(ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

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Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by LtFaw »

Faw saw that he was just in time! The bride burst out of the wood and attacked the groom.

Faw cheered and banged his weapons together.
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Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by Logo »

As if deciding whether to sympathize or disregard the troll's dazed staggering, the world spun in clumsy jerks.

Blinded and choking, Logo had insane visions of a curly-dimpled child flying through a flaming sky of serpent birds...
. .. and a green-skinned Selene skywriting . . . S U R R E N D E R . C A L L I . . .

He was falling sluggishly backward - inch-by-tortured-inch - seconds turned into excruciating minutes.
The troll mumbled incoherently.
As sentience slipped away, his thoughts turned, inexplicably, to the purchase of a farm ... he wondered if this might be how chickhens experienced the world.

Suddenly, the troll's knees burst into a symphony of pain that compelled his entire body to sing along.
Time careened and sped forward.
His lazy fall transformed into a frantic plummet.

Logo heard the crack of the great willow that formed the cornerstone of the OMG deli, then the resounding thud as his back struck earth.
Odd, he thought, for the falling to find the ground such a surprise.

Presently, Logo discovered that he could breath.
He was wet.
Misery crept along his spine in spasms, stinging and chewing at his flesh.
Something angry wiggled and twitched between his back and the battered soil.

Logo could see Callie running; he could hear the clang of weapons and someone singing bride-song in highland trollish.
Selene stood nearby, scolding him for majickying... something.
He thought to protest, but she had turned to eye the crowd of wedding guests.
The troll saw his opportunity.

Wincing from the pain of the fall, Logo rolled left and struck out toward Selene with his tail.
With luck he could use it to grab her ankle and pull her to the ground as he stood.

"d'Ear One! y'Ou arrived! "
Patron of a more astucious criminal class
Life maybe a game, but izza onliest life imma know

Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by urgone »

Urgone releases at just the right time, spins once, and lands lightly on his feet, as his huge target falls.

Well, that's what was supposed to happen. What actually happens looks a lot more like a horse shaking off a troublesome horsefly. Urgone lands on one leg, before wisely ending up on his butt. He stands up, with a bit of a limp.

"Young love...how nice." he mutters to himself, as he finds a nice tree to prop himself up with. He leans back, taking weight off his bad ankle, and watches the kids have fun.

Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by Callie »

Callie was riding the bucking orc as best she could, proud of how well she was helping Logo. The orc's ears were clutched hard between her fists, her weight, even slight as it was, pulling and prodding them back towards her so she could get him off her friend. The determined dimpled darling heard not one, but two people shout her name, Selene and Hod, at almost the exact same instance. Callie hewe Hod, Callie hewe Sewne, hewping Wogo! See, Callie do gooooddddd...

Unfortunately for our pint sized heroine, this served just enough distraction that the instance the bucking bron, err...orc...bucked again, Callie let go of those ears, and missed Logo's tail, which she was planning on grabbing if she slipped off the orc, or if the orc got off...whichever came first...This caused the child to flip off the orc's back, somersault in midair, and amazingly enough, land safely in Selene's arms. Aacckkkkk, Callie no hewp from hewe. Callie was hewwwpppinggg yew knowww...

Her normally springy bouncy curls were drenched from the torrential downpour, surprisingly enough, retaining their curliness. In fact, if you looked closely, you might even think the curls were even curlier, corkscrew curlier, the wetter they became. She stood there, shaking those curly curls to get the rain off of them, stomping her little feet in what happened to be a huge muddy puddle, highly upset (Well not highly, shes not high anymore. More like lowly, no, no not that. Oh, I know, groundly. Anyhow, stop distracting me, back to Callie). She couldn't help very well from here now could she?

Of course, being the charmingly sweet child who listened so well, when Selene told her to run, she did...after she stomped angrily and frustratedly (is that a word? Oh well, you get the idea) in the muddy puddle. By now, her once ruffly cute adorable dress was mud splattered, much to her parents horror later I am sure. Or her aunt, but none of them are here right now, so right now nobody cares right? Or if they do, they haven't said so yet.

Not that you'll be surprised, but she didn't run as Selene intended, instead of running away from the fight, she ran and yelled for Nodwin, wanting him to come get her so she could go help Logo again. Nodwinnn!! Callie need fwy nowwwwww!! Nodddddddwwwwinnnnnnnn! Wogo, Callie come hewppp soonnn, fiteee goood! It was then that the tiny toddler noticed that Logo was indeed fighting, but not Urgone anymore, he seemed to be gone from the fight. Logo was now fighting Selene. Now Callie had no problems helping Logo with Urgone, or any other troll, orc, human, halfling, elf, dragon...well you get the idea...but a girl?!? Callie remembered one of the many things her mommy had taught her, this particular lesson was that boys were NEVER, NEVER EVER NEVER supposed to fight girls. Never, never ever never ever fight girls. And yet here was her bestest friend Logo, the mayotroll of her beloved The Cork, fighting Selene, who was most definitely NOT a boy. There had to be some mistake. Had her mommy taught her wrong? Or was Logo being a very bad troll? A very very very bad mayotroll of a troll. The curly haired, confused cutie stopped, eyes widening bigger and bigger while she watched, unsure what to do anymore. Should she help Logo? He was her friend. Or scold him for fighting Selene, who was a GIRL.

That lesson was so well ingrained in Callie's little psyche that she stopped thinking and reacted. WOOOOGGOOOO!! Yew can nooo fiteeee a giwwwwlllllllll. Dattt not niceeee! WOGO! YEW HeAR Callie?

Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by firechild »

Following Selene into the fray, she stopped short of the stack of trolls with Callie on top... Wondering how she actually got up there and truly amazed when the stack fell Callie was not harmed at all...laughing at the sight of everyone and everything that was happening all at once the Fire Eagles eating the snakes and the Dragon having a feast on the Eagles, the stack of trolls with the child-thing on top and the bride kicking the feet out from under the bottom troll....her sides ached as she had not laughed like that in ages.... after a few minutes she recovered leaning on the tree she was just using for support, grinning and watching the fray.... Ah it had been a very long time since she had seen a Wedding Fight.... She was glad they had invited her...
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Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by Willow »

Willow saw Callie and she was glad she was alright.

Glancing around for her husband, Willow saw him and heard him say some strange words. Looking around her again, she saw people running in all directions, suddenly she saw Logo and Selene doing the Wedding Fight. This wedding was so very strange to her but she was interested in learning new things and was looking forward to learning more (magic was bringing new things into her life).

Willow moved closer to the fight to see what was happening. She had picked up a stick but was unsure what she was going to do with it. With all this excitement, she suddenly felt like cheering for the bride and groom (waving the stick above her head).

Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by Selene »

Logo wrote:Wincing from the pain of the fall, Logo rolled left and struck out toward Selene with his tail.
With luck he could use it to grab her ankle and pull her to the ground as he stood.

"d'Ear One! y'Ou arrived! "

Selene looked at everyone running everywhere.... she was puzzled why Callie didnt go hide, looking at the few more that gathered around.. split second distracted but too late to see Logo tail snapping her back into fighting mode...

''AGAIN! now you done it!'' she was tired to fall flat on her back so a fight he wanted one he GET! she started rolling on her side to grab her sword, quickly stand on her feet and literally pinned her poor husband tail with it to the Ground. With all her might and all her strenght she ''ancor'' Logo to the battlefield.

She turned back to be at a fair distance that now she was weaponless and looked for someone to lend their sword to her... looking around she could see some sticks... many on the groom side so ... thats not likely she will get one from them...

Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by LtFaw »

Seeing that Selene is weaponless, Faw lofts his sword so that she could either catch it or else let it land and then pick it up. To make it fair, he also tosses his hand axe in easy reach of one of the trolls talons.

Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by Selene »

Selene still wet from the pooring rain grabs Faw's sword and pointing her sword toward her husband and standing her ground, blue eyes staring at him, she waits for Logo's next move.

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Re: (ORP) OMG - A Trollish Delicatessen

Post by Willow »

Willow saw Selene had lost her sword, she was just thinking of offering her stick/staff but she saw that Selene had got another sword.

Willow cheers out GO SELENE! And waited to see what Logo was going to do next. She was ready to do something but was waiting to see what the bride and groom did next..
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