A place to call home? (ORP)

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Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Rosallee »

Rosallee laughed a little. "What about me gave away that I am not a criminal?" She flashed him a warm smile and reached for her cup. "I should be delighted to join you in a toast."
She would share a toast with thins kind stranger and then make a decision about staying in his home.

Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Harus »

Good good. with a smile on his face, he attempted to stall as so he could come up with some words.

Looking the young elf in the eyes, he smiled broad, then opened his mouth to speak.

To whatever this fair town of Cork brings to us, past, present or future. May it always be a journey, wether good or bad, but hopefully just good. he finished speaking, and gently tipped his glass against hers, then drank from it.

The bartender came over to refill his drink, he shook his hand and said no to the bartender.
I've had plenty of these tonight my friend.

Looking at the young miss, he spoke again.

So..what bring you here then?

Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Rosallee »

Rosallee politely declined a refill of her own drink before answering.

"I left my home seeking a new start. I have not yet found a place where I wanted to lay my head... so to speak."

She smiled, pushed aside the voice in her head screaming that she was running away from the pain of loss and took the last sip of her drink. She then quickly changed the subject.

"You mentioned the King insisted you take the large castle I saw on the hill opposite the town. You must be quite the warrior to have been given such a token of his gratitude."

Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Harus »

He took his empty glass in his hand and pretended to swirl around liquid within it.

Fair question. he spoke, continuing to swirl the glass.

I'm am old in human years, young as an elf. The king saw my battle worthy on the field as we've fought side by side. We led the armies of England to victory against many foes. To him, he sees my acceptance of this castle as my retirement. For as a human, it should be, but for this commander, life is just beginning.

He set the glass back down and looked upon the girls eyes again.

The offer still stands. Though I cannot promise you that you'd sleep well in the castle. I've yet to sleep in it myself, but it is time for dinner. And I would at least wish to invite you for that, if you wish to think about it a little longer.

He stood up and placed several coins on the bar to pay for the drinks him and the woman had drank.

Though I cannot promise the food is good either, I've yet to eat there as well. he chuckled and looked at the ground.

This may in itself be an adventure for me.

Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Rosallee »

Rosallee smiled warmly. "Adventure is always a good thing." She paused a moment. "Dinner would be wonderful, I gratefully accept your offer." A slight sparkle came into her eyes as she continued. "You can tell me what you plan to do in your "retirement" while we dine."

She stood and walked to toward the door as she chuckled to herself. Joy of any kind had lapsed from her life so many months before she had lost track of the last time she had smiled a genuine smile. It had been a long time since she had felt like having conversation with anyone, let alone teasing another person. Rosallee was reluctant to give up an opportunity for such easy conversation with someone of her own mixed race, so dinner with this "retired" half elf commander was a welcome invitation. And the promise of what she was sure was better food than she could get in most inns was also alluring to her. She had yet to decide about the offer of a room free of charge for the night, but there would be time during dinner to make that choice.

"Perhaps you can give me an idea of what my own next adventure should be as well, since it sounds as though you have had your fair share. I am sure you have wonderful thoughts on the matter."

Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Harus »

He walked with her toward the door, and opened it to see that the rain had let off from before. Hoping they'd make it back to the castle before it started up again. He then saw his horse and looked at the woman.

I rode in on my horse? How about you? He looked around to see if he could find any other horses, that could potentially be hers.

If you didn't, I can offer you a ride on Arabella.

He looked at her, waiting to see if she had a horse, of if he would be offering her his seat on his horse.

Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Rosallee »

Rosallee shook her head.

"No, I have no horse. I suppose it is one reason why I got so thoroughly drenched by the rain. I do not run quite as fast as a horse." She smirked a little as she mentally noted that parts of her clothes still felt wet.

"You are kind to offer me a ride on... Arabella did you say?" She walked up to the beautiful animal and stretched out her hand to allow the horse to smell her before reaching up to stroke her nose.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful animal." Rosallee looked back at Harus.

"I would not want to take your mount, and I fear unless she can carry both of us we might get caught is the rain."

She looked up at the sky and narrowed her eyes a bit before nodding and chewing slightly on her lower lip.

"Yes more rain is sure to come... and soon. I suppose I can go back inside and see if there is a place to horse temporarily." She lowered her eyes from the sky and returned her gaze to meet Harus' eyes.

Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Harus »

He smiled and looked at the elf.

This horse has brought me and wounded men across battlefields. I am sure she can manage the both of us for quite a while.

He gestured to help her up onto the horse.

Please, let me help you up.

Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Rosallee »

Rosallee smiled and directed her comment to the horse. "You do present a strong figure beautiful girl. All the same I promise I do not weigh that much."

She then stepped forward to allow Harus to help her onto Arabella. As she stood next to him she noted that he was a little taller than she was. "Thank you." She said to acknowledge and accept his offer to assist her.

Re: A place to call home? (ORP)

Post by Harus »

Not quite aware of how to help her up, for normally people would either be thrown on the horse, or jump up during battle. He forgot his mannerisms and did what he knew, and placed his hands on her sides and quickly tossed her up and placed her in the saddle.

Oh, my apologies... I am not used to helping people onto Arabella. he smirked slightly then hopped up behind the woman on the Horse, then rode off down the road toward the hill that takes him to his castle.

After a few minutes of riding he spoke again.

I'm not really sure what's for dinner. I told the butler to have his favorite meal served for dinner tonight, then I took off. So, here lies a small adventure.

He smiled, even though she couldn't really see that behind him.
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