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Post by Katie »

OOC... At this time, anyone is free to post here in stating they are watching the pigs eat, sleep, etc... because The PIG RACES of the Festival will be done as the last phase of this thread.

PHASE 1. 8-) THE PIG PENS :Viewing of the Pigs in Their Pens by Spectators and Future Race Participants

Each pen has a sign with each pig's name written plainly and clearly for those who have learned to read at the universities. Hopefully the educated will share the pigs names with those unable to read.

Pen #1) Cris P. Bacon
Pen #2) Sam the Ham,
Pen #3) Oinker,
Pen #4) Piggly Wiggly,
Pen #5) Arnold Ziffel, (missing in action presently)
Pen #6) Miss Piggy,
Pen #7) Porky Pig,
Pen #8) Pork Chop,
Pen #9) Pumba,
Pen #10) Sir Oinksalot,
Pen #11) King Squealer,
Pen #12) B.L.T.,
Pen #13) Duke of Pork,
Pen #14) Queen Barbie Q

You may want to claim a pig of your own in the near future to compete against others who may choose to race pigs too. Only fourteen pigs have been trained for the past 21 days to run from the back of Bravia's Town Hall all the way to the Strawberry Orchard and back to their pens! We can have up to 14 pigs chosen to race and no more. For example, if there are only 6 pigs chosen to race, then the other pigs will enjoy remaining in their pens. Enjoy viewing them and inspecting them for agility, intelligence, dexterity, strength, athleticism, etcetra.

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Post by Katie »

Standing at the gate of Arnold's pen with her arms folded across her chest, Katie gazed in amazement wondering how Arnold had squeezed through and had ripped off a board to break free of the confines of his pen? The antics of Arnold were almost as comparable to Queen Barbie Q she reflected as she grinned. Then again, Chris P. and Sir Oinksalot were something else too!!

She looked at each of the pigs in their pens wondering which one would win the Pig Races. She recalled running them twice a day for the last 21 days and every single one of them won the race at least once or twice or more so it was going to be any pig's race to be won she thought.

She strolled back to Arnold's pen and thanked Horace and Carpenter Grayson's apprentice for their help with Arnold and securing his pen.

Pen #5) Arnold Ziffel

She abruptly left the Pig Pens in her quest to find Marleen....
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Post by Elisa »

Elisa was walking along the fair after having tried her luck at the apple bobbing. She was a little confused when she came across loads of pigs standing in pens. Was this normal on fairs? She hadn't really been to one before, so it probably was. During her time here she was learning to expect strange things to happen sometimes. Especially with magic around that seemed bound to happen. She wondered what the pigs where here for though, could you buy them? After talking her time to read the signs, which still took her a bit longer then it would for many others. If she understood correctly the pigs would be racing against each other and she could pick the name of the one she thought would win. The idea of racing pigs was funny to her so she took some time to look at them and pick her favourite.

Some of the names were quite funny, at least if she was reading them correctly, some where a bit more difficult to read for her, like oinsalot, was that even a word?
she decided she liked the pig in pen 4 the most, piggly wiggly.
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Post by Horace »

Horace, Katie's steward, was carefully inspecting the other pig pens when he surveyed the same lady who was over by the apple bobbing barrel earlier.

"Good day, Milady. I am Horace Smith, Miss Katie's steward. What do you think of these pigs? Do you have a favorite which you think will win the race?" He hoped she didn't ask him which one he thinks will win.
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Post by Elisa »

Elisa looked up as she was being addressed to. She didn't recognise the man straight away, luckily he introduced himself as working for Katie.

Hello sir, nice to meet you, I'm Elisa
She looked over at the pigs once again, then pointing at the pig in pen 4

I like that one the most, I really like its name. I'm not really sure on what makes a pig a good racer, but I hope it'll do well. At least it didn't break it's pen like that one. She pointed to the pen next to it.

Do you have a favourite?
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Post by Alexandria »

Alexandria waddles towards the pig pin. She giggled softly, realizing one of the pigs looked at her as if she shouldn't be there. "Hey! I have you know this isn't the look I was going for either." She pointed to her swollen stomach. "Okay, stop looking at me like that." Alex looked at the pig in pen 9. "All you need is a hula skirt." Alexa started laughing.
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Post by Horace »

Elisa wrote: Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:24 pm Elisa looked up as she was being addressed to. She didn't recognise the man straight away, luckily he introduced himself as working for Katie.

Hello sir, nice to meet you, I'm Elisa
She looked over at the pigs once again, then pointing at the pig in pen 4

I like that one the most, I really like its name. I'm not really sure on what makes a pig a good racer, but I hope it'll do well. At least it didn't break it's pen like that one. She pointed to the pen next to it.

Do you have a favourite?
Horace was nodding in agreement with her totally. Piggly Wiggly was a smart boy and had the potential to be crowned winner this year and he definitely didn't break his pen! However, Horace was surprised to learn she picked Piggly due to his name. Then he thought it is any pig's race to be had and Piggly may just be the one! So why not go with the name that turns one on?

"My favourite pig to win?" Horace looked puzzled. He had been out here with these blasted pigs for three freaking long weeks and knew these pigs as well as anyone, but which would be his favourite??

He smirked thinking he should have known he would be asked his prediction of the winner in a round about way....

"My favourite?" Horace repeated as he grinned and pointed at Piggly. "You have chosen a good pig!" Horace was too confused by these pigs after being around them for these weeks to have any idea which would win. So why not be in agreement? Even the couple of fatso pigs stood a good chance of winning if they had not been fed for a while and were terribly hungry he imagined- After all, they were winners when they ran the race and finished by eating sweet corn at the troughs behind the town hall!
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Post by Katie »

Katie giggled as she overheard Alexandria talking to the pigs and laughing.

PHASE 2 of the ~~ PIG RACES ~~ How the races are to be conducted:

Each pig racer shall meet Katie in The Myst Tavern for the racer to roll the tavern dice 12 times in Katie's presence. We shall write down the 12 rolls and bring them here. I promise to work with you to accommodate your schedule and mine. Example: meet at the tavern 4 hours before small reset or meet there 4 hours after small reset.

If your 12 rolls of the dice adds up to 44 and you rolled one 4 during the twelve rolls, you shall deduct four from your total = 40. If you had rolled two 4's, we shall subtract 8 pts from your 44 total, for example. The object is to avoid those 4s!

Who ever obtains the highest roll of the dice total is the pig race winner. Should there be a tie, we shall conduct a second race tomorrow, weather permitting. So if two players reach 40, for example and the others are less, those two shall race their pigs against one another.

RPing your pig racing is important... When we bring your rolls in here, if you rolled a 4 at any time, your pig has had a mishap so you should be creative in your rp what your pig is doing in the race. Example, he found a puddle of water so he decided to waller in the mud puddle. If you roll a 6, your pig is trotting at lightning speed and should you roll a 1, what is wrong with your pig? He doesn't act like he wants to win!! But you certainly do not want to roll a 4! We will RP this to make it fun so let's think creatively about pigs and their nature's, etc....

YES! THERE IS AN ENTRANCE FEE!! To participate in these races, it costs a lot to feed these pigs so pay your 20.00 fzs to Viceroy Mateo. ((RP you have paid him by dropping your 20.00 in his hat!))

WE JUDGES on the committee won't have a big role in judging since the winner is based on who has the highest points (= fastest race hog), but we can judge the best PIG Race RPer. It will be worth your time to enter this race! We promise! Why? There shall be more than one winner!

PHASE 3 of the ~~ PIG RACES ~~

CHOOSE YOUR PIG: Once you have chosen your pig, non other may choose it!

Please note: Children under age 13 are not permitted to enter this race.

Name of PIG:
Name of Racer:
Town of Residency of Racer:
Did you pay your fzs 20.00?
((Rp paying your fee as you register.))

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Post by Mallory »

While the smell of pigs wasn't her favorite the curious little blonde couldn't fight her compulsion to see what the pigs were doing here. She wandered around their pens, reading each of their names out loud to herself, avoiding the two that were being viewed by others save quick glances. There was plenty and there was precious little point of crowding anyone. She walked around and around, smiling to those she passed and taking in the personality traits. She swore one of the pigs was standing straighter than the others, fellow had an almost dashing look about him.

This, she decided, was her favorite. "Sir Oinksalot. You seem quite the regal sort. If I didn't think you'd bite me I'd tie the ribbon I've got in my hair around your neck for a lucky charm as the other knights get. You'll have to be brave instead. Now I suppose I should see how to go about claiming you as my champion, brave Sir Oinksalot." She said with a grandiose tone and gave a half curtsy to the stately looking pig. She thought about it and before walking off she tied a ribbon to his pen gate to attach her name to it as well. She rummaged in her coin pouch for the needed freznics to pay her fees. Or rather his she supposed. One of the other pigs was making a bit of a ruckus and splashing muck about from is pen and she avoided it like the plague. She had no desire to run home and change. She found the person to pay and dropped the coins into the hat he held, her smile bright. She was sure the little fellow at least deserved a chance to run for the treats. She took up a card and filled it out in her neat script:
Name of PIG: Sir Oinksalot!
Name of Racer: Mallory
Town of Residency of Racer: Imperius
Did you pay your fzs 20.00? Yes
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Post by Elisa »

Elisa stayed looking at the pigs for a little while longer as she then noticed she had to actually fill in a form to enter the pig race. She was rather glad she knew how to write at least half decent by now. Though her handwriting remained quite scribbly. She hesitated a moment before putting the money in the hat. Maybe it wasn’t smart to be spending her money on games, but she found it kind of exciting. She really wanted to see if piggly wiggly would win.

Name of PIG: piggly wiggly
Name of Racer: Elisa
Town of Residency of Racer: Widu
Did you pay your fzs 20.00? yes*

*is this just rp or also IG, you didn’t get back to my mail, so I’m for now assuming it’s just rp
thanks to Aishe for the banner
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