[ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Mallory »

Mallory walked past a picnic area and then had to run and do some gathering of things. One could not appear at a picnic without food and things to share. So now she carried a basket packed full with apples boiled with cinnamon, little pies stuffed with meat and gravy, some meat and veggie stuffed breads and other random bits and bobbles she'd passed at the merchants she'd run to. She sat it on the ground upon seeing the table and chairs upon the table cloth. Gently she moved aside the table and the chairs, stacking them neatly next to a tree nearby before dropping her cushion on the ground and folding herself down to sit on it, the basket now beside it. She laid out the various items she had brought to share. Her one, secret wish was a cup of strawberry tea, but she was betting they weren't in season.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Horace »

Mallory wrote: Wed Oct 06, 2021 8:29 pm Mallory walked past a picnic area and then had to run and do some gathering of things. One could not appear at a picnic without food and things to share. So now she carried a basket packed full with apples boiled with cinnamon, little pies stuffed with meat and gravy, some meat and veggie stuffed breads and other random bits and bobbles she'd passed at the merchants she'd run to. She sat it on the ground upon seeing the table and chairs upon the table cloth. Gently she moved aside the table and the chairs, stacking them neatly next to a tree nearby before dropping her cushion on the ground and folding herself down to sit on it, the basket now beside it. She laid out the various items she had brought to share. Her one, secret wish was a cup of strawberry tea, but she was betting they weren't in season.
Lanky legged Horace was minding his own business working the festival exactly as he was directed to do and passing by the picnic area.... He stopped in his tracks and made a U turn when he spotted the beauty of the festival..... He gave a whistle expressing his excitement before he even knew it!! Where did she come from he pondered? One thing was certain... there is at least one God because only a God could make eye candy so delicious as this little vixen.

Horace quickly decided he had better not approach the golden haired goddess just yet and instead just enjoy the view and continue on with his work. He didn't want Miss Katie mad so naturally leaving the beauty alone was the wiser choice. He turned around and continued with his errand.


A little while later, Horace was passing by the picnic area once again and lo and behold, the golden haired goddess was still there. Yep, he thought, there is a God indeed and she is living proof! He wondered if she is married or single? Before he knew it, he was looking down at her so he squatted to face her and she was more beautiful than he had realized.

Compose yourself, numbskull, he told himself.
"Beautimus!! Beautimus!! I- I- I mean it is a beautiful day for a festival. How are you doing?"

Horace thought this little vixen is waaaay too gorgeous for him to have a chance, but why did he say beautimus?? Geez, even if she were available, why would she be interested with someone so tongue tied and mixed up in speech? But Christmas had come early for him and so she was his beautimus goddess!

Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Aelan »

Aelan stood and did a graceful elven bow before settling back down. Acting on ingrained discipline Aelan formally introduced herself as she started speaking as if she was making a report to a Matriarch.

Madam Mayor I am Aelan'valenor of the Noble House: Vandreth though I tend to go by Aelan these days. The Underdark is my former home and the home to the majority of my race. To reach it you must travel many many days going deeper and deeper underground into a near endless network of caves, tunnels and rivers. The only light we have comes from the softly glowing mosses fungus or the rare lake of molten rock or area of glowing crystal. There are many caves that dont just have a variety of mushrooms but other strange creatures and plants and races that thrive in the Underdark's harsh conditions. "

She took a sip of her beer before making a gesture to TwoB to help herself to any of the food.

She then answered Katie with a smile

"Edwin can eat and drink but it turns to dust due rapid decay. I guess it means I dont ever have to worry about teaching him where to go to toilet.... which is an added bonus of having a ghost pup for a friend"

Edwin in his semi transparent state got up and made a friendly snuffling noise towards TwoB before stretching and curling back up next to Katie.
Aelan's eyes flicked over the place and spotted familiar blond vampire and a rather awkward looking male

Hey Mallory! who is your new friend?"
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Katie »

"Excuse me ladies." Katie hurriedly left the ladies company....

...... and she scurried over to a beaming Horace who was making goo-goo eyes at Thartis's wife.
"Hello there! I hope you are enjoying the festival. This is the wife of Thartis, Horace. I believe she stayed a while in The Bravia Cathedral to rest during a journey. Right, Mallory?" Katie recalled her name was Mallory and that Thartis brought her to the cathedral for safe keeping.

Looking at Horace as he rose with a more serious countenance, Katie suspected she had just rained on his parade.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Horace »

So this is the lady Katie mentioned was staying in the cathedral around the beginning of Spring, if his memory was correct. He also recalled Miss Katie mentioned this Thartis fellow has a pretty wife. What a lucky man he must be!

Horace tipped his hat at the little, lady.
"Good day, Miss Mallory!" He gave her a quick wink and nod and informed Katie he would see her soon.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by TwoB »

TwoB's eyes seemed to open wider. "That sounds like a most wonderous place! I am a bit of a collector of new knowledge. I would love to see all of the mosses, rocks, crystals, and so much more. I wonder about all of the strange creatures. Maybe some time if you have time you can stop by either my house or town hall and we can share and talk more about it," she said with obvious excitement in her voice.

"oh... I'm TwoB, mayor of Bravia. If you need anything while in town, let me know. It's an honor to have you here," she said with a smile.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Aelan »

Aelan polietly inclines her head in agreements "The Underdark is a wonderful place which I'm happy to talk about most things, but I would ask Madam Mayor that we do not discuss my people....I live on the surface for a painful reason that directly relates to them. Anyway I will be returning to my seclusion in a few days but I will happily visit you in your home before I go."
she whistles Edwin over and gives his semi translucent head a pat.
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Mallory »

Mallory had just finished pulling the last of the items from her picnic basket, At least that's what the lady swore the over-sized basket she'd filled to the brim was, when someone spoke beside her. She was so startled she missed his first few words. How a vampire...with vampire hearing... managed to miss words was beyond her, but she really hadn't wanted to spill what the woman told her was gravy down her dress. She looked up and smiled, "It is a beautiful day." She said with a trademark sunny smile before twisting to wave broadly at Aelan and a creature she'd not seen before, as well as Katie who swiftly approached her blanket. "I don't have the gentleman's name yet." She said called in response to Aelan's question, again offering a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Horace." she said, when Katie introduced her.

"This is Horace." She called to Aelan and gestured to the gentleman who'd been so kind to greet her. "Please. Just Mallory, or Mele as some shorten it to in the tavern. Yes. Katie, you were wonderful while I recovered. I was having some...diet issues and got so weak in those days." She blushed and glanced down at her hands, softly gathering the material of her skirt. She fixed her expression into a smile and looked up again, "It was so nice to meet you Horace, thank you for welcoming me." She said thankful someone had greeted her at the start of the picnic. She always felt so awkward going to things and places alone. She looked at the groups around her, "Plenty of food to share for those that are hungry." she called with what she hoped was yet another of her winning smiles. "Feel free to join in."
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Naali »

Naali came to the edge of the forest, nose sniffing the air in her Arctic Fox form. Oh the smells!!! They were wonderful and had her salivating all over her white fur coat. She quickly shifted into her human form and started wandering around the festival taking in the sights, sounds and camaraderie of the people of Bravia.

She was feeling a bit homesick and was tired after all the work she had been doing to get her feet under her but she was determined to make a better life for herself her and make sure that she made her family proud of her in this strange yet wonderful realm.

As she bought a few bites to eat and some mead to drink, she went and sat down and noticed a lady sitting on a cushion.
-Now, why hadn't I thought of that!- Naali thought- As her bum started going numb quickly.

But she settled back and started people watching, enjoying the sun on her face and the food in her belly 🥰
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Re: [ORP] Bravia Fall Festival: Picnic

Post by Katie »

Katie was relieved Horace had rambled onward as she watched him vanish amongst the crowd.

Mallory interrupted her thoughts to which she was glad because she was hoping he had been a gentleman toward Mallory. He had thus far proven to be a good, loyal and honest steward and hopefully he would remain of high character.

Katie nodded agreeing of the diet issues Mallory defeated at the cathedral.
"We were all happy to help you, Mallory. We trust you have been well ever since that week or two of illness."


Soon Mallory was willing to share her picnic basket with everyone and she became a friend to all who had not brought food. Katie wondered if Mallory would be fortunate enough to get three or four morsels from that big basket of food?

So maybe Katie would offer Mallory some of her own picnic basket goodies a little later, she concluded.


Katie made note of Aelan petting that fascinating dog once again and became lost in the spectacle of him being in that Pet Show or whatever it was the peasants were hostessing. Edwin would be the star attraction of it! So she questioned how the peasants would react to a semi ghost dog? Katie giggled discreetly.

As she strolled back toward the mayor and Aelan, perched on a blanket was a stranger who had sauntered to the picnic area from toward the forest. Katie stopped and spoke in a friendly tone....
"Hello! I am Katie Sunspear and I am one of the hosts of this festival. I hope you are enjoying it!" Katie smiled hoping if the newcomer needed anything, perhaps Katie may help.
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