A Gypsy arrives in Paz

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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

Willow was enjoying the picnic, it was so nice to relax in the sun and she also loved spending time with Adonair.
"Willow," he begins seriously, "I love y-y-y- er, i love wine; this is a tasty wine don't you think?"
Willow listened and looked at him strange, loved wine she thought? Yes, it is a tasty wine :)
"I really, really, um, want to tell you, um ... oh look!" Adonair points at an egret as it dives for a fish and carries it off.
Willow was wondering what Adonair was having so much trouble saying. When he said look, she looked where he had been pointing and spotted the egret diving for fish. Willow liked to see nature - hes a very clever at fishing :lol: better than me she said.

Max had finished his food and was sitting looking at the two of them talking, okay they were actually dodging what they really felt. Looking where Adonair had pointed, he spotted the bird and jumped up and chased it. Willow called after him, leave the bird alone my boy :lol: .

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

hes very clever at fishing, better than me, she said.

"Oh yes, particularly if restricted to using one's mouth to do the fishing. I doubt I could catch anything more than water up my nose."

Max looked on, turning from the bird back to the couple and then back to the bird.

"He's as big as you Max! And he can fly, don't be crazy."

"At least I'm not a scaredy-cat," Max said, his tongue hanging out :P

"I am NOT!" Adonair insisted.

"Tell her!"

Adonair felt stupid arguing with a dog, and even stupider because he had obviously lost said argument. Adonair drained his glass of wine, setting it down, he tried once more.

"Willow, since I've met you I've felt happy and strong and in love with life. I really think the fates have lined up you and I... to be together. I know there's a pretty big age difference, and if you don't feel the same, i'll understand, but I have got to tell you that I really think I love you."
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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

"At least I'm not a scaredy-cat," Max said, his tongue hanging out "Tell her!"
Willow looked from Adonair to Max and back to Adonair again - she wondered what he was trying to tell her. Smiling :) at him to put him at ease she waited for what he was going to say?
"Willow, since I've met you I've felt happy and strong and in love with life. I really think the fates have lined up you and I... to be together. I know there's a pretty big age difference, and if you don't feel the same, i'll understand, but I have got to tell you that I really think I love you."
Willow listened but was surprised :o when he said he loved her. She was in stunned shock and there were a few minutes before she realised that Adonair was waiting for her to say something. I ..... I ..... ummmmm (thinking about how she felt she finally got up the nerve to say how she felt. When I met you at the BBQ, I felt drawn to you, like I have known you all my life. I guess it like love at first sight, I have never really believed in it before but I do now - Adonair I love you too :D

Max who had been watching said about time doh!

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

Adonair kissed Willow tenderly.

Refilling the wine glasses he proposed a toast, "Here's to love at first sight." Clinking glasses he drank. "Love at first sight is rare. When it does happen, I think its best not to scrutinize it. Let's just enjoy the happy gift the gods have given us."

"Are you two going to make puppies now?" asked their furry friend.

"Shut up Max."
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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

"Here's to love at first sight." Clinking glasses he drank. "Love at first sight is rare. When it does happen, I think its best not to scrutinize it. Let's just enjoy the happy gift the gods have given us."
Willow was so happy to hear Adonair felt the same way towards her. She knew there was an age difference but she didn't care - she thought that she would never find love. Love a first sight Willow repeated and clinked her glass and then sipped her wine. She smiled at Adonair - I thought I would never find love at first sight :D
"Are you two going to make puppies now?" asked their furry friend.
"Shut up Max."
Max chase Willow said tossing a stick for him - in the excitement of the game of chase, he forgot them and race off for his prize.

Willow kissed Adonair tenderly.

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

Adonair slid forward and then lay back. He could look up and see the clouds drifting by. He motioned for her to cuddle up against him.

He sang to her softly, just above a whisper:

It is a willow when summer is over,
a willow by the lake
from which no leaf has fallen nor
bitten by the sun
turned orange or crimson.
The leaves cling and grow paler,
swing and grow paler
over the lapping waters of the lake
as if afraid to let go,
they are so cool, so drunk with
the swirl of the wind and of the water
Let go... let go... let go
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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

Willow lay back against Adonair and gazed up at the sky.

She listened to his whispers and turned slightly and kissed him gently - that was beautiful my love she said.
Laying back again, she watched the clouds and spotted a cloud that looked like a heart - look Adonair does that cloud remind you of something? (pointing up towards it).

Max had got side-tracked chasing his stick, he had found a rabbit caught in a trap. Starting to whimper, he ran back to Willow - bunny hurt he said. Willow looked at Max and suddenly realised what he said. Where Max she asked. Max ran back with Willow racing after him.

When she arrived, she spotted a rabbit caught in a hunter's trap. Since Willow loves nature and he was so cute, she had to help it. She looked around for something to prize the trap open. Adonair she called out, is there something strong near you that could open a trap - Max has found a rabbit caught in one.

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

is there something strong near you that could open a trap - Max has found a rabbit caught in one.

Adonair snapped out of his reverie. He looked about, then picked up one of the oars to the rowboat and Willow's first aid kit. Then he rushed to where the others were.

The poor bunny was terrified, its heart going so hard and fast you could see it beating through its fur. Adonair made a gesture with his hand in front of the creature's face hypnotizing it. He put images of calm and peace into its mind until it closed its eyes.

He inserted the oar slowly into the ugly rusted trap until it raises up enough for Willow to free the leg.

"I don't like trappers. I can stand hunters because ideally they cause no pain. I don't have a problem with raising animals for meat either as long as they are provided for and don't suffer. It is the first duty of a wizard and of a leader not to cause suffering. That's why one such as Xavier is evil; he looted a town and also had undead wandering through their streets. Leaders should also provide for his creatures. When judged by that measure King Project is a good leader. But for me, the true test of wizardry and leadership is whether you can help creatures reach their full potential and provide them with the freedom, the inspiration, and the access to the resources they'll need to fulfill their dreams."

Adonair and Max looked on with concern as Willow did what she could for the injured animal. Adonair dabbed away a tear from his eye.
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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

Willow watched Adonair using a oar to open the trap. Since the rabbit was asleep (by help of Adonair), Willow carefully freed the leg and then felt the leg for any breakages. Luckily the paw wasn't broken just bruised. Willow looked through her first aid kit and located her healing potion, she carefully rubbed the mixture into the paw and then she wrapped it in a bandage. Picking up the rabbit, she carefully carried it back to her basket and placed it inside, so that the potion could take affect. Max and Adonair followed her back to the picnic.

When the rabbit was safety in the basket, Willow gave Adonair a kiss and Max a big pat. Thank you to you both she said. The rabbit will be fine, we will just let it rest, so the potion can take affect.

I hate hunters that leave traps like that. I eat meat, but I don't like creatures to suffer to provide it for me. The three of them relaxed on the blanket (Max watched the sleeping rabbit).

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

Thank you to you both she said. The rabbit will be fine, we will just let it rest, so the potion can take affect.

I hate hunters that leave traps like that. I eat meat, but I don't like creatures to suffer to provide it for me. The three of them relaxed on the blanket

Adonair nods in agreement. He entwined his fingers in Willow's and enjoyed their time together. He did not relish the idea of getting back to rowing in the boat.

"You must come and see my tower sometime. It's quite spacious and I have all sorts of interesting treasures there."
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