Citizens Concerns and or Issues with Bravia's Laws

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Citizens Concerns and or Issues with Bravia's Laws

Post by Katie »

Hi! I am not here to criticize the hard working VR of Bravia. Please do not take my comments to heart resulting in hurt feelings. However, let's review some issues with the laws together. (This means citizens of Bravia, please give your input for I am NOT all knowing.)

VR Nikola suggested I open this chamber for any issues I wish for us to explore together, for everyone's information.

QUOTE from the Laws: Offiicial Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Postby Zachrin » Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:22 pm {Katie states~ I wish the December date was scratched thru and May 18th,1655 was placed there to minimize confusion although May 18th is mentioned soon after.]

Here are the current laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia as of May 18, 1655:

Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

The laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia pertain to every creature residing in or traveling within its borders. All creatures, regardless of place of residence, must adhere to the laws as set forth in this document. Failure to do so may result in prosecution up to the fullest extent allowed by law.

I. Treason - Treason against the Viceroy of Bravia is illegal. Treason is a serious crime that is defined as any offence against the security of the Viceroy. Examples of treasonous actions include (but are not limited to):

Katie's Issue #1 with VR laws: Definition on what is meant by the VR of Bravia under Treason would be prudent. VR of Bravia refers to all lands, cities, peasant villages, castles, seas and air above within the borders according to the IG Map. (Said map screenshot may be placed here, but unnecessary IMO.)

Back to the laws now~

a. Levying a war within the Viceroy without authorization
b. Leading or participating in a foreign army onto Bravian soil without express authorization from the Viceregal Council.
c. Raising an unauthorized army on Bravian soil
d. Assisting an enemy of Bravia
e. Attempting to invade the Viceroy or modify the borders, including (but not limited to) participating in or holding a rank in a foreign army.
f. Betraying the confidence of the Viceroy or the Viceregal Council by sharing the contents of the private Council forums with anyone not on the council
g. Engaging in behavior that would compromise the security of Bravia *
h. Destroying the castle by moving it from one location to another without the full consent of the legally elected Council as declared by four-fifths majority vote. This applies to elected officials as well as those illegally sitting in office by virtue of revolt or sabotage regardless of their home place of residence.

Katie's issue #2: a. Levying a war within the Viceroy without authorization without who's authorization? Mine? Yours? Who exactly? Laws are all about technicalities so please consider addressing this problem to close loop holes.

Katie's issue #3:b. Leading or participating in a foreign army onto Bravian soil without express authorization from the Viceregal Council.
This is a wee bit petty on my part, but for clarity's sake I would add Viceregal Council of Bravia.

Katie's issue #3: c. Raising an unauthorized army on Bravian soil without Bravia VR Council's approval.

Katie's issue #4: d. Assisting an enemy of Bravia. An enemy of Bravia is considered anyone or any army or anything hostile and or waging war against Bravia.

Katie's issue #5 e. Attempting to invade the Viceroy or modify the borders, including (but not limited to) participating in or holding a rank in a foreign army. [Katie would change foreign army to hostile army toward Bravia because it covers foreign and domestic. However, you add foreign and domestic army to cover any hostile army. Also, I would include invading any Bravian town.]

h is a little confusing but we won't touch that for now...
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Re: Citizens Concerns and or Issues with Bravia's Laws

Post by Nikola »

Thank you for your input, Katie. I will bring your concerns to Council for discussion.

If anyone else has a suggestion or concern about our laws, please do post them here and I will take them into Council chambers for review and discussion. Remember that the purpose of our laws is to protect our citizens and our homes as well as protecting the University, our temples and the Castle. I would love to see more of our citizens involved in the process of insuring that our laws are strong enough to do that without inhibiting the freedoms of the peoples of Bravia.

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Re: Citizens Concerns and or Issues with Bravia's Laws

Post by Katie »

Ok... Upon reviewing Treason again ~

I. Treason - Treason against the Viceroy of Bravia is illegal. Treason is a serious crime that is defined as any offence against the security of the Viceroy. Examples of treasonous actions include (but are not limited to):

Katie's Issue #1 with VR laws: Definition on what is meant by the VR of Bravia under Treason would be prudent. VR of Bravia refers to all lands, cities, peasant villages, castles, seas and air above within the borders according to the IG Map. (Said map screenshot may be placed here, but unnecessary IMO.)

(OOC: I mentioned air because I thought it may be interesting to make it more realistic in our fantasy world.)


I think it is also prudent to place in the law a definition of what exactly is meant by Viceroy? If it only refers to the VR Council and or castle of Bravia, we have a legal problem once again with this law. Understand what I am doing? I making sure any loopholes can be closed.
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