[CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Aileigh »

“It’s decided then! Time for a vacation away from reality.” She said excitedly, clapping her hands together. Perhaps it was a bit daring to take a trip without her wife, with only her male protector as her travel companion. It could start rumours, but Aileigh was young. She was a responsible girl, but she was wild. It was easy to forget that fact when she was married to someone like Thea.

Her time spent with Andrzej was not a reflection of her view of her wild wife. She liked Thea. She crushed on Thea. They were becoming friends and it was nice. Yet, the hopeless romantic was missing something in the facade that Andrzej filled.

They continued to enjoy their time in the tavern with a few drinks and an additional bowl of popcorn. After some time passed and the sun began to get low, they decided to head home to the estate for the evening. Aileigh proceeded to have dinner with her wife and children, trying to bribe the one and a half year old Zev to eat some mashed sweet potatoes. Following dinner, she wrote to her mothers and sent the letter off to be delivered.

A few days passed before a letter was sent back. As expected, Aishe and Akos were happy to watch the children to give both her and Thea some space and time to themselves. Akos decided to arrive on Friday of that week to collect the three infants, officially freeing their mothers to do as they wish. The next morning, Aileigh had her vardo ready to go and her and Adrzej began the short journey to Wisp Marsh.

The ride was only half a day. Upon arriving, the damphyr’s excitement grew. A sense of peace washed over her as the tower had come into view. She would have peace and quiet for the next week and she didn’t realize how badly she wanted it until their arrival. The only staff was a housekeeper and a cook, which was plenty sufficient for the small tower and their vacation.

The housekeeper greeted them, a slender woman with big brown eyes and green hair. She stood over six feet, with defined muscles that were noticeable through her clothes. She wasn’t human, but was human in appearance. While Aileigh was most curious, she never asked what race Miss Artona was. After they were led inside, Aileigh took it upon herself to give Andrzej a tour of Túr Tower.

“This is my room and that’s where you’ll be sleeping,” She said as she concluded the tour. “I am going to unpack. Meet you downstairs in a bit?”
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Andrzej »

Andrzej smiled as he looked around the room where he'd be staying. It had been a little over an hour since they arrived and he had to admit that the place was cozy. He rose up from the bed he'd been resting on and walked over to where he'd placed his bag. He plucked it up and carried it over to the bed before beginning to unpack his belongings. Though they would only be in the tower for a short time he'd made sure to come prepared. After he finished unpacking he exited the bedroom and went in search of Aileigh. He followed her scent and soon found her sitting comfortably in a chair by the window reading a book. As he stood in the doorway he couldn't help but watch her silently. The effect that the marsh had on her was evident. She looked peaceful and fully relaxed for the first time in days.
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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Aileigh »

Once in the privacy of the bedroom, she flopped down onto the bed with a dramatic, yet content sigh. She stared up at the ceiling, listening to the soft sounds surrounding the tower. Birds, bugs, the occasional sloshing of water as creatures roamed. Inside, only three sets of heartbeats echoed the halls, with the sound of crackling fires mingling in. There was a slight ringing in her ears from the quietness, her sensitive ears searching for more, while her mind felt peace.

She laid there, listening, for a while before she got up and went over to her trunk. She took out her clothes, all of which were casual, and hung them in the wardrobe. She lined the two pairs of boots she brought at the bottom of the wardrobe. Her cloak, which she slipped off from her shoulders, was the last thing to be put into the wardrobe before she closed it. Next, she approached the vanity table and set out her perfumes, brush, makeup, and soaps. She had not brough any jewelry with her, abandoning the look of a viscountess. Even Romany princesses, while often casually dressed, tended to show their status with bulky gold jewelry. She wanted none of that - she just wanted to have a normal, laid-back vacation. The final thing to unpack were her books. She had brought a few new ones that Thea had found for her. The books were lined up on a bookshelf in order of colour, making it pleasing to her eye. Back home, her books were organized by genre, author, series, then colour. However, she had only brought five books, so the organization of the bookworm was lax.

Content with her unpacking, Aileigh grabbed the first book and headed into the hall. She took her time walking down the hall to the stairs, trailing her fingers along the old stones. What would she give to know the true story of Túr Tower. Oh, the stories it could tell if walls could talk! She wondered who built it and the life they lived, and the many since that had found refuge from the sharp winds beneath its roof. She found her way to the living space, picked a comfortable chair, and took a seat. The book was opened and the damphyr was quickly sucked into a world of another's mind.

Aileigh was unsure how long she was reading before she heard familiar footsteps approaching. She finished reading the chapter before blue eyes flicked upwards to find Andrzej in the doorway. Catching him staring sent a blush up to her cheeks. Bashfully, she closed the book and beckoned him to join her.

"Thank you for coming with me.

What do you think of the tower? Bit old, I know, but it's... Cozy."

Private was the word that followed in her mind. Her gaze fixated on him, expression shifting from shy to thoughtful. Hand holding and a single kiss was in stark contrast to having such a private space all to themselves. It was new territory. She was not sure what she wanted from this trip aside from finding herself. Maybe she would find something else along the way.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Andrzej »

Andrzej smiled as he leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "I quite like it...It's very peaceful...It's a place full of history...One that could be very intriguing" he responded as he pushed away from the doorframe and fully entered the room. He crossed the distance to her and took a seat near her. "What are you reading" he questioned as he rested his elbow on the arm of the chair and leaned his head against his fingertips.
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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Aileigh »

“I am happy to be able to become a part of the history,” She said honestly as he crossed the room. He had a strong stride of grace and confidence, much like he did in his panther form. She always found it interesting how different strides varied from individual to individual. His walk was very distinct; she appreciated the uniqueness as it always meant she knew it was him approaching, even before she could see him.

When he inquired about the book, she held it up for him to read the cover: The True Story of Mira Malice. As she lowered the book back to her lap, she pulled her legs up underneath her and shifted to get more comfortable. “It’s actually quite interesting. Did you know no one really knows where she came from? And she’s been ruling Muria for centuries! She overthrew the Azar family, who had ruled since the end of the Dark Ages. The Azar family even led Muria out of the Dark Ages and United the kingdom under one banner. Fun fact. ”

She found history interesting, but the bookworm also didn’t discriminate against the books she picked up. She loved them all. They were her escape. In the sheltered childhood she had, with no social life and kept at home, books were the way she could explore the world. Even once she got her freedom when they moved to Fenia, her love for reading did not cease. If anything, it grew more as she got older.

“I’ve been thinking about writing a book. I just can’t decide on what I wish to write. There’s so many possibilities! How can one decide on simply one idea?

I was thinking of using our true home, Manjipoor, as inspiration. It’s been forgotten with time by the gaje (non-Roma), but I’ve seen it in visions. It was truly a beautiful place. Dai has told me stories of how our people lived and thrived there.

Maybe it’d be about a girl looking for her lost love. Reincarnation, magic, romance.”
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Andrzej »

A smile warmed Andrzej's lips as he listened to her. It wasn't difficult to miss the excitment in her voice as she spoke about a subject she was passionate about. "It sounds like a book i'd definitely read" he responded as he thought about the books he'd read growing up. "My mother used to buy me all sorts of books but my favorites were always the ones about adventure and magic...I guess that's because I was able to relate to the characters sometimes".
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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Aileigh »

Aileigh nodded, silently agreeing that those were often the best kind of books. Adventures she never could have, magic she’d never posses. On the topic of romance though, she was beginning to feel a bit fortunate. The dark cloud of Zhou was passing and the sun shined warmly down upon her future. At least, she hoped.

“I’d let you read it. I would need feedback. I’ve never written a story before… But I think I’ve read more than enough to know how to go about creating my own novel. I just have to… Find my voice.”

Finding her voice: something she had been doing a lot the last few years. She was a young woman in an old world. Her mothers were overprotective, the rules were strict, and freedom was low. It took a while to figure out who she really was. Now that she knew, she embraced herself. She would never let anyone quiet her again. She supposed her and Thea were a lot alike in that way.

“Hold on a second!” She exclaimed as she sat the book down on the end table between them. In a flash, she was gone. Feeling inspired, she hurried to the bedroom and went to the bookshelf. She grabbed a blank journal that she had brought with her and quill set. Journal in hand, she returned to the living space downstairs. Instead of reclaiming her chair, she sat at the coffee table facing him. She laid out the parchment and set up the inkwell.

“So here is what I am thinking: A young woman wakes up one day after vivid dreams. She realizes it’s a lost love from another life, but she is content with her life in the beginning. As the story progresses, she sees more and more of him wherever she goes and becomes saddened. Longing for him, she decides to try to find him.

How should she find him though? Maybe she’s a witch? They have tracking magic!”
She paused, biting her lip in concentration. “Witch is so overdone though. What’s a good alternative, you think? I think she’s a bit more gentle, not so fierce… But she can take care of herself too.

Oh and she needs a name! How about Nithya? It means eternal and always.”
It was a name of their culture, fitting for a story that would take place in their homeland.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Andrzej »

Andrzej cocked his head as he thought about his response. The beginning idea was a great one and as he continued to ruminate on it an idea of his own began to form. "Well he's a love from a past life so there's a soul connection there...What if she just began her journey with no thought of her destination...Just let her intuition guide her...Go whichever way the pull is strongest...The name is perfect" he responded as he propped his chin on his fist. "During her journey she could discover more about herself that she never knew before and becomes more confident in herself and whatever abilities she may possess"
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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Aileigh »

A connection of the soul.

Bright eyes were fixated on Andrzej while he spoke. She nodded along, the wheel in her mind turning. There were too many possibilities, which was why she had yet to start anything. Having someone to discuss it with, the ideas were beginning to flow.


Why don’t we make Nithya a Druid? A bit more original than a witch. It’ll connect her to nature, which can help guide her, and fits in well with our culture.

We’ll name the lover Devjah. He could have been looking for her already, but maybe he’s human and thus not able to rely on magics to guide him the way she can… So he’s been unsuccessful in trying to find Nithya. Maybe he resorted to trying some sort of summoning spell and it is why she woke up.

I know you are newer to our Natsia, so I don’t know how much you actually know about my moms and their love story. Their souls have been woven together through history. Ever since they met the first time a few centuries ago, they always find one another in each life and fall in love all over again. Some lives are cut short, but some… Some they get to build whole lives and grow old together… Like this one.

This life, they didn’t “awaken” until they met in a more… Intimate setting. Things just started to fall in place after that and the rest is history, as they say.

And then I was created!”
Aileigh grinned. “A powerful Kitsune named Shion took parts of their souls and literally wove them together to create me. To be created from such pure love is a blessing. I’m glad to come from such a place and I can only hope to someday have that kind of love. The love that is unwavering, stands up to time, pure. Maybe not perfect, but as close to perfection as possible.”
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
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Re: [CRP] Jivvo Hawlaw

Post by Aileigh »

The winter came and went rather quickly. She was occupied with a few things: her viscounty, the children, and writing. Thea’s pregnancy and birth went well, bringing about the fourth child of the Sanchari Winterbourne household. The little redhead fit into the family well, even if it was challenging to balance a newborn with having two infants and a toddler. Lenora was soft and gentle, sleeping well with a healthy appetite. She was certainly proving to be the easiest newborn of the four children.

In addition to the above, Aileigh spent as much time with Andrzej as she could. They snuck moments in throughout the day and grew closer. There was a compatibility between them that she had not experienced before. He was kind and true, even tempered, and understanding. He never once argued against the marriage she was in, never questioned her, never forced a decision to be made. Things were balanced and it was beautiful.

In the month of May, she found herself outside with him. They enjoyed the warm weather together in the garden, basking in the sun atop a quilt. A book was sat aside, closed in lieu of good conversation. Aileigh tilted her head back to absorb the rays, relishing the warmth of her cheeks. Fenian winters were harsh, but it was the perfect time of year now.

“I think after our visit to the Highlands, we should go visit my mothers. I’m most curious about seeing little Astra.”

Astra was her newest sibling, created by soul weaving like she and one of her own children was. Unlike whichever of the twins that was created in such a way, Astra was aging rapidly. Aileigh had too, as a child. It was intriguing, especially with the rest of Aishe’s children aging normally. It appeared the damphyr made with soul weaving leaned more towards vampiric tendencies. She had yet to see Astra since she was two weeks old. It could be difficult to travel during winter in Fenia and she had since been busy caring for a newborn of her own.

She had seen her mom since, just not her siblings. Akos had shown up a two months ago saying that Aishe had disappeared and she could not locate her. This was unusual and worrisome considering there was a spell that kept many of the Boreens Durri Roma connected in times of trouble. Aileigh had not seen or heard from her mother, so she went ahead and did a reading in attempt to solve the case. The reading was inconclusive and unhelpful in locating Aishe.

It had cause a lot of stress and weeks went by. After two months of looking for her and waiting for her to show back up, she arrived at the Pazian docks with the most interesting story. At the end of it all, Aishe was safe and home. Aileigh was eager to visit, but a faire taking place in Ettinford viscounty kept her in Fenia for a while longer. The faire was concluded, but in a few days they were leaving to visit Cordelia, which they had planned for a few months. Knowing her mother was safe was enough to keep the plans, with the intent to visit Paz afterwards.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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