[ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Sokanon »

They’d always had an intense and special bond, but entwining their energies in such a way was...something more. Sokanon was one with her sister as they searched together, Akos’ growing desperation was her own. None of the soul threads they had found so far had led them to Aishe, and as the twins expanded their search past the birthing room and out unto the entire estate, Sokanon began to doubt.

It was but a moment before Soka felt the full force of Akos’ anger. There would be zero allowances made for any uncertainty. There was however a strong and ever growing sense of urgency coming from her twin sister, and had Sokanon been in any other situation she most likely would have gasped at Akos’ next command. What they were about to ask for had most likely never been done before. Breaking concentration for just long enough, Soka turned to Serendipity, We need the boys.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Serendipity »

Red brows knitted together at the request. The boys. For the first time, there was a hesitance in the lady protector's step. The boys were not present for good reason; it went against their culture. The enchantments and protection placed over the room and the neighboring nursery were held together delicately only in female presence. Bringing the boys in would break the webbing and put Aishe's very soul at risk, along with that of her newborn child. Now, Serendipity was not raised Romany, but she lived within the culture now. She was no stranger to evil and firmly believed in the precautions the Roma took. For that brief moment, she was torn... Torn between what Aishe would want verses what was needed.

As always, Aishe's life came first. The struggle ceased to a nod, Serendipity heading for the door. The wing had loose protection magic on it as well, but being a wider space, it was more difficult to maintain the intensity needed for the birth. That protection gave way the further one wandered in the manor. It was nonexistent in the room the boys were sitting idly, playing cards. Two pairs of blue eyes flicked up at her, noting her rigid expression.

"We need you."

She offered no explanation and they needed none. Quick to their feet, the three of them retreated the way she had come. As the boys trailed behind her, she felt the finely casted net tear, crumbling into pieces at their feet with a faint glimmer in the air. She found it difficult to keep leading them further in, feeling the destruction left in their wake. If anything happened to the child, Aishe would not forgive her... And she would not forgive herself either. But, at least Aishe would be there to be angry... Hopefully.

Hesitation returned when slim fingers reached for the doorknob. Dark eyes closed with a murmuring prayer beneath her breath before she opened the door. She entered first, her heart dropping more as she felt the enchantments shatter. Hastily, she shut the door behind the twins and turned to quickly urge the nurse into the nursery, which now held the only protection left. Weeks of preparation were now undone, but she'd be damned if evil reached the child in their efforts to save their queen.
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
Bond to Aeton Sanchari | Mother of Zipporah, Yara, Nox, Eydahl, Eydís, Juniper, & Valen
Lady of the Vale | BDR Natsia | (Aishe Art)

Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Varann »

sliped quietly back into the room and ket the Akos know that xie was there if she needed xer..... the figure was gone for now ....
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by SanchariTwins »

It was with hopeful gazes that the boys look up with when their long time family protector disturbed their game. It felt like an age had passed while they had waited on news of the birth, and they’d been quietly squabbling over the gender of the babe for the entirety of the day. Expecting such news, Aian and Aeton found themselves more than a little concerned when their hopeful faces were met with Serendipity’s serious one. The mild concern turned to full on panic when they were given the simple request, though they kept such alarm to themselves as they did as instructed.

The boys knew well enough of the traditions and magics that surrounded a birth in their culture, but their trust in Serendipity’s wisdom was unfaltering as they felt various magical barriers collapsing around them. Because of them. Aeton reached out to take his brother's hand, needing a tangible sense of reassurance from his brother beyond their normal psychic connection. Aian didn’t question the action, instead allowing his eyes to meet their identical match and giving the hand a squeeze as they followed Serendipity through the door and into the birthing room.

It was the silence that struck them first, even before they sensed their Ma and Aunt’s magic surging through the room. Aeton was nervously looking from one person to the next when he felt a sharp tug on his hand. Glancing across to his brother, he noticed the wide eyed, fearful stare and followed it’s path. A soft gasp escaped his lips when he noticed the unnaturally still form of their Mother laying on the bed.

Aian, ever the strong one, looked to his Aunt and Ma. He noticed the swirl of black in their eyes that indicated their use of magic. Knew that they were trying to bring his Mother back to life. He’d never known his Ma to not be able to bring a creature back of her own accord, so to see them working in tandem to find his Mother... there was clearly something incredibly wrong.

Aeton nodded his understanding of the situation to his twin as he moved to wrap his big arms around his Ma from behind while Aian did the same to Sokanon. They sensed that physical connection would aid in whatever was needed from them, but wanted - no, needed - to provide and likewise receive more comfort than simply resting a hand upon a shoulder. With tears welling in his eyes, Aeton rested his chin atop his Ma's shoulder while gazing down upon Aishe’s lifeless form and softly whispered, we’re here Ma.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Akos »

Akos was no longer sure of how much time had passed, only that it had indeed passed. At one point she felt first Aian, then Aeton slide to the floor to sit cross legged, clearly weary but unwilling to leave. Soka had refused to leave her side, and Akos took comfort from her twins' ever present solidarity and strength as she leaned against her.

Akos paused in her work, not wanting to admit to what she was about to, nor ready to accept its meaning. She first glanced towards Varaan, meeting xer eyes fleetingly, but also with meaning, before turning towards the one person in the world who would fully comprehend the meaning of what she was about to say.

Serendipity had been with them throughout multiple lives, watching, waiting, protecting. She knew of, and understood, the bond between Akos and Aishe as none other could. Akos fought back the tears that threatened her composure and shook her head gently towards her friend, She’s not here.
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Amnestria »

Amnestria stood in the corner of the room, nearly hidden in the shadows whilst her friend gave birth. The tension was thick and heavy due to the complications, but Amne refused to be with the others waiting out there. Aishe would need all the support she could get.

Amne slowly moved closer to her friend as the midwife worked on turning the baby. She could feel the weakness within Aishe, as well the will to fight and make it through. Something else was wrong though. Amne fidgeted, since she could not pinpoint what exactly was wrong. She looked at Akos, and then back down to Aishe as the baby was pulled out. It was blue. Why was it blue? Where was the cry?

The anxiety within Amnestria grew further, her body rippling as she watched Aishe and the baby. Something was seriously wrong. She moved to Aishe’s free side, taking her hand. It was abnormally cold, and it was not due to the fact that Aishe is a vampire either. Why was it cold? This is not normal. This could not be happening. Frantically she searched Aishe’s eyes as she closed them. She watched the last breath of life leave her.

Scales appeared on Amne’s body as she stood up, still holding Aishe’s hand. No this was not right. Amne looked up and around the room. Everything seemed to slow down, her eyes shifting back and forth from her human form to her dragon form. The yellow more prominent than they normally are. Akos was trying to find her, but it wasn’t working. She summoned for her sister.

Amne stepped back and away from the bed, dropping Aishe’s hand. Even she could not feel Aishe’s soul anymore. This couldn’t be. This was not right. Slowly Amne turned to the newborn baby. Tears in her eyes as she watched the baby nurse. She turned back to her friend laying on the bed lifeless. Shaking her head, she walked out to the balcony, her body shaking as the last of the scales appeared. She turned and looked once more, waiting for something, anything to happen.

|Lady in Waiting to Queen Aishe||Rani Shanglo to Kralisi Aishe|

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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Mallory »

There was no time for anything else, she knew little, but she knew she had a blood bond to her sister so she continued to call her through it. She didn't know if it would help, she didn't know it wouldn't, but she knew, clearly, without any doubt that she would never forgive herself if she didn't try something. She reached in her pocket for the rock, the one thing she carried everywhere these days, her bond to the earth, binding her to nature despite her very unnatural being. She held her rock tight and she prayed, to every deity in existence that her sister would be returned to them, that someone, anyone could figure out what to do next. She wasn't aware she was speaking verbally until she heard her own voice and startled, nearly dropping the rock.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Serendipity »

OOC: Dear Readers, I apologize for the massive delay. I have been extremely sick with covid and other health issues since the beginning on March and am only now getting back to being healthy. Thank you for your patience! Enjoy the story.

And just like that... In a moment all stood still, time moved forward.

A rigid cold set over the estate. While the world continued under the assumption the Queen and babe were healthy and obeying their cultural confines, life was very different inside Ettinford. At high risk, even the High King remained unaware of the ongoings within the stoned walls. It was necessary, they collectively believed, despite the potential fallout or claim of treason. If Zuan knew one of his queens was dead, he would fight tooth and nail to get to that bedside. In doing so, the lingering protection spells would be broken and in his grief, he would be putting his newborn child at great risk. It would also leave the Kingdom leaderless and vulnerable, while the man would be unable to help the endeavours ongoing.

The efforts persisted. There was none amongst those gathered at Ettinford that wished to call it over. The Kuhlash women continued to search with the aid of Varann. The women of the Veil searched in their own ways, with their own methods they had learned through force and necessity over the centuries. The space between life and death, the Veil as their people had called it, was an unusual place that was not easily accessible or easy to navigate. Serendipity and Zipporah knew every inch though, and should Aishe be stuck, they searched and they searched while letting the others keep going on their own battlegrounds.

There were those gathered that could not dive into the beyond, so they remained fully concentrated and attentive in different ways. Mallory was obsessive over the care of the newborn, perhaps the last legacy of her sister. Aileigh never left Elisa's side, taking Elisa's education as a top priority (or distraction) as it was really all she felt she controlled. Amnestria was constantly shifting into her dragon form, circling over Ettinford and the viscounty to do the only thing she could: protect the estate. Everyone had their hands busy with something and it was safe to say that, as the fortnight approached, exhaustion dripped off each and every individual.

As the sun rose on February fifteenth, there was a shift in the mood. A new anxiety rippled like electricity through the air. The war for Aishe's soul was about to change; a new player would be brought into the fold and with that, there was a new unpredictability to their rigorous routine.

Serendipity rose from a short slumber with a sharp mind and a steeled heart. She took a moment to braid her long, red locks and change into a fresh blouse and trousers. Once her boots were laced, she left the bedroom she was sharing with her daughter, the pair having felt the need to stay close with everything going on. Aeton was already waiting for her in the lounge area not far from the bedroom, dressed and solemn. She offered a quiet 'good morning' with a small smile, which was mirrored in return, before she extended her hand.

"And the game changes."

She said absently as Aeton took her hand. She laced her fingers with his to keep from fidgeting, finding reassurance with the squeeze the man offered. And just like that, a swirl of shadows consumed them and for the first time in two weeks, they left Ettinford.

The pair reappeared in the Imperian Castle. The familiar stone and smells felt strange after everything, almost as if the past fourteen days were a dream. She found herself not wanting to let go off Aeton's hand, or perhaps it was that he did not want to let go of hers, but her grip released and she clasped her hands in front of her. There had been many times that she had delivered the news that Aishe was gone, or at least, the past versions of her. This felt different though. Perhaps it was the complexity of the woman's life, the large family she had grown and the roles she had assumed outweighed most of her past lives. Perhaps it was the fact they held onto hope that they could bring her back. Or, maybe it was the fact she had to tell a king.

With Aeton at her side, they proceeded forward a few steps to a door to the High King's study. She knew his schedule well and should his morning go as its meant to, this was where they would find him. And, given the day, he would very much be expecting them. Or well, he would be expecting his bride and new child.

Serendipity raised her hand and knocked sharply to make sure she got his attention through the thick oak door. In making the decision to keep Aishe's death within Ettinford's walls, she had assumed responsibility for the secret. It was her life's purpose to keep Aishe's and Akos's souls safe. They were her responsibility, and while there had been resistance that anyone should take the blame, she did not budge. If the King needed someone to blame for keeping him in the dark, it would be her and she would assure it all fell on her and no one else. It was very possible, in her opinion, that these were some of the last breaths she was drawing as a free woman. It was not like she could be executed, but she could certainly be locked up in a dark cell and forgotten to time. She was no stranger to imprisonment or torture. No nerves filled her from the possibility as she lowered her hand, but she was filled with dread and sympathy for having to deliver such news.
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
Bond to Aeton Sanchari | Mother of Zipporah, Yara, Nox, Eydahl, Eydís, Juniper, & Valen
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Zuan »

It had been over two weeks since his wives and their extended family and household had retreated into seclusion. This was not an unusual event and had happened twice before in the birth of his first three children, yet something was unquestionably wrong. Perhaps it was the fact that he had not heard from Akos, who had, during Aishe’s first pregnancy, provided him with detailed updates, but this time nothing.

The silence had become elongated and unnatural, and with it grew his own concerns and anxieties. No news was bad news, it was that simple in this situation, and it did not take a genius to work out what could be wrong to the level that he, as King, father and husband, would be left in the dark for so long. There had to be an issue with either the baby or the mother.

His own goings on over the past two weeks had reflected these concerns. At first he, the council and the court was busy and active, eager courtiers waiting for news or announcements upon the birth of the King’s child, staff had been hired and chambers had been built and redecorated. The main court glistened with cloth of gold, jewels and other such extravagances to reflect the momentous moment of the birth of a Royal baby. The King himself was also seen to be in fine spirits, while concern was private, his public face was one of gracious joy for this day, and the mood in the castle reflected this.

However as time passed and the expectations of a proclamation came and went, so the joyous rumours whispered loudly so the King could hear about the ‘growing family line’ and the ‘joyous occasion’ quickly became displaced and replaced with hushed gossip which no one wished King or council to hear. The decorated court also seemed to lose some of its majesty and sparkle, as if the gold had left the thread, and the jewels were naught but stones, and the smiles worn by the King were replaced with scowls and expressions of disapproval of any sign of positivity within the walls.

So it was planned, that as the 14th day came, and would soon go, he would ride directly for the estate. He would not wait, he would not pause for drink nor food, bad weather or danger. He wanted answers, and by all that was sacred he was going to get them. Thus it was on the morn he rose and dressed, wearing a simple attire built for expedient travel rather than finery, made of a black leather jerkin, matching breeches and riding boots. The attire glinted slightly with strands of silver, but again was a more understated fashion choice for a King, given his focus was elsewhere. Thus as the knock came to his door, he was already opening it, only to find his path to the stairs and to the stables beyond blocked. He looked into the womans eyes, it confirmed his suspicions.

In that moment, he would seem very old, signs of aging did not often appear on the King, some simply put that down to the potioneers and magicians who served at court, rather than ever ask for a true explanation. Yet in that moment as the light pierced through into the chamber, and the unkept, unshaven expression of a worn man met the eyes of one of his wife’s family it would be clear no doubt to her. He uttered one word, quiet as a whisper, yet as dangerous as a bastard sword.
High King of The Fenians - Brother to Dahlia, Ambra, Trinity, Sera & Zhou
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Re: [ORP] Ettinford: A Tale by the Sea

Post by Serendipity »

The appearance of the High King was unnerving. He was, as most kings were, one for appearance because ultimately, that carried weight amongst the people and he understood that. He was not a flashy man, but one well kept and extravagant in his own, simple manner. Akos had grown to be much the same, while Aishe was more flashy with bright colours, decorative jewelry, and complicated threading.


Serendipity did not shift or cower beneath the intensity of his gaze. She was so very old and with so much life experience under her belt; it was easy to be as still and resistant as marble. There was a small sense of pride that came from Aeton, who equally remained unmoving. In a swift, yet subtle movement, she motioned for His Highness to take a step back with the desire of using the privacy of the room to talk. She was not comfortable speaking where others could hear, as the kingdom did not need any confirmation to rumours that may be spreading. He took a stiff step back, letting them enter the room, but she waited until he shut the door before she spoke.

"There were complications. There were safety and security concerns, which is why you were not told." She hoped that, at some point, he would be able to recognize that. He clearly already knew something had been up, and yet he had continued with the laws of their people. That alone gave her hope that he would come to see it was for good reason. "You have a beautiful, very healthy daughter. You will not be able to see her, despite the period of seclusion concluding today. She has not been named yet and so, she remains at high risk and needs to stay under the protection of the Romany spells.

But, I will take you to see Aishe."
She took a sharp inhale, her turmoil giving face for a brief second. Her hand laced again with Aeton's, but her muddy eyes did not leave the King. Her other hand was extended forward for him to take so they could leave. "We are doing everything we can to bring her back and we have not stopped."
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
Bond to Aeton Sanchari | Mother of Zipporah, Yara, Nox, Eydahl, Eydís, Juniper, & Valen
Lady of the Vale | BDR Natsia | (Aishe Art)
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