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Re: Knives?

Post by Auron »

If I could I would sell my chicken legs for 7.50 and my eggs for 4.50, but there is competition in the market. In chicken legs, not so much, and as I keep many for myself to eat, but I still put them up for the cheaper price so that they will sell. I never change the price of my chicken legs from when I put them up. Eggs are different though, as there is competition in this market, usually between Ayla and myself. I like to think that there is a mutual agreement between the two of us, even though we have not discussed it. I always have eggs and have began storing some away. What we do is each take turns at having the lower price on eggs. If I wanted to I could undercut her eggs constantly, but I don't, and she doesn't do the same to me either. When she has no eggs on the market I typically sell my own at 4.00 these days. When I was Mayor I sold them at 3.50 to the town hall, which kept them on the market at 4.50, as part of my agreed plan with the citizens to keep essentials on the market at certain prices, such as 7.50/15.00 for stat meals and 4.50 for eggs. If you have noticed any fluxuation in my prices, this would likely be because I am frequently changing stock on the market as items are sold. As a butcher I can make 20 chicken legs in a single day, and as a chicken farmer I always have more than 100 chickens in stock. And of course my chickens are laying eggs each day, and together with the chicken legs, I sell for whatever price I am able to get, but I don't change that price, I just leave them at that until they sell and more stock goes up.

I have contacted you a few times, not a lot, but a few times. My own view is that the Mayor should be keeping the market healthy with a maintaining level of essential goods. As Mayor I did this and I also had a market watcher in the Town Council who was supposed to do this when they had the time also. I know for a fact that the Imperius Town Hall has a good wealth, several times more than that of the Fenia Town Hall, and at least when I left the office, there were knives in stock. A good mayor would have acquired an extended stock of knives by now, to keep the essential goods on the market. The Finance Minister should also be maintaining the markets, and I know that when I was Finance Minister I kept a daily watch on all the markets in Fenia, including keeping a strong level of essential goods for Mayors to purchase from the Viceregal Fair. This is essentially a safety measure if a Mayor is not able to acquire the essential goods.

The market was without Knives for three whole days. In a single day, several knives can be produced by a single blacksmith. It does not take three days, and it should not take my own intervention and the assistance of his Highness the King.

Regarding Fenian Nobility. May I also point out that I am of equal standing with the Mayor, and while I hold no importance in such titles, as the quality of a person means far more to me than what they label themself, to claim I am disrespecting the Mayor would be nonsensical. Furthermore, I find it highly disturbing that the Viceroy of Fenia is suggesting that citizens are not able to challenge the working of their own Mayors? It is also Fenian law that all creatures are entitled to equal treatment. That being said, no Mayor should be protected from challenges on their work simply because they are of nobility.

I would remind the Viceroy also, that Fenian law does say that nobility will be addressed by their titles of lord or lady, and as such, if the Viceroy chooses to acknowledge myself by use of name, he should make sure to address me by title of lord. Or he may simply not use my name if he desires, I am not bothered.

Re: Knives?

Post by Finwe »

Idra wrote:Auron, had you taken the time to mail me, you would have been informed that I mailed the active blacksmiths in Imperius asking for them to make butcher knives. The only one that responded was Scarlette and as you saw, reasons beyond her control kept her from beginning that work.
You never mailed me :(

I'll assume that was an oversight and not favoritism.
And yes, you are manipulating the market. I watch it every day. You put items up for sale very low, then when someone puts something up below it, you raise yours. You do this frequently with your eggs and chicken legs.
Actually that's my fault. See, we do this thing where we help each other out. I sell low priced blacksmith items and carcasses to Auron and he sells me low priced chicken legs and eggs. That's market manipulation? :P

We do this occasionally, when one of us is short of money. That is why you will see low priced goods and if we miss our window of buying it, we'll go back to re-listing them at the normal price. I'm curious as to Imperius' net wealth now.

Re: Knives?

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Auron wrote:I would remind the Viceroy also, that Fenian law does say that nobility will be addressed by their titles of lord or lady, and as such, if the Viceroy chooses to acknowledge myself by use of name, he should make sure to address me by title of lord. Or he may simply not use my name if he desires, I am not bothered.
Please clarify.

Which is it?
By the Law or "I am not bothered."?
Lord Auron/Auron, you cannot have it both ways.
I do not have any problem addressing a noble by their title as long as they state which form of address they wish to be addressed by.

My personal preference is `Lbh`. (or, as I allow another to address me by...C...1...2...3Llbh - well, something like that).{a joke between us} :lol:

Re: Knives?

Post by Auron »

One can easily address another without specifying the other's name. As I said Viceroy, you may address me without use of name, or if you choose, by use of name and therefore title.

Re: Knives?

Post by Idra »

Finwe wrote:You never mailed me :(

I'll assume that was an oversight and not favoritism.
Or it could have occurred when there were mail problems and you didn't receive the mail. I have no friends other than CcC123LLBH. Therefore, I can not show favoritism.
Finwe wrote:I sell low priced blacksmith items and carcasses to Auron and he sells me low priced chicken legs and eggs.
Well, if you sell low priced blacksmith items to Auron, why is he even complaining? It seems to me he's trying to use yet another avenue to try and besmirch me and my name. Furthermore, if you noticed there were no butcher knives, why didn't you make any for the rest of the creatures of Imperius, or are you showing favoritism to Auron?

Re: Knives?

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Auron wrote:One can easily address another without specifying the other's name. As I said Viceroy, you may address me without use of name, or if you choose, by use of name and therefore title.
As pointed out, the choice is yours. I did state (which you seemed to decide to ignore) my preference is `Lbh`.
I cannot make it any simpler

It is "Lbh"........get it?

Re: Knives?

Post by Orakio »

Finwe wrote: Actually that's my fault. See, we do this thing where we help each other out. I sell low priced blacksmith items and carcasses to Auron and he sells me low priced chicken legs and eggs. That's market manipulation? :P

We do this occasionally, when one of us is short of money. That is why you will see low priced goods and if we miss our window of buying it, we'll go back to re-listing them at the normal price. I'm curious as to Imperius' net wealth now.
Thanks for this, Finwe.

Whichever side you are taking in this small argument it will be of little consequence if the end result achieved is that the Imperius Market is returned to having a robust supply of knives, among other things. If that is what we are all truthfully working for, then let this be the end of it. Scarlette's knives are now on the market and I can tell you without hesitation that she has been working toward leveling up so that she could supply the market, with the cooperation of Idra and Thorn. Scarlette told me personally that she was ready to level except for the money, however she had a pile of wheat whose sale would finish the job. I told her to sell it for a favorable price and then told Thorn to ask Idra to buy it, Idra sold it to the VR and now it is in stock for the IAM to use. It all worked out in everyone's favour and now Scarlette is a blacksmith, ready to supply knives and other things to the market.

Another thing to consider is our wool deal with Koschei. I have spoken with Thorn about getting someone to produce sails for us so we can further engage in more medium boat construction, keeping the wool deal both sustainable and perhaps even favorable. But this is only another example: We can make the market work for us, if we are careful to give all things due consideration.

Re: Knives?

Post by Scarlette »

Furthermore I can vouch for Idra. Before you even started crying and throwing a fit she was already working to get knives on the market. So she was watching and it dd NOT require your little tantrum to get it cared for.

I know this because she asked me to do it days ago! (ooc:my own rl issues were not her fault.)

It was my shortcoming and not hers so if you insist on blaming someone, blame me and then get over it.

I am making knives now and in the future should you require the goods of a blacksmith feel free to message me yourself and I will see to it.

Re: Knives?

Post by Orakio »

Now then, no need for such harsh tones. Let tempers cool as we remember that on the eve of Phoenix Day, we are Fenians together! The knives matter seems to be resolved.

Thank you Scarlette, for beginning your work as a blacksmith. It will make things better for all.

Re: Knives?

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Agreed your Majesty.
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