Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Where the people from the towns can meet and interact

Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Maria »

Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia - Effective May 7, 1650
  • I. Treason - Treason against the Viceroy of Bravia is illegal. Treason is a serious crime that is defined as any offence against the security of the Viceroy. Examples of treasonous actions include (but are not limited to):
    • a. Levying a war within the Viceroy without authorization
      b. Leading a foreign army onto Bravian soil without express authorization from the Viceregal Council.
      c. Raising an unauthorized army on Bravian soil
      d. Assisting an enemy of Bravia
      e. Attempting to invade the Viceroy or modify the borders.
      f. Betraying the confidence of the Viceroy or the Viceregal Council by sharing the contents of the private Council forums with anyone not on the council
      g. Engaging in behavior that would compromise the security of Bravia *
    II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:
    • a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
      b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
      c. Abuse of Power - Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
      d. Neglect of Duty- Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
      e. Breach of Contract - Any person who enters into a grant agreement with either Town or Viceroy and does not abide by the terms of that grant.
    III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:
    • a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove an elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.
      • i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted.
        ii. Successful revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted
        iii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the Viceregal Council. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.
      b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery* is illegal in the Viceroy of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:
      • i. Misuse of any Grant inconsistent with the terms of that grant
        ii. Refusal to return a Grant upon request of the Viceroy or Finance Minister or a Town Mayor
        iii. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia*
        iv. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
        v. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.
    IV. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroy makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

    V. Punishments
    • a. Mild Punishments – may include one or more of the following:
      • i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
        ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
        iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
        iv. Restitution of goods
        v. Alternative sentencing – may be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or viceroy, role play on the forums, etc.
      b. Moderate Punishments - may include one or more of the following:
      • i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
        ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
        iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
        iv. Restitution of goods
        v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V.a)
        vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months
      c. Serious Punishments - may include one or more of the following:
      • i. Fines – over 250 freznics
        ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
        iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
        iv. Restitution of goods
        v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V.a)
        vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
        vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.

Addendum dated August 21, 1650*

For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense.

The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

Addendum dated December 3, 1650

Only elected councilors have the authority to change laws by a simple majority vote.

* denotes edit/addition as of August 21, 1650