Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by balerion »

I received a letter Saturday and left Sunday. If you take me to court I will see you in appeals. Again this is most petty. I came to pay fines.

Would you have me stay in Bravia to await a court case?
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Dwayberry »

I hereby request the members of the Bravian Guardsmen army to be put on trail for attacking a citizen of Viceroyalty Bravia.

I'd like to remind the Bravian court of what I said on September 20:
Dwayberry wrote:Ok, let me try to explain this. After people committed a crime, you take them to court and put them through a fair trial.

Now, I understand the Bravian army attacking me while they were taken back the castle. All fair and part of the game. As it is now, you already have your castle back and I am minding my own business in Paz, which is my hometown, studying. You have no business attacking me with an army while I am in the freaking university.
I was not declared outlaw, there was no bounty put on my head. I wasn't even put on trial (where I would show up as requested if you did so). As long as this is all not the case, attacking me is a crime.

If it happens again I will request to press charges against the army captain. And if that isn't taken up by the weak excuse that is the Bravian courthouse, I will take it higher up to the mages.

Take me off your kill list and put me on trial or put out a warrant for my arrest or make me an outlaw, the kind of normal procedure to deal with criminals, and invest your fighting energy in defending your towns and castle for a change.
And the answer of then-captain Tuvoria:
Tuvoria wrote: Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:48 am you have been removed for now. Any move by you against the citizens or leadership of Bravia, or your aiding the known criminal Balerion, will result in your being placed back on the Army's attack list.
Now... please explain to me how buying some items from the market and picking some strawberries is 'a move against the citizens or leadership of Bravia or aiding the known criminal Balerion'?
In other words, it looks like you put me back on the kill list for no other reason than crimes of the past for which I have already paid the fines. Again, I am not an outlaw here nor do I have a bounty put on me.

Evidence of the attack:

Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 1 of Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and wounded Golem of GonzoVonNuttofen (90 HP). You grab your crossbow (Backup Weapon) and wield it as your primary weapon. You have recuperated! (+21 HP)
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 1 of Battle 1020332] Golem of GonzoVonNuttofen attacked and whacked you (-22 HP). You were unable to grab your crossbow (Backup Weapon) in time. (You are fleeing the battle!)
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 1 of Battle 1020332] You attacked with your amethyst dagger and lightly wounded GonzoVonNuttofen (40 HP). You have recuperated! (+31 HP) Your skill in Guillotine gave you a bonus in your attack! You were disarmed!
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [Round 1 of Battle 1020332] GonzoVonNuttofen attacked with their emerald axe and wounded you (-107 HP). You countered their attack (-11 HP)! (You attempt to flee the battle!)
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and lacerated Sabotender (139 HP).
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and lacerated Tuvoria (151 HP). Your skill in Guillotine gave you a bonus in your attack!
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and wounded Golem of DarkRose (90 HP).
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and wounded DarkRose (85 HP).
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] DarkRose attacked with their ruby compound bow and decimated you (-263 HP).
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and lightly wounded Grayson (57 HP).
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and wounded Morjiana (84 HP).
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and wounded Katie (81 HP).
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] Katie attacked with their longbow and lacerated you (-185 HP).
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and lightly wounded Alexandria (61 HP).
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and wounded Golem of GonzoVonNuttofen (90 HP). Your skill in Guillotine gave you a bonus in your attack!
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] [First Strike Round in Battle 1020332] You attacked with your crossbow and wounded GonzoVonNuttofen (96 HP). Your skill in Guillotine gave you a bonus in your attack!
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Attack/Defense] The Bravian Guardsmen (Army) notices you and come after you as if you were on a list or something... [Battle 1020332]
And evidence of what I was really doing in Bravia city:
Nov 6, 1660
11:00 am [Jobs] You have picked 3 boxes of strawberries from the orchard of Bravia (using your crate - Casual EQ)
Nov 5, 1660
2:35 pm [Buy] [Bravia Town Market] You bought 10 silly food at 6.00 each from marleen (via Steward)
Nov 5, 1660
2:35 pm [Buy] [Bravia Town Market] You bought 1 wood table at 75.00 each from Grayson (via Steward)
Nov 5, 1660
2:30 pm [Health] You ate 1 bag of corn (Now Full, Was: abounding, Estimated Tomorrow: abounding) [Cha: 1500 Str: 1500 Int: 1500 HP: 3750]
Nov 5, 1660
2:30 pm [Health] You ate 1 bag of corn (Now Hungry, Was: abounding, Estimated Tomorrow: robust) [Cha: 1500 Str: 1500 Int: 1500 HP: 3750]
Nov 5, 1660
2:28 pm [Buy] [Bravia Town Market] You bought 14 eggs at 3.00 each from marleen (via Steward)
Nov 5, 1660
2:28 pm [Buy] [Bravia Town Market] You bought 4 eggs at 3.00 each from GonzoVonNuttofen (via Steward)
Nov 5, 1660
2:28 pm [Buy] [Bravia Town Market] You bought 6 bags of corn at 3.00 each from Tuvoria (via Steward)
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Tuvoria »

This is misplaced anger. The members of the Army where following legitimate orders from Katie, the Army's commander. I did not place the order, and in fact removed Dwayberry and Balerion from the attack list for the Army stationed at Paz, before I turned that army over to creatures from Paz. Morevder, Dwayberry knows this and by her own statement above, even though the army moved to engage her, she is the one that initiated the combat against each army member before attempting to flee. I ask the court and the Public Prosecutor to dismiss these complaints and remind the creature Dwayberry that she is still not trusted and if she wishes to come to Bravia City for trade, that she send notice ahead so that her actions are not misconstrued and that proper steps can be taken by all to ensure the security of all.

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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Dwayberry »

Misplaced anger would be ex-viceroy Morijana requesting a bunch of different court cases against Balerion and myself for one and the same crime, half of which didn't make any sense.

That said, Tuvoria has a good point he was no longer the general and wasn't the one mainly responsible for this attack.

I therefore wish to change my request, since I remind everyone again I am not an outlaw and I do not have a bounty on my head. For the crime committed, I was sentenced to a fine, which I paid, and to helping out judge Katie in the courtroom, which I will do ((and haven't done yet unfortunately due to RL being hectic, it happens)). I was not banished from Bravia city, nor was I told I need permission to go there.
Bravia city has the fullest right to not trust me, but it would be sufficient to just place some defenders in the town hall and castle when you notice my presence. There is no excuse for randomly attacking a Bravian citizen. Yes, the army did attack me and I defended myself. I can't help it I am apparently better at landing some blows before I remove myself from the situation before I get seriously hurt.

My request is for the members of the Bravian Guardsmen army to be put on trail for attacking a citizen of Viceroyalty Bravia. For the reasons listed above.

And since we now call each other 'creatures', I will remind the creature Tuvoria that since he was not the judge in my court cases and I was not banished from Bravia city, he has no authority to tell me I need permission to go there. I will continue to travel as I please.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Katie »

Public Prosecutor Katie nails a sign outside her office on the door... OPEN!!
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Logo »

Imma gettin PAST tired offa tyss crap

The mages own news is evidence enough for me. (even if it is not for the the mages own court of appeals

Imma say that any who anyone who can create or join an army do so and kill the bastard and accomplices ... accidentally of course ...

and follow until the them like flies after honey until the loudmouth stops complaining about how little death hurts these dayses Also accidentally .... perhaps while trying gently to teach a lessson on public safty

Let us see if the mages coddling these unrepentant criminal will find some linguistic technicality for the for the nascent mobs of vigilantes demanding actual justice

An iffy no ... not Yes. Fines are easy to pay ... an I think imma gots frensnnics to cover cover us all

And if after the the revolution Imma happen to to be the public prosecutor izza be no chanceses brought

PS Damn inma liked my sig image
Imma neend a need a good artist to make new graphics for Logo Dark
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Aishe »

@Mateo_Umia Please file charges against Balerion for his revolt and capture of Bravia City.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Warden of Bravia | Viceroy | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by balerion »

Balerion waited. He waited and waited and then he waited some more. Nothing happened. He sighed. It looked as though he would have to make an inquiry. He grabbed a local town crier and asked it who the new Public Prosecutor was. They stuttered back at him, "T-t-t-t-two-o-o B-b-bee." He rolled his eyes and ate the man. Nonchalantly he wandered over to the prosecutor's office and knocked loudly three times. "@TwoB might you let me know for what month my court case will be scheduled? It seems the last two prosecutors did... well... nothing. Were they aware the job was theirs?"
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by TwoB »

TwoB approached the dragon and smiled. "As the new Public Prosecutor, I have filed the charges against you today. I don't know if or why the previous had not yet filed it, but the Republic has a case against you now," she said. "Would you care to join us in the court room now," she asked.
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