[ORP] Turning 18: The first birthday party EVER for Elisa Everhart

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Re: [ORP] Turning 18: The first birthday party EVER for Elisa Everhart

Post by Mantas »

Mantas was typically in a sour mood whenever he was pulled away from Widu for a social gathering. He was very particular on how things should be ran and didn't like the idea of leaving things in the hands of the clerical staff. Today was different. He was happy to attend his friends birthday and did not mind the mess of paperwork it would cost him when he returned home.

Mantas was among the guests waiting in the garden when Elisa arrived. He had been sure to tie a bow on the nearly empty bag of corn he had brought as a gift. To anyone but Elisa the gift might seem insulting.While they achieved the end result in very different ways both Elisa and Mantas had arrived to Fenia starving and with nothing but built a life in Widu. He knew with her recently discovered bloodline she would no long want for anything. He hoped his gift would serve as a good laugh to help her feel more relaxed with all of her guests and serve as a reminder of the struggles she endured in the past.
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Re: [ORP] Turning 18: The first birthday party EVER for Elisa Everhart

Post by Yersin »

It had been a while since Yersin had last seen Elisa, but he still thought of her as a good friend. So when he heard she was to have a birthday party, he felt he should show up there.

After a few days travel, a brown rat jumped from a cart filled with potatoes. It dissapeared into an ally and a moment later, a grimy faced teenage boy appeared from that same ally. Yersin sighed. Birthday parties were special occasions, and he owed it to his good friend to make an effort. For a good friend, you'd brave any danger.
And so he walked into the public bath house.

It took a good hour or two before he reappeared. Clean clothes, clean skin, everything smelling of orange blossoms.

Now, a birthday present.

Yersin joined a group of peasants who were headed for the market. Whistling a tune, he emerged from the crowd at the other end of the market square, holding a bottle of vodka under his shirt.

On the outskirts of the city, he asked directions to Redcroft Manor. People said they weren't currently looking for any young servants there, but he thanked them anyway and continued on his way as he still whistled his merry tune.

The typical stench of the big city, not entirely obscured by the offensive orange blossom, made way for a more gentle aroma of the countryside and soon, he smelled and heard it before he saw it. Humanoid creatures gathering, a variety of fancy food and drinks.

With a grin, he moved behind a tree and then the boy was gone. A brown rat scurried towards Redcroft Manor, entered the premise through the fence, and made sure to shift back into the teenage boy behind a bush before mingling with the crowd of people.
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Re: [ORP] Turning 18: The first birthday party EVER for Elisa Everhart

Post by Madeliefie »

Madeliefie entered via the window. It was easier than pressing her way through the crowded doorway. She'd cleaned herself up for the party. With a simple black dress, a new hairdo, and a wide smile she thought she could fit in without drawing too much attention. She sidled up to Elisa and pressed a small crocheted bag into her hands. The bag contained the real gift - a bracelet made of polished wooded beads and a small preserved orange blossom pendant in the center. She hoped that when she wore it Elisa would think of the evenings they'd spent in the tavern making things together.
She was proud of the young woman her friend had grown into and she hoped that only good things would await her in the future.
"Happy birthday, Elisa," she said quietly before slipping away again. With so many people there she didn't want to take up Elisa's attention.
In the meantime, she decided to make the acquaintance of the snack table.
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Re: [ORP] Turning 18: The first birthday party EVER for Elisa Everhart

Post by Aileigh »

Aileigh's smile grew into a grin as they came out into the garden. The colourful garden was filled with friends and family, with Cordelia and Alice front and center. When Elisa turned to face her, she pulled her friend close in a side-hug. "Welcome to your birthday party."

She released her best friend, allowing her to be free so she may say hi to everyone. Aileigh looked around for Thea, but was immediately distracted by her mother's presence. She smiled and went to Aishe, giving her a tight hug. She knew it was not easy for the vampire to be in Fenia, least of all in the last place they were a happy and whole family. She knew Elisa would appreciate her attendance. Aileigh gave a wave to a few from her mother's side while her gaze swept over the garden. Cordelia did well. It was a beautiful blend of Fenian and Romany, the culture Elisa was born of and the culture she chose.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
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Re: [ORP] Turning 18: The first birthday party EVER for Elisa Everhart

Post by Mallory »

Mallory smiled from her perch in a nearby tree. She'd quietly been waiting excited to see Elisa's face. The drawback was her height, not many others were of her shorter stature. She solved the visibility issue by perching on a limb with an excellent view of the gardens. Her saree was tucked tightly around her ankles and knees to preserve her modesty. The gift she'd brought was tucked into her side, pressed against the bark of the tree and her own waist to secure it. When Aileigh welcomed her to her birthday party, Mallory called out "Happy BIRTHDAY!" from her space, slightly hopeful that others would join her cry and welcome her with cheer and joy. She deserved such a fun time and family and friends were determined to see she had it.
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Re: [ORP] Turning 18: The first birthday party EVER for Elisa Everhart

Post by Cordelia »

It was with great anticipation Cordelia waited in the garden with her family. Alice was by her side, chatting excitedly about how she could not wait for Elisa to arrive. Rhozin entertained Winter on her other side. When vague shadows appeared across the doorway, Cordelia tensed in preparation of shouting. Once they came into clear view, she announced loudly alongside her mother and husband:

“Happy birthday!!”

When Aileigh stepped away, Cordelia was quick to swoop in. She pulled the surprised Elisa into a hug, squeezing tightly. It was the first birthday in sixteen years they got to celebrate with her. It was far different from the small honourary celebration they had privately every year. This year, there would be no tears of sadness, only joy. She resisted the urge to immediately pull her sister to the gift table, overeager to see how she liked the gifts from them. Instead, she motioned to those gathered and grinned.

“We are all here for you, little sister.”

Alice came over to give her own hug and birthday wishes. The two Everhart women were proud of the young woman Elisa had become in their absence and to celebrate such a big birthday with her was truly a treasure.

“Go on and say hi to your friends. We will be around.” Alice encouraged. She then turned to Cordelia and asked if she would like a drink, because Alice was thirsty. Together, they walked to the drink table, where they were served fresh strawberry wine from Bravia, courtesy of the Queen Mother.
Viscountess Cordelia Zabel (Winterbourne) Everhart-Gellygen of the Highlands, the Horned Wolf
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Re: [ORP] Turning 18: The first birthday party EVER for Elisa Everhart

Post by Elisa »

Elisa’s mouth dropped open as Aileigh welcomed her to her own birthday party. There was a moment of hesitation in Elisa which showed itself in a slight delay in returning the hug to her friend. To start it was a bit of a shock to suddenly arrive at a party for yourself which you knew nothing about. People suddenly telling her happy birthday added to this and it left her lost for words. By now she’d covered her mouth with her hand. Elisa hadn’t really celebrated her birthday before. Her father would usually make an effort to get something extra around the time (she never really knew the date, as she didn’t knew dates in general before but it was always when the days were longer and the weather getting nicer). It was never a party though, especially not one like this. It was very exciting to think they had done all this decorating for her and her friends had come all the way here.

Her ‘father’ would also be noticeably more grumpy and easily agitated around this time. The day he wished her happy birthday would often be the worst for his mood. Elisa didn’t know why this was, perhaps he didn’t like her getting older? If this had happened right after she’d arrived to the town, Elisa would surely be worried her friends would get grumpy and agitated with her as well now they knew when her birthday was. But at this moment it hadn’t crossed her mind yet. As the initial surprised waned Elisa filled with happiness, the emotions being visible on her. She hugged her sister and mother tightly thanking them.

Elisa had turned around as her mother said to say hi to her friends. She’d gladly do so, now realisation was setting in she was so excited they all had showed up she could just jump around like a rabbit. She obviously didn’t have much experience in greeting guests herself and wondered what was the best way to go about it. She wanted to say hi to them all, wanting everybody to feel equally welcome. Looking around she noticed Mallory in a tree, which wasn’t a very usual place to sit but she’d learned that people often sit in strange places. She also saw Mantas, Nikola and Dway a bit further away. She waved at all of them. Elisa would head over to them soon but first she hugged Madeliefie who had come to her, greeting her and thanking her for being here. Feeling something pressed into her hand Elisa looks down to see what it is. A beautiful little bag with inside a beautiful bracelet. Especially the flower was catching her eye. ‘Thank you! This is lovely, did you make…’ As she looked up she saw that Madeliefie was gone, how had she slipped away so easily without Elisa noticing.

Thinking they’d meet again later Elisa slipped the bracelet around her wrist and ventured further into the people. Her eye landing on a young boy walking between the adults, which now she was one of as well. She grinned a little at this thought, now people couldn’t tease her anymore about being a child. ‘Yersin, is that you? You look so different, it’s really nice.’ She offered him a hug. ‘Do you want to come and meet my other friends?’

(ooc, I’m sorry for the delay in my post: my pc was broken for a while and I’ve been on a holliday
Also sorry for the people not yet been addressed, getting to it, feel free to cut in as well.
Thanks everybody for coming! )
thanks to Aishe for the banner
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Re: [ORP] Turning 18: The first birthday party EVER for Elisa Everhart

Post by Yersin »

Yersin moved through the crowd, receiving a disturbed look or two when he sneezed. It's not like he could help it! The orange blossom smell overwhelmed his sense, prickling and tickling inside his nostrils. It was only so long he could put up with that kind of irritation.

He was only just done vigorously rubbing his nose and trying to appear once more like a somewhat respectable party guest, when he heard Elisa's voice behind him. Briefly he frowned before realising that of course Elisa meant it as a compliment. He turned and grinned.

"Hi Elisa, happy birthday!"

He carefully patted her back a few times as she pulled him into a hug, worried he might otherwise snag the fabric of her expensive looking clothes with his rough fingers.
He smiled when she asked him if he wanted to meet her friends. In truth he wasn't sure if he really wanted to. He had always been fine with meeting new people in the tavern, especially as a younger child, asking them for food or money for drinks. Now it would be different. He wasn't here as a beggar and he had no idea what to talk about with these friends. But he really appreciated Elisa asking. Even after it turned out she was part of a royal family and filthy rich as a side effect, she still considered him a friend and she wasn't ashamed to be in his company. She'd even introduce him to others!

And so he said: "Yeah, sure! Oh, and I got you this." Before he'd forget, he pulled out the bottle of vodka and held it out to her.
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