Mayor's Office

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Re: Mayor's Office

Post by Tuvoria »

Just a quick update on the status of Bravia City. Things are continuing to progress well. Corruption is near 0, the walls and defenses remain strong and our market abounds with items, many of which I have been trying to move to other cities via the Viceregal Fair. Overall the economy is good; however we have a constant need for bread, wheat, and wood. If you can help with this great. If you plan on doing travel please contact the Town Hall (mayor). We may be able to employee you to transport goods. If you wish to get a more detailed outlay of the town's financial status message me and I will send you a report. For security reasons I will not post it here.

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Re: Mayor's Office

Post by TwoB »

The town is still doing good. If anyone wants to cut wood for the town, let me know
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Re: Mayor's Office

Post by Wyllow »

According to the town laws, Citizens of Bravia:
4. All creatures have the right to sell items on the town market as a fair and open market
I then ask why a citizen of Imperious is dumping items on our market? Our market is supposed to be a free market for -our citizens-. For protection from others.
Yet we have Lukoki dumping all kinds of items we already have, on the market. Markets run on supply and demand to be free. Not someone that comes in and manipulates our markets from Imperious where they dumb down prices and create false supply and demands. It is not our fault that their market doesn't allow for supply and demand when it comes to pricing.

I implore this be corrected. Or I will bring charges against them for market manipulation.

It is one thing to put items on the market we do not have, it is manipulation when it is items we already have.
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Re: Mayor's Office

Post by Cheb »

Hi Wyllow,

There is no mentioning of foreign dumping in the most recent version of the town laws that took effect at October 31 1659 and were effected by mage Amaryllis. Therefor, there is no ground for prosecuting Lukoki at this time.

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Re: Mayor's Office

Post by Wyllow »


I beg to differ:
Under section 1 

"Section I: Rights of Citizens

1. All creatures in the Town of Bravia are protected under and required to follow the laws of Bravia.
2. All creatures have the right to ask for a public meeting with the rightfully elected Mayor regarding actions or decisions done by the Mayor or the Town Council.
3. All creatures have the right to apply for Town Mentor, Sheriff, or Rancher chosen at the discretion of the rightfully elected Mayor
4. All creatures have the right to sell items on the town market as a fair and open market. "

The person dumping on our market is NOT a citizen of Bravia. All creatures that are citizens of Bravia. Otherwise, it would not be under this section which protects us as citizens. Section 1 is stated for its citizens. It is NOT for any creature of Secfenia.

The mayor is our protector from outside interference. This is blatant market manipulation. 

I implore you to please re-read our laws that are for Bravia Citzens and please see that it is corrected. We have free market laws for our citizens, Fenia does not and there is no reason why a mayor would support such a thing here. 

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Re: Mayor's Office

Post by Aishe »


Please re-read Law Section I.4. Per the statute, it very clearly states ALL CREATURES have the right to sell items on the town market. There is no mention of prohibiting trade for non-citizens, nor even of citizenship of the seller as a prerequisite for the law to apply.

Furthermore, where I think the confusion lays: Law Section I.1 states that ALL CREATURES within town limits are protected under the law so long as the law is followed. It explicitly states CREATURES in the town limits, not CITIZENS of the town. Therefore, this means the law applies to anyone present in Bravia City, citizen or not.

Towns need trade to prosper, even if it's inter-viceroyalty.

I hope this helps.

Warm Regards:
- Aishe Sanchari -
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Warden of Bravia | Viceroy | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
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Re: Mayor's Office

Post by Wyllow »

Aishe wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:12 pm

Please re-read Law Section I.4. Per the statute, it very clearly states ALL CREATURES have the right to sell items on the town market. There is no mention of prohibiting trade for non-citizens, nor even of citizenship of the seller as a prerequisite for the law to apply.

Furthermore, where I think the confusion lays: Law Section I.1 states that ALL CREATURES within town limits are protected under the law so long as the law is followed. It explicitly states CREATURES in the town limits, not CITIZENS of the town. Therefore, this means the law applies to anyone present in Bravia City, citizen or not.

Towns need trade to prosper, even if it's inter-viceroyalty.

I hope this helps.

Warm Regards:
- Aishe Sanchari -
So your are saying we ignore : Section I: Rights of Citizens

Please explain what sense that makes? Because it does not.
Section one is for Citizens of Bravia (town), and while I thank someone else for thinking it is their right to comment on Bravia (TOWN) Laws, you are not in Bravia, nor are you a citizen of Bravia Town.

Of Bravia Viceroyalty, yes.

Also, Paz is not under current attack like Bravia (town) and Cork are of Fenian creatures bring in goods and dumping on our town markets. I fully believe that if we do not have items on our market, then that is a courtesy to ask the mayor to place those items on our markets, as it is a hole in our market. That is always how things have been when it comes to adding items to someone elses markets. But to bring in Items we already HAVE makes no sense. Also to put items on our market competing with our town hall make even no sense. But to come in and dump 200+ bread on our market when there are two other sources - local, that already have bread on our market? How is that not manipulation? We had bread on the market at 2 price points by two Bravia town citizens.

within town limits

That is NOT what that says. Just because you are in town limits from anywhere Secfenia, means you can do what you want on our markets. Are you crazy?

By your interpretation, any citizen of Secfenia that is in Bravia Town borders also has this right:

All creatures have the right to ask for a public meeting with the rightfully elected Mayor regarding actions or decisions done by the Mayor or the Town Council.

We just skip this part that actually states: Section I: Rights of Citizens

Any Mayor that thinks Citizens of Fenia should be able to come in a DUMP goods on our Bravia Markets isnt here to protect Bravians from Market manipulations. When Fenians are coming in a dumping goods because they can not sell them in Fenia, that isnt right at all and it is a problem.
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Lukoki is acting withing the law

Post by Cheb »

Hi Wyllow, Aisha,

Following up on the initial request is not about willingness or not. It is about me acting like a despot when I ask for prosecution without proper support from the law. The law allows all creatures to sell on our market. I had come to the same conclusion as Aisha came, she was just attentive enough to clarify, while I was ignorant due to being distracted. Prosecuting Lukoki will be a waste of resources, because she's standing in her right.

We could change town law, but I personally think that more market protection is not the way to go right now. It may be needed in future, in that case I'm all in favor of market regulation, because it can help share wealth. I'm just not in favor of overdoing it or doing it for the wrong reasons. Just the fact that we can restrict our market if needed, just by changing town law, should do right now.

Wyllow, you apparently think that you cannot make an earnest living when you sell bread for the price that it's being sold for right now. Apparently some people can. In my opinion, we should first be wondering why other people can and see if we can adapt to their strategies. Lukoki will have traveling costs on top of her lower sales revenue. Instead of altering our laws for this one incident we should first try to learn and adapt.

Thank you for your opinions & concern,
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Re: Mayor's Office

Post by Cheb »

Hi Lukoki,

Could please remove your vast pile of bread form the Bravian market and dump it elswhere. We don't mind people from other towns selling some wares here, but this is a riddiculous amount of bread that brings the risk of disturbsing our market in long-term. I suggest that you either move here, become a bravian citizen and set up business in our community or you try to sell a few breads here and the majority in your hometown.


Chab, mayor of Bravia
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Response from Lukoki

Post by Cheb »

Two pigeons just arrived with a reply from Lukoki,

In her first message she apologized and said that she was more or less forced to park some goods because she went out of soft limits bound due to vast buying at our market. She considered that an even trade. She intended to return with some mules to collect the bread.

In the second letter she stated that news had arrived to her of someone purchasing all the bread. Which according to her removed the need for a swift return.

I'll thank her for the swift response and hope that she'll be thoughtful next time.
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