[CRP]Elven Wine and a Blanket

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Re: [CRP]Elven Wine and a Blanket

Post by Dregni »

Dregni grins as she falls in with her concentration broken, then yelps as she grabs him and pulls him into the water fully clothed. He comes up laughing a grin on his face. "You could of at least let me get out of my traveling clothes." He said as he splashed her again. "Well, since I'm all wet anyways, should I help you catch a few fish? I'm not much of a charmer, but I may be able to catch a few in other ways."

Re: [CRP]Elven Wine and a Blanket

Post by Star »

Star came up from underneath the water, heard his laughter and splashed him once more, "you started it!" she swam to the bank kicking lots of water in his direction "sure see how you go now that we have both been swimming about in the fish lounge room."

She climbed up onto the log in the middle of the pool and called out to him "show me your style of fishing... since my spell was broken so abruptly I'll need a few minutes to get back in the mood." This was clearly a lie, the spell was a minor one but she had decided she would like see more of him and this seemed the perfect opportunity. She untied her hair to let it dry and sat still in the sun watching him from the corner of her eyes.

Re: [CRP]Elven Wine and a Blanket

Post by Dregni »

Dregni watched her get out and start drying her hair, standing up and looking at his wet clothes and shrugging. He pulled out a small pouch, picking out some of the dust like contents, spread it around him, mumbling some words as it began to float and he stood there, perfectly still. He held his hand over the item, feeling the slight energy permeate the bait. He stood still, concentrating and focusing, preventing the bait from flowing away as the fish began to come and nibble on it, only three quickly consuming the small amount of bait, then twitching a bit, floating to the surface.

He picked up the three fish and brought them back, smiling and saying, "I wove an enchantment around the bait that caused eating it to slow down brain function to the point of unconsciousness. In short, I put them to sleep." He said. It's a simple type of poison enchant, and not very long lasting, but it got the job done. Normally he preferred using a simple stick with a string and some bait attached, but he didn't have such an apparatus with him. He set the fish down by the fire, they would be dead before they woke most likely, unless they spent 7 minutes preparing to clean them.

Re: [CRP]Elven Wine and a Blanket

Post by Star »

Seeing the fish produced by Dregni she took them and quickly ended their short lives. She sliced into each severing their heads, and said a brief thanks to the creatures for their donation to the meal she and Dregni were about to prepare.

"Interesting method" she mumbled as she dug a hole and buried the heads and innards as she cleaned and filleted them."Will whatever you used also put me to sleep?" She didnt much mind a nap, but preferred to make that decision on her own.

Star wrapped the fillets in some leaves and pushed the fish under some coals to cook. She dug through her pack and found the strawberries and some soft cheese and bread she had packed and placed them on the blanket that had been laid out near the fire. 'Hope you are hungry...".

She looked up at him from under her lashes as he stood nearby... he certainly wasn't like the elves she grew up with.

Re: [CRP]Elven Wine and a Blanket

Post by Dregni »

((Sorry, didn't notice this post.))

Dregni smiles coyly at her, replying to her question, "The powder isn't what puts them to sleep, just the magic I put in it. You may be harder to enchant than a fish though, so may be a bit tougher getting you under my spell." He said with a small wink.

He watched he clean and prepare the fish, burrying the heads and entrails to guard against wild animals, reaching for his own bag as she began to empty hers. He pulled out two cloth wraps that he opened to reveal two bottles of his home made wine, more than enough for there stay he figured. He set them aside and pulled out two small glasses that were carefully covered and set them down as she asked if he was hungry.

"Yes, I am rather hungry. I believe I'll enjoy this meal too." He flashes his smile at her again, and sat down next to her, glancing at her body and face.

Re: [CRP]Elven Wine and a Blanket

Post by Star »

Star used a stick to scoop the wrapped fish out from under the coals and cracked open the fish packages letting the aroma fill the clearing. Closing her eyes she reached out with her senses identifying the nearby creatures. She mummured quietly "fox and kits... rabbits... nothing to worry over...hmm two humans.. heading towards the town...." Blinking her eyes open she looked at Dregni sitting nearby "sorry ....habit, I like to know I wont have unwanted company during mealtimes.... "

Collecting the fish she joined him on the blanket kneeling down to pop a strawberry in her mouth savouring the flavour as she bit down on it. "Fresh strawberries and strawberry wine mm mmm what could be better? "

Her face filled with colour and heat as she realised he was watching her. She ducked her head and turned slightly, picking up a piece of bread and using it as a makeshift plate she added some of the fish and soft cheese. Grasping one of the glasses she pressed the glass to her lips and sipped at the clear liquid.

Her face finally cooler she looked directly into his eyes before asking "This wine is wonderful, did you make it yourself?"

Re: [CRP]Elven Wine and a Blanket

Post by Dregni »

Dregni smiled and took some of the bread and a bit of fish, setting them down and sipping a small bit of the wine. When she asked, he replied "Yes, I have enjoyed the quiet process of wine making for many years. When I came here, I took the opportunity to start making some after I got settled in." He took a slice of bread and some of cheese, spreading it and softly biting into it. "Mmm."
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