kangaroos and Courts don't mix

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Re: kangaroos and Courts don't mix

Post by Selene »

(if you keep going occ on the facts then we shall.... i was saying not that i didnt CAME at all but not posting as my rp of family is not done...

and next time you wish to accuse or take things... make sure both of you dont talk on same msn or give so say "orders"... like i said nothing to hide tho i wont rush back cuz of tantrum of u 2 not having your ways. at the end if it goes their I shall answer IG or IG proves and FACTS... and yes the duty of a lawyer like irl will be to nitpick as u put at everything....

so if msn and skype and other realm and another realm and..... call of duties and.... rules are to be look on to decide here or secfenians?.... im done talking occ My appologies dear mage or censors as I just wish either a open rp court case. I feel like my best interest is to and did hired deslock to represent me. )

I hope all court cases are public from where ever we are. I am sometimes yes opened up in tav as some ppl ask me face to face and did say my side... against my lawyer advice sometimes but hey what can someone do over ale but open up a bit why she is bitter...

If the King and his people wish working with us ... please advertise our fields soon for sale.

As for this whole thing either it should be now going to court... and leave it to talk there... or if your so say the charge will more then likely be dropped... as the same said about 2 other case against Bravians... this is why im not rushing home as you didnt seem in rush to finish their cases.

And of course in the end their court of appeal. Steak are more rare cuz of knives of cuz one of your butcher study?... you keep wanting to point the finger in all directions to justify things ... while doing so more fingers points at you. I just am now not blind anymore about a kingdom over a "council" land...

Bravia Hope a new colony opens or that our fields sale
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Re: kangaroos and Courts don't mix

Post by balerion »

(OOC: Not to mention I saw you in the "Users browsing this forum:" thing at the bottom multiple times since the first posting :roll: )
FFS like that means excrement.

MSN cannot ever be considered a proper medium for these so called orders. Play the game and quit crying over spilt milk that exists simply because you cannot be bothered to follow proper procedure.

*Edited by Jilou
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: kangaroos and Courts don't mix

Post by Melusine »

To start with I would like to say that although this may or not not seem to discredit players/characters, it is not intended that way. There is two completely different stories, if the purpose here is for one or the other side to be heard then I'm sure a few questions can't hurt
balerion wrote: Undefined laws are no laws at all. And when they are just chirped out by the king's parrots they are even less so. True lords are supposed to be more than puppets and raised up by their merits but the people they represent, not by someone who just needs another toady.
I agree with this statement as a whole, with one difference being that the 'puppets' are to speak his word. As for toady's (or suck up's I usually refer to them as, so hoping this is what you meant), find someone that will question decisions before they are made, and you'll find yourself a great kingdom in which to live in, in my opinion of course.

Firstly, what is the exact meaning of this posted 8th November? Does it mean that the laws need to be more defined? Or does it mean we agree to follow no matter what?
Edward_Spike wrote: Let it be known and hereby decreed upon the order of the Regent of Fenia, Edward Spike, that those who do not publicly hail His Royal Highness King LVI, but move to his lands and the Kingdom of Fenia will be assumed to have hailed his Majesty in the process, and shall follow all decrees and edicts put in place by himself or myself, his Regent.
Original post >>> http://www.secfenia.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=290
Edward_Spike wrote:The King asks again for a fourth time while she is possibly still in town. She replies "no" flat out and tells him to have a good day. Now four warnings. obviously the King did not want me to press charges but she did not respond to 3/4 of the requests, and then the fourth she gave a straight out no.
Then why did you press charges if the King did not want you too? Does this mean you are not a 'toady' or does it mean you over stepped your boundaries?
Deslock wrote:This thread is an attempt to show that such tactics are not tolerated. Law courts are to provide fair Justice, not railroading someone because they didn't ask how high when you say jump.
Please explain? I have questioned just about everything and not once have I ever been railroaded, even been guilty of putting people in there places when I see actions that are power hungry. I have done things wrong or unethical, which after discussing my point and hearing theirs a solution an/or agreement has been put in place. Is it possible that this whole comment is just a little over the top?
Selene wrote:I didnt responded much yet as I was advised by my lawyer. I am not guilty ... and just wait the right time for all to see my version.
This would make more sense to me, if you never asked Deslock to post it for you
Deslock wrote:Must a lawyer post in this forum the transcripts of the trial so you can make a better judgment or perhaps one could read the case in the courthouse? Either way, The screenshot of the contents of the grant are available for you to see in the courthouse documents. 400 fr and a few 1000 in goods constitutes rich in my books.
I know I'm special, I still can't find it :oops: Is it hidden/locked or am I completely blind? Can't even find the courthouse :oops:
Deslock wrote:To address intent: One letter of warning does not constitute intent. Selene hit travel , so how could she put the items back on the market. And then by the Mayor's admission she received subsequent mailings. Even more interestingly is the timing of the offence, the first letter and indictment happening within hours. Unusually when one offers a warning and asks someone to replace market goods, waiting a day or 2 before filing charges might be a better solution then 29 minutes!
Two different stories, two different time frames. Honestly the rest of this means nothing at all. Are we meant to concluded the time is somewhere in the middle? Now come on guy's really the time is the last thing that should be in question here, it is a fact, can not be based on any opinion or views, as far as my knowledge stands everyone playing this game has a 24hour day

*shakes head*

Re: kangaroos and Courts don't mix

Post by Azio-Florin »

I'd like to ask a question, Why did/do you need all of that iron and knives ? Until you are kind enough to answer my question I will contuine to beleive that this was a selfish desire for profit. You buy the iron and knives and go to another town to sell it at a higher price. So please, do answer my question :)

Re: kangaroos and Courts don't mix

Post by Edward_Spike »

Melusine wrote:Let it be known and hereby decreed upon the order of the Regent of Fenia, Edward Spike, that those who do not publicly hail His Royal Highness King LVI, but move to his lands and the Kingdom of Fenia will be assumed to have hailed his Majesty in the process, and shall follow all decrees and edicts put in place by himself or myself, his Regent.
Melusine wrote:Firstly, what is the exact meaning of this posted 8th November? Does it mean that the laws need to be more defined? Or does it mean we agree to follow no matter what?
Yes Mel, that is correct. By entering the lands of Fenia you are agreeing even if you do not hail his Majesty publicly as many had done so when he first moved many of us here to Fenia that you are a citizen of Fenia under his Royal Highness King LVI and therefore by living in the Kingdom of Fenia you agree to follow the edicts of his Majesty.
Melusine wrote:Then why did you press charges if the King did not want you too? Does this mean you are not a 'toady' or does it mean you over stepped your boundaries?
I suppose that could have been read wrong and what I meant by that was that until she flat out refused to cooperate he told me to continue until there is no other possible way to deal with the situation.
Selene wrote:If the King and his people wish working with us ... please advertise our fields soon for sale.
Apologies for the misunderstanding. It was intended to mean that you still have the option to comply with the requests for the charges to be dropped.

Re: kangaroos and Courts don't mix

Post by Melusine »

I am glad to see that I did in fact I did move to Fenia for the right reasons and with the correct understanding, thank you for confirming this for me.

It is not a problem about the misunderstanding, its easily done. I also thank you for clearing up those questions too :D

I really appreciate the response, and I'm comforted in knowing that our Kingdom is still a great place to be.

I guess since Selene has also agreed to these terms by living in Fenia under the King and has been given a chance to solve this easily since she is 'innocent', her problem being that she had pressed travel and the fear of drastic punishment she will be comforted in knowing that she can return safely, comply, and all concerned can return to normal life soon :D

Re: kangaroos and Courts don't mix

Post by Athnal »

Hello all.

I am reading all this stuff, and I am little confused. Selene bought goods from TH of Imperius, and she was asked to put it back. She bought iron and knives. She took it to another town and sold it with profit (or will). It doesn't matter if she was asked once, two, or eight times. If she was asked to put it back, she should do it. Why? Because it hurts our economy, town of Imperius, and royal coffers itself. Do any of you value profit of few pathetic freznics more than wealth of Kingdom of Fenia?

Deslock claims to be hers lawyer, but as the matter of fact, he don't know basic facts about Fenia. Doesn't matter, there is no real reason to hear this man anyway, because the case is pending in Courthouse (Viceroyalty, Courthouse, View Current Cases). Not here. Selene never appeared in the Court, despite the fact that she could just wait with her travel or come back.

Lord Edward, prosecutor, did what he believed was right thing. The case is in the court, and it's JUDGE' matter to decide, if she is guilty or not. Judge.

Edward, and probably His Royal Highness himself, found Selene's action hoarding from market. Act which, without any doubt, hurts royal coffers. Hers right is to defend hereself, not to run away like a thief.

Here I would like once again remind all Fenians, about one, written, and extremly important decree:
Edward Spike wrote:

Let it be known and hereby decreed upon the order of the Regent of Fenia, Edward Spike, that those who do not publicly hail His Royal Highness King LVI, but move to his lands and the Kingdom of Fenia will be assumed to have hailed his Majesty in the process, and shall follow all decrees and edicts put in place by himself or myself, his Regent.

Regent of Fenia
Edward Spike
By this decree, all Fenians must follow any decree or edict, introduced by His Majesty or Lord Edward Spike, Earl of Imperius, Regent of Fenia.

Decree, or edict, is a law. We have no legal corpus, because we don't need one. We have decrees and edicts from King himself. Everyone who is following his laws, would agree, that he is fair King and his laws are made to make our lives easier in Fenia. If you live in Fenia, you automatically agreed to obey King's decrees, edicts, laws, words. If you don't, you will end in court.

And in Court it's Judge's duty to judge, not ours. Judge appointed by His Royal Higness LVI, who knows better what is best for his loyal subjects.

I don't understand, why we discuss it? Selene must appear in court to prove she is not guilty. As Lord Edward said, she is still welcome to cooperate with him. Just come to Fenia and leave whole matter to Royal Court and Judge. Fenia is kingdom of justice, not of angry mob throwing false accusations.

Re: kangaroos and Courts don't mix

Post by Jilou »

I am now locking this this thread.

Do not open up another like it, unless it is to RP the trial, and then you shall all be expected to use decorum and to respect the forum rules.

Please try to limit any OOC as it has no place here. Do not resort to flaming and do not use unacceptable language on these forums. Any further contraventions will be dealt with in a serious manner.

It is the desire of the Mages to keep Secfenia as an environment for you all to RP and enjoy yourselves. It is important to ALWAyS remember that behind the character is a real person, with real feelings and act accordingly.

I hope these guidelines will serve you all.
