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Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:03 pm
by Zachrin
Zachrin laughs. "Of course, the barrels might be a bit too woody for you to enjoy,".

Pulling open a big cloth, he took all sorts of food out. "Veggies and fruits and steak and chicken for all to enjoy," he says.

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:50 am
by Chimera
Chimera smiles warmly at the young woman before her.

"Greetings m'lady, m'lud"

She nods towards the gentleman too, who seems to be looking as most men do at such things - bored by the stalls and looking for the beer and the brawls. Chimera hears the request for a reading and nods, holding out her hand to guide her first customer to the small stool beside the table. As she waits for Petal to be seated, she holds the cards in her left hand and shuffles them carefully. With her right hand she draws a card and lays it face up on the table. Silently she contemplates it and then speaks:


"This card at the center of the cross, represents the atmosphere surrounding the central issue. It is the Nine of Painting (Fruition) symbolises rewards of relaxation, luxury, or perks for a job well done. It may be though a profound or peak experience, physical bliss or orgasmic potentials. It is about tangible achievement on many levels, peak health or accelerated healing, active participation in a complex physical or job process and making tangible contributions to society. In the creative process you will gain by combining separate elements into an integrated whole and making the right use of what is available in order to achieve your goals."

She looks up at Petal to see if any of this information bears any significance to her. Nodding slowly, she draws the next card and places it over the first one, hiding it from view.


"The card visible at the center of the cross represents the obstacle that stands in your way - it may even be something that sounds good but is not actually to your benefit. The Ace of Music (Passion) calls to mind these words: 'The desire of Man being Infinite the possession is Infinite & himself Infinite.' It shows us of a release of emotions and an upsurge of creative power with unlimited potential. It couls also show you being carried away by your emotions (swept up on wings of song) and feeling a passion for life. I see a wanting to achieve the highest potentials in yourself and the situation. By following your bliss you are feeling a deep sense of grace and fulfillment. This lead you to vulnerability and openness. In the creative process you have a passionate desire to rise above the norm, to soar to personal new heights of creative vision."

Another pause and another card, this one she places in a position at the top of the previous two cards, at the "apex" of the cross.


"The card at the top of the cross represents your goal, or the best you can achieve without a dramatic change of priorities. It is the Three of Science (Jealousy). I see a loss of mutual understanding, maybe a narrow-mindedness due to emotional or erotic stress but certainly a conflict of wills leading to a disempowerment through obsession. There is a need for decisive attitude readjustment because at the moment you are surrounded by confusion, betrayal and the fear of a rival. If you are experiencing the negativity of love, try putting your heads together, as this helps. In the creative process; when loss of understanding triggers pain and creative numbing; stay close to the people involved; this is a point of transition."

Chimera allows time for Petal to take in her words and to fit them in to her life before drawing another card and placing it below the two central cards, at the "base" of the cross.


"The card at the bottom of the cross represents the foundation on which this situation is based. This card is the Eight of Science (Restriction) and it shows you being limited by mental obstacles, or by logical constraints. I see that you are feeling confined or blinded by the situation like a captive of your own ideas, anxieties, or dogmatic attitudes. You have a fear of failure and full of repressed desires. I have a sense of you being in denial and feeling frustrated or powerless. In the creative process: Make your obstructions or limitations productive by stimulating greater intensity of thought and a deeper sense of spiritual freedom."

Chimera can feel a very strong magical energy surrounding the two of them as she progresses with the reading, it is a great healing energy and uses her powers to direct this healing towards Petal. She draws another card and places it in the position of the left arm of the cross.


"The card at the left of the cross represents a passing influence or something needing to be released. It is the card of the Stars: Renewal of hope. You will start to feel connected with the cosmic or universal energies. As Above, So Below. By opening your eyes to the highest potential of your situation you will be getting in touch with your own creative powers and self-esteem. This has far-reaching effects and you receive recognition for your abilities, for doing your own thing, no matter what."

Already the reading is lightening up. Often it is the case that a person is forced to confront their inner pain so that they are better able to face the light and progress. She smiles as she places the next card at the right arm position of the cross.


"The card at the right of the cross represents an approaching influence or something needing to be embraced. This one is Nature: Fruitfulness and abundance. You will start to see an awakening or growth of your emotions and an awareness of natural forces at work. You will experience a deepening appreciation of Nature, sexuality and mothering issues. Beware not to be seduced by the illusions of materialism."

The cross now complete, Chimera's next card is laid next to it. The next four cards will progress upwards to represent a staff and should point the way to the future path.


"The card at the base of the staff represents your role or attitude. This is the Child of Music, bringing this quote to mind 'Piping down the valleys wild / Piping songs of pleasant glee'. There is a need to kindle your emotions and get in touch with your own feelings. This may require a willingness to take emotional risks. Instead of marching to a personal rhythm it means taking risks for love and experimenting with genuine self-expression which will lead you to an empathy with others, and with animals. In the creative process: Go inside yourself to experience emotional innocence and primal voice. Don't be afraid to improvise in your own way."

Slowly, meditatively she draws the next card, laying it in a line above the last one. The card baffles her for a moment and she looks sharply at Petal's companion. Shaking her head, she looks again at the card, waiting for the spirits to guide her to it's true meaning. Eventually, it is clear and she speaks again.


"The card second from the bottom of the staff represents your environment and the people you are interacting with. This is the Man of Science: Being submerged in thought. You are due a time of intense mental focus and perfectionism. This will lead to personal detachment and self-possession through working on your own, or in isolation. In the creative process: Scrutinize and test every aspect of your work so as to refine and perfect it."

This makes good sense to Chimera. It is often the case that we cannot find our path because we are too close to the matter at hand. Often, a time of distance and quiet is all we need to see that the answer was in front of us all the time. She draws the penultimate card and lays it above the other two, keeping the line.


"The card second from the top of the staff represents your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play. It is the Six of Painting (Assistance): Giving or receiving favors or tangible help of some kind. In this I see a sponsorship or patronage coming your way which has a positive influence in the situation. Although you feel in "over your head," an angel may rescue you. This is a person possessed of great generosity of spirit and charity, always assisting those in need. In the creative process: You can attract the assistance and tools you need by using your imagination and not giving up hope."

A slight breeze wafts over her and Chimera feels a soft touch at the back of her neck as she draws the final card and lays it at the apex of the staff. She smiles softly at Petal as she looks down to read.


"The card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course. The Eight of Painting (Discipline) is about proper pacing or management of your workload or time. Learning to take control of a difficult situation by following the lead of a mentor or inner guide. There is a need for physical assessment and self-improvement so seek appropriate education and training. This is a step-by-step progress and requires diligence and perseverance when tackling a mountain of work. In the creative process: Even though you may have a long way to go, a methodical approach incorporating guidance and training will ultimately lead you to the top."

The reading finished Chimera sweeps up the cards and places them back into the deck before turning to Petal.

"You have a long journey ahead of you, but you are not alone. You are surrounded by help, both tangible and intangible. Be of good courage and remain true. All will work out for you in the end"

Smiling she passes over a small sprig, covered with white flowers, heather - not any heather though, lucky heather. If you believe in luck that is.

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:40 am
by Petal
Petal seated herself at the stool and felt Toxic come to stand behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder. She placed her hand on his and glanced up at him with a smile before turning her attention to the cards, an expectant look on her face. Different emotions fluttered across her features as she took in the words.

Petal smiled softly at the interpretation of the first card. She did indeed gain great satisfaction when her actions and ideas helped people. The smile turned a bit ironic at the second card. She had a habit of following her heart and not her head at times, something that had led to more than a few disappointments but these were always more than balanced by the joy she found in life and love. The third card however found her frowning. She tightened her hand over Toxic's and glanced up at him, the frown turning into a soft smile. She was secure in his love for her, and hers in him. No one could plant the seed of doubt in her mind about that, or how strong their bond was. Leaning back to rest her head against his stomach and lacing her fingers with his upon her shoulder she turned her attention back to the cards and listened attentively as the reading continued.

The next card had her biting her lip in confusion as she thought how to apply the words to her. For the life of her she couldn't. She had always had an optimistic view, frustration seldom played a part in her emotions. Rather than looking at the problems in her life, she preferred to look at finding the solutions instead, knowing there always was one. Perhaps she was misinterpreting the reading. Petal narrowed her eyes a bit as she concentrated on listening harder.

The next cards had her smiling with more genuine warmth. They spoke to her eternal hope and optimism and her deep spiritual faith. Following her instincts and being open and honest with those she loved were part of her nature, as well as a keen sense of empathy for all surrounding her.

The next card baffled her however. It seemed contradictory to previous ones advising her to stay close to those involved in a conflict, as well as her nature. Retreating into herself had never been her way.

The next few cards had her arching an eyebrow, a slightly amused smile on her lips. Never one to seek favors or ask for assistance, accepting help when offered had always been difficult for her. Something she would need to work on.

The final card found her nodding her head in agreement. Hard work and perseverance had always been part of her nature. She had always believed that by taking things one step at a time, nothing was impossible. And she had an abundance of patience.

As Chimera gathered the cards together Petal stood, her hand falling to her side holding Toxic's tightly. She accepted the words as well as the sprig of heather from Chimera with gratitude. Thank you much, she told her with a smile. You have given much for thought. She looked Chimera in the eye, a glint of understanding passing between the two women. I ap..preciate the time you have taken, as well as your words and advice. I will r..remember them. Taking a small coin purse out of the pocket at her waist, she pressed it into Chimera's hand, the coins clinking gently as she did. Taking a step back she tucked her hand into Toxic's arm and smiled with a slight nod to Chimera. Thank you again, she told her. I wish you m..much success with your wares today. Glancing at Toxic, she gave him a questioning look. Are you ready, my darling? The s...smell of all that food has s...suddenly made me famished. With a backwards glance and smile at Chimera, the pair moved off to wander through the other stalls.

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:13 pm
by TheGardener
Slowly, I walk up and look around. Seeing an interesting lady with cards, I came up to her.

"Chimera, is that you?"

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:06 pm
by Chimera
Chimera accepts the payment from Petal even though she had demanded none. She always leaves it to the individual to place a value on her words. If they do not value it, then they leave her nothing. If they do, then she gets a reward. It is not often that she gets cash, but she is very grateful for the message behind the money.

"Go in peace and blessed be."

She watches Petal and her companion leave and she smiles thinking that they look like such a happy couple. She is disturbed from her thoughts by a voice, looking up she sees Gardener and smiles as she stands up and greets her.

"Yes, it is me. Enjoying myself for a change instead of running a town or fighting to free it."

She chuckles as she mentions the recent terrible unrest in Paz, not to make light of it, but to dispell any pall those events may try to cast over this happy time. No evil can abide nearby if you are still able to smile.

"It is so good to see you, how are you doing?"

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:38 pm
by TheGardener
I am doing well. It's good to see you espeically not in an alley. :)

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:17 pm
by Chimera
Chimera chuckles.

"Oh very true indeed, I was getting accustomed to waking up in a gutter with a headache. What a pity it was for all the wrong reasons and not after an ale too many in the tavern!"

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:32 am
by Lyskard
They had been busy lately, but on hearing of the Fall Festival, Lys discussed a day out to his wife about it. Her excitement that bubbled forth, how could he not feel pleased at her exhuberance ? " Then hunni, we can go early tomorrow...see what the festival has to offer for us both.."

Full of their usual laughter of teasing, Lys and Louisa walked hand in hand towards the field where the Festival was being held. To their surprise, ther were many stalls dotted around before them, Even an ale Marquee. noticable by the two men rollilling barrells in it's direction.

" Oh Lys sweetheart, look there a Fortune-teller here.." With a warm smile Lys lookd at the sign above the Booth Noticing the lady within was their exmayoress, he held Louisa's arm in his as they both entered the booth.

Good morning Chimera..A lady of many talents ....Mmmmm ? May I ask, will you care to do a readig for us ? " Feeling a tug on his arm, he noticed a few bottles on a nearby table had taken Loisa's attention.

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:31 am
by Louisa
It had been awhile since they had gone out to have fun…with moving and building a new home just taking time out for themselves seemed to have been put on the back burner. Louisa was excited…it had been awhile since she had been to a Festival and when the day dawned bright and sunny she knew that it would be one of fun and laughter.

They could smell the aroma of food as it wafted on the warm breeze, at least they knew where to find food! Amazed at the different stalls, they wandered around stopping here and there checking out anything that took their fancy. She was in her element her eyes roaming every which way dancing forward to see what new stall would be looked at next. Then she spied a stall, with shining eyes she exclaimed excitedly “Oh Lys sweetheart, look there is a Fortune Teller here!” Lifting her eyes to his she watched as he smiled then taking her arm guided them deeper into the tent.

They hadn’t had a reading done before and Louisa was curious enough to wonder what lay ahead for them both. “Good morning Chimera…a lady of many talents……Mmmm? May I ask, will you care to do a reading or us?” Louisa’s eyes were drawn back the woman sitting behind a table awaiting her answer…but she had noticed the bottles of all shapes and colours at an adjacent table as they had entered…and being the inquisitive sort was itching to look closer at the labels.

Stepping a bit closer she tried to peer at the words written… hmmm “Love Potion…” drat she couldn’t make the rest and if she tugged any more on Lys’s arm she’d end up more on the table than next to it if he happened to let go!

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:47 am
by Chimera
Chimera smiles as she turns her attention to the two newcomers.

"Greetings to you, it is nice to be able to talk to you in a much less formal setting than my office."

Still smiling, she gestures for them to take a seat at the table. She considers them with a thoughtful look on her face for a moment before reaching into her bag for a particular set of cards.

"I shall do you a reading as a couple I think. Afterwards, if you wish to hear your individual fortunes, I will gladly oblige."

Sitting down and facing the two she shuffles the deck and gathers her thoughts together. She draws the first card and looks at it for a long time before speaking.


"This first card is representative of how you see yourselves, it is the five of wands which usually indicates strife. For you two I see an intense struggle that seems to be motivated purely by the love of competition. This is causing a state of seeming chaos that is being driven by endless small disputes and complications, but this stressful situation is going to bring out the best in both of you."

Chimera bites her lip a little as she keeps her eyes focused on the card for a little while longer. This is a strange card to have drawn for two people who seem to be in such accord with each other. Perhaps the next card will make things clearer she decides as she draws the next card and places it to the right of the first card, with a gap between the two. As the card is revealed she looks at them, a little confused yet hoping that the cards will make more sense to them.


"This card represents Strength, as in raw power and it stands for how you see your partner. This is a card of health and physical fortitude and it shows a surge of tremendous force which can lead to a recovery from sickness, or a victory after apprehension and fear. Your ability to face and overcome opposition brings to you the inner qualities of strength and forbearance which allows delays and setbacks to be overcome."

Again the cards point to something that is hidden from the casual observer. Chimera looks deeply into their eyes, seeking out the cause of the troubled aura surrounding them. Together they are strong, together they will find a solution to the problem and Chimera draws hope from this. Putting all of her concentration into the next card, she draws it and places it beneath the left hand card.


"This tells us how you you feel about your partner, it is the Queen of Wands and symbolises the essence of fire behaving as water, such as a rainbow. You see each other as the natural embodiment of passion and sensuality, one who reflects the desires and ambitions of others, and is able to ignite them. In each other's eyes you are like a radiantly vital person, cocky and charismatic, one who sees what they want and goes after it."

Finally a card that does make more sense to her. A very warm glow emanates from the card and matches the glow she feels from the couple facing her. This is why they are able to overcome anything that life throws at them, together they are stronger than they are apart and together they will always be each other's strength in an unbreakable bond. Beneath the right hand card, Chimera places the next card.


"Ahh, the nine of cups, which stands for happiness. Here we are looking at what may stand between you and your partner. Contentment and satisfaction in romance, friendship, or other relationships may be keeping you from achieving your full potential and preventing you from gaining your deepest desires."

This can often be the case with any couple. An attachment to someone or something; friend, parent, sibling or some such like can sometimes be the one thing that prevents a couple from achieving their full potential. It doesn't mean that they will be unhappy, but it can mean that they could be happier if they only but knew it. Smiling up at them she draws the next card and places this at the bottom of the left hand column.


"Represented here is how your partner sees you. The page of wands is the essence of fire behaving as earth, such as wood or coal and indicates the surprising appearance of a new passion. Perhaps it is an adventurer who blazes through life, acting as a catalyst that others may harness. This intense enthusiasm and childlike imagination fuels any new venture, and needs only the application of mind and material to make it a success. Can even represent a person of some timidity, but whose innate passion can be easily ignited it may also indicate the birth of a child."

This reading gets more and more interesting all the time. Pondering the implications, Chimera draws the next card, holds it for a moment and then places it to the bottom of the right hand column.


"Mmm, the chariot .... here we see how your partner feels about you. The chariot is representative of victory through might, advancement through bold action or change through force. Here I see a trying situation can be mastered by balancing opposing forces against each other. Discipline, individual effort and endurance will turn the tide. It is a card of change and victory in togetherness, mutual trust and faith in one another."

So, her initial impression of them was right after all. They are a strong couple and good together. She doesn't know or understand what trial it is that they are going through, but the cards show that the strength of their love for each other will be enough to see them through. One last card is drawn and placed in the centre of the spread, linking the two columns together in the shape of an "H".


"In this final card we see the present status of your relationship. It is gemini and this usually indicates a general adaptability and versatility guided by an inquisitive mind. I see witty and eloquent conversation filled with youthful vitality. Somewhere in this mix is a love of variety and travel. These are the things which bind you together and make your relationship strong and enduring."

'What an interesting couple' she thinks to herself as she leans back, the reading complete. Not knowing why she did it, Chimera takes a small bottle of lavender oil and hands it to Louisa.

"This oil has many fascinating properties, both antiseptic and remedial. I have a feeling it will be useful to you."

Leaving the cards as they are on the table she looks from one to the other to give them time to ponder what she has told them as well as to give them the opportunity to request individual readings if they desired them.