[CRP] Best Friends Forever.

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Re: [CRP] Best Friends Forever.

Post by Cathrina »

Ylenia pipes in, biting her lip and smiled shyly Well my children's father was a naga, if you're famiiliar with the creature and Isskim has a snake tail like his father. She looked down, following Aishe, Cathrina and the children. As they wen through the ground, the four children waved and giggled as they met other children and both women sighed in relief. As they saw the gardens, their eyes widened in awe at all the lovely flowers. As they got to their rooms, Cat hugged Aishe Thank you so much for having us! We'll be sure to come down soon as the food smells incredible!
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Re: [CRP] Best Friends Forever.

Post by Aishe »

Dinner was an exciting part of the day. Their community came together to eat and recall their day to one another. It was a merry time of drinking and laughter, often followed by songs by the fires and dancing. The Romany made sure to take time to pause and appreciate life, even in their daily routine.

The meal itself was served across the grounds. Different hubs of fires had different foods, moving from one group of tents and vardos to another. Inside also served a meal, laid out in the kitchen as a buffet with plenty of space at an oversized dining table and in the riad.

Tonight, the meal inside was hearty shepherd pies with fresh fruit as a side for balance. In the kitchen, the pies and fruit plates were prepared and sat out, with plates and silverware piled up beside them for easy reach.

Once Cat and co came downstairs, they ate together at the dining table inside. They laughed and exchanged stories about traveling. There was a newfound peace Aishe felt with having her best friend present. She could only hope Cat would be happy with the change; Aishe would endeavour to make it so. When they finished the meal, Aishe encouraged the kids to go run around with the other children as the adults cleaned up mealtime. A traditional Romany song was being sung by some of the women, sung in their tongue Romanes. The Kaldersash words were translated to Cat by Aishe, so that she may begin to understand more about their people and language.

With dinner cleaned up, they left the house to find the children. Music flowed from a distant source as they stepped outside. After some glancing around, the children were spotted. They were gathered around a fire with others, listening to a paramitsha, or Romany fairytale. The vampire turned to her friend with a smile, “Would you like to listen? Or would you prefer to find the source of that fiddle?”
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Viceroy | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [CRP] Best Friends Forever.

Post by Cathrina »

After spending hours laughing and talking to Aishe and enjoying the meal and the songs, as they help with the cleaning up after the dinnershe giggles at her friend Joining the children would be nice though you would need to translate again.I think I'll enjoy being a Romani woman
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Re: [CRP] Best Friends Forever.

Post by Aishe »

Aishe was pleased to hear that Cat wished to listen to the paramitsha. She, herself, loved telling them and listening to them. She told her children a paramitsha every night before bed. Some were quite lengthy, so they would get broken up between nights. Most nights, the children fell into sound sleeps listening to the stories their mother shared.

They approached the fire where the children gathered. She took a seat on the grass and began to listen to the tale they had walked into. The man was speaking in Luciva (common tongue) for the gaje children present.

“And so did the man go to the mountains, in search of the snow rose for his beloved. After all, it was all she wished to have if they were to marry. Who was he to deny his love something?

While searching high and low, the man kept coming up empty handed. The cliff faces were bare and the snow banks made navigating difficult. Still, he persisted.

Until, that is, he heard a voice shouting “Ana!”.”

The children gasped in anticipation of what was to come next in the story.

“The Rom understood. Quickly, he began to look around. Fortune smiled on him as he found a nearby pond and beside it, a giant frog with scales so white, he nearly missed it among the snow. He snatched up the frog and tossed it into the nearest bush. Then, he waited.

Rustling came from the bush. He stayed still and braced himself - for what if his offering was not sufficient enough? He did not want to face the wrath of Ana; no, he had a woman to go home to. He had a life to live!”

The Romany man paused for dramatic effect. The children hung onto his every word.

“Shortly thereafter, a woman emerged from the bushes. She had long black hair that hung to the ground, wearing a dress of bright red and gold. A crown sat atop her head, with eyes beneath so black the pupil couldn’t be seen. It was Ana, the mother of demons of illnesses and queen of the Kesalyia.

Since he heeded her call, her hand extended and in her palm sat a vial. He got on his knees and bowed low, honoured, yet trembling.

“Mighty Ana, thank you for your blessing. May the Kesalyia shine brightly and may you reach the stars for your black fortress.” He said.

“Stand.” She commanded. So he did. “I accept your offering and offer you in return enormous strength.”

“It is with gratitude I accept your gift.” He took the vial and looked down at the clear contents. When he looked back up, Ana was gone.

He put the vial in his pocket and resumed his search. His luck changed as he found the snow rose. He plucked it from the rocks and made haste so he may not run into another creature.

He presented the snow rose to his beloved upon his return. “I have traversed the mountain for your rose and stood before Queen Ana for your rose. Take this as a symbol of my love.”

She accepted and soon after, they were wed. The man never took the potion, instead passing it down to his son, who passed it down to his. It is said that it has yet to be drunk to this day.”

The children ‘ooo’ed as the story ended. Aishe turned to Cat to offer some context: “Ana is the queen of the fairies, in our culture. She gave birth to the demons of illnesses and was married to the king of demons until he divorced her after their ninth and final child.

She lives in the mountains in a large, black, impregnable fortress. The Kesalyia are the fairies and they visit her every day. If travelers hear her call “Ana!”, which means “bring it”, they must find a frog or insect and cast it to the nearest bush. Otherwise, Ana will come and smash their head in with a rock.”

This story is written using real Romany mythology regarding Ana, the Kesalyia, and the demons of illnesses. The tale of Ana has not been adapted, but exists in its true form.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Viceroy | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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