Time to Go Hunting

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Time to Go Hunting

Post by Nikola »

Nikola was sitting by the campfire with her band of travelers-turned-troops when the scout returned with the report. Six Zyrk and four Xanthareels. She frowned, having expected to hear of more than that number after the amount of damage they had done to the mines. The number of Zyrks was encouraging as they, at least, would be helping to repair the damage.

Xanthareels, however, were another story altogether. The fearsome beasts had left their watery homes to travel inland, causing damage to property and stealing from the markets. She supposed that if something had driven her from her land home into the sea, she might be a bit grumpy, too. However, regardless of why they were on land, they needed to be dealt with and so she had offered to lead an expedition to hunt down and kill as many Xanthareels as she could manage, knowing that they would be lucky to wound a few. Yet she had managed to kill a few on her own back in Bravia City and in Paz. Granted, most of them had already received wounds from other fighters, but still, someone had to deal the killing blow, did they not? Killing Xanthareels always did send a jolt of adrenaline through her, especially when they used electrocution on her. So unfair! They must be stopped!

Turning a feral grin to her Lieutenant, she stated the obvious.
“Time to go hunting!”
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Re: Time to Go Hunting

Post by Aishe »

Bright, blue eyes stared off into the distant land. This had not been the plan, by any means. She had publicly declared being done taking care of Bravia days ago. Alas, she found it in her heart that she was unable to punish innocents for the acts of a few. After all, plans change. In truth, it was her friend's convincing argument to help Bravia one last time, to keep Her safe from the creatures that were doing damage across the realm. Quietly, Aishe heaved a sigh and absently patted herself down, reassuring herself that her weapons were present. She was under much strain beyond the Xanthareel problem, often finding her mind distracted by the events of the last two days involving her wife. There was danger out there, yes, but there was also danger in her own tent now.

The vampire's gaze was pulled away from the unknown as Nikola spoke, a small smile forming. She turned around from the captain to the rest of their army, which mostly consisted of her people. Today, they would risk their lives to protect Bravia. It was a bit of an unnerving thought. She motioned over to her two large metal golems, Eno and Owt, and patiently waited as they lumbered over. For as ungraceful as they were, they were good fighters and had helped with the Xanthareel presence in each town they had been in thus far. She gave a quick glance over them to ensure they were in tiptop shape for the fight. When all passed inspection, she turned back to Nikola.

How you convinced me to do this mission, I will never know. All the sane Bravians are staying in their towns and here we are, venturing into the mines on hunts. We may need to seek help from monks or something later for our clear lack of sanity.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: Time to Go Hunting

Post by Nikola »

Laughter came easily for Nikki this night as it had not done for weeks now. So much had changed over the past months, and so much had come to a head just in the past weeks. Her heart had been breaking for some time now, and she was tired of being sad, of being angry, of being worried and of being disappointed yet again. Fighting an enemy one could see and touch and kill promised to take her mind off the rest, at least for a time.

“Perhaps, but at least we are doing something. Perhaps even worthy of a song. Who knows? Maybe we’ll even kill something.”

Another scout reported in and the number of Xanthareels had increased. There were now six of them roaming the hills within sight of the little camp, and the Zyrk had disappeared. She was not sure whether that boded well or ill for their quest, but at the moment, she was glad there were more Xanths around. Fighting them would focus her heart and attention on the battle at hand instead of the chaos back in civilization. This was, for now, most definitely preferable.
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Re: Time to Go Hunting

Post by Aishe »

A song? Aishe laughed at the idea. Laughter was an uncommon act for her, just as it had become for Nikola. It felt good to have a moment of genuine laughter, however short it was. Shaking her head, she rolled her shoulders a bit. It would be our luck for our legacy to only be a simple song about how insane we are to roam Bravia to fight the Xanthareels. I can hear it playing in the taverns already!

'Nikola and Aishe
Sanity lost in the hall,
Took up their swords
And headed off to fight all!'

A small grin was displayed across her lips to her short sing-song words, but it faded a bit at the scout report. Brow furrowing, her eyes went back to the distance. A bad feeling was beginning to settle in her stomach. They were not outmatched yet, but she did not think that would be the case for long. After a glance to the captain, Aishe gave a whistle, turning around and waving everyone into motion.

The hunt is on!
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: Time to Go Hunting

Post by Nikola »

Nikki let Aishe round up the troops. She might be the Captain, but they followed Aishe, she knew. Besides, a Lieutenant needed to be busy so the Captain could think...and maybe steal some of said Lieutenant's drink. But right now Nikki needed her mind clear and focused. If the Xanthareels were already increasing, how many would they find nearer to the mine itself?

The answer soon came from the next scouting report. Twenty seven Zanthareels. Nikki blanched at the report and considered keeping the news to herself to avoid frightening the others, but no, that would not be fair. They had made the decision to come along on the hunt, and so they deserved to know what they faced. As the troops gathered round, Nikki addressed them.

"We are up against a lot more of these creatures than even I had feared. The battle will be hard fought, and some of us may be hurt. There is no shame in falling and none in choosing not to fall. If you find you cannot stand against them, then be ready to tend to the wounded." She refused to say "the dying" or speculate as to whether they would survive at all. "Watch each other's backs and for mage's sake avoid direct hits from the creatures if you can. Use the weapons you have and any magic you may posses. It will take all of us and all we are to defeat them."

She looked around at the faces of those who had joined her. She honestly did not even know most of them, and those she did know she really only knew as acquaintances, although she had worked with Akos and Aishe enough to feel that she knew them a bit more than just in passing. She also knew that the potential existed for this battle to create a bond of friendship among them all, certainly strengthening the family ties that already bound most of them. A pang of sadness went through her at the thought that after so much, it would take such as this to create such a bond. At least maybe something good might come from the utter chaos that seemed to have shaken Bravia to its core. Shaking herself from her thoughts she bared her teeth in a feral grin.

"Let's go!" she said and turned to lead the way.
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Re: Time to Go Hunting

Post by Aishe »

Truth be told, if Nikola had made the search of Aishe's bags, she would have find the vampire nicely stocked up on alcohol. Ale, vodka, whiskey - it was all quietly stashed out of sight for later... Be it to celebrate victory or nurse their wounds with. With the paling look on Nikola's face, Aishe suddenly felt it would certainly be the latter. Still, the slender blonde put on a brave face while their captain spoke, nodding along in encouragement to the others. She offered no verbal encouragement, however, as Nikola seemed to have it well covered. So, when the captain finished and turned, Aishe turned as well. Giving a grin of her own, she drew out her sai and moved forward.

It was just in those first few steps that she noticed her metal golems going the wrong way. She wasn't sure if something had caught their eyes, but it certainly was not the swarm of Xanthareel the army was approaching. Scowling, she contemplated turning and fetching them, but her place was at the front with Nikola. If the others saw her turn and go the other way, they may see her as running from the fight and quite possibly try to do so themselves. She could only hope the Mages would guide Eno and Owt to the battle, where they were needed.

It was only moments later that she came face to face with a Xanthareel. Large and yellow, the eel like creature that was normal bound to the sea was slithering on land much like a snake... Right at her. Ignoring its jagged teeth, she slashed forward with her sai. Left with a graze, it hissed in pain and retaliated with strength she had underestimated, leaving her a laceration across her forearm. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of her sai, which was bent a bit from the impact. It was then that both Nikola and John dealt blows of their own, giving her a chance to glance over her wound and bend her sai back into place. Just in time, as another Xanthareel neared. Down the blade went, leaving a sufficient nick across its scales. Mages did it feel good to be using her sai. *

And so it went on. The army of Bravians against the creatures of the sea, locked in brutal battle. Aishe, herself, suffered many injuries, that twice, she became too overwhelmed and broken and sought a way to the edge of battle. Neither attempts away from the heat of things went successful, but she kept going along side her comrades. The more wounds she collected, the less her quickened healing worked. Despite that, her pride grew as she finally managed to slay one of the beasts. By the end, seven Xanthareels laid slain on the battlegrounds by her blade.

Beaten and bleeding, Aishe heaved a deep breath as she wiped the blade free of blood across her torn trousers. The sai was sheathed, bright eyes wandering across to fellow soldiers in attempt to take in the status of everyone.

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Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: Time to Go Hunting

Post by Morjiana »

Morjiana saw a xanthareel once. It was ghastly. The fangs alone were enough to disturb her sleep for a week, which left her in a foul mood. Her mood was not only due to the lack of sleep, but also to the fact that she fancied herself fearless, and the xanthareel proved this a lie.

She considered the call to arms to defend the mines, and she knew it to be the right thing to do. She also knew herself to be an utter coward when it came to this particular creature. She pondered the matter for a sleepless night worse than the night after she'd seen the xanthareel as a girl, and finally decided there was only one thing for it. Calling her steward to her bedside as dawn broke, she quickly scribbled a message on a parchment that curtly ordered the receiver to go do the service Bravia so badly needed: fight the xanthareels. She sealed it, handed it to her steward, and told the girl to deliver it to her niece.

"Which one?" the girl asked.

"Any of them," Morjiana replied with a distracted air, already considering the matter settled in her own mind. "They're all fierce enough to fell a xanthareel with a cross word."
~ Morjiana Sanchari of Chere ~ Seer, Busybody, Matriarch ~
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Re: Time to Go Hunting

Post by Skye »

Who in their right mind would battle something consider too tough to fight. They would she thought shaking her head. She had been sitting by the fire tossing those crazy rock that had fallen from the sky. "Who ever said you only live once was nuts."

Skye lost count of how old she really was a long time back. She enjoyed living, who wouldn't. It was the dying that hurt, or could it be that reviving that hurt. Who knew? She was slightly distracted when something pop from the flames and started growing next to her. Skye glared at the big metal golem, that looked at her like she was dinner. Maybe not dinner but it did look at her funny. Before she could say something their leader had said let's go. "Well you heard the leader, let’s go!"

The battle had been hard, for Skye that is. She was batter, blooded and bruised. She even think she died a few times but who knows. Dragging back to camp she sat anywhere she could find to take a hundred year nap. Her Metal Golem on the other hand was unharmed.
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Re: Time to Go Hunting

Post by Mallory »

A letter was pushed into her hands. She did not recognize the writing but reading the content made it very clear. She was to go and fight. She didn't have a weapon so she hurried to the market and purchased one. It was just basic, but she liked it. She packed some food into her pack and was ready to go. She tucked the letter in her pack and hurried out to find Aishe. She was supposed to go too so Mele figured she'd follow her around and do what she did. After all she was a big, tough, vampire, right? What could be scarier than her?

She grumbled, but she did so to herself, without words. She followed, and she walked, and she followed, and she walked and she listened to rousing speeches, "We are up against a lot more of these creatures than even I had feared. The battle will be hard fought, and some of us may be hurt. There is no shame in falling and none in choosing not to fall. If you find you cannot stand against them, then be ready to tend to the wounded. Watch each other's backs and for mage's sake avoid direct hits from the creatures if you can. Use the weapons you have and any magic you may posses. It will take all of us and all we are to defeat them."" She nodded as Nikola spoke, her eyes searching for Aishe in the group. Using what little time they had to try to gather from her sister's face exactly what she was walking into. She had never seen one of these creatures.

"Let's go" like the others Mele rushed forward her axe ready to attack. What in the cosmos was that? her mind screamed, even as she ran towards the battle with the rest. She whacked and whacked, and felt pain hit but she tried not to let it phase her. She kept going, running forward, darting back, doing her best not to be hit. Then she felt something like lightening soar through her body, she tried to run but fear kept her rooted to the spot, lightening made fire, fire would be bad. But she kept fighting, until she felt her body being to grow weary and knew then that this was not going to end well. But if she fell they were going down with her, and back she ran into the fray.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
"In Death, Life"
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Re: Time to Go Hunting

Post by Nikola »

When the group came upon the mines, the truth of the scouts’ reports was confirmed. Nikki could fight a well as anyone, but she was no warrior. Not in the true sense of the word. She could lead and direct, and fight, but most of her battles had been fought from behind a desk or across a table from her opponents. The huge snake-like creatures hissed at the small band of impromptu soldiers and bolstered by the courage of the others, Nikki fell upon the first Xanthareel she came to, wounding it with her sai. It, unfortunately, struck back and wounded her. That smarted like crazy but rather than send her running in the other direction, it served to bring her thoughts into focus, steeling herself for the madness they had committed to, for it was mad to attack a herd of Xanthareels with so few.

She struck the next Xanth, a war cry shredding the sounds of hissing and the sickly slash of metal striking flesh. Even as the second Xanthareel struck her back she found herself trying to determine what seemed so odd about the sounds of this particular battle. As her blade cut deeply into the next beast, she realized what it was. In most battles, there would be the clang and clash of metal on metal as opposing sides met on the field, war cries and screams of pain from both sides mingling into a single cacophony of sound. This was not that at all. Blades were crossing with flesh, not other blades and the only sound from the enemy was the hissing and crackling of electrocution. That is until they began to die. The creatures screeched as death blows began to rain on them, some by her hand, many by the hands of others.

She thought of Bravia and the harm these creatures had visited upon her home. She thought of all the chaos that the people of Bravia, many of whom were her friends, had allowed to be unleashed upon the land she had loved for so long. She still blamed herself for the current chaos, for she had taken a break and been too far away to be of any assistance other than offer advice when the chaos began some months back. Channeling her grief and rage she struck at one after another of the beasts, gritting her teeth through the melee of their counter attacks. She was dimly aware that John fell and did not move again. Aishe also went down. She had no time to learn whether they had simply fallen, or had died. There were others that needed to be protected. Yes, she would protect them or die trying. She was their captain. She had led them here, hadn’t she? It had been her request that had brought them to this place of destruction. She fought her way back to where others still fought and slashed at the creatures with her sai and sword, heedless of the blood that flowed from the many wounds on her own body.

She had lost count of how many of the creatures she had slain. Six, she thought, but it was not enough. Her sai faltered, the blade dull and slick with the blood of her enemy. She heard a low hiss behind her and turned just as the creature struck. Pain exploded in her chest and she fell to her knees before crashing to the ground, dropping her sword from her off hand but still clinging to her ruined sai. The battlefield had grown strangely quiet, though she was not certain whether that was because her life was slipping away, or because the creatures were being slaughtered. There were numerous mounds of the vile creatures all around the field, lying still and unmoving. That was good, she thought as she clung to the last vestiges of life. There were other bodies there, too. These were the bodies of those who had followed her here. She had led them to their death. Part of her chuckled at the thought. At least for most of them, death would not be final. She doubted even a Xanthareel could visit death permanently upon a vampire. John, however, was not a vampire. He was fully human so far as she knew. She had thought herself human once, and still did for the most part. But she was not fully human, she had learned. She had hoped to explore that side of her, to learn who she was, to become what she had been told she would be. Perhaps in another lifetime, They had fought well this day. It was too bad she might not be able to tell them how proud she was of them all, she thought as the world faded from her sight.
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