[ORP] The Gift of Trust

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[ORP] The Gift of Trust

Post by Rowane »

Rowane worked to hide her exhaustion through will power alone, and with the help of the fragile veil she pulled across her face. Amber eyes peered out at the world from above the veil, showing more of her weariness than she would have liked. She had made the decision to stop here and make a home for herself, but of course, in Secfenia that was not so simple as it sounded. The power that pervaded the land and its inhabitants made all things complicated, at least for her. Hiding her secret would be harder if she stayed in one place, harder still if she worked to make that place a home. It was an effort worth making, she had finally decided.

She drew her cart up to a stop as she approached the center of town, her old mare gladly lurching to a halt. Rowane shook out her skirts as she stepped down, the spangles and beads she had stitched into it catching the weak winter sunlight. Her thick, dark hair swung in waves across her back as she approached the tired beast. She stroked the mare's long face for a moment, closing her eyes and inhaling the animal's familiar scent. To a stranger it might have looked as if she was communing silently with the animal-- and perhaps, in her own way, she was. She drew comfort from the animal's familiar presence, though she did not share the creature's thoughts.

Rowane opened her eyes at last and looked around, seeking out a particular temple. Her eyes lighted on it, and with a final pat for the mare she move toward the low building, unconsciously checking that her veil was secured still across her face. Making an effort to put boldness in her movements, she stepped through the door into the dim room and looked around, seeking out the one she was to meet.

Re: [ORP] The Gift of Trust

Post by Xenor »

Xenor had now spent more than a week in Paz and met several residents. He quickly became clear that different customs prevailed here than in his homeland. Where he comes from the strongest warrior has the right to tell everyone else what to do and everyone knows that and follow that rule because it was given by the goods long time ago. In contrast to that in Bravia cooperation and trust seems to play an important role.

He had heard from a temple in which it was precisely these two characteristics it all was about. If he didn't misunderstood it, it was called the "Temple of Trust".

Curious about it he decided to go to that place to find out what is going on there. When he reached the temple he just saw a veiled woman enter with proud steps.

So he was not the only one here.

When he had entered his eyes had to get used to the darkness. The room was lit only by a few torches on the walls. He could see an altar with an offering plate and some large stone statues, which should probably represent the gods of this country.
Then he caught sight of the veiled woman. He did not know if she was the priestess of the sanctuary and so he waited in the hall if she would notice him.

Re: [ORP] The Gift of Trust

Post by Rowane »

Rowane tensed involuntarily as she heard steps behind her, then forced herself into a more relaxed stance as she turned to see who it was. In the dim light she could just make out a man who seemed different from the people she had seen thus far since arriving in Paz. He radiated a fierce pride that even her dulled senses could perceive. His physical strength was immediately evident in his powerful frame. Rowane found it easy to believe that this was not the greatest of his strengths, watching the way he stood in the entrance with such quiet confidence. She could not make out details of his garments or face in the flickering torchlight. In this place she knew she was safe, no matter how powerful this man might be.

She nodded to him once, then turned to back to approach the altar. She knelt quickly and gracefully once she reached it, performing a short obeisance. That done, she touched her fingers to her lips and then to the base of the altar before standing. Having honored those who watched over this place and provided the gift that was freely exchanged here, she rose and strode back toward the entrance.

As Rowane approached the strange man she realized that he was dressed unlike anyone she had ever seen before. She wondered briefly where he was from and what had brought him to this place, then put the thought away. Forgetting the veil hiding her face, she smiled warmly as she issued a short curtsy to the man.
"Greetings, friend," she said in a voice that had grown slightly husky with disuse. "I am Rowane. I was hoping to find someone here."
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