ORP: Bravia Temple

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Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Victorious »

Victorious had noticed her husband had dissappeared so she went to go look for him. She didn't want to lose him now after finally finding her true love.
She left the celebration room and decided to go look back in the temple, maybe he had forgotten something.
As she walked in the temple, she bowed before secretly to Saint Justina and she saw that Bergan was in front of the Priestess and she noticed the familiar ceremony and started to remember the day that she had been baptised. What a glorious day?

She waited in the back of the temple.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Bergan »

Kneeling before the alter with the priestess in front of him, she says,"Do you understand the commitment that you are about to start?"

"Yes, I understand fully the commitment |I am about to start"

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra is happy to hear that Bergan is ready, She says, "In my hands, I have two potions.
The clear potion represents the appearance of many to be clear without any blemishes, but lacking any zeal, energy, or desire to improve." Taking a breath and pointing to the green potion, Sandra continues,
"The green potion represents your life in the future if you embrace the path of the Faith. You will always strive to improve, full of energy to do what is right.
These potions should not be taken lightly, for once you have chosen the path, you have admitted your wholehearted decision to accept the Faith. Walking away from what you know to be right is the path to inner destruction.
I give you your choice. Do not do it for friends, or even for Love. Pick your potion for yourself and drink."

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Bergan »

Bergan listened intensely to what the priestess said. In his heart he had no doubt what so ever of the path he had already chosen in life. His life's intention was to help, and to heal others, including all living creatures. He id not hesitate in drinking the green potion, then bowed his head.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra smiles at the choice. Watching him drink, she holds her staff. Her staff glows green as Bergan drank. Sandra watched as a green aura surrounded Bergan for a moment.

"By the power of the Mages, I hereby declare you to be a follower of the faith. May your days be blessed and your path clear. Remember the faith has a perfect Balance of Light and Dark. You are now baptized in the Faith of Mucaz."

Sandra makes a circular motion with her staff in the air. A red fire emerges and slowly disappears.

"Bergan welcome to the Mucaz Faith. You may return with your wife to the festivities. Thank you!" Sandra says with a smile.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Bergan »

Bergan smiled as the priestess spoke. He suddenly felt light and warmth all around him. There was no mistake he was truly blessed, and happy to now be baptised into the faith.
He placed his palms together and bowed to the alter, and then to the priestess, thanking her once again for the blessing and the baptism.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra smiles and says, "You are welcome. Now go enjoy your celebration and honeymoon. "

Sandra nods and waves to Victorious in the back of the temple.
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Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Victorious »

Victorious waves to the Priestess and waits for Bergan to come to her. She was truly happy to see the special baptism of Bergan.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra had been testing out some things and feeling fustrated that it was not as easy as she would like.

She wants to have a week of Mass for the Eggfestival.
The Mage Zachrin suggested Mass every other day instead as that is less tiring.

Sandra hopes she is ready for the festival once it starts. She straightens up the temple glad for the faithful that visit.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra had been running and flying around so much that she was getting dizzy! For the festival she was holding mass every day! October fest is a time when everyone should be in a good mood.
The unexpected job of being town mentor meant she was twice as busy. She hopes she is not failing any of her duties.
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