[ORP] The Halls of Aelylea

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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[ORP] The Halls of Aelylea

Post by Sekhmet »

Having finished her work at the Temple, Isis Sekhmet began exploring her new home. Wandering around the City of Imperius, found herself drawn to a beautiful white structure.


Isis ventured across the well manicured lawn and up the steps. Looking inside one of the windows, she wondered what this place was and if she were allowed inside.

Isis! Pause. Sekhmet!

It seemed as if the walls of the building were calling out to her.

Isis! Pause. Sekhmet! Pause. Isis! Pause. Sekhmet! Pause. Isis! Pause. Sekhmet!

She was sure now something was saying her name. It would call her by her first name, then after some time, would call her again by her middle name. Isis felt a bit of uneasiness. She was new here, yet someone knew her?

Looking around, seeing no one, Sekhmet wondered if the walls really were speaking. With a sharp jut of her chin, Sekhmet walked to the door and swung it open. She was determined to find what was calling out to her.

Re: [ORP] The Halls of Aelylea

Post by Sekhmet »

Entering, Sekhmet was awestruck by the beauty of the interior.


It was so spacious, and there were so many doors! Sekhmet did not know where to begin her search for that which called her. Feeling overwhelmed, Sekhmet sits down on one of the chairs in the room.

The voice calling her didn't seem to come from any particular direction. Clearing her mind, remembering that she was the Eye of Ra, Sekhmet knew she could find the voice. Standing up, she followed her heart into one of the many doors.

At first she saw saw nothing. It was as if, she had lost her sight and become blind, then she beheld a woman, floating in the expanse.


At first, Sekhmet stared, expecting the woman to say something, but when she didn't, Sekhmet broke the silence. "Were you the one calling me?"

The woman answered in a willowy voice, "The voice that called you was your own. This place, the Halls of Aelylea, is a place where people find themselves. You are lost and cannot find what you are looking for until you find yourself."

"Huh? I'm not lost. I know where I am, and I know my own voice. That wasn't my voice."

"It seems you are not yet ready. I will give you this egg to help you. You must keep it well. It holds your spirit within. If you break it, you will die. If you do evil things, it will become a monster and devour you. But if you are good, your spirit will flourish within the egg, and it will protect you and help you when you are lost."

As Sekhmet accepted the egg, the woman vanished. Again everything was dark, and Sekhmet could not see. Then mysteriously, the egg began to glow. Using the light from the egg, Sekhmet walked fourth, and found herself, once again outside on the front lawn. Confused as to how she returned outside, Sekhmet wondered if there was a certain power in the egg. She decided to keep it after all.

Re: [ORP] The Halls of Aelylea

Post by Kyle »

Kyle arrived in Fenia at the mysterious Halls of Aelylea. It was his first stop, even before he was to see his new home. Jumping off his steed, he walked up the steps and opened the door to Aelylea. Stepping into the room with many doors, he chose the one furthest to the east.

Inside this room, Kyle found a vast array of books and scrolls and searched for the one he needed.

The legend surrounding Aelylea held that anyone entering its Halls would find that for which he searched if the Halls judged him worthy. However,... if not judged favorably, a painful death would soon follow.

Kyle was aware of the legend before entering, but fear never entered his mind. Whether one considered Kyle arrogant or confident was up to the individual; however, Kyle never for a second believed he would not be successful. He was entitled to that which he sought.
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