The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by FirstmateJim »

Jim stood on the wheelhouse deck looking out over the Aerandir with a sly smile on his face. The past several days had been smooth, quiet sailing. As far as he could tell, things were falling into place just as the Captain had been hoping. He had the helmsman make a slight turn to the Northwest as they laid a course of the Port City of Cuera in Absynia. The Aerandir would be meeting up with Captain Tuv and Wyl. Tuv had secretly been gathering troops and ships in Abysnia for the final, hopefully, encounter with the Red Claws. The ship was looking good, the crew was healthy, and the missile crews were restocked. Full of pride and wanting to continue to lift the spirits of the Crew, Jim ordered full sails and colors to be flown. There was to be no more hiding. It was now time to finish what had been in motion for some time. The port of Cuera would soon be on the horizon and the point of no return would be established. Jim was relishing the challenge and the peace that would hopefully soon ensue.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by MarcusRedClaw »

Marcus and his band of warriors soon found themselves on the border of Muria and Puria. That bit of info still did not improve his mood. His scouts found him and reported that at least 3 more of their ships have been sunk, 2 more scouts had been killed, and that the elf and their queen apparently were seen boarding a ship out of Angeles. Their spies were not sure in what direction they were headed, but the merchant captain in charge of the ship often ferries wood back from the Isle of Absynia. The only thing that eased, to some point, the frustration that Marcus was feeling was the fact that if his troops had heeded his orders, then the Red Claw fleet would be nearing Bercarian waters and the ground forces would soon be drawing near as well. The elf could run, but he cant hide and soon he would be trapped by three forces. Marcus licked his lips at the thought of personally gutting the elf and feasting on his blood as the wayward queen that his brother Darius had tried to bring home watched. Marcus let out a howl and ordered his men northwesterly. He wanted to end the elf as soon as possible and the bloodlust within him was growing at the thought.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The Ralathondor's arrived in Abysnnia with no issues. The work that Tuv had secretly began weeks ago was well under way. As they traveled throughout the VR and made their way towards the port City of Bielya, the forces that were aligned with Tuv grew. When they arrived in Bielya Tuv had a good 100 ground forces and 10 boats, besides the Aerandir, fully manned and ready to go. They would soon be setting sail eastward towards Bercaria and hopefully the encounter to settle things once and for all with the Red Claws. Tuv set up a meeting with himself, Jim, each of the ship captains, and his ground force leaders. He went over the whole plan and what to expect. All were in agreement to what Tuv had laid out as many of the ships and their leaders were also eager to end the raiding threat that the Red Claws represented. Tuv had managed to gain some recent Intel. As far as they could determine the Red Claw fleet and its main ground forces were near Curcea in Muria. Marcus and his group were to the southwest of them, near the city of Angeles. The confrontation was quickly approaching. One the morning tide, the Orange Oak Armanda, as the fleet had been dubbed, would be setting sail and looking for a fight.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Things were about to come to a head. Tuv could feel it in the air. The ground troops had landed a few days ago and were quickly approaching the area of Kercai. The forces had grown to about 150 able bodies warriors. Intel reports kept coming in that the main force of the Red Claws were also headed in that area. Jim and the Armada should soon be there as well. Tuv knew that the size of the force they had could no longer be kept hidden. He was counting on that. He knew he was playing a dangerous game and that if Marcus did not take the bait things could drag on even longer. He was commanding a force that wanted to see a conclusion, and Tuv was ready to give it to them.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by FirstmateJim »

Jim found himself leading an Armada of ships. Including the Aerandir, the fleet had 11 ships. They had disembarked the ground forces a few days ago and now had turned the corner of the horn of Bercia and were heading east and towards the impending naval encounter with the Red Claw fleet. He knew what the plan was and he knew it should work. The battle plan had been laid out and now it just needed to be executed. He stepped back into the wheelhouse cabin and once again looked over the sea charts and the maps to make sure he did his part.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by MarcusRedClaw »

Having received word from his scouts, Marcus turned northerly in pursuit of the Elf. Then word came of the Army at the Elf's command. Marcus was furious that the Elf had gathered forces. Yet he relished the thought of entrapping the Elf and his group. Marcus was moving up from the south, Toriq was leading the main horde coming from the East, and Snovarik was leading the naval forces in a westardly course. He figured the Elf had overplayed things and now he and the Red Claws could trap him and leave him no place to run. He might let him live long enough, he thought, to see the Queen restored to her throne and help to lead the changelings into carving out their own kingdom t rule all the others.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria stood on one of the few hills in the area. This hill allowed for him to view the natural harbor that housed the fishing village to the north, while also allowing him to see the roads and open meadows to the south and to the east. The naval fleet led by Jim aboard the Aerandir was just around the cove, out of sight, near Cyanea. Most of the ground forces where hidden in the forest to the southwest of where Tuv stood. Only a very small band was camped near the edge of the meadow close to the forest. The battle fields had been prepared and the harbor had its defenses put into place. Now was the waiting game. Tuv was counting on the pride and hubris of Marcus and his over developed sense of destiny concerning his brother and the Red Claws. The bait had been placed, the trap set, and the troops set. Tuv knew it was a dangerous game they were playing. It was his hope that Marcus would take the bait and over play his hand in his desire to take and install Wyllow as their Queen. All he could do now is sit and wait for his prey/adversary to show up for the battle that awaited them all. As dusk began to draw near, Tuv noticed that the moon was almost to the point of being 'absent' from the sky, a new moon, or as some of the ancients often referred to it as, a dark or black Moon. He chuckled to himself at this thought as he pondered if this is what the Ancient Seer, Luana had meant. Seeing that his sentries were in their posts, Tuv headed down the hill to find Wyl and the twins. Sleep he knew, would not come easy for some time.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by FirstmateJim »

Jim stood on the main deck of the Aerandir. The Orange Oak Armada, as he was calling the fleet, was just out of sight from the fishing village and natural harbor just to the southeast of Cyanea. The fleet was waiting for the Red Claw fleet to come into the area before they would spring into action. Jim hated the waiting game. He was a man of action. However, he knew the plan and the dangerous game that his Captain was playing. The harbor had been trapped and if the Red Claws took the bait, their fleet would suffer a major blow. All they could do was wait. The men were also beginning to feel the tension and anticipation. Soon he thought, soon, this would all be over. Jim ordered the fleet to go dark and silent during the night so that their position and numbers would not be seen. Jim ordered Sam to put on a pot of the new drink he found, called coffee, as he knew he would not be getting any sleep tonight.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by MarcusRedClaw »

Marcus and his horde were camped near the road just north of New Tunis. He knew the confrontation of destiny was soon to be upon his. He was elated when his scouts returned. It seems that the Elf and their Queen had a small, less than a dozen, group of warriors with them camped at the forest edge south of Cyanea near the small fishing village of Kuradi. It seems as though the elf had know idea of what was coming at them. The main Red Claw army was a long the coast, the Naval fleet near the same location. Tomorrow all three groups would converge on the elf and end his line as they took back their Queen. Marcus was looking forward to this with great anticipation. He would soon fulfill his destiny and bring the northern kingdoms under his control as the head of the Red Claws. From there all of the continent would eventually come under his control. No more independent kingdoms, no more republics, no more viceroyalties. Just one single kingdom under his divine command. It was with that though playing in his mind that Marcus headed to his tent as he pondered just how he would kill the elf as he made him watch their Queen be reinstalled to her true position as his bride and consort as destiny had already determined.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The morning seemed to come early as Tuv could see the three enemy units approaching. things where quickly coming together. Tuv could also see the distinctive Black sails with the orange blossoms sailing to engage to the Red Claw fleet. Smiling to himself, Tuv quickly made his way back to Wyl and the twins and had them move to the security of woods. Tuv could see that Marcus was spreading his forces out to try to pen in Tuv and his apparently smaller force. Tuv continued to let Marcus and the Red Claws think they had the full upper hand. The Red Claw navy quickly moved into the harbor and set up to provide a blockade to prevent any escape into the sea.
Marcus and his forces slowly approached the camp site area where Tuv and his small band had set up a makeshift defensive site. Tuv waiting anxiously as Marcus slowly marched towards him. He was also glad that a slight mist was over the water, somewhat obscuring Jim and the Armanda that was approaching. Tuv loosed the strings on his two swords and picked up his bow and set his quiver in front of him for easy access. He knew is main force was hidden just out of sight and Tuv was waiting for the right time to give the signal that would bring all of his forces into the fray. Tightening the straps on his armor, Tuv watched until Marcus stopped and called out to him.
Well, well, well Elf boy. Looks like this is the end of the line for you. There is no place left for you to run. Surrender to us the Queen and her brats, and I may feel generous and kill you quickly. If not, I will still take them and kill you slowly as you watch your men die as I avenge my brother and my clan. You have 5 minutes elf boy.
Tuv only chuckled to himself and gave no answer. When the time was up, Marcus let out a yell and his forces started advancing. Tuv whispered to his forces to wait for his signal. Tuv continued to hold his forces for a few moments before he took an arrow and dipped it into the flaming pitch he had prepared. Several of the others with him did the same. Then Tuv pointed his bow into the air in the direction of Marcus and let loose. Soon his men also let arrows fly towards the Red Claws. The arrows flew over the Red Claws. Marcus began to taunt Tuv until he heard a whoosh behind him and as he turned he saw a fire wall spring up behind him spreading the full length of the open meadow. He turned back in anger towards Tuv to see a volley of flaming arrows head towards the harbor. Immediately the harbor sprang into fire, claiming a couple of ships and entrapping the rest. Not only that Marcus could see the Aerandir and her fleet now on the other side of the flames, thus preventing his fleet from easily escaping.
Marcus was enraged and turned back to the elf, only to hear a large battle cry come from the tree line and saw easily 100 warriors come fleeing out of the trees. Tuv jumped over the defensive wall he had made and was now leading his forces as he yelled out:
Tuv and his men then began the charge towards Marcus and his somewhat disoriented horde. The great battle was now under way.

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