The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

It was a long night for Tuv, as he expected to be interrupted by at least some probing attacks from agents of the Red Claw. Too his surprise, no attack of any kind came. As daylight broke, he helped Wyl get the twins changed, fed, and ready for travel. They were soon back on the road. There was still a sense of unease and Tuv was constantly scanning around and looking at the birds to see if anything, other than his family and their assorted menagerie of animals, was disturbing them. Nothing seemed to be around, but something was keeping him on edge. He needed Intel and answers soon if he was to keep his family safe and put an end to the Red Claw's disturbed claim on his family. Around the 4th hour after midday, they saw the city gates and Tuv was finally able to relax a bit. They quickly entered town and found a comfortable inn to stay at. As Wyl took care of the twins, Tuv got the wagons and animals stabled before heading off to check things at the local temple and with the local town militia. Nothing new was available from either place. Tuv did relay the information about the attack and while at the temple had one of the priest lay hands on him and pray for his shoulder. He also spent time at the Town Militia hall looking at area boarder and trade maps. He noticed that New Puria was a good days travel away. More importantly, he noticed that the city resides on three main travel roads, each heading to a different VR. Tuv knew instantly that they needed to head in that direction. The location of New Puria and the trade routes should allow him to gather some good Intel. Feeling good and upbeat for the first time in days, Tuv headed back to the inn. He was eager for some fresh ale, warm food, and a comfortable bed with his wife. While he loved being on the road, traveling and exploring, he also enjoyed the comforts of a good hearth and a cozy bed. As he headed towards the inn, he noticed a young girl selling flowers. Tuv purchased a couple of orange colored roses that she had and thought that Wyl would love the gesture. As he entered their room, he smiled as he saw the twins asleep in their bassinets and Wyl asleep on the bed. Laying the roses on the table, Tuv took off his boots, and laid down on the bed next to his wife, happy that they were all safe and sound, at least for now.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by FirstmateJim »

Jim was up on the wheelhouse deck rail as the Aerandir came about towards the new ship that was approaching. As the Aerandir turned, her missile crews let loose with a full battery of lit balistia bolts and a few fire pitch filled clay balls. All hit true and soon the first vessel was sitting still in the water, her aft on flames, as well as most of the main deck and her rigging. The central main mast had tumbled down, part of it and the rigging hanging over the railing and into the water. Jim knew they were not going anywhere.
"All right lads, lets reload and take out this new boatload of scum Jim bellowed as the Aerandir quickly made ground on the newly approaching vessel. Taking his looking glass, he could see they had placed archers near the front and had a mage like creature up in the forward deck. It appeared they were hoping to get the first volley off. Noticing all of this Jim called for the forward balistia to aim for the enemy sprite when they are in range and for the Port side batteries to prepare for a full spread. He then gave orders to prepare to come hard to Starboard. The crew sprang into action like a well oiled machine. Jim knew he was playing a dangerous game of chicken, but he knew he needed to take that magic wielder out. As soon as they were in range, Jim gave the order for the forward batteries to fire, then turned the wheel and gave the order to come hard to Starboard, and to fire when you have the shot. As he held the wheel hard to come to Starboard, Jim heard the trebuchets fire and the resounding crack thud of the fire pots landing true. He could also hear a few screams as the balistia crews let loose. Jim then bellowed out prepare to come about as he spun the wheel back in the opposite direction. Holding the wheel tight and turning with all his might, the Aerandir changed directions and Jim heard his artillery crews letting loose another volley. Jim then shouted drop to quarter sails and prepare to engage. It was now time to take the fight to them and maybe capture a prisoner or two.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by MarcusRedClaw »

Marcus was glad to be back in the wilderness and in territory he was familiar with. He was still angry and frustrated that the elf and his queen had a lead on them, that seemed to remain the same if not increasing. However, Marcus knew that they were headed generally in a northly direction, towards the wild territory that was fully under control of the Red Claws. Instead of seeking to chase from town to town, Marcus sent word for his scouts to focus on the towns and main roads, as he and his horde sought to head cross country and flank around his prey. It was his hope to cut them off and to catch them between his forces so that the elf could be made an example and the Queen restored to her proper place next to His throne. The thought made him smile as he said, you shall be avenged my brother. You shall be avenged.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv and his family finally made it to New Puria. The town was busy with traders as the spring thaw appeared to be coming earlier. Tuv saw this as a good sign. It meant that there might be some good Intel to be found. He led his family and the horde of animals they had with them to a nice inn and got them all set up. Then as usual he set about town to see what he could learn. Nothing was truly noted of worth from the Town Militia officers. At the temple he learned of rumors that some creature that matched the description of Marcus just north of the area of Akram a few days back. Tuv attributed this to the rumors he and Jim had created to give them a bit of a lead. Tuv then headed towards the traders hall to see what he could learn. A few of the traders from the south confirmed what he had heard from the temple sources. Those coming in from the east and north, all mentioned that something had stirred up the raiders, especially among those aligned to the Red Claws. It appears that they are looking for something or someone and are slowly moving east. Tuv thanked them and gave a small donation to the guild hall of the traders. He then headed back towards the inn when he spotted a light orange wool shawl with a white trim. Tuv immediately thought of Wyl when he saw it and purchased it for her. He loved to get her gifts like this. He had the shawl wrapped up and he carried it under his arm as he walked back to the inn. He quickly climbed the stairs and entered the room. He set the package on the table and came up behind Wyl who was busy changing Durie. He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck as he said I hope you are relaxed and feeling good my love. I have a gift for you on the table.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv woke up early as was usual. He went down to the main room, and grabbed a tray of sweet pastries, some fresh fruit, and a pot for tea. He then headed back up to the room to wait for Wyl and the boys to awake. As he waited, Tuv took out his map and began to study it as he recalled the information he had gathered. He knew he still had a relatively comfortable lead on Marcus. His concern was in dealing with any scouts and the rumors of a secondary Red Claw force moving westward. He knew Jim was also hunting Red Claw ships and was moving up the Western coast for the eventual meeting along the northern coast of Bercaria. As such, Tuv felt it best to push on to the City of Angeles. There they could get some more Intel and maybe harvest some more fruit. When Wyl was awake, Tuv poured her some tea before setting off get the animals and assorted wagons ready. He was comfortable, for now with things. But he knew a battle was brewing. He just hoped that he could dictate when and where, so that he, Wyl, and the boys where safe. It all depended on keeping the lead on Marcus, and in Jim and the Aerandir arriving as planned. Tuv said a quick prayer to the Mages, as he headed back inside and up the stairs to his family.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by FirstmateJim »

The Aerandir continued to close on the Red Claw vessel. The forward trebuchets let loose when they were in range and both sets of pitch hit on the main deck. As soon as the pots hit, Jim had the Aerandir come to Port and the Starboard ballista crews let loose. Shortlyv there after the aft and main sails were starting to show flames and one of the balistia bolts had gone through the left of the wheelman pinning his leg into the wheel and in effect locking it in place. The Red Claw crew attempted to fire a few arrows in the direction of the Aerandir, but the Aerandir remained out of range as she came about for another pass. The fore and aft trebuchet crews let loose, as did the Port side ballista crews. Several holes and fires where spotted along the Port side hull of the Red Claw vessel. Her rigging was all ablaze and her main mast was starting to lean over to the Starboard side of the deck. Jim called to signal the other ship to lay down her arms and surrender. The only reply that came back was a barrage of flaming arrows that fell just short of the Aerandir. Jim said, so be it then. He then had the Aerandir come about and instructed all batteries to fire at will and aim for the water line. Two volleys later, the Red Claw vessel began to list heavily and its foredeck began to dip towards the water. Jim called for a halt to the attack and to raise full sails and set to come to Starboard. Soon the wind was fully in her sails and the Aerandir was speeding northerly through the waves.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by MarcusRedClaw »

Marcus's mood and temper continued to sour as his prey eluded him. The elf and the one Marcus called his queen continued to stay just ahead of him. Things were in motion now. The elf was heading north by northwest. Marcus was to the south and Lukan and the second Red Claw horde was coming in from the east. Blaine and the Black Moon, and hopefully others in the fleet, were sailing westward a long the northern coastal waters. Soon, Marcus thought, soon. I shall avenge my brother, kill the elf, and take our queen back. It was the only thing that seemed to motivate him as of now. Marcus continued to push his men. He wanted to close the gap as much as he could. As they topped a hill overlooking a lesser trade road, they spotted a small caravan of traders. Marcus decided to motivate his horde and he let them attack and feed off of the caravan. Soon the roadside was covered and littered with broken carts, wagons, and carts. Parts of animal remains and those of the traders were also scattered about. Soon the air was full of howls and Marcus howled out soon I shall feast on elf blood. As he said so, Marcus and the horde were once again back on the run and in pursuit of the Ralathondors.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The days seemed to blend together for Tuv as he and his family continued on their journey. The last several days were somewhat unremarkable as they continued on. While still a bit on edge and alert, no real situation seemed to disturb the family. To a bit, this made Tuv a bit worrisome. He had been expected to have been trailed or shadowed at the least. Not having that feeling made him concerned about what the Red Claws were up to. This feeling remained with him as the family caravan lumbered into Angeles. Tuv found them and inn and stabled the animals. He planned to stay here for a few days and let everyone relax and he sought some fresh Intel and planned their next move. Besides, he thought, it might be good to gather some dates while they were here. After everyone was settled, Tuv headed off to see what he could learn from the Town Militia and from the Temple, before heading back to the inn to enjoy some quiet time with Wyl once the boys were asleep.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by FirstmateJim »

Jim stood on the wheelhouse deck, his foot resting on the railing as he scanned the horizon and made minor course adjustments.It had been a few days since the Aerandir took down the two Red Claw Ships. The crew continued to keep a state of readiness as they sailed northerly a long the West coast of the continent. Jim was a bit concerned that no sails had been spotted over the past two days. He somehow felt that perhaps something or someone was just off the horizon shadowing them. Knowing he and the crew were moving closer to enemy territory had him being cautious and concerned that they hadn't spotted any other vessels. He only hoped that the quietness here was not because they had cornered the Captain and pulled resources in that direction. He knew the Captain could handle himself, but Jim wanted the crew to be there when everything came to an end. He relished the idea of shedding some Red claw blood.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Things were progressing somewhat according to the plans that Tuv had set up and secretly been communicating to his forces. Jim was just about ready to meet Tuv and Wyl in Cuera. The island VR of Absynia was going to be the place from which the Aerandir and associated forces would launch their next phase of the campaign against the Red Claws. Tuvoria relaxed in his Inn Room as Wyl and the boys napped. When Wyl awakened, Tuv informed here of what was taking place. He had secured passage on a merchant trader ship that would ferry them across the channel to Cuera. They would spend a few days to a week in Absynia gathering the forces he had there. Jim and the Aerandir would be meeting them in roughly 2 days at Curea. The cat and mouse game was about to end. They would be having a small fleet of vessels and several warriors that would be sailing east looking to engage the Red Claws and find their home base and launch an attack against it. Intel has the Red Claw fleet, what was left of it, sailing towards them. Marcus was playing chase and coming from the south and a good number of his forces were marching west. Tuv knew she would be concerned about the boys, but Tuv assured her that they would be safe and secure. Moreover, once things were done, the boys, and Wyl herself, should be able to live a long peaceful life, as far as the Red Claws were concerned.
Tuv then began getting things ready for travel. The next morning would see them all in Curea and Tuv relished revisiting the woods there before turning his attention solely to the looming battle that was quickly approaching.

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