin wrote:In all societies, there are people who claim to know magic. In Secfenia, the people who are masters of Magic are called the Mages or in singular Mage. There are 7 Mages according to the Order of Mucaz. To briefly describe them is
to attempt to summarize "War and Peace" in a sentence. You can do it, but you miss details. Remember, that details are

Mucaz is considered to be the oldest of the Mages. Specialty is Fire.

Zulakc is the most interactive with the outside world. Specialty is Wind and Water.

Fulcatz tends to be most reserved. Specialty is Transporation Spells.

Gretub tends to be the most illusive. Specialty is Invisibility/Disappearance.

Zachrin tends to be the most protective. Specialty is Bless/Empowerment.

Jilou tends to be most concerned. Specialty is Earth/Growth.

Ruza tends to be most hyper. Specialty is Emotional Control.
I think you are missing something very very very important here do realise that the "Faith" is still in construction? We have not got half the things we want sorted out and in that sense since this game is still in BETA we are trying our best to just get things done...the people do not know because the information is not ready yet...remember this is a BETA... :roll: are being very bias towards your case...I have produced roughly 10-15 blessings and not just the meager 3 you are willing to show the public... :roll: like I said...we are working on the stuff...and this whole affair is just slowing us down... :?
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Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by balerion »

If you wish to be spam queen you should enjoy the chance to post.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by pygmental »

Ok, so ignoring a dragon being queen of spam here, lol. Balerion I can put you in touch with two others if you want.

Xavier I didn't quote two pages of text because for one thing not all of it was relevant to what we are discussing, and two pages of text even when it is relevant to the discussion tends to discourage people from bothering to read. There is no blessing for a regular person, hence reinforcing my argument of elitism.

Not doing things because the game is in beta still is a very poor excuse. For those of us playing this tends to be a fully functional game world and we generally treat it that way. maybe I am missing some deep point as to why poeple aren't allowed to know anything in a beta game.

Since I have been offereing suggestions on how the faith should be constructed it might be safe to assume that I know it is under construction. Small body does not equal weak mind thank you.

Finally, there is indeed information, but almost no one even knows the most basic principles of the faith. Namely: To learn and spread knowledge. I don't think trtying to shut me up fits in with those principles, and you can go ask the Mage Zachrin if you think he would want me to not tell anyone about the faith. Blaming me for slowing work when the Order of Mucaz regularly goes days or weeks without a post in it is a bit untrue in any case. I have seen more priests talking and thinking about the faith in response to me in the last two days than for a long time before this. No thanks are necesary, I'm just doing what you took an oath to do.

Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by Xavier »

pygmental wrote:Since I have been offereing suggestions on how the faith should be constructed it might be safe to assume that I know it is under construction. Small body does not equal weak mind thank you.

Finally, there is indeed information, but almost no one even knows the most basic principles of the faith. Namely: To learn and spread knowledge. I don't think trtying to shut me up fits in with those principles, and you can go ask the Mage Zachrin if you think he would want me to not tell anyone about the faith. Blaming me for slowing work when the Order of Mucaz regularly goes days or weeks without a post in it is a bit untrue in any case. I have seen more priests talking and thinking about the faith in response to me in the last two days than for a long time before this. No thanks are necesary, I'm just doing what you took an oath to do.
If you know it is under construction then why do you think it is so necessary to point out flaws and errors that will be ironed out by the end? Why do you think people will wish to learn about things that will be changed or edited at a later date? Do you generally wish to cause hassle? In the two weeks yes there has been more activity but the majority of it is unconstructive and argumentative. :roll: As I have said it is a BETA. Every person here should enter this with the understanding that it is in the creation and ironing out stages...this would include game mechanics and roleplaying. Whether you think it a bad excuse or is true...fact and cannot be disputed.

Finally, people do not know the basic principles of the faith because for one...originally the admins have not released any information on it. Now that we "Apostles" have been given the oppertunity to set it up how we wish we can get work done. :roll: The spreading of knowledge would require there to be information to begin with. We have very little of relavent information pertaining to the general populace at this time...the majority of it necessary information for priests etc. Instead of complaining about structure which is not knowledge that is even relavent and pertinent to a regular citizen why not actually help... :roll:

Work will begin now that we can make and approve stuff ourselves.. :roll:

Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by Jason »

Exactly what Xavier said, the Game is still in BETA, its game level stage is still not even done. The Faith was created not too long ago and we have been working hard to try to construct it all. But like Xavier said, we now have the ability to approve things ourselves so a lot of things will be dealt with quicker. In order to learn and teach knowledge of The Faith we will need to learn it first, understand those words.

Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by pygmental »

Jason wrote:Exactly what Xavier said, the Game is still in BETA, its game level stage is still not even done. The Faith was created not too long ago and we have been working hard to try to construct it all. But like Xavier said, we now have the ability to approve things ourselves so a lot of things will be dealt with quicker. In order to learn and teach knowledge of The Faith we will need to learn it first, understand those words.

Look friend, there is someone here having trouble understanding my words and it is you. If you wish for clarification ask me here or privately. You have all been not working so much at the faith lately. Now I know you will be getting married and are busy and stuff. That is understandable, but don't try to tell me you have been doing all this invisible work.

Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by pygmental »

Xavier wrote:If you know it is under construction then why do you think it is so necessary to point out flaws and errors that will be ironed out by the end? Why do you think people will wish to learn about things that will be changed or edited at a later date? Do you generally wish to cause hassle? In the two weeks yes there has been more activity but the majority of it is unconstructive and argumentative. :roll: As I have said it is a BETA. Every person here should enter this with the understanding that it is in the creation and ironing out stages...this would include game mechanics and roleplaying. Whether you think it a bad excuse or is true...fact and cannot be disputed.

Finally, people do not know the basic principles of the faith because for one...originally the admins have not released any information on it. Now that we "Apostles" have been given the oppertunity to set it up how we wish we can get work done. :roll: The spreading of knowledge would require there to be information to begin with. We have very little of relavent information pertaining to the general populace at this time...the majority of it necessary information for priests etc. Instead of complaining about structure which is not knowledge that is even relavent and pertinent to a regular citizen why not actually help... :roll:

Work will begin now that we can make and approve stuff ourselves.. :roll:

Actually I have only been pointing out things that you had declared finished. So I am not going to call you a liar right now, but your argument is false. Also you claiming I have been causing hassle and conversation in the order for 2 weeks is false. To call any suggestions made as to how to structure the faith "unconstructive and argumentative" is misleading and yet again false. Two weeks of silence followed by me respoding to a post that asked for objections and basically getting told to shut up like here. THAT is as you say "unconstructive".

If you want to tell me now that the information we have assembled in the Order of mucaz forums of all the information on the Faith given to us by Zachrin does not exist I will call you a very poor liar.

I believe you took an oath to not be a prick. So you would either be a very poor reader or forsworn. I'll let you tell me which it is. I am helping to spread knowledge of the faith which you also swore to do and are not doing. I will not "help" you by hshutting my mouth, and I'm not sorry about that either. Oh, and work SHOULD have started months ago since the Mage Zachrin was always there to approve anything that got done. Your excuse as to why you haven't been doing anything is weak and flawed. Suggestions have been approved by Zachrin, such as having you three apostles, even though there have often been weeks of silence in the Order of Mucaz forum. Doing things gets them done.

Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by Xavier »

Vow of Humility - In the creation of all things, we were created equally. Over time things have changed, but a priest must vow to treats other as they wish to be treated if not better. They will never brag over their service and will humbly help when opportunities are present and it is sound for them to do so.

Vow of Love - Love is in the center of the teaching of Mucaz. Love is pure, Love is King, and Love is knowing the difference between saying something and respecting other's opinions. Just because someone is wrong doesn't mean one should shove it down one's throat.
Now...I took these two oaths along with everyone else in the Order and nowhere here does it tell me not to be a...*cough* OOC: Do not swear...the english language and every other language can offer your opinion across to others without the need for swear words such as...prick. I would like it if you please refrain from using them anymore. :OOC I respect your opinion just like i respect all peoples opinions. Also it tells me to treat people how I am willing to be treated...however I can take alot and give back more so I will be a *cough*.

More importantly I think you are not reading my words properly...if you listened...
If you know it is under construction then why do you think it is so necessary to point out flaws and errors that will be ironed out by the end? Why do you think people will wish to learn about things that will be changed or edited at a later date?
Nothing is "finished". It is all just in the confirmation is not released to the public...why? because it is not confirmed practice or information. We have been working quite hard on the forums...if you look we have all put in alot of effort in organising everything which at the moment is quite messy. :roll:

Finally...once again not listening to my words.. :roll:
Work will begin now that we can make and approve stuff ourselves..
Before this we had to wait for Zach's I am not accusing Zach of anything here...I mean he is making the game for goodness sake...I am happy enough just being here! but the religion was getting nothing done because more approval was needed before we could continue...the Apostles are now here to approve the majority of issues without needing to pester the Grand Mage on every little as I work can begin!

Also...just to note...I have been made Apostle along with Erma and Madkcat for less than a day! Rome was not built in a day! OOC: And christianity took hundreds of years to if it is done within this lifetime! be very happy! :OOC

Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by pygmental »

You are pretty good at inventing excuses for peope who don't know any better. ALL debate had once again died out in the Order of Mucaz. Nothing is finished? Really? Can we get rid of you apostles and the whole paths thing? Or the baptism ceremonies or change the oaths to become a priest or actually quite a few things. How about what a Zunian weddig is?
Xavier wrote:Finally...once again not listening to my words..
Finaly, once again you lie to my face. Which I guess should be expected from an "evil" guy like you

OOC: Bud, you the character you play play in Secf is(so far) a slightly crazy jerk evil priest guy. You are trying to discredit my character in public which is a perfectly legal political move and I wasn't swearing at you. lol, I'll find something else to call Xavier then, but if you get RL offended every time someone says something about your character you need to relax. /OOC

Don't give me more catholic church. I reallydon't come here to join the catholic church. There is nothing wrong with the catholic church in RL, but I play this game to not be RL./OOC

Xavier wrote:I think you are completely missing the fact that...if someone wants a different religion they can have one. If they do not like the Faith's methods they can have a different faith...we cater for those that would follow our cater for every ignorant person that wants to have a special funeral...if we did it as you say...what is to stop people doing whatever they like? huh?
Yeah, looks like you take discussion real well, :roll: . people want to know about the faith. People feel they should have a say in it. You just want to make it yourself. Maybe we do need a religion that lets people talk and even gasp! have free will. Oh my goodness! The horror!

And you are lying to everyone about you doing work on anything. You had nothing ready for Zachrins approval because you have not been doing anything lately. Well now you can attack me for disagreeing with you, but I am nt sure that counts as work. yeah, only had how many months you could have been working on this already?

Re: The Faith-Order of Zulakc

Post by Xavier »

pygmental wrote:OOC: Bud, you the character you play play in Secf is(so far) a slightly crazy jerk evil priest guy. You are trying to discredit my character in public which is a perfectly legal political move and I wasn't swearing at you. lol, I'll find something else to call Xavier then, but if you get RL offended every time someone says something about your character you need to relax. /OOC
OOC: duuuuude you completely misunderstood me! :lol: I am not complaining personally about you swearing...tbh if it were my choice you would be allowed to do that...however this is a PG-13 game...and from my perspective that is a rude word. ;) I don't care what you call me though! :lol: This is all a game and it is all for fun...nothing is ever worth getting angry at in a game and it never should be. 8-) church?! where did that come from! :lol: :lol: :OOC
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