[IRP] A wanderer's visit

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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

Fallon raised his eyebrows when Aishe agreed to a swim in the lake, raised them more and laughed when she waded in fully clothed.

Himself he was too used to keeping dry clothes dry to have contemplated that, besides, the cold water was certainly refreshing and felt good.

He made the appropriate grumblings when she splashed him, but chose not to repay the turn. He listened to her talk of clouds and flowers and thought long and hard when she asked of colours and his favourite.

He raised his hands and slid beneath the water, letting himself drift a wee while as he thought.

Eventually he broke the water again ''That is a good question, I could of course say any colour that I chose. The truth is that I like and dislike most'' he lay back some almost talking to himself ''Green, I like green, for it is in the shooting of plants that bring renewed life to the world, yet it is also the colour of envy, so I dislike it. I like red, for it is bold and strong, yet I dislike it because red is the colour of blood, of life leaving. Blue, blue is the sky, clear and brilliant, yet blue is also the cold, have you seen people so cold they turn blue by the time they die?''

He paused in his talk for a few moments, '' I guess I would say it would be an orange, the orange of the setting sun as it fades towards dusk, letting you know that you have survived another day '' he sighed deeply and slowly ''Of course that too is false for the orange of dawn is equally cursed and blessed for it can herald a clear view and renewed hope, or it can reveal massed ranks and the start of much slaughter''

He laughed too loudly to clear thoughts rising unbidden '' so no, I guess that no one colour would be a favourite, tis more a whole picture, what fits where and how. And how well it fits''. He lapsed into silence, listening to the muffled sounds of waves lapping and birds calling.
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Aishe liked his answer. It was far more thought out and in depth than hers, but she appreciated it. Still floating in her back, she spent some time mulling over his words. It was an interesting perspective on the world around them.

Her brain wandered, trying to see the downside of yellow. Some associated the colour with illness, but otherwise, she could not think of any negative associations to her favourite colour. It was just a happy colour - the warmth of the sun, wildflowers in a field, her favourite sundress. She was content with this conclusion as she righted herself and began to casually tread the water.

“So what’s new with you? What is going on in your life?” Blue eyes flitted over to him curiously.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

It was his turn to right himself and, after spurting a mouthful of water in an arc that sparkled in the sunlight, like some of the statues that he disliked so much, it was his turn to tread water as he regarded her.

He contemplated her question a moment since truth be told his simple life had become more complicated than he would have liked. Not that he was any hurry to talk about it.

''What's to be said, the Court is doing well. The land is being worked and Grace has all in order. Patience pays it's own rewards when dealing with animals and Mistral has continued to respond well to training. Of course...'' he smiled and looked towards the treeline ''some creatures are beyond...anything''.

His grin got bigger ''Oh and of course I may move to Bravia.'' He started intently at the far bank, with it's lush vegetation and growth. Lifting his arm to point a finger he said ''That spot looks great! What do you think?''
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Aishe was pleased to hear things seemed well enough, but she felt like there was something he was keeping to himself. It didn’t bother her though - they owed each other nothing. She nodded along and left it be.

His following remark caught her off guard. Blue eyes widened a bit, an eyebrow arching upwards in surprise. Fallon was considering moving? She wondered what factors would lead him to leave Fenia, but she felt like it was not her place to question it. He’d tell her more if he wished to.

So instead, she shared his enthusiasm and laughed when he pointed to shore.

“But then I’d have to see you every time I come to my secret spot!” She teased. It did make her wonder through the haze of alcohol. “You’d be building a home instead of buying one? Are you secretly skilled in carpentry or would you be hiring workers?

We are building some spots on our property, but we are doing it ourselves. Rom are skilled carpenters, you see. We are handy! Well, I’m not too handy, but between carpentry and blacksmith, you have two of the top trades our people participate in. Maybe if you need workers, we could help y—”

Her words were cut off with a hiccup. She laughed, which was interrupted with another. She covered her mouth, murmuring an “oh my” in response to the hiccups. They persisted for a moment, so she held her breath. She didn’t need to breathe anyway, but it would solve the hiccups… most the time.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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