(IRP) Blessings

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(IRP) Blessings

Post by Rowena »

Rowena sighed softly as she stared at what clothes she had, chewing her bottom lip out of nervousness. She had finally managed to get an audience with Aishe, and was more nervous than she should have been. Everything would be alright. She kept telling herself as she finally settled on on her velvet green dress. Sighing once again she slipped into her dress, then made sure her hair was down, flowing down her back.

Once she was fully dressed she went to see if Vand was ready to meet Aishe. Her breath catching in her throat the moment she laid eyes on him. "Are you ready?" She finally managed to ask when her senses returned to her, her eyes meeting his.
|Gaea||Mayor of Cork||Wife to Vand|
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Re: (IRP) Blessings

Post by Vand »

He'd be lying if he tried to say he wasn't a bit nervous himself. Vand knew very well that there wasn't much that the upcoming meeting could do to change the way he felt about Rowena, but he also knew how important it was. To her, to what shape their future was about to take. She belonged to a long established family with a mind for custom and tradition, and he had every intention to follow along as much as possible out of respect for them.

Rowena hadn't told him much about the meeting, aside from who Aishe was and the request to dress well. That second part, however, was a bit more difficult than he expected. The dark elf had only kept a few possessions from his previous life before he had established himself in Secfenia, but he managed to find among them some carefully folded clothes. They were simple, but they came from a background of power. Their fabrics were soft, richly dyed in dark tones and hand tailored to his body. Purple trousers disappeared into dark, light boots, and a white shirt was visible, in contrast, through the strategically placed slits and openings of the main piece of his attire. The black robe widened at the sleeves and flowed comfortably down his shape, never reaching below his knees. Every rune or decoration that had reminded him of his hateful past had been stripped away from the material, and replaced with friendlier patterns of bravian manufacture. Discrete motifs of curling leaves and flowers followed now the edges of the fabric. After meditating on it for a bit, he decided against hanging any sort of weapon from his belt.

- You look... Gorgeous. - He smiled, astonished by Rowena the moment she found him. Even though both of them preferred the ease of simpler dress, and they revelled in their closeness to the natural world, her beauty and demeanor shone bright through it all. Vand approached and kissed her, and held up an arm to get them on their way. - I am, let's go meet your cousin.
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Re: (IRP) Blessings

Post by Aishe »

Aishe had one task for the day: meeting Rowena and her partner. She decided that was all she would focus on. She forced herself into a gown of gold and turquoise fabric with sheer portions and a decorative belt. It was very much the Bravian fashion, with her Fenian clothes all abandoned and stored back at the Imperian Palace. She painted some colour onto her cheeks and lips to combat the deathly pale complexion of her skin. Even for a vampire, her colour seemed off. Her body was still adjusting to being back in the realm and resuming a more normal diet after almost four years isolated in the Nether.

Her jewelry was unusually minimal with only earrings and her rings. Well, ring. One wedding ring remained on her left hand, while the other had long since been intentionally lost. The spring gown clung to her slender frame as she headed out of the vardo. Bright eyes swept over the yard before she lifted her chin to absorb some sun. There was a slight tingle from the rays, skin growing irritated. She had always been rather well off when it came to sunshine, likely do to the family curse of were-cat. However, years in the dark gloom of the Nether realm made her a bit more sensitive. Seeing as she had not spent much time outside in the months she had returned, the spring sun settled a bit differently than it used to.

Unamused, she decided to turn back and head back into her vardo. They could have their meeting in the vardo, which sat beneath the shade of trees. There, she boiled water and made tea. She sat out some blueberry and cinnamon scones she baked the day before. Baking was one thing she had missed: it was something so ordinary and yet it held her focus and kept her hands busy. She opened the little windows the wagon had wider to increase the breeze. The April weather was favourable, but with three inside the vardo, it could get warm. Of course, they could sit inside the villa across the lawn, but she didn’t really want to be around everyone.

So instead, she sat down at the small table and waited for her cousin to arrive.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: (IRP) Blessings

Post by Rowena »

Rowena blushes slightly, tilting her head back to give him a kiss in return. She then takes his arm as they step out of her vardo and make their way to where Aishe and the rest of the family had set up. The closer they got to the vardo the more nervous Rowena became. She bit her lower lip as they approached the vardo. She squeezed his hand before reaching up to knock on the door. She waited until entrance was granted before she opened it and stepped inside.

"Aishe!" The nerves left the window upon seeing her cousin. It had been a little while since their last visit, but Rowena could tell instantly that something was not right. She frowned slightly, but went over to her and gave her a hug.
|Gaea||Mayor of Cork||Wife to Vand|
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Re: (IRP) Blessings

Post by Vand »

Soon they reached Aishe's place, and he was surprised once more at the simplicity and homeliness with which Rowena's people were accustomed to in terms of living spaces. It was a vardo, like their own, and he politely followed his fiancée as she climbed into it. Vand smiled when she squeezed his hand, and brought hers up to his lips for a brief instant before they let go of each other to step inside.

Discovering her presence, he understood immediately why Rowena had insisted on dressing well; And he was thankful for it. Had it been any other way, he would have surely felt inappropriate for the occasion. There was a clear elegance to the way the woman sat, and a certain sense of sadness, or melancholy perhaps. Vand had heard both of her past and her vampiric condition, and held a deep respect for what she had to have gone through. Aishe also looked a bit unwell, be he didn't prod and connected it in thought to the likely shared discomfort of strong sunlight. It had taken him a long time to grow used to it, and even now his senses weren't as sharp under its warmth as they would be in darkness. In any case he smiled and nodded his head, and waited for his turn after the cousins' embrace to gesture for her hand and offer a kiss of courtesy.

- I'm Vand. It's a pleasure to be finally here, thank you for the invitation.
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Re: (IRP) Blessings

Post by Aishe »

It was not long after she sat that she heard two sets of footsteps approaching the decorative wagon. She waited until they were close before rising to her feet and moving to the door. There was a knock as she slowly approached, letting them announce their arrival. Aishe opened the door and was rather immediately pulled into a hug. The hug was warmly returned, with an additional kiss to her cousin's cheek before they parted.

"Sar'shan, Gaea?" The warmth of the hug carried into her greeting. She moved aside to let Rowena come in and sit. While Rowena found her seat, Aishe turned to greet the man on her steps. She extended her hand towards his with a smile. "Welcome, Vand. I am sorry this had not come sooner."

Life had been a lot and as such, somehow, they had yet to actually met.

"Please, sit." She motioned to the bench while she moved to sit on the stool. Before she sat, she picked up the pot and poured into three cups. Once situated on the stool with her tea, she took a moment to look between Rowena and Vand. "Thank you for coming to me. This traditional setting felt appropriate."
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: (IRP) Blessings

Post by Rowena »

Rowena could not contain her happiness, and it was clearly etched on her face as she took her seat. Though she had concern for her cousin, she was glad that they could finally all be seated together. She accepted the cup of tea, taking in the warming sensation that filled her at just the smell of the tea. "Thank you. I am glad for the more traditional setting. It means there is less chance at being bombarded by everyone."

Even though she was spending more time out in society and with her cousins, Rowena still did not much care for being the center of attention, and the realization that soon she would have to face that fear, sooner rather than later, was unsettling. She shifted slightly, and hid her uncomforting thoughts behind her raised teacup.

"I am glad you agreed to meet with us. I know things have not been as glorious as we had hoped they would be. How are you holding up?"
|Gaea||Mayor of Cork||Wife to Vand|
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Re: (IRP) Blessings

Post by Vand »

Vand acquiesced the introduction with a smiling nod, and followed after the two women to sit down in the place reserved for him. He moved nimble and agile with a subtle hint of elvish instinct, avoiding any commotion or awkward moment that could come from bumping into any of the implements around the crowded space. Rowena had put to words the first question that came to his mind, so he quietly went along with the conversation after settling down.

Paying attention to they way they picked up their cups, Vand accepted his own share and blew a brief, silent stream of cold air along its hot surface before sipping some of the tea. The warmth of the drink spread down his throat in a pleasing manner, even then after the arrival of sunshine and pleasing weather.

- Let's not worry about the time. After all, we have all been kept busy the past few months. - He smiled. - And I will respect your tradition to the best of my ability and knowledge, of course.
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Re: (IRP) Blessings

Post by Aishe »

How was she holding up?

The dreaded question on everyone's lips. The question she was avoiding at all costs. Aishe stared at her cousin for a long moment, taking an equally long sip of tea. There was no easy response that would do the situation justice and she simply didn't have the heart to indulge the discussion or to dampen the reason they were here. So instead, when the teacup found a place on the table, she kept her chin high.

"Surely, that's a discussion for a different time." She would always be straight forward with her family, saving conversational dances for her political career. As she deflected the question, she forced a smile to the couple. She gave Vand a respectful nod in acknowledgement of their traditions. "That is all I can ask of anyone."

She sat still for a brief moment, before further breaking her silence, "Of course, we all know why you are both here today."

The traditions of permission were instilled in the girls since they were young. Aishe was never able to get such permissions for her three previous engagements for varying reasons. Her life had gone far from what she ever expected it to be. Any plan she had as a child went out the window the day she met her first love, Draven, and had their child. Any reconciling following that was taken when her life was taken by the fangs of Lucifer. However, she was determined to ensure traditions lived on for her people and loved ones, regardless of circumstances.

"It is customary to give quests to the outsider wanting to marry one of our own. As such, I have three challenges for you..." The Kralisi Kaer paused, effortlessly pulling open a drawer just behind her place on the stool. The jingle of coins rung through the vardo as she pulled out a trinket that was often associated to their people. A necklace of coins, woven together with metal hooks. It was large, easily filling the space on a woman's chest by itself. The glint of gold and silver sparkled from the outside light as she sat it on the table for Vand to look at. The moment his gaze fell onto the necklace, bright eyes flitted to Rowena.

Her cousin's gaze was quick to catch hers. Green met blue briefly. It was then that Aishe's eyes fell downwards, stopping at her cousin's abdomen. After a linger, she looked back up in her nonverbal communication. She knew Rowena would understand, the moment of exchange brief but efficient. There were plenty of signs that was obvious to the vampire. Beneath the strong heartbeat of the two visitors was a faint fluttering that she knew well. Before she had caught the sound though, the hormonal shift was mildly noticeable by her overly sensitive nose.

"This is called Ora Merrikla, or the necklace of coin. In our culture, this symbolizes the engagement of a woman. To make one is no easy feat: it takes time and patience. Marriage takes time and patience. You must craft one for Rowena, should you like to call her your wife." Should he wish it, she would let him pick it up and examine the craftsmanship and design. She moved onto the second challenge, "Along with the Ora Merrikla, you must craft something from your culture that symbolizes the promise of eternal love."

It seemed simple enough, but she was very curious to see what he came up with, just as she was with the last challenge. The last challenge could prove to be the most challenging: "Lastly, you will bring me something of your choosing that proves to me that your love for my cousin is undying and true."
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: (IRP) Blessings

Post by Rowena »

"Of course." There was always a time and place for such discussions, and Ro should have known that Aishe was not up to discussing how she was doing right in that moment.

Rowena smiled softly and sipped her tea as she listened to Aishe talk to Vand about the challenges he was to face if he truly wanted to marry her. She looked up at him and gave him a gentle smile as Aishe pulled out the necklace to show him what she was looking for.

As Rowena sat back listening, she caught the look in Aishe’s eyes, and then followed her gaze downward. She blushed deeply and placed her free hand there for just a second before looking back up at Aishe as if to ask if she was sure. The movements were so quick and unnoticeable to the untrained eye. Aishe was never one to question about such things, but Ro was in slight disbelief. Though she had been raised and had the roma rules beaten into her, being with Vand just felt right.

She moved her hand and picked up her cup of tea once more to hopefully hide the blush that still graced her cheeks. Her eyes moving to watch Vand, praying he had not caught their quick movements. She bit her lower lip as Aishe continued on with the other challenges.

Once she was done explaining the challenges, Rowena set her cup back down. “What about the bride price?” It was custom for the groom to pay a bride price set by the bride’s family, and it was very much important to know how much would be needed as Vand and her both lived pretty simple lives.
|Gaea||Mayor of Cork||Wife to Vand|
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