[ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Eliora »

Her lips were twisted by a smirk, glimmering eyes fixated on her brother. The last several days she had been watching him closely for signs... Any indication that he would interrupt the wedding. Eliora, personally, would find such an interruption a wonderful source of entertainment, although she was unsure if it'd land him the dungeon. Fenia had a dungeon, did it not? Her head tilted to her thoughts. She was unsure if it did, but if it did not, she was certain the High King had something equally unpleasant, if not more so.

Alas, she was not sold that such entertainment would come to pass. He seemed unnerved, but kept together. Perhaps it was only because she knew him so well that she could pick up the occasional clenched jaw or the rigid movements as he straightened his shirt in silence. Musing to herself, she remained lounged across the bed, braiding her niece's hair.

"You did it to yourself."

Her voice was steady, a reminder that she knew he did not need. It was not until her serendipitous arrival a few months ago that she had finally met the woman who had nearly become her sister in 1648. In these last months, she had gotten to know Aishe. Frankly, she was not quite sure what Draven found so intoxicating about the mother of his daughter. She had beauty, but she was... Ordinary? No. She was human. Bland and boring. Even as the undead, she still retained too much of her human self and that was what Eliora did not understand. Why would he pine after such a dainty, silly human? That was not to say Aishe was not pleasant... She had a good heart and cared deeply. Eliora was just not sure what else the woman had to offer.

Just as well, considering that Aishe was married and to be taking a second spouse today. When her heart was already so full, why did Draven cling to any hope for himself? It was her silent hope that it would push Draven to forget the vampire and just move on. Preferably with her, to find a new home away from Draven's past and away from her own. The three of them could be their own family. Yet, she was not sure if Draven would wander far from Aishe and she certainly did not believe Aishe would let Meira go after all this time of thinking her dead.

The Ausur elf pursed her lips, displeased with her wandering thoughts. It was only Meira's happy squeal at her reflection that pulled the corners of her lips into a smile. Straightening up, Eliora gave a dramatic bow, otherwise remaining seated. "You look magnificent, my niece. Fit to be a princess."

Meira grinned widely, giving a twirl. The fabric of her golden dress flowed out with the movement, while her blonde hair remained tightly pinned to her head. Her hair was ornate with decorative pins, turquoise stones scattered like a reversed night sky. While Meira was loudly displaying her Sanchari blood, Eliora went with a bold red and gold. Her bodice and sleeves were heavily threaded and beaded, with sheer fabric flowing below her elbows. The skirt was somewhat full, but it nicely displayed her slender figure overall. A woman should always appreciate her curves. Her hair was similarly styled as her niece's, with rubies instead of turquoise. With her hair up, she had dainty gold cuffs along her ears and a gold and ruby necklace that nestled nicely atop her chest. Finally rising to her feet, she went over to her brother and wiggled in the way to admire herself in the large mirror he had been occupying for the last thirty minutes. Her eyes, which had previously been matching Meira's blue, began to shift to gold to compliment her outfit. She twisted and turned her head, taking a good look at all her angles before giving a pleased smile.

Content, the vain woman gave her older brother's arm a pat before beckoning to Meira. "Come on, I refuse to be late to anything and most certainly not a royal wedding. This is by far the most interesting event since I've come to Fenia, brother. I won't miss a second."

She followed Meira out the door, hearing the reserved footsteps of her brother trailing after. On their way, she provided idle chit-chat, arm linked with Draven's. Her excitement was beginning to show as they finally came to near the Cathedral. Whether she was excited for the wedding or just to flaunt herself was unknown, but the smile had yet to falter from her red lips.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by ZionVR »

Isrea looks over the invitation. If he read it correctly, the monarch of Fenia was not just taking in one, but two brides. He smirked reading this. "Send word to the Royal Secretary of Fenia that we shall be in attendance," Isrea Li said reading over the letter again. He often pondered how things in Fenia were. It had been a while since word had been issued from the Viceroyalty, but he would not miss the opportunity to see other leaders. A servant quickly wrote a letter and sent it out.

As the days got closer to the wedding, the leader of the Republic of Zion headed towards the lands of Fenia. Along the way, he thought over what it might be to attend. He had not been at a wedding in many moons. It just was not his style nor had he had a love interest in a long while. The only woman that raised an interest in him was already married and well... not available. He did ponder what love would be like, but it was a thought he often shoved down deep inside of himself. He was a representative and would have to ignore any personal feelings he may have had. Although, he was curious about the difficulty of having two brides.

As they entered the city of Fenia, he glanced around. With just him and a guard on horse, they were not necessarily the center of attention. After all, a regal wedding was taking place. He headed towards the center of the attention... the cathedral. As they headed towards the door, the guard looked to find out where Isrea would sit.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by MuriaVR »

A letter arrived at the palace of Muria. Mira looked over the invitation. She scoffed at it and threw it into a pile. A bird came over and pecked at it. She watched with interest at the bird and it's actions. "I suppose we should make an appearance. After all, there are at least two worthy people on there," she says with a sigh. Mira, the leader of Muria, penned a letter and sent it off with the bird. She gathered herself and they headed towards Fenia city. The skies stayed dark everywhere she traveled. It was almost as if it knew better than to get too sunny. Mira seemed to love the shadows and sat restlessly in the carriage via the journey.

Arriving in Fenia city, a bird landed on the side of the carriage. Mira stuck her hand out and gently pet it talking to it softly. The sight may be strange to some, but it was one that her servants had gotten used to. She leaned in and whispered, "Darkness comes" It flew off towards the cathedral. Arriving she did not exit the carriage until her servants had cleared a path for her to exit. "Announcing, Mira Malice, Leader and Liberator of the Viceroyalty of Muria," one of the servants announced.

She slowly stepped outside of the carriage wearing a very dark green regal dress. A raven flew onto her shoulder and she walked with a soft of gliding motion betraying the feet under her dress. The darkness suited her quite well and the servants motioned for her seats to be ready for her by the people at the wedding. One did not want to upset her if they could help it.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by SurxiaVR »

Basking in the sun, Ra Kael watched as a servant approached with a letter. He read it overly and snapped his fingers. "Send forth a letter of acceptance of terms. We shall attend to see this specticle of desire," he said expecting a letter to be sent to Fenia. The servant bowed and ran quickly. As Ra put his fingers through the pile of gold coins next to him, he pondered the desires of marriage. To him, it never made much sense. After all, why should one split one's gold with another? They'll just end up taking it away in the future.

As time grown closer to the wedding, Ra entered into the golden carriage. In front, the team of horses and servants pulled forth through the terrain heading to the capitol of Fenia. The two viceroyalties had some similarities, but also some difference. Each seemed to keep to themselves in some ways as well. As they got closer to the city, the sun seemed to disappear. Ra looked disappointed at it. "This is not a good omen for success," he muttered as the carriage pulled up near the cathedral. "Bask in the glory of the Golden Monarch of Surxia, Ra Kael," a servant announced as they opened the door for him.

He climbed down the golden steps wearing a gold crown with golden facepaint and a gold regal outfit on. The servants cleared a path for him as he entered into the cathedral looking for the best spot with the best view that was still available. A group of servants were around him almost at all times. He seemed not to care about the others in the building.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Mallory »

Mele blinked looking at herself. She couldn't not blink. She looked so much softer than she'd ever looked, the dress was by far nicer than her wardrobe. She felt it was pretty, but wondered if Zipporah and Jandar might disagree as it looked so unlike her. She moved out of their shared room seeking Zipp out. Jandar would, she thought, meet them at the wedding. "Zipp? Are you ready?" she smiled seeing the redhead seated in her own beautiful gown. "You look stunning. But we'd better go if we're going to arrive on time." She held the door open and tried not the laugh. She knew the understated beautiful gown was Zipp's attempt at subtle. When you carried such beauty as she did there was little that could be done to hide it. She shook her head as they made their way to the chapel. The day was overcast and for once Mele was not draped in full cloak, gloves, high boots, and a veil to cover her delicate skin. She had stashed a set in the cathedral earlier in the day, but now she was carefree and happy. She skipped some, pulling Zipporah along with her, as they enjoyed the day and Mele dominated the conversation chattering away her tone happy and cheerful. "Isn't it pretty?" she asked as they neared and then entered, a smile on her face as she departed Zipp's side to flitter about ensuring each person had what they needed, hunting around for the room the Aishe would be in or Akos, to ensure they were ready, before giving up. Zipporah, she knew, would do her thing as well. Her eyes occasionally darted around to see if Jandar had arrived as of yet. She finally took up a place near the door, greeting those who arrived, "On behalf of the Viceroyalty of Fenia I welcome you. Thank you for coming, we're so very pleased to have you in attendance. a genuine smile on her face as she greeted each person.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Serendipity »

Creatures began to flood the Grand Fenian Cathedral. Serendipity remained positioned by the door, right inside the Cathedral, greeting all with a smile and hello. Familiar faces got a more personal greeting comprised of hugs and kisses. The thrill of the event had the redhead beaming. Either her good mood was contagious or many others felt similarly.

As an unfamiliar man approached, followed by a guard, Serendipity offered a respectful dip of her head. While she did not know the man, his style of dress and that of his accompanying guard told her everything she needed to know the moment her eyes landed upon them. She, herself, was from the Republic of Zion - those hundred years ago when she had a 'home'. As she rose her chin, warm eyes settled on the face of the representative.

On behalf of the High King, I would like to welcome you to the Viceroyalty of Fenia. I hope your journey was swift. Her greeting was said quietly, but clearly. It was not in the common tongue, but the language the Zion people spoke to each other when others were not around. It felt odd to have the Zionese words roll off her tongue; it had been decades since she had spoken it to anyone but her daughter. Switching to common tongue, she continued. I am Serendipity Vale, protector and family friend to the brides and future Queens. There are some seats in the front reserved for the representatives and leaders of the other Viceroyalties. If you need anything, let me know.

It was not long after the Zion representative passed through the doors that the arrival of the Muria leadership was announced. Curiously, Serendipity watched a slender woman step out of the carriage and approach the Cathedral. Goosebumps rose on her skin; there was something about the woman nearing that she disliked and would the circumstances be different, she'd have happily advised Aishe to stay away. The uneasiness was masked with a polite smile and the redhead dropped into a elegant curtsey.

Lady Liberator, on behalf of the High King, I welcome you to the Viceroyalty of Fenia. As she straightened, she motioned towards the nearest servant before clasping her hands in front of her, smile unmoving. Seats have been arranged in the front for you. He will show you. I am Serendipity Vale; should you need anything during your stay, let me know.

She had hardly finished her words before Mallory came up alongside her. Her attention remained politely on the leader in front of her, however, and would only come to address the vampire once the Murian leader had passed to take her seat.
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
Bond to Aeton Sanchari | Mother of Zipporah, Yara, Nox, Eydahl, Eydís, Juniper, & Valen
Lady of the Vale | BDR Natsia | (Aishe Art)
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Aingeal »

It was a cloudy day when Aingeal woke. She could hear Amara giggling down stairs with Rania. She slipped out of bed, donned her robe and made her way down the stairs. She smiled as she watched her daughter playing in the sitting room, her collie nipping at her ribbons in her hair. The collie was the only thing Anessen allowed in the house, the other animals were in barns that were built Heading to the kitchen to get a biscuit and jam, she called over her shoulder, You better be staying clean, we have a wedding to attend,

Yes mama, Amara said, smiling at her mum. Aingeal smiled, thinking what a good child she had. Aingeal walked by and ruffled Amara's hair. Why don't you and Rania get yourselves ready while I get ready as well?

Aingeal went up to her room, and pulled out the gown that she was going to wear. The family colors were emerald and silver, and the gown was a rich emerald green. Rania came to help her tie her stays, ensuring that the gown would fit perfectly. She left her hair down loose, gathering it at the back with a silver and emerald clip. A sliver chain and locket draped her neck, the only picture of her mother she had. It seemed fitting to wear it to Aishe's wedding, since Aishe was the one to help her find so much of her family's history. Emerald and silver ear bobs completed her look. Drawing the gown over her head, it flowed down her body, and she looked at the glass.

Well I do clean up well, she all but snorted. While she wasn't comfortable in a dress, she could make quite the impression. Slipping on her comfortable worn boots, she laced them up after sliding her dagger in her boot. If they thought she would show up unarmed, they had another thing coming. Sliding on her wedding ring and her emerald ring, she went to find Amara. Finding her daughter dressed and ready, she took her hand. Today they would travel by carriage, the weather looked like it might turn, and neither lady was dressed for riding. The carriage arrived at the cathedral and both ladies stepped down from it.

Aingeal, Countess of Northbourough and her daughter Amara, the footman announced as the carriage moved off from behind them. Aingeal shook her head with a chuckle and headed up the steps. Many people had already arrived and she looked around for familiar faces. Seeing Serendipity at the door she went up to say hello. Greetings Serendipity, she said warmly. Can you tell me where I can find my simensa*?

Mother to Amara, Wife to Anessen, Guard of Fenia

Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Varann »

Xie looked down and saw Aileigh there and caught her words. And with that xie simply used the shadows to appear near Aishe's daughter. Xie is smiling, a suit of silver grey, graced xer body enhancing xer androgenous form futher. a matching bandanna held xer long white braids back from xer face as the light caught the multitude of coloured beads. Only two of xer eyes were on show this time the other hidden by xer bandanna, a concession to any that had never met xer before.
"Be that as it may my friend given the numerous chances I have for messing things up I felt more comfortable up there. I dont know if you noticed but I am as formal as a stone is squishy. This is espcially true when i spy royalty arriving,"

Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Varann »

(opps double post sorry)
Last edited by Varann on Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by ZionVR »

Isrea nodded towards Serendipity and thanked her in the same language saying, "We are honored to be in attendance and to be with those of like mind and spirit." He then switched to the common tongue. "I shall do so and thank you for your hospitality," he said walking inside towards the seating that was planned for them. Finding it and sitting down admiring the work on the cathedral's inside.
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