The Death of Aphrodite "Goddess" Fenia

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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The Death of Aphrodite "Goddess" Fenia

Post by Goddess »

(OOC: Hello everyone, I am very Sad to say but I am leaving the game of Secfenia due to my RL Job which takes a lot of effort including work to accomplish each day so I do hope everyone understands but so you all can make a nice Role PLay about it, I am disguising it as a fatal death.)

Goddess was walking in the gardens returning home from her order's head quarters but as she was about to enter the Fenia Family Castle, five men grabbed hold of Goddess but just then Goddess attacked them killing off two of them leaving only three but they took out some heavy-armed weapons and Goddess was forced to surrender. The enemies took NO pitty on her and as it appeared the eldest one slice Goddess into two halves but she first screamed making her voice as loud as a very fierce storm. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The men burned Goddess' home down and they left Goddess lying on the ground so everyone can see and the enemies suspected she would have much shame upon her. They left the region as fast as they could hoping no one saw them.

So now we all weep.

There are woman lies

So so sad as she dies.
Project LVI

Re: The Death of Aphrodite "Goddess" Fenia

Post by Project LVI »

The King has her body covered up to not frighten any of those passing by, and with no evidence he was sad to only be able offer Goddess a funeral after her murder. He watches as the men carefully place her on a stretcher and carry her away. The King speaks in a low voice

"Be careful with that body men."

He follows them away

Re: The Death of Aphrodite "Goddess" Fenia

Post by Athnal »

Being in Imperius at Josephina's request, Athnal used opportunity to talk with King. He also walked with him and his men when they encountered body of Goddess. He couldn't take his eyes of off it, until they covered it after King's order. It was all bloody and probably wild animals already found their way to the feast, scared now by the people though. The smell of death woke up in Athnal interesting feelings. He kinda felt in love with cadaver. Was it feeling of love of siblings or love of lovers, it was too quick to say. His own, usually cold, blood, boiled with passion there. Voices in his mind told him to ask questions:

"I want..."

"Your Higness, I want..."

"her for myself"

"I want to make a coffin for her, I believe she deserves it"

He wondered if hers empty eyes would answer his desires. He imagined how her skin is turning into purest possible tone of emerald, her hairs and black nails are growing and showing her true beauty. In his head they were drinking wine (or maybe blood?) in the moonlight, making fun of prisoner they keep in cellar and torture before going to sleep in their coffins. When he woke up from his dreams, he noticed one of the soldiers staring at him. His expression must have told this guy more than he wanted. Athnal looked straight into soldier's eyes and said:

"It's terrible, isn't it? how anyone could do such thing?"

People are not always saying, what the voices in head are telling them, but Athnal was definitely sick and degenerated person.

Re: The Death of Aphrodite "Goddess" Fenia

Post by Jason »

Jason was taking stroll to Goddess' house going to deliver some of his delicious new beverage named LVI, and some baked rum and cookies but as he saw His Majesty and another man talking to the king, and a quite few other men holding a body under a blanket Jason became suspicious and ran over there to talk to the king. Jason first bowed and walked with the King and the others. "Your Majesty, Tis this the body of who ?" Jason Asked with a raise eyebrow.

Re: The Death of Aphrodite "Goddess" Fenia

Post by Goddess »

(My final goodbye)

Which she had in her pocket, a very wide and large will which stated:

I, Aphrodite Goddess Fenia in case of any death of mine I give the Castle of the Family of Fenia to my dear brother and loyal family member, Jason. In such I give my field to Ermalyse and with these words shall be followed and known about in the Caslte of The Family of Fenia:
It shall be known that "Jason" if in any case I have a death, will take the place of me at the official Family Patriarch of the Fenia Family and my castle shall be delivered to him with no fight for it by the government or such. I do not wish to be burned for my funeral if I ever die but wished to be buried.

I now say even if I die, I will always be in your hearts so do not think I will ever leave you.

Re: The Death of Aphrodite "Goddess" Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

Wolfmist looked at the smoke rising above the town. Tying the horse he was working with to the fence post he ran as fast as he could. When he got to the scene of the fire he gasped, watching the king cover the body of Goddess. His friend. Wolfmist stepped forward, afraid, and held onto the king's claw, "Why'd they killer her, King?"

Wolfmist watched the body being taken away and kept in step with the King as they followed her, always holding onto that claw.
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