The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by MarcusRedClaw »

Marcus was still in pain and a dark haze as he found himself secured to a bed. He glanced about trying to discern where he was. He could feel the swaying of the floor and knew he was aboard a ship somewhere at sea. As he slowly opened his eyes, he began to recognize the Captain's cabin of the Black Moon. Slowly things began to become clear. He remembered seeing the Elf and the battle along the Bercia-Muria border. He remembered feeling the agonizing pain in his legs and falling to the ground. He remembered, slightly, someone grabbing him and helping him escape the field of battle. He also believed he had sent a message, via courier, to the Elf he considered his enemy. Beyond that he was a blank. He looked down as a spasm of pain went through his body. One leg was heavily bandaged from just above the knee down to his ankle. He saw nothing, nor could feel anything, from the knee down of his other leg. He pounded his fist on the bed as it all became clear. He screamed out "Damn you Elf." as reality set in.
Hearing the noise, his 2nd in Command, Elikan, entered and updated him on things. He had helped him escape the rout on the battle field. They were on the Black Moon, shrouded in the frozen mists of the great northern sea, They had 2 ships with them, all that had survived the battle. They also had about 60 able warriors, with another 30 that were healing from one injury or another. The Mages and healers had been able to save his one leg. The other they could not. They are hoping his changeling nature could restore the other, but they are not sure.
Anger and fire grew in the eyes of Marcus as he heard all of this. He commanded Elikan to grab some parchment and a pen. As Elikan was doing so, Marcus stated that the Red Claws will rise again like the fire from ashes. The Dark will take over the known continent and all will come to bow before them. This is not the end. He then had Elikan copy down a message to send to the enemy Elf. With that done, Marcus laid back down as pain pushed him back to sleep.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by FirstmateJim »

The Aerandir and her remaining fleet where now back in Bravian waters along the northern edge of the VR near North Staunchville. Jim and the crews had not seen nor heard of anything related to the Red Claws or The Black Moon since the great battle almost a month ago. Jim didn't know whether this was a good sign or not. He didn't like not knowing.
That said he was happy to be in home waters again and gave orders to set course for the Eastern port city of Navy Island. The fleet would anchor there until a new course of plan was set. It would also be good, Jim thought, for the crews to get some liberty and relax as he oversaw the resupplying of the fleet. He gathered a pen and some parchment, wrote a brief note to let his Captain know things, and sent it off via carrier pigeon. He was glad for the quietness but also ready for things to come. Fate could not be outrun he knew.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv was enjoying the sounds of the boys as he finished cleaning up around the house. He knew Wyl was happily tucked away enjoying herself in her bakery shop. He loved her cooking and baking, and was always happy to try her new creations. Wanting to enjoy the nice afternoon, Tuv grabbed the makeshift playpen, set it up outside, and grabbed the twins and Rex and headed outside. Tuv then began to work on getting an area ready to plant a garden, using seeds from the various vegetables they had gathered on their recent trip. He knew Wyl would love to have the garden. As he took his tunic off to begin chopping wood, he noticed one of the Pigeons that had the markings of the Aerandir show up. He grabbed the message from the pigeon and was happy to see that Jim and the fleet were heading to Navy Island for some R&R. He was concerned that the Red Claws seemed to have vanished somehow. As he was pondering this, an acolyte from the church came up and said "Master Tuvoria, this letter came to the Temple addressed to you. Priestess Katie said I should bring it here. Tuv thanked the lad and gave him a silver piece. He then opened the letter as a scowl crossed his face. He knew who it was from right away.
Hello Elf
'S gearr-mhaireann do bhuaidh. Chan urrainnear stad a chuir air an dorchadas. Feudaidh moille a bhi orm, ach èiridh a' Chlach-ruadh a rìs. Bheir dorchadas thairis gach ni. Bithidh Secfenia 'na aon fo riaghladh a' Chlachain Dheirg. Tha sinn a’ tighinn thugad. Cha'n urrainn thu folach uainne, do chinneach, no an Dorchadas. Bidh a’ Bhan-rìgh againne againn agus amhaircidh tu oirre a’ tighinn gu bhith againne.

Tuv read the words and then repeated them in the common tongue: Your victory shall be short lived Elf. The Dark cannot be stopped. I may be delayed, but the Red Claw shall rise again. Darkness shall ovecome all. Secfenia shall become one under the rule of the Red Claw. We are coming for you. You can not hide from us, your fate, or the Darkness. We shall have our Queen and you will watch her become ours." Tuv felt a rage rising up in him. He calmed himself as he knew that Marcus was trying to goad him. He would not give him the satisfaction. He laid the letter on his Tunic and went back to chopping wood. Each hit on a log being in his mind yet another blow taking out a Red Claw warrior. Slowly a smile began to return to his face as he glanced at the twins enjoying the gurgling laughs the two of them were sharing.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria packed up his carts, his mules, and gathered up Rex before kissing Wyllow and the twins goodbye. He was heading to the north shore of Bravia to gather some information for the Army, to check on a few things, and to check on the timber forests north of Staunchville. He also wanted to get in some chopping himself. He was hoping to gather some Red Oak, birch, and Aspen for use in his shop. The journey to Staunchville was quiet and relaxing, and the night in Staunchville went well. In the morning, Tuv headed out into the timberlands. Soon he was busy chopping wood and being one with nature. The day was warming up nicely and Tuv had taken his tunic off, when he noticed that Rex was eagerly wagging his tail and had alerted to something, Tuv was about to grab his sword when he heard an ancient voice speak.
Be at ease child. I mean you no harm. I know you have been pondering what I said to you before and I know you are seeking not only me, but more answers as well
Tuv recognized the voice and the woman behind it. The Ancient, Luana, had sought him out again. He welcomed her in, offered her a stool to sit on and something to drink. She accepted both and then began to speak again.
You still seek the Black Moon and the one called Marcus. That is good, but be wary that you do not become what you hunt. Fate and destiny will lead you to where you belong if you do not try to force the issue. You must be vigilant and patient at the same time. Your quarry for now rests in the far north, hidden within the frozen mists. Do not yet sail to seek him. Wait and prepare. When the summer sun reaches its peak, a vision and word shall come to you and guide you were to sail. To hunt before then will bring calamity upon those you hold dear. Trust in the destiny and what the Mages have in store for you. Be aware that your passions do not overshadow reason. Your adversary was severely wounded and now his rage, hatred, and desire for vengeance boil within him and have blinded his vision to nothing but his hate.
Tuv took this all in and contemplated what the Ancient One had to say. It expanded more on what little he had already knew. He turned to get more water for Luana and himself, and when he turned around she was gone. He heard her voice call out, enjoy the wood I give you and tell that uncle of yours to quit using my trees as his scratching posts. Tuv chuckled to himself before noticing that his wagons were now fully loaded with the timber he had come to collect. He gave thanks to the Ancient and to the Mages for the gifts and then began to prepare to return home to Bravia City, and his lovely family. It was time to follow the advice and to relax and wait.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by MarcusRedClaw »

Marcus woke with a slight panic, sweat and pain pouring out of his body. As his gazed finally came clear he realized with the swaying motion, that he was still aboard The Black Moon. He could feel the icy mists about, the same mists that shrouded them and protected them from prying eyes. Marcus sat up on his bed. His one leg was healing nicely, the damaged almost completely repaired by the magicians and shaman aboard. His right leg, below the knee, was gone. At times he could still feel a phantom pain from where the elf hand sliced it off with that accursed sword of his. They had fashioned a makeshift attachment for him so he could walk, yet, for now, he had not really tried it. He reluctantly put it on, stood up, and began to get his bearings. After wobbling about for several minutes, he finally figured out his balance and slowly made his way out of his Captain's cabin. The crew was happy to see him up and about. As he soaked in the hidden sun and the acknowledgement of his crew, Marcus knew it was time to return to the hunt. He gave the order to prepare to set sail. It was time to leave the mist, to return to their base in the Northern Wilderness, and then to hunt down and get even with the accursed elf that was his bane. Fate would see it so that the Elf would suffer even more for what he had done to the Red Claws. With that the crew set about raising the sails and preparing to leave the frozen mists and once again go on the hunt for the so called Elven hero in Bravia.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

It had been a good bit of time since Tuv had heard anything of any kind in regards to the Red Claws, Marcus, or their ship The Black Moon. It had been so long, Tuvoria had almost forgotten completely about them. That was until one night as the moon was nearing being full. Tuv woke up thinking he had heard one of the twins crying out. Instead he heard a voice calling to him "Come to the shed and await the Ancient." Tuv remembered that the Ancient, Luana, had said he would receive word when the time was right. Perhaps she was coming to tell him what and where he needed to go.
Tuv got up quietly and proceeded to get dressed and head out to his work shed. He could see a cloaked figure sitting there next to a small fire. As Tuv approached, he heard the Ancient, Luana, speak in her mystic tone. "Please take a seat young Elf. The time is almost at hand for you to continue what fate and destiny have woven together for you. Marcus is leaving the frozen mists and heading to his base on the Northern Wilderness. However, that is not your destination yet Child. Strange creatures and happenings have been spotted in and around the mines of Bravia. A dream vision will be given tonight to your bride, Wyllow. In the morning she shall seek authorization from the Council to raise an army to investigate these happenings. You are to join her. We must assess that the darkness of Marcus and the Red Claw magic wielders have not corrupted nature and are using demonic influences to bring chaos and destruction to these lands. As you investigate you will find some clues as to the truth of the past and clues to the future thread that is woven for the two of you. The Mages will be with you. Do not fear and join her eagerly.
Tuv took this all in. He knew the Ancient One was speaking the truth and things would come to pass as she had stated. Tuv was about to ask Luana a question when suddenly the fire flashed high and unusually bright and when it was over the Ancient One was nowhere to be seen. Tuv sat there for a bit pondering everything. He was eager for this all to be over. He wanted to put his military days behind him, and to live peacefully on his farm, working the land, doing carpentry work, and raising his twin sons with Wyllow. Putting those thoughts behind him, he headed off towards the barn and starting loading provisions and equipment into the large cart that was there. When he was done, he headed back to the house. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizion. Sensing it was too late to return to bed, Tuv sought about preparing breakfast and getting a tea kettle on the fire. He heard Wyllow getting up and when she looked at him a bit puzzled, he simply gave her a kiss as he said "The Ancient, Luana was here last night. I know of your dream vision and the Army. As soon as you get authorization, we are ready to head out.Tuv then took the kettle off of the fire and poured them each a mug of tea as they sat and enjoyed a moment of quietness before the twins would begin to stir.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by FirstmateJim »

Jim and the crew of the Aerandir had been in the port City of Navy Island for a few weeks. They all had been rotating through a period of Rest and Relaxation in between periods of training and readiness drills. Jim fully trusted in his Captain Tuvoria and what they were engaged in, as far as the Red Claw plague was concerned. Jim knew the orders would soon come. As he sat in the Purple Manatee eating dinner, a haggard old crone walked in and took a seat across from him. Jim was about to say something when the crone waved a hand at him and Jim felt himself stuck to the chair and silenced. Relax Jim, I mean you know harm. I am the Ancient Luana. I believe your Captain Tuvoria has spoken of me. The time has come to prepare the hunt. Your Captain and his wife have been given a task to look into some strange activities near the various mines within Bravia. I am sure you have heard about these strange happenings. In the meantime, you and the Aerandir are called to set sail towards the waters north of North Staunchville and to search the waters of the great bay. When the time is right, I will visit you again in a dream and tell you where to meet your Captain. Immediately a strange wind blew through the Inn and there was a momentary brief darkness. When the sconces and candles flashed back on, the Ancient was gone. Jim mumbled to himself, Man I hate when she does that He finished his meal and then headed towards the piers, It was time to get things going, The outgoing tide would be in 7hrs and he planned to have the Aerandir head out on that tide.
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Wyllow »

The morning greeted her as its usual self, except it really hadn't. After seeing to the boys, she went to seek out Tuvoria. Her shoulders drooped with relief when he spoke, removing a lot of the tension. I should be back soon. I need to visit my office at the Castle then speak with the Council.

A missive met her there on her desk. Her brow wrinkled. A red flag rose in her mind. The missive was that of tying, possibly, a few things together that made little sense, but would if her hunches were correct or even slightly. Her dreams could be so real, but her gut knew this needed looking into.

It warrants investigation. she told herself once more as she walked down the hall. She took the letter with her, but held back her full reasonings to go investigate. The council was eager, as it would take care of something they also needed. It had been well known through the land that the Council was stretched thin. While many could, it came down to if most would. It was alright, as she understood how being a civil servant could take a toll. Many years she served, and had indeed been one that needed an extended break from serving on councils. But that time had passed. Long enough to forget the needs the Council had. The dedication and honest heart it took.

The conversation was had, she was to raise an Army under the flag of Bravia. She even included that she had never done something such as this before so that they knew all the consequences of a green Captain. To her, it was in name only. She had seen many battles, but it was rarely in an organized fashion. More so on her own, or at the side of her beloved husband or friends. She knew what to do on the battlefield. She knew much about the pointy end of a blade, but commanding, was something very, very different and scary. This was something official - for Bravia. And that frightened her a little. She didn't want to mess it up.

Her conversation with Tuv was quick and to the point when she returned, Gabriel on her heel. Tuv's willingness to jump in with her blindly made her heart sing. They hastily, but thoroughly, packed and were ready to go fairly quickly. Gabriel would stay with the children and keep them safe. This was no trip for little men.

The first orders she gave, and they headed to the Gold mine near Bravia. Reports had happenings and destruction going on, on a continued basis in the mines, yet to look around, everything seemed quite normal. To her that meant going deeper, checking with operations as well as looking for hidden dangers no one else was paying attention to.....
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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by Tuvoria »

The Critter Clearers headed out of Bravia City towards the mines. Concerns about the reports for disturbances in and near the mines had Tuv worried a bit. Was the ancient evil associated with the Red Claws trying to use the caverns and tunnels associated with the mines to move about without being seen before they launched an assault? This thought kept going through his mind as they traveled. The journey out to the mine was quick and without incident. However, once they got to the mind, it was apparent that something had been here and had disrupted things. The army decided to camp for the evening and do a full investigation in the morning. A fire was started and defenses put into place. During the night the occasional howl and or scream was heard off in the distance, but nothing came near the army. In the morning their was a lite mist about the area, but the visibility was still good. The army headed into the mine entrance and quickly found traces of some unknown creature. It was hard to tell where the traces came from or ended. Tuv began to wonder if these were darkling creatures associated with the Red Claws, creatures as of yet unable to enter into the light of the above world. The Army continued searching for several hours and found not trace of anything else out of the ordinary. When they did return to the surface, a Yvyrm was attempting to ransack their camp. It quickly turned towards Wyl and Tuv and charged. After a brief fight the creature was slain and the group began searching about to see if others where in the area. Nothing was noted. The body of the Yvyrm was disposed off and it was decided that unless something occurs overnight they would return to Bravia City before heading out to check on other mines.

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Re: The Aerandir and the search for the Black Moon (ORP)

Post by MarcusRedClaw »

Marcus and the Red Claws aboard the Black Moon arrived at their base along the coast of the Great Northern Wilderness. Marcus had adjusted to the false leg, yet his temper and disposition were still sour. They quickly unloaded things and Marcus called for his commanders to join him in the great Hall. Once his commanders where gathered he gave the order to send out messengers across the lands. He stated it was time to gather the clans and prepare for the conquest of the lands and to restore the glory of the Darkness and the Red Claws. Any clan that stands against or fails to show up for this gathering, shall be destroyed. The commanders all cheered with enthusiasm as messengers were sent out. Marcus eased back into his throne, rubbing at his false leg, and relishing the idea of torturing the elf slowly as a part of his revenge.
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